Waves Ultimate R2R Problem

Discussion in 'Software' started by verwest, Dec 5, 2024.

  1. verwest

    verwest Ultrasonic

    May 20, 2022
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    Dear friends, I have a problem that has been occurring since R2R's previous release to this release.(Waves Ultimate v2024.11.29)

    I followed all the steps that R2R said to uninstall and delete all the files and then install. I had this problem in the previous version of R2R. It shows some plugins and doesn't show others.

    I uninstalled it with the Revo uninstaller. I deleted all the folders. I went to the registry. If it was there, I deleted it too. I searched for WaveShell in the search bar. It didn't bring up anything. I reinstalled it. It still shows some plugins and doesn't show others.

    I ran R2R_Kill_Waves_Background_Process several times and then manually opened them again, but it still gives this error.
    When I run R2R_Kill_Waves_Background_Process, it finds the local server and the plugin server and disables them, but it doesn't find cosmos.
    I'm using Windows 10 and some plugins open in both Ableton and FL, some don't.

    I was able to solve this problem in the previous version, but now I don't remember how or what I did to get the plugins to show up for me.

    Do you have any ideas, friends, on how to fix this problem?
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2024
  3. verwest

    verwest Ultrasonic

    May 20, 2022
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    I just checked that when I open the DAW as an administrator, all the plugins work, but when I open it normally, they don't work.:dunno:
  4. Huggy Bear

    Huggy Bear Ultrasonic

    Aug 13, 2023
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    Something you could try, once you followed all the steps and everything is installed correctly, install Waves Central, run it, let it do the fixing permissions sh*t. Once it's done, close it and uninstall it. You're supposed to be good then.
    Did it yesterday and it worked for me. Good luck.
  5. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    If the reinstallation shows the same problem you should go back to your last working version.

    There are leftover files from the previous installation somewhere, go through the list below carefully, delete those files and then restart your PC and then install the new version. If you don't find a wave file, it has already been deleted.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Waves
    C:\Users\Public\Waves Audio
    C:\ProgramData\Waves Audio

    (Hidden Folder)
    C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\Waves Audio
    C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\Waves Audio
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3

    WaveShell1-VST3 15.0_x64.vst3
    WaveShell1-VST3 15.2_x64.vst3
    WaveShell2-VST3 15.0_x64.vst3
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\WPAPI

    Scan your hard drive with the term: WaveShell and delete them.
    Go to the Registry --> Run --> Regedit and delete the following folder: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Waves
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  6. verwest

    verwest Ultrasonic

    May 20, 2022
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    I followed all of R2R's steps step by step several times
    But it didn't work for me
    Finally, I was able to load the plugins without any problems with this method. In the last option that R2R said to manually reopen the local server and the plugin server, I opened those two this time with administrator mode and the plugins opened easily. Before, I used to double-click and open them normally.

    After the steps that R2R mentioned, when installing the entire system, you must go through all the steps in administrator mode so that the plugins can be loaded completely without any problems.

    Now I'm Feeling Good:yes:
  7. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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  8. rasape

    rasape Noisemaker

    Dec 6, 2023
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    I had the same problem, after many attempts following instructions and advice it didn't work.. I went back to the previous version.
  9. samsum

    samsum Producer

    May 30, 2017
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    For me I have had this problem where no Waves VSTi (instruments) show up and only a few Waves VST and I don't run my DAW as (Admin).
    This works for me:
    Go to C :\ ProgramData \ Waves Audio and right click the Waves Audio [Folder] and click Properties. Click Security [Tab] then Edit... Click Add... Type everyone and hit Check Names then OK... Tick Full Control and Modify in Allow [Column] and Apply and OK and then on restarting DAW they all show up... This is with a recent clean Windows 11 installation too but worked for me.
    The last Waves R2R was OK the one before not OK etc. and this has gone on for a while now and been installing R2R Waves for a long, long time.
    I also have to do this sometimes in the ProgramData [Folder] for [Arturia] R2R for the Instruments/Fx to show and also for [Toontrack] (V.R) too to be able to drag midi from the Toontrack VSTi.
  10. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    You can also do the following: create a folder in C:/ with the name VSTPlugins or MyWaves = C:\VSTPlugins.
    You install your plugins there, then you just have to tell your DAW to look for plugins in this folder.

    Unfortunately, Windows has sometimes limited access for some software manufacturers with its new security settings in C:\Program Files and C:\Program Files (x86).
  11. verwest

    verwest Ultrasonic

    May 20, 2022
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    After deleting and going through all the steps to delete the files that R2R said, open all the installation and execution steps of the files in administrator mode.
    For me, this installation method was fixed by doing everything R2R said from start to finish in administrator mode.
  12. samsum

    samsum Producer

    May 30, 2017
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    Great option for the VSTPlugins on C: (Drive) but I think on this occasion it is more to do with the ProgramData [Folder] and other Plugins suffer also if not running the DAW as (Admin). I've tested many times and I know you wouldn't think ProgramData Folder has anything to do with VST plugins showing but it does somehow and this is with a clean installation and had to do it with my non-clean too many times, I initially thought I must of messed with some [Folder] Privilages at some point because of me having to change the security on that folder to 'everyone'
  13. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    This program works wonders. O&O ShutUp10++: The free antispy tool for Windows 10 and 11

    Installation failed – The user hasn’t granted permission
    This is often displayed when Waves Central encounters a permission issue when trying to read or write a file to or from your drive:

    If you are prompted with a ‘Waves Central wants to make changes’ message, please allow this by clicking ‘Yes’ in Windows or by typing your Mac’s System User and Password in order to grant proper permissions.

    Try each of the following steps, one at a time, then try to install again.
    If the issue persists, move on to the next step.

    1. Ensure you have granted Waves Central permission to run its processes:
      • Windows: After clicking ‘Install’, click Yes when prompted by a message that reads ‘Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?’
      • Mac: After clicking ‘Install’, enter your Mac’s Username and Password when prompted, then click OK.
    2. Close all currently running programs/applications except for Waves Central.
    3. In Windows: Right-click Waves Central, and choose ‘Run as Administrator.’
    4. Restart your computer.
    5. Verify that you have Administrator privileges on your operating system.
    6. If you do not, or if the issue persists, create a new Administrator user account.

    General Waves Central Troubleshooting Tips:
    1. Access Waves Central's 'Settings' page and run the 'Fix permissions and ownership' process.
    2. Windows users: Set User Account Control Settings to “Never Notify”:
      • Press the [Win key], type UAC and click Change User Account Control settings.
      • Move the slider to the Never notify position, and click OK. If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
      • Restart your computer to apply this change.
    3. Make sure the system Time and Date are correct. If they aren’t, set them correctly and then re-launch Waves Central.
    4. If you are connected to the internet via proxy, temporarily disable it.
      • Windows: Go to Control Panel > Internet Options. On the Connections tab, click the LAN Settings button and uncheck Use proxy server for your LAN.
      • Mac: Go to the System Preferences > Network > Advanced > Proxies tab.
        Under Proxies, make sure nothing is checked in the list.
    5. If you are connected via a business network, ask your IT department or internet service provider (home connection) whether something might be preventing Waves Central from connecting to our servers and writing the required information.
    6. Temporarily disable any of the following third-party security applications and add-ons you may have installed, if you are experiencing issues with Waves Central:

      AdAware, AhnLab V3, Comodo, F-Secure, Hyper-V, Little Snitch, LuLu, MacKeeper, MagicPrefs, Nero Video Downloader Ultimate Pro, Premier Opinion, Radio Silence, SecureIT, Security Suite, STOPzilla antivirus, Wacom Controllers, Witch, Ziggo Safe Online
    7. To rule out network issues (slow or unstable connection), connect your computer to a completely different network. If this is not possible, try using the offline installation method:
      1. Download the Offline Installation Folder for Windows | Mac
      2. Unzip the folder to your desktop
      3. Browse to the offline installer folder you just unzipped. It will be named "Waves - xx.xx.xx"
      4. Run the file named Install.cen
      5. Waves Central will open on the Offline Installer page
      6. From the list, select the plugins you wish to install
      7. Click Install
      Find solutions to more Waves Central errors and issues here.

    Installation failed – Please quit audio applications and retry
    If any Audio application is currently open, Waves Central will have an issue writing files to your system.

    Try each of the following steps, one at a time, then try to install again.
    If the issue persists, move on to the next step.

    1. Quit all open audio applications, then re-launch Waves Central.
    2. If the error persists, quit any other open applications, and re-launch Waves Central.
    3. Restart your computer.
    4. Once installation has started, avoid launching any other applications (including DAWs and other music applications).
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2024
  14. samsum

    samsum Producer

    May 30, 2017
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    I use that already too and thinks I live in Dundee now haha
  15. TorLord

    TorLord Member

    Oct 18, 2019
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    Somewhere out there...
    I ran into this issue earlier today, after trying to update from the previous version (2024.9.25). I uninstalled it using Revo Uninstaller and went hunting manually for the leftover folders (specified in the txt file of the release). Scanned in FL once again to make sure they were not there, they were gone. At this point I once again reinstalled the previous version I had installed. Scanned in FL and confirmed that the essentials were working. Closed the DAW and executed the R2R_Kill_Waves_Background_Process.cmd file to stop those processes. Then I installed the latest version (2024.11.29). Then I navigated to ProgramData\Waves Audio\WavesLocalServer\WavesLocalServer.bundle\Contents\Win64 (Usually a hidden folder) and executed the WavesLocalServer.exe as admin. I also did the same at ProgramData\Waves Audio\WavesPluginServer\WavesPluginServerV15.1.bundle\Contents\Win64 and executed as admin WavesPluginServer.exe. And this is how it all worked out for me in the end. All is working wonderfully.
  16. verwest

    verwest Ultrasonic

    May 20, 2022
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    I think the main problem is that executable files are not running in admin mode. All files that are said to be installed and run must be in admin mode to work properly.
  17. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    The Waves company says the following:
    Source: www.waves.com/support/error-during-product-installation-using-waves-central

    Installation failed – The user hasn’t granted permission
    This is often displayed when Waves Central encounters a permission issue when trying to read or write a file to or from your drive:

    If you are prompted with a ‘Waves Central wants to make changes’ message, please allow this by clicking ‘Yes’ in Windows or by typing your Mac’s System User and Password in order to grant proper permissions.

    Try each of the following steps, one at a time, then try to install again.
    If the issue persists, move on to the next step.

    1. Ensure you have granted Waves Central permission to run its processes:
      • Windows: After clicking ‘Install’, click Yes when prompted by a message that reads ‘Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?’
      • Mac: After clicking ‘Install’, enter your Mac’s Username and Password when prompted, then click OK.
    2. Close all currently running programs/applications except for Waves Central.
    3. In Windows: Right-click Waves Central, and choose ‘Run as Administrator.’
    4. Restart your computer.
    5. Verify that you have Administrator privileges on your operating system.
    6. If you do not, or if the issue persists, create a new Administrator user account.
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