Song mixed perfectly for HiFi sounds bad on mobile

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by sono, Nov 18, 2024.

  1. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    There's no such thing as "my mix sounds bad on cheap consumer speakers but not on HiFi speakers". Or your mix sounds good everywere or it's a bad mix. Translation is a concept that EVERY PERSON that is mixing seriously gotta have in mind and work on to get better. Its not simple and people are putting a lot of effort to make their mixes translate well on overall speakers. For me you're just blaming the cheap speakers for your lack of competence on doing your work. Or you got a cognitive bias toward your "HiFi" speaker environment that doesn't let you apreciate anything outside that environment.

    I quit. There's few things that annoys me more than a person asking for help and acting like knows everything and mistreating people that are trying to help.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2024
  2. sono

    sono Member

    Jun 15, 2023
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    If you are feeling to quit it is your fault. I have replied to all these concerns you raised, showd examples. Instead of considering them, you skip everything I described and presented, and reset the topic to repeating the professional not professional stuff. I am not professinal, so I came here to ask for help. But excuse me if I skip aspects that had been ruled out.

    We can continue the debate on whether a mix that sounds good on one type of sytem but not on another is a bad mix or nőt. However before continuing that again, I suggest you to listen to songs like: I have the touch by Péter Gabriel (album version) on quality HiFi and then on a cheap desktop speaker. Or a professionally mastered recording of one of the contrabass masters where they play solo. If you will still have the opinion that a mix that sounds good on the HiFi but not on Low end stuff is a bad mix, then Just come Back and start again that debate and I will consider it legit. Yes, most music can be made to sound good on all stuff, like the solo voice of a piccolo or soprano singer, but not áll music includes those.

    Anyway if you followed the topic you May know why I am here. At the moment the question is: how you make the youtube version of the song that I liked more quality equipment friendly. Instead of mentionning things like room problem and such stuff that had been ruled out, it would be much more useful to focus on the recent status of the problem and solve that. I mentioned I let the HiFi mix go for the purpose of streaming, nő use repeating the room thing and professional not professional stuff. The situation now is well beyond that.
  3. ᑕ⊕ֆᗰIᑢ

    ᑕ⊕ֆᗰIᑢ Rock Star

    Jan 23, 2022
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    No -> there's no Single Button Push solution in your Hi-Fi..


    You're just not listening.
    you're very fixated in what you've got/know and refuse to listen or think about anything new..

    Also it seems you deem the "Professional" approach to be some kind of baseless distraction,
    you want Hi-Fi solutions.. :wink:

    Meanwhile we're just talking about very Basic audio stuff,
    Check Loudness, Filter this, Compress that.. if you could only listen :guru:
  4. lbnv

    lbnv Platinum Record

    Nov 19, 2017
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    I wrote it not for you personally. May be someone else will find it useful.

    May be, an audience is the answer? People don't listen such music on HiFi systems. And people don't mix for this target. If you want to work with such music mix it "properly", without using HiFi. What should you use? I don't know.
  5. Myfanwy

    Myfanwy Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2020
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    Better visit a HiFi forum and discuss with other "audiophiles" and not musicians or studio guys.
  6. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    Maybe try something in between a mobile and a hifi system to find a good compromise.
    Cratives Pebble v2 are my goto for 'small speaker'. Below that I just don't care. Mobiles can sound so very different, so...
    When you adapt the mix for a narrow band system like that, don't touch frequencies it can't show. So for 'more treble' don't go for the shelf, rather go for a bell. Same with low Fs. When you are done check back with the hifi. It should sound more in your face, a little less 'good'. But it should not sound annoying. Something else I like for checking are JBLs control one pro. I'm always like "If it's not fun to listen to on control ones, it sucks". Maybe you know someone that has some (in his attic?) or some used ones, maybe broken ones that need resicking? (it's no witchcraft).
  7. sono

    sono Member

    Jun 15, 2023
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    Thanks trying something like that!
  8. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    Just one addition:
    Keep in mind that hifi systems are made to enjoy music, so they tend to sound good even when the source isn't that well produced.
    Studio monitors on the other hand are not as enjoyable, because they have to tell you what to do (I'm not talking about truth here).
    So the concept of a studio monitor is to make you work your ass off to make it sound good.
    I bet when you do a mix on something not as exciting as a high end sound system and you finally consider it decent, it definitely will work well on hifi setups. plus there is a good chance it works on lower grade too.
    I had my fair share in hifi when I was young and I remember very well what a difference it was when I bought my first monitors.
  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Even if you forgive the obvious clickbait quality of the title. It is like layered trolling.

    We have, so far:

    1. Audiophile vs Normal people debate.
    2. HiFi sound system vs real studio monitors, or headphones.
    3. This is someone's "genre music" track who is not even the OP.
    4. Performance of speaker/monitor type is affected by genre.
    5. "there is something wrong with this track, but it is "mixed perfectly".

    Remind you of anyone?
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  10. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    You mean he is trolling us by playing the 'audiophile'?
    I'm not sure about that. Somehow I read real struggle out of that thread.
    I mean thing is: If the backstory is true he is a victim born into a religion.
    I get that, I doged a bullet there because I was very impressed at young age by those shiny, expensive looking (and expensive being) speakers in the high end store at the corner. I bought what I was able to afford at that time there and thought I was happy. I wasn't. It wasn't about enjoying music. I was about hunting the dream of enjoying music even more. Gladly the store owner (thinking he would make me a true believer) took me upstairs to the holy inner part of the chruch. There was a system, big as a french door fridge, huge speaker chassis and very expensive. we're talking 10 grand in 90ies money. He let me listen to my music and asked what I think. To his disappointment it was "I'm not impressed, this doesn't sound good at all and I like my two way budget speakers way more."
    That system was phasey as shit, had blind spots on a lot of frequencies and worst of all, it was not the rooms fault.
    From that day on I was cured. It was BS all along and the shop owner just loved the setup because it was expensive and whats expensive cant be bad.
    Today I'm able to have a lot of fun even with a pair of control ones. My girlfriend has a pair plus woofer and when we wanna crank the volume we use her system. There are way better speakers at our place. There is better food than a cheeseburger. But there's nothing wrong with a cheeseburger. :rofl:
    I hope OP finds a way to enjoy music without spending every penny he will ever earn in his life, cause thats what true beliefers do.:sad:
  11. Smeghead

    Smeghead Audiosexual

    Jun 25, 2024
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    To paraphrase Justice Potter Stewart, I can't define what good monitors (or mixes) are but I know them when I hear them.

    (Edit, weird typo)
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2024
  12. sono

    sono Member

    Jun 15, 2023
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    I do not agree 100% about this. I mean the studio monitor 'Real' and HiFi 'cosmetiqued' contrast. Based on my experience, with conservative High End equipment it is not the case. Or not to the extent that would result in the dilemma I am dealing with now. The two kind of systems sound different, I agree about that. But most stuff sounds good on both. They sound different, that is sure, I agree. But usually they play back the same production fine. I linked examples before. But I have been trying to find answers for why certain stuff like my recent project is not like that. This is what I would be interested in, first case. So that I can know what I need to compensate. But in this sense I did not become wiser so far during the discussion here.

    Also do not mix the consumer HiFi with High End HiFi. Cheap consumer stuff (and some include the Dolby Home Cinema systems, when Dolby is actually a treason in the conservative HiFi world) is full of booster functions, and indeed, those systems can project a sound that is very different than what the engineer set in the studio, and can mess up things. But High End HiFi is usually not like that. But as I mentioned, indeed, it is not like active studio monitors, but most of the time it should not be a problem. At least when the system is not targeted for consciously changing the character of the source. There are HiFists like that, but by default High End HiFi is not about that.

    You mentioned your High End HiFi expreience: I know shop owners like that, but that is the opposite end. Buy more expensive stuff, and you get better sound. That is bullshit I know. When I refer to High Eng HiFi and what we collect at home are not the extremes, just quality but somewhat affordable stuff, that usually provides a good experience when you sit down and listen. Normal consumer systems have often flaws, the system we collect for home is for sorting out those flaws and maintain a stable quality for projecting music that's it.

    By the way, sometimes I am at the point to get a pair of Dynaudio studio monitors and listen on problematic stuff on that. But it wouldn't give answers to why many productions can overcome the monitor/HiFi boundaries, others not.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2024
  13. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    To hopefully clear the air (finally) on this topic, the one thing ignored by the OP (the audiophile), is that Hi-Fi speakers are designed to make your music sound as good as possible or give you a sonic presentation that is aurally pleasing. Good studio monitors are generally designed to give a more clear representation for making decisions about what is needed for treatment/manipulation. Mastering monitor setup are even more critical in design for making small and precise adjustments where needed.

    Then there is the knowledge of what is deficient in the listening environment & the monitors/speakers. No room & speaker combination is perfect. Just very accurate (virtually perfect), very inaccurate or, somewhere in between. Understanding this gets you at least halfway to good translation on most listening sources. The remaining is understanding how sound is reproduced on various listening sources.

    NS-10s & Aurotones are still used for good reasons.
  14. theoctavist

    theoctavist Noisemaker

    Jun 8, 2017
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    mix on headphones if your room isnt properly treated.. ath m50, AKG k72=, Sennheisers, etc + Sonarworks Reference + Novonotes HPL (HPL goes first on the 2buss, Sonarworks last). reference in mono often. most importantly, get yourself a GROT BOX to mix on.. (My workflow= bulk of the mixing is on the grot box, referencing with my headphones, checking mono compatibility often, and checking on the main monitors from time to time.
  15. FrankPig

    FrankPig Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2021
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    Hog Heaven
    Ah, I see your problem. I don't think you can even consider yourself to be an audiophile unless you're using proper Audiophile speaker cable. Insist your dad's friend stock some Nordost Odin 2 in his shop (I'd recommend 4m, and don't skimp on the Deoxit Gold G-Series contact enhancer), then come back and tell us if your snare still sounds shit:

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  16. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    Man, imagine how good that premium burn-in pink, white and brown noise must sound...
  17. sono

    sono Member

    Jun 15, 2023
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    I agree with that you need to consider these things. This is how it must be done. But what you ignore on your side is that I have already mentioned several times all this has been ruled out. So if you and others repeat these things on and on, it won't get me closer to the solution.
  18. Smeghead

    Smeghead Audiosexual

    Jun 25, 2024
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  19. ᑕ⊕ֆᗰIᑢ

    ᑕ⊕ֆᗰIᑢ Rock Star

    Jan 23, 2022
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  20. reticular

    reticular Producer

    Apr 14, 2022
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    You sometimes have the forum goat replys my man.

    How does this sounds?

    This is my old track way back when i was completely unaware of "32 float", oversampling and all that jazz and mostly just done stuff by ear, sort of the best i could do from both mixing and producing.

    If there´s any mixer in this topic, let me know how does this translates. Mixed on the old tannoys and 1970 amp, hats are a bit off for sure, no bussing and limiting, just the masterbuss standard.
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