64bit without compatibility problems

Discussion in 'PC' started by Lord Gaga, Nov 10, 2011.

  1. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I found some infos which can be useful for those who still hesitate to make the big leap...

    "We all want 64bit for getting access to (almost) unlimited memory, unfortunately that means we’re stuck in a maze of compatibility problems, bit bridges and the like – even worse, there is no end in sight.
    Right ?
    Wrong !
    Let’s look at the problem from a fresh angle:

    - what do we need 64bit for ? Correct, only the real heavy RAM hogs, i.e. samplers. In my case that’s exactly two VSTis, Kontakt
    and Superior II. You might use different ones, maybe a few more, doesn’t matter. So those would benefit from 64bit access.
    - all the remaining FX and VSTis combined will probably never even get close to the magic 4GB limit a 32bit project has, unless
    your name is Hans Zimmer.
    - so it makes sense to keep potential compatibility issues to those few RAM hogs instead of fighting the wars for every little
    FX plugin in your arsenal again and again…

    Here’s what you need :

    - more than 4GB RAM
    - a 64bit OS
    - a 32bit host !!!
    - ideally, 64bit versions of your RAM hogs, though 32bit versions would still work fine for most, giving you 4GB for each instance
    and a clever little program called jBridge. It’s similar to the horrible built-in bit bridges in most 64bit hosts, only better,
    more flexible and virtually trouble-free. And it can bridge 64bit plugins into a 32bit host, making them run in a separate
    process with almost unlimited RAM !

    Now all you have to do is this :

    - leave your host and all conventional plugins untouched, they’ll remain 32bit and continue working like before.
    - collect the 64bit dlls of your RAM hogs in a folder outside of your VSTplugin directory.
    - create another folder called “jBridged dlls” and let the jBridger tool dump the modified dlls there. Takes a few seconds…
    - next replace the original dlls in your VSTplugins folder with the jBridged dlls, you might want to backup the originals
    somewhere outside of your VSTplugin directory.
    - fire up your host and forget about any 64bit issues.

    In my case (C6/32, Kontakt 4/64, Superior II/64) even older projects automatically load the new jBridged 64bit versions, keeping all settings, a complete no-brainer. Depending on what you use, things might look a bit different in rare cases, but there is a demo and great support, so what have you got to lose ?

    All credits go to jBridge, its devs and users, I’m merely reporting my very positive experience here. Who needs full 64bit – not me any more!

    Written by susiwong"

    (BTW, very good free plugins there...)
  3. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Or just use reaper 64bit and have no problems at all with running 32bit vst's alongside the 64bit vst's.
  4. geiar

    geiar Noisemaker

    Jun 6, 2011
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    The updated Samplitude 12, now x64 compatible, has an internal jbridge that, so far, has given me no problems at all.

    Curiously, I worked in a place in Birmingham many years ago, called SuziWong winebar.... must be a very common name over there.

    But thanks for sharing your views with us :wink:
  5. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    Willum has an easy fix if you want to ease your mind, Forget all about it and try Reaper. I did try to Jbridge all my plugins from 32 to 64 bit for use in a FL Studio host and some of them quit working. It might work better from 64 to 32 bits, But I'm frustrated with it. I wasted a lot of time with poor results trying jbridge, Some plugins did work ok though.
  6. EddieX

    EddieX Newbie

    Nov 4, 2011
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    well first thanks for that info Lord Gaga.

    regarding reaper, I really tried to like reaper but every of the 3 times Ive installed the proggie it has almost blown out my ears/speakers with hanged midi notes and sudden awful unexpected screaming sounds. 3 installs in 2 different systems and with different versions of reaper. 2 months ago was the last time i tried and again did i got midi notes getting stucked..
  7. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    I Have Just been using it for mixing and small last minute parts, I haven't had a MIDI problem yet. I really like the way you can send MIDI with a working fader to any number of tracks and how Reaper routes and records MIDI and Audio to the same track automatically, Very cool concept.

    I know that the current version will auto mute the master and any tracks that give you a sudden strong jolt, I have activated the auto mute with a few of my own mistakes and It works very well. No loud blast just silence.

    I am finishing up a couple of tunes now. When I am starting one from scratch in Reaper I'll look out for the things you wrote about, thanks for the heads up.
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