Bitwig v5

Discussion in 'BitWig' started by halfman73, Apr 11, 2023.

  1. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Are you from the Bitwig team?
  2. big_lebowski

    big_lebowski Noisemaker

    Mar 2, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Thanks a lot – I'll watch it and try to replicate it for my needs as well.
  3. wuzzle

    wuzzle Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    Lesser Galactic Co-ordinates: Earth (0.0.0)
    • Crash recovery now applies to plug-ins as well
      • Data stored by the plug-in undo mechanism now allows restoring a plug-in to its previous state after a crash
    • Various editing/selection improvements:
      • Fixed clip selection after consolidation [35975]
      • Fixed track navigation when some tracks are deactivated [35828]
    • Various graphics fixes:
      • Fixed GPU crashes and freezes on certain MacBook Pro/iMac models that mix an Intel CPU and an AMD GPU
      • Several modules were not painting waveforms, etc. correctly (a regression in beta 3) [36031]
      • Value indicator around knobs was not showing up (with certain backends) [36035]
      • No longer flickering when recording over audio events [35807]
    • Preference for start time alignment of imported audio does not work correctly [36033]
    • Wavetable (Oscillator) Grid/Polymer module: Initialization is no longer flawed (see "Funkelnd" preset; a regression) [36034]
    • Pop-out Editor window's initial horizontal position now corresponds better to the parent modulator/embedded module (such as with Wavetable oscillator in Polymer; Steps modulator; Saturator module in Filter+/Sweep; etc.) [36021]
    • Various MIDI Sync (Out) settings (under Dashboard > Settings > Synchronization) didn't always apply the clock changes [35516]
    • Reduced excessive logging in various cases

    • Beta 4 regression: Project files are now marked as modified when changes are made [36078]
    • Oscilloscope (Analysis) and Compressor+ (Dynamics): Fixed a display rendering issue, when devices were deactivated [35972]

    • Sculpt and Focus (EQ) devices: Each now animates its on-panel EQ visualization when the device is modulated
    • Transfer (Shaper) Filter+/Sweep/Grid module: Now paints the current position with the Curve Editor open in Reflect mode (for example, whenever in unipolar mode for Filter+ or Sweep) [36124]
    • Various editing/selection improvements:
      • Fixed track visibility when zooming all tracks in and out [35810]
      • Fixed expression point selection upon creation [35901]
      • Added mappable action for Play from Time Selection
    • Now supports audio interfaces with more than 256 inputs or outputs [36088]
    • Project file tabs (in the top left of the screen) now have a context menu, including functions to:
      • Show in System File Browser
      • Close Project
    • The transport's realtime display is now grayed out when the program's transport is synchronized to MIDI Clock or Ableton Link (set under Dashboard > Setting > Synchronization)
    • No longer skip bar zero in negative beat-time representation (for clips with negative start times)
    • Ableton Link is now disabled on application start
    • Fixed bad timing of stepped controls that were modulated [36118]
    • Compressor+, Dynamics (Dynamics) and Ring-Mod (Container) devices: fixed sleep timing rules [36108]
    • Channel-16 (Note-driven) modulator: Release with Note Offs option works again [36047]
    • Poly → Mono (Level) Grid module: Now has consistent phase retriggers [36126]
    • Drum Machines (Drum Kit) device: Fixed a performance regression (from 5.0.11) when loading many of these devices in a project [35960]
    • New time editing functions for Set Object Start and Set Object End now apply to events (like notes) when working in the Detail Editor Panel
    • Fixed a possible engine crash when deleting a playing clip [35381]
    • Various graphics fixes:
      • Beat grid lines in timeline headers are bright again
      • Clips on deactivated tracks are shaded again [36141]
      • Audio waveform background in layered piano roll editor is always painted correctly, regardless of zoom level [35758]
      • Sampler (Synth) device: After zooming in in Cycles mode, both the blue cycle indicators and the waveform were fading out when zooming out [36103]
      • Windows: No longer getting a black window after minimizing then restoring the window with certain backends [36119]
      • Linux: Screen's refresh rate is now clipped at 144 Hz (and no longer at 60 Hz in certain cases)
    • Fixed a crash when arming mixer tracks that have sub-channels [33976]
    • Fixed device-/mouse-interaction delay issue after going to sleep [36110]
    • Audio event Inspector field for Tempo now updates during dragging (a regression) [36125]
    • Arturia plug-ins: No longer get stuck on creation when in demo mode [35994]
    • Moving the active play position with tempo automation would sometimes play the "wrong" part of the arrangement (a regression) [36053]

    • Engine crash when browsing for wavetables or impulses [36165]
    • Engine crash when using more than 256 channel device with ASIO [36166]
    • Some random graphical glitches on Linux systems using Vulkan [36167]
  4. wuzzle

    wuzzle Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Lesser Galactic Co-ordinates: Earth (0.0.0)
    • Bitwig Studio v5.1 User Guide is now available in ¡Spanish! [PDF here]
    • Bitwig Studio v5.1 User Guide is now available in Korean~^^ [PDF here]
    • Automatic handling of audio stem import:
      • When multiple audio files are dragged into a project at once, files with identical lengths are grouped
      • Beat analysis will happen for those files together, giving all grouped files the identical Beat Markers (for stretching) and lengths
      • If non-matching files are dragging in as well, they will be analyzed individually
      • If analysis should be (re)done for any file individual, select those file(s) and use either Detect Event Tempo… (with parameter options) or Detect Event Tempo (which uses the default parameters)
    • Improved default stretch mode preferences (Dashboard > Settings > Behavior):
      • The Defaults section now includes:
        • Default Stretch Mode (replacing the previous Long and Short samples and file options)
        • Record / bounce stretch mode (was previously On record / bounce)
      • Files still import based on the Audio Preview/Import Mode setting, to either:
        • Play at Original Speed, or
        • Stretch to Project Tempo
      • Now when importing audio, holding the [ALT] key inverts the import mode
    • Various editing/selection improvements:
      • Added mappable function for Play from Left Edge of Current Editor
    • Compressor+ (Dynamics) device: Improved the device's reset behavior
    • Windows: Installer is now provided as an MSIX file
      • Installer distinguishes between 'beta' and 'release' versions, allowing one of each to be installed
    • macOS 14: Now support display refresh rates up to 144 Hz, and when multiple monitors are in use, each will use their own refresh rate
      • Earlier macOS versions max out at 60 Hz
    • VST3 plug-ins: Now includes note name support
    • Controller scripts for SSL UF1, iCON V1-M and iCON P1-M: Beat Display is now easier to read
    • Sculpt and Focus (EQ) devices: Fixed clicks when switching Color mode
    • Touchscreen: Scrollbars now get less sticky [34872]
    • Fixed crashes related to Time Selection editing of start and end objects [36193, 35763]
    • Plug-in undo: Some plug-ins were writing an undo step upon opening project [36216]
    • It is now possible to deselect tracks after making a "global" time selection in the Arranger ruler (a regression) [36140]
    • Fixed Audio Quantize function, where Amount in the dialog now has the proper effect [36207]
    • Slice to Drum Machine dialog is now big enough to show all controls, all the time [36275]
    • When adjusting parameters from a controller, sometimes the value would not always be correctly adjusted [36219]
    • Particular WAV files are no longer garbled and distorted after import [36271]
    • Library index directory can no longer grow to an enormous size (if there are symbolic links that include the index storage location) [36153]
    • Plug-ins that reported an empty vendor now work when Plug-in Hosting Mode is by Vendor [36262]
    • Fixed an audio engine crash in some cases when a sandboxed plug-in crashed [35609]
    • Various graphics fixes:
      • Windows: General frame rate & latency improvements
      • White cursor line in Arranger no longer destroys clip names when mousing around [36264]
      • Group track headers (in both the Arranger Timeline Panel and the Mixer Panel) are less accidentally rounded
      • Browser Panel no longer loses the play (preview) button when long sample paths are shown [36062]
      • The About page (Dashboard > Help) shows the current graphics backend now
      • Windows: Fixed a crash when resizing windows on some backends [35690]
      • Windows: Fixed slow frame rate and missing graphics on some backends [36220]
      • Windows: Hardware that only supports feature-level 11_0 & 11_1 now uses Direct3D 12. Affected GPUS include:
        • NVIDIA: GTX 400-700 series
        • AMD: HD 7000, 8000, R7 200
        • Intel: HD/Iris Graphics 4000-6200
      • Windows & Linux: The OpenGL fallback for even older GPUs is now more performant
      • macOS: Maximizing a window now fills the entire screen, even with the system preference to Always Hide Menu Bar Automatically [35776]
      • Windows: A better fix for a previous fix [36119]
    • Fixed text appearance in Stretch Mode chooser for Japanese localization [32047]
    • Certain ALS file can now be imported [36139]
    • Windows: Fixed a crash when the MIDI output buffer was full [34198]
    • Controller script for SSL UF1: Track number is now shown correctly on the two-digit display
    ALERT: As of 5.2 Beta 8, Bitwig has changed from MSI to MSIX installer.

    MSIX now installs into a fixed WindowsApp-Folder, C:\Program Files\WindowsApps.
    This Folder is not accessible for most Windows-Accounts. This is the direction where windows is going. Because of malware, software will be increasingly put into protected places. Like on IOS or Android.

    There are reports that older betas no longer operate as well, for those that keep many around due to bugs.

    Assumption would be that this change would also facilitate a more streamlined application update method with less user intervention. Personally, I prefer only the user choosing to do an update.

    [Beta 8 Changelog replaced with correct data]
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2024
  5. Swatch

    Swatch Producer

    Jan 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Hey hoo :)
    I think about buying Bitwig. (This would be my first DAW i buy)
    I super like the workflow to get creative with the Launcher clips.
    The Trial 5.19 rocks, and all the functions i see on youtube are mindblowing !!!
    Really a mix of FL, Ableton and the mostly the charm from the Bitwig people :)

    What would be the smartest way to buy it?
    Splice rent to own?
    I read somewhere that the Upgrade plan goes 25 months. So you pay the same, but get 25 Months Upgrades instead of 12 :)

    Or getting a used license with active Upgrade Plan?
    Does somebody knows when the summer sale or similar is starting?
    I saw some offers, to buy the V5 8 Track Version and Upgrade from that to Studio.

    And does somebody know, how the activation Process will be like?
    I like to Firewall my apps
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2024
  6. wuzzle

    wuzzle Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Lesser Galactic Co-ordinates: Earth (0.0.0)
    • Controller widget popup knobs & sliders now paint value origins correctly, like other knobs do
    • Now validate user-defined library locations (and preset discovery locations) before adding them to the browser
    • Novation Launchpad Pro Mk3 controller script: Color indicators were added for remote controls page
    • Fixed latency compensation regressions in 5.2 betas when using external I/O [36221]
    • You can again hear parameter changes of Tempo field in the Inspector Panel (e.g., for Repitch of audio clips in realtime) [36229]
    • Select All now works correctly, on Arranger clips in a project with empty group tracks [36259]
    • Mixer Panel: Is now possible to change the output for a multi-selection of group tracks [36206]
    • Unfolding an automation lane in the lower part of the track list no longer makes the scroll bar jump up (a regression) [36319]
    • Various graphics fixes:
      • Playhead movement is now smooth, regardless of buffer size [36341]
      • Playhead would stain when a scaling factor of 400% was used [36233]
      • Importing audio by from the OS file browser no longer causes flickering of the window footer's text [36311]
      • Controller widget popup knobs no longer look bad on non-retina screens [36279]
      • Switch between Object and Time Selection function was missing an icon [36310]
    • File changes to controller scripts and extensions are now reloading them again (a regression) [36360]
    • WAV decoding: Now force block align to be equal to channel * bytesPerSample, and log badly encoded WAV files [36271]
    • Windows: Idle CPU usage was too high
    • Windows: Fixed some random crashes [36289]
    • macOS 14: Variable display refresh rates (in some cases) no longer cause high CPU usage [36328]
    • Linux: Fixed crashing on application launch
    • Controller scripts for SSL UF1/UF8: Channel meters now work as expected on sustained sounds

    • Regression in 5.2 Beta 9: Hardware Instrument/FX devices prompted PDC Graph Error dialog [36367]
  7. wuzzle

    wuzzle Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    Lesser Galactic Co-ordinates: Earth (0.0.0)
    • Now when importing audio, holding the [CTRL] key will Insert Audio as Raw
    • Various improvements to audio import behavior:
      • Better tempo estimation for audio loops based on loose numbers in filenames
      • Can now read tempo/beat-length information from ACID chunks of WAV files
      • Can now read tempo/beat-length information embedded by Logic Pro into WAV files
    • New combination Zoom In Vertically and Zoom Out Vertically functions are now available:
      • These work both in the Arranger Timeline Panel (for tracks/automation lanes) and the Detail Editor Panel (for notes in the piano-style view, or when using layered editing)
      • Default shortcuts are [SHIFT]+[CTRL]+[+] ([SHIFT]+[CMD]+[+] on Mac) to zoom in, and [SHIFT]+[CTRL]+[-] ([SHIFT]+[CMD]+[-] on Mac) to zoom out
    • Zoom In and Zoom Out functions have been renamed Zoom In Horizontally and Zoom Out Horizontally:
      • To cover all horizontal cases, these functions also work to change track widths in the Mixer Panel
      • Default shortcuts are the same as before: [CTRL]+[+] ([CMD]+[+] on Mac) to zoom in, and [CTRL]+[-] ([CMD]+[-] on Mac) to zoom out
    • Menu functions are now grouped into the following submenus:
      • Content Scaling submenu - contains Scale…, Scale 50%, Scale 200%, Scale 50%…, and Scale 200%… (when available)
      • Quantize submenu - contains Quantize, Quantize…, Quantize Audio, and Quantize Audio… (when available)
      • Transpose submenu - contains Transpose a Semitone Up, Transpose a Semitone Down, Transpose an Octave Up, and Transpose an Octave Down (when available)
      • Slice / Fold submenu - contains Slice In Place…, Slice to Drum Machine…, Slice to Sampler…, and Fold to Takes… (when available)
      • Tempo submenu - contains Detect Event Tempo…, Set Event Tempo…, Apply Tempo Curve to Arranger, and Set Project Tempo (when available)
      • Device Defaults submenu - contains Load Default Preset and Save as Default Preset, when a device is selected
      • These submenus are used both in normal window menus and in context menu (on right-click of objects)
    • Waveforms are now displayed with higher precision [36283]
    • Generic controller now supports polyphonic aftertouch [36336]
    • VST3: Implemented the IPlugInterfaceSupport interface
    • Fixed crash with Set event to current project tempo function [36115]
    • Fixed a bug where there was a difference in beginning of the waveform, when bouncing with record-arm active (a regression) [36280]
    • Smaller Beat Grid Subdivision action now works in all the proper places, including the Arranger Timeline Panel [36402]
    • Showing the File Browser in the Browser Panel no longer causes the program to hang [36372]
    • Nudging selected items move thru the timeline more elegantly, keeping them onscreen in a better way [36354]
    • Audio System No Longer Available notification now disappears after selecting a valid device (a regression) [32396]
    • Tool (Utility) device: No longer creates a short audio burst (under certain circumstances) when being grouped [36117]
    • HW CV Instrument (Hardware) device: Fixed a delay compensation error (a regression) [36394]
    • Peak Limiter (Dynamics) device: Fixed a graphic glitch in the VU meter when adjusting Ceiling [36340]
    • Instrument Selector, FX Selector, and Note FX Selector (Container) devices: No longer afflict the interface, etc., when chains are renamed with obscenely long names containingnospaces
    • Fixed a crash when touching outside of a device's Interactive Help [34702]
    • Particular preset(s) no longer causes the audio engine to hang [36342]
    • Gray automation circles no longer remain in the Transport section after deleting tempo or time signature automation [36346]
    • Fixed a crash when closing a project [35733]
    • Fixed a crash when undoing grouping of a track, when certain controller scripts were running [36404]
    • Windows: Fix loading DLLs from non-standard locations when installed using MSIX (affected JACK, Acustica Audio plug-ins etc..)[36391]
    • Windows: Fixed DLLs from within an MSIX installer
    • macOS: Bitwig Studio sends MIDI timecode again when hidden (a regression) [36357]
    • macOS: Fixed random crashes [36325]
    • Plug-ins: Better handling when invalid parameter value changes are reported [36393]
    • Controller scripts for MCU, Faderport: Controller-focused tracks now follow selected tracks more correctly [35818]

    • Controller script added for Intuitive Instruments's Exquis
    • Windows: MSIX installer has been changed for better compatibility with some plug-ins, JACK, etc.
    • Windows: MSI installer is available again, with various improvements
    • Windows: Some VSTs were taking keyboard focus after pressing ALT [36415]
    • Tempo automation now exports properly, even when the Play Start marker and the exported range diverged (a regression)
    • Automated parameter values do update again when changing playhead location (a regression) [36499]
    • Fixed an audio engine crash when swapping various modules, or loading Grid-device (like Sweep) presets [35280]
    • HW Out (I/O) Grid module: Fixed an error (a regression) [36458]
    • Sustain pedal from a Launcher clip no longer hangs after clip stop (a regression) [36450]
    • Certain wavetables no longer crash the audio engine [36452]
    • Various editing fixes:
      • Improved screen margins when scrolling selected objects via arrow keys [36354]
      • Automation points for parameters that are either boolean (such as Mute) or enumerated values (such as Filter Mode) now work with the arrow keys in the default key commands (via the Adjust Value Up / Down function) [36447]
      • Can now nudge objects to the beginning of the Arranger in all cases
    • Pitch expressions greater than 30 semitones no longer break playback when using Stretch HD [36403]
    • Converting devices and modules no longer send recordable user input for parameters [36470]
    • Various graphics fixes:
      • Progress bar for Export Audio function is now shown again (a regression) [36466]
      • Some devices (e.g., Arpeggiator) and Grid modules (Low-pass, High-pass, All-pass…) no longer show truncated text (a regression) [36467]
      • Hovering over grouped track no longer causes graphical glitches, when at 125% or 175% scaling [36446]
      • Windows: Screen no longer flashes when pop-up windows appear in fullscreen (with some graphics backends & specific hardware) [36392]
      • macOS: Fixed a rare, random crash that mostly occurred during tooltip-heavy mouse interactions [36325]
    • Certain FLP file now imports (previously gave a "Fine pitch value out of range" error) [36398]

    • macOS 12: Fixed frequent crash when launching the app
    • Windows: MSIX installer now tries to decode bad paths provided by some plug-ins
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2024
  8. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
    Likes Received:

    Attached Files:

  9. wuzzle

    wuzzle Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Lesser Galactic Co-ordinates: Earth (0.0.0)
    • Takes a different approach to compression with:
      • Three modes of operation, beginning with Standard
      • Character options for different styles of compression
      • Multiband analysis of the incoming (or sidechained) signal
      • VCA Color options for toning up only the affected signal
      • And more…
    • Standard parameters include:
      • Threshold sets the level above which compression is engaged
      • Ratio is the amount of compression applied. For example, a 1:4.00 ratio means that a 4 dB of increase in the incoming signal will cause only a 1 dB increase at output. So large values represent more gain reduction.
      • Attack is the base time when transitioning from no compression to full gain reduction (when input exceeds Threshold)
      • Release is the base time when transitioning from full gain reduction to no compression (when input falls below Threshold)
      • Knee affects how gradual/smooth the transitions are in the dynamics curve
      • Relax bends the compression curve toward 1:1 (no gain reduction), starting with the loudest signals
    • Gain Reduction Mode offers three options, determining how the device operates:
      • Standard (the default) offers a normal range of compressor Ratio settings, as described above
      • Beyond offers an extended compressor range, adding over- and under-compression options, by replacing Ratio with a Ratio Extended control. This set the amount of compression applied, in three sections across the range:
        • Bottom third [2:1 to 1:1] - Upward compression, amplifying signal above the Threshold
        • Center third [1:1 to 1:∞] - Standard compressor range
        • Top third [1:∞ to 1:-1] - Downward compression, attenuating signal above the Threshold
      • Dual is a dual compressor option, replacing the Knee control with a Lift parameter, which smoothly moves thru custom curves for bumping the signal below the Threshold
    • The device's central display shows the current compression curve based on the above parameters, which is filled from the bottom to represent the current status of applied gain
      • The central display also shows the history of both the incoming audio signal (post Input gain) as filled gray, and the output level (pre Mix and Make-up gain) as a white line, as well as an interactive blue line for adjusting Threshold
      • The size of the display adjusts for the Beyond and Dual modes, where gain increase is possible
    • A Character chooser offers six different styles of compression
      • Each option changes various gain reduction and envelope behaviors, including numerous "under the hood" options
    • The Vanilla character (the default) applies parameters literally, including Attack and Release times going all the way down to zero (Auto Timing helps determine how "grabby" compression is)
    • The other five options are progressive, from smoothest to most aggressive:
      • Smooth uses slow per-band response, offering minimal distortion
      • Over tends to compress more quickly but in a stable way
      • Glue is slow to engage and quick to release, for good transient preservation on the mix buss or anywhere else (Auto Timing opens the mid analysis bands a bit, for more space)
      • Resist brings longer envelopes and tries to quickly snap back afterward, to preserve bass and also add even harmonics when pushed
      • Smash over-accelerates the attacks and releases, additionally using the Auto Timing to further increase acceleration
    • The special Auto Timing control is the amount that timing parameters (Attack, Release, and more) are automatically adjusted to suit the incoming audio
    • Taken together, the combination of Character choice and Auto Timing setting offers a wide sonic variety
    • Analysis happens in four different frequency bands
    • The central display visualizes how much gain change is being contributed by each band:
      • Lows are shown in red
      • Lo–Mids are shown in yellow
      • Hi–Mids are shown in green
      • Highs are shown in purple
    • To adjust responsiveness, each band has two offset controls:
      • Intensity Offset relatively adjusts the compression curve for this analysis band. Positive settings represent stronger compression, and negatives settings back off compression from this band. Changes to any band's Intensity Offset is shown on the device's central display as a diverging compression curve for that band.
      • Timing Offset relatively adjusts the timing parameters for this analysis band. Positive settings represent longer times, and negatives settings are shorter than the base settings. Timing changes are only visualized in the gain reduction (and in the audio).
      • These per-band controls are always available in the Inspector Panel
    • The device has a special Expanded Device View, showing a display for each of the four bands:
      • Each display shows only the gain change for that band, along with that band's unique compression curve (along with the global curve behind it, if different)
      • Again, each compression curve is filled from the bottom to represent this band's current contribution to the applied gain
      • Each display retains the global Threshold control, as well as the audio input and output meters for the unified signal
      • Controls for each band's Intensity Offset and Timing Offset are shown in this view as knobs
    • A chooser in the top of the device (defaulting to Device Input) allows for sidechain configurations, by choosing any project audio source for the analysis input
      • A Sidechain FX slot is also there, for any pre-processing you might want to do in the analysis path
    • VCA Color Mode determines the tonal character imbued upon the compressed signal only:
      • Clear (the default) applies no coloring
      • Prism gives a clean blend of true multiband compression, with unified single-band compression
      • Transistor provides a consistent analog feel, with a low bump and slightly reduced highs
      • Saturate is a moving analog feel, like tape saturation, with a mid-range bump and some frequency-dependent behavior
    • The mode selected is shown as an icon in the output section of the device, as well as the icon and name in the Inspector Panel
    • Input Gain at the left of the device provides gain for incoming audio signal
      • This is helpful for adjusting the signal to be processed, and for pushing the selected VCA Color Mode to apply more (or less) coloring
    • Make-up Gain offers gain of ±24 decibels at the output
    • Learn Make-up Gain can be triggered via the little L button beside the Make-up label
      • While running, this function listens to the incoming device level and roughly matches that level at the output by adjusting the Make-up Gain value
      • The learn function will run for 15 seconds, or shorter if you click the trigger button again to turn it off
    • Combo Meters are shown in the output section, comprising:
      • Level meters for output
      • Blue gain meters for applied gain, showing the difference between input and output (this includes Make-up Gain)
      • A numeric readout of applied gain
    • Stereo Independence is the amount of separation between the stereo channels of each analysis band
      • The default setting is 50 %, half-coupling each analysis band
    • Stereo Independence Mode - Distribution/mode of stereo separation:
      • Flat (the default) applies the Stereo Inpedence setting equally to all bands
      • Low separates the lows less
      • Air separates the highs more and the lows a little less
      • Max uses the stereo-channel with the strongest gain reduction for each band
    • Wet / Dry Mix is the amount of processed signal at device output (blended with dry audio signal entering the device), for parallel compression effects
    • If a project or preset uses the Compressor (no plus) device, you can right-click the device header for a Convert to Compressor+ option
      • This will load Compressor+ with the settings that Compressor had, including calculating an appropriate Make-up Gain setting when Auto Makeup was used
      • These are very different devices and will not sound identical, but it will give you a starting point for working with Compressor+
    • A new trio of musical EQs are here
    • All three work with fewer parameters to achiever quicker, trusted results
    • Each marries a classic design and interface with modern niceties, such as:
      • A Stereo-ize option in the Inspector Panel, for effectively duplicating the unit and then tilting it a variable Amount in the Stereo field (to push up frequencies and gain in the left or right channel), or to apply in the Mid–Side domain
      • Onscreen displays, to visualize the gain curve of each EQ both on the device panel and in the Mixer Panel
    • A component-model and interface of the renowned Pultec EQP-1, but with variable Color options and other modern niceties
    • A broadband EQ good for bass sweetening and more, using pre-set frequency choices to quickly dial in magic
    • Low Shelves Frequency selects the base frequency for both low filters
      • Low Boost Amount sets the gain amount for the low boost filter
      • Low Cut Amount sets the gain amount for the low cut filter, which becomes more of a detail control when Low Boost is active
    • Peak Frequency selects the frequency for the peak boost filter
      • Peak Boost Amount sets the gain amount for the peak boost filter
      • Peak Bandwidth determines the relative bandwidth for the peak boost filter. Lower values narrow the filter, and higher values make it broader.
    • High Cut Frequency selects the frequency for the high cut filter
      • High Cut Amount sets the gain amount for the high cut filter
    • Simple Color options let you decide which saturation to use:
      • Clean (the default) offers minimal saturation, to either be surgical as-is or let you add your own saturation device afterwards
      • Tube gives all-harmonic warmth, like the original EQP-1
      • Transitor creates odd-harmonic emphasis, with distinctive midrange drive
    • A component-model and interface of the renowned Pultec MEQ-5, but with variable Color options and other modern niceties
    • A good mid-focused EQ with pre-set frequency choices in a sound's power regions
    • Low Boost Frequency selects the frequency for the low boost filter
      • Low Boost Amount sets the gain amount for the low boost filter
    • Cut Frequency selects the frequency for the dip filter
      • Cut Amount set the gain amount for the dip filter
    • High Boost Frequency sets the gain amount for the high boost filter
      • High Boost Amount selects the frequency for the high boost filter
    • Simple Color options let you decide which saturation to use:
      • Clean (the default) offers minimal saturation, to either be surgical as-is or let you add your own saturation device afterwards
      • Tube gives all-harmonic warmth, like the original MEQ-5
      • Transitor creates odd-harmonic emphasis, with distinctive midrange drive
    • A classic tilt equalizer, putting twin shelving filters under one set of controls
    • Good for a simple tone shift (brighter or darker), or to add some stereo diversity to any track
    • Gain sets the amplification for the dual shelf filters. Positive values amplify the upper band, and attenuate the lower band by the same amount. Negative values quiet the upper band, and boost the lower band by the same amount.
    • Frequency freely sets the center frequency for the dual shelf filters
    • Slope sets the roll-off for the dual shelf filters. Lower values are a gradual ramp, and higher values go toward an S-curve.
    • Bitwig has long had both object selection (when clicking on a clip, event, automation point…) and time selection (when dragging an area of time across one or more tracks)
    • Time Selection mode now has key commands for jumping across areas of interest, making editing both fast and precise
    • New functions are available for editing with a single point in time selected
    • Object Selection improvements have come too
    • With a time selection (such as clicking in the lower half of any Arranger clip, or in an editor panel), the default Bitwig Studio key commands allow:
      • [←] and [→] move to the next relevant event
      • These events include:
        • For note clips, note start and end positions
        • For audio clips:
          • Onsets positions (above the set Onset Threshold)
          • Fade start and end positions
          • Pre-fade start times
          • Event start and end positions
        • Clip start and end positions
        • Loops start and end times (within the Detail Editor Panel)
        • Arranger Loop start and end times
        • Arranger Cue Marker positions (if cue markers are visible in the current editor)
      • [SHIFT]+[←] and [SHIFT]+[→] create or extend a selection to the next relevant event
      • [ALT]+[←] and [ALT]+[→] move using the editor's current beat grid marker value
      • [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[←] and [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[→] move a finer amount, using a sixteenth of the editor's current beat grid value
      • [CTRL]+[←] and [CTRL]+[→] ([CMD]+[←] and [CMD]+[→] on Mac) jump to the first or last relevant event
        • Adding [SHIFT] creates or extends your current selection
      • On the Arranger, [↑] and [↓] move between tracks or, if selection is in an automation lane, between automation lanes of the current track
        • Adding [SHIFT] extends your current selection to include this track as well, even if only a single point in time is selected
      • On the Arranger, [CTRL]+[↑] and [CTRL]+[↓] ([CMD]+[↑] and [CMD]+[↓] on Mac) jumps to the first or last track or, if selection is in an automation lane, to the first or last automation lane of the current track
        • Adding [SHIFT] extends your current selection to include all tracks from the current track to the first or last, even if only a single point in time is selected
    • Set Object Start (default mapping: [SHIFT]+[8]) makes the current time the new start time for the clip or event happening here, removing any earlier material
    • Set Object End (default mapping: [SHIFT]+[9]) makes the current time the new end time for the clip or event happening here, removing any later material
    • Fade In to Here (default mapping: [SHIFT]+[7]) makes the current time the end of a fade in for the audio clip or event happening here
    • Fade Out to Here (default mapping: [SHIFT]+[0]) makes the current time the end of a fade out for the audio clip or event happening here
    • All four functions can be applied to single tracks, or to multiple tracks when selected (by [SHIFT]+[↑] and [SHIFT]+[↓], for example)
    • Switch between Object and Time Selection (default mapping: [CTRL]+[T]) is available in the Edit menu
      • This lets you take advantage of both workflows
    • Working with objects in the Arranger Timeline Panel defaults to making a selection:
      • [←] and [→] selects the next clip on the Arranger
        • [SHIFT]+[←] and [SHIFT]+[→] extends selection to include the next clip
        • Both gestures also work when an automation point is selected
      • [ALT]+[←] and [ALT]+[→] move selected clips on the Arranger by the current beat grid value
        • [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[←] and [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[→] move by a sixteenth of the current beat grid value
        • Again, these gestures are the same when an automation point is selected
      • [↑] and [↓] moves selected automation points up by a coarse (larger) amount
        • [SHIFT]+[↑] and [SHIFT]+[↓] moves selected automation points up by a fine (smaller) amount
    • The Detail Editor Panel, on the other hand, is primed for editing:
      • [←] and [→] move the selected audio or note events by the current beat grid value
        • [SHIFT]+[←] and [SHIFT]+[→] move by a sixteenth of the current beat grid value
      • [ALT]+[←] and [ALT]+[→] selects the next audio or note event
        • [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[←] and [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[→] extends selection to include the next audio or note event
      • [CTRL]+[←] and [CTRL]+[→] extends (as in, makes longer) the selected audio or note events by the current beat grid value
        • [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[ALT]+[←] and [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[ALT]+[→] extends selected events by a sixteenth of the current beat grid value
      • [↑] and [↓] transpose selected audio or notes events by ±1 semitone (same as a half-step)
        • [SHIFT]+[↑] and [SHIFT]+[↓] transpose events by an octave (same as ±12 semitones)
        • When an event already contains Pitch expressions, all points are transposed by a semitone or an octave
        • When an audio event contains no expression points, one is created at the beginning of the event and then set accordingly
      • [ALT]+[↑] and [ALT]+[↓] adjusts gain for the selected audio event by ±6 dB
        • [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[↑] and [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[↓] adjusts gain for the selected audio event by ±1 dB
        • When an event contains no expression points, one is created at the beginning of the event and then set accordingly
    • Expression editing (per-event automation) within the Detail Editor Panel is similar to automation editing on the Arranger:
      • [←] and [→] selects the next expression point within the current note / audio event
        • [SHIFT]+[←] and [SHIFT]+[→] extends selection to include the next expression point
        • [CTRL]+[A] ([CMD]+[A] on Mac) selects all expression points within the current event
      • [ALT]+[←] and [ALT]+[→] moves the selected expression point by the editor's current beat grid value
        • [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[←] and [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[→] move by a sixteenth of the current beat grid value
      • [↑] and [↓] adjusts the selected expression point by a course value:
        • Pitch expressions: ±1 semitone (same as a half-step)
        • Gain expressions: ±2.5 dB
        • Pan expressions: ±10 %
        • Timbre expressions: ±10 %
        • Pressure expressions: ±5 %
        • Formant audio expressions: ±1 semitone (same as a half-step)
      • [SHIFT]+[↑] and [SHIFT]+[↓] adjusts the selected expression point by a fine value:
        • Pitch expressions: ±0.1 semitones (same as ±10 cents)
        • Gain expressions: ±0.5 dB
        • Pan expressions: ±1 %
        • Timbre expressions: ±2 %
        • Pressure expressions: ±1 %
        • Formant audio expressions: ±0.1 semitones (same as ±10 cents)
    • A few other items can also be moved via default keyboard commands, with the alternate [SHIFT] function using bar units instead
    • When the Arranger Loop Selector is selected (in the Arranger Timeline Panel):
      • [←] and [→] move the Arranger Loop by the current beat grid value, preserving its length
      • [SHIFT]+[←] and [SHIFT]+[→] move the Arranger Loop by one bar
    • When an Arranger cue marker is selected (either in the Arranger Timeline Panel, in a Detail Editor Panel, or in the Sections tab of the Project Panel):
      • [ALT]+[←] and [ALT]+[→] moves the selected cue marker by the current beat grid value
      • [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[←] and [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[→] moves the selected cue marker by one bar
    • With the Detail Editor Panel in Clip editing mode, items in the header of the window can also be selected and moved:
      • [←] and [→] moves the clip loop Start time by the current beat grid value, preserving the loop's length
        • [SHIFT]+[←] and [SHIFT]+[→] move the loop Start time by one bar
      • [ALT]+[←] and [ALT]+[→] moves the clip Offset time by the current beat grid value
        • [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[←] and [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[→] moves the clip Offset time by one bar
      • When Looping is disabled, [ALT]+[←] and [ALT]+[→] moves the clip end marker (the clip Length) by the current beat grid value
        • [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[←] and [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[→] moves the clip end marker (the clip Length) by one bar
    • Our new, higher-resolution onset detector from Bitwig Studio v5 provides even better data and allows for new functions
    • By doing beat detection, beat markers (and audio start positions) are now placed more accurately, to match your project like a glove
    • This includes both fix-tempo cases, as well as audio with changing tempo
    • Or redefine your project based on the tempo map of imported audio
    • When audio is dragged into a project (with default Import Mode of Stretch to Project Tempo), beats are now detected better to identify tempo and tempo changes
    • When a clear first beat is found, the playback start time of the new clip is automatically set, saving time and ready for clips to firing in a good place
    • A preference has been added in the Dashboard > Behavior > Audio Import Settings section
      • Detect Tempo Changes is the default, letting the program determine whether the audio should use a fixed-tempo algorithm, or an algorithm suited for material with tempo changes
      • When set to Assume Fixed Tempo, the program will only run the fixed-tempo algorithm
    • New preference (under Dashboard > Settings > Behavior > Audio Import Settings) to either Insert Clip from First Beat, or to Insert Clip from Sample Start (the new default) for imported audio
    • Additional improvements to audio import behavior:
      • Better tempo estimation for audio loops based on loose numbers in filenames
      • Can now read tempo/beat-length information from ACID chunks of WAV files
      • Can now read tempo/beat-length information embedded by Logic Pro into WAV files
    • A new Detect Event Tempo… function is available for audio events and clips, allowing you to re-run tempo analysis with some parametric controls
    • A new Set Event Tempo… function sets a fixed tempo for the contained audio events, defaulting to the current project tempo
    • Automatic handling of audio stem import:
      • When multiple audio files are dragged into a project at once, files with identical lengths are grouped
      • Beat analysis will happen for those files together, giving all grouped files the identical Beat Markers (for stretching) and lengths
      • If non-matching files are dragging in as well, they will be analyzed individually
      • If analysis should be (re)done for any file individual, select those file(s) and use either Detect Event Tempo… (with parameter options) or Detect Event Tempo (which uses the default parameters)
    • A new Set Project Tempo function is available on Launcher and Arranger audio clips, changing the project tempo to match the primary tempo of the selected audio
    • A new Apply Tempo Curve to Arranger function is available on Arranger audio clips or time selection, writing tempo automation from the selection into the project
      • The selected audio file should now play back "neutrally" as the project will change tempo to match the file
      • Adding tracks around this audio will now work on a proper beat grid
      • If tempo automation exists outside the selection, it will be preserved
      • After the process runs, the Tempo automation lane (on the master track) will be shown
    • Bitwig Studio's graphics engine has been rewritten, making the program more responsive and efficient
    • Painting our interface on your computer's GPU gives us native hardware acceleration
      • This also leaves more CPU for your audio
    • Some style changes have come along already, with knobs popping more and scopes have a fresh look
    • Drawing in general has been highly optimized as well, running fewer commands and giving springier results
      • Care was taken for projects with high track and event counts
    • macOS 14: Now support display refresh rates up to 144 Hz, and when multiple monitors are in use, each will use their own refresh rate
      • Earlier macOS versions max out at 60 Hz
    • Changes made to VST and CLAP plug-ins are now tracked as part of Bitwig's undo history
    • Triggering Undo/Redo within the program will take plug-in changes a step back, the same as with native device changes
      • If a plug-in has its own undo history, that is separate from Bitwig's history
    • Crash recovery now applies to plug-ins as well
      • Data stored by the plug-in undo mechanism now allows restoring a plug-in to its previous state after a crash
    • New Over (Distortion) device: Anti-aliased clipper, with multiband options and more
      • Threshold defines the base level above which clipping is applied (or in Delta mode, the level above which signal is heard)
      • Multiband Blend mixing clipping of the entire incoming signal (0 %) and multiband clipping (100 %), with optional Multiband Tilt
      • Knee control increases the width of transitions and generally softens clipping
      • Also has a Wet FX chain for processing only the wet signal, as well as Wet Gain and Mix controls
      • PCM Clipping option provides digital flatlining at the PCM Threshold, because
    • New Crossover-2 (Mix) Grid module: Two-band frequency split for subsequent routing/audio processing of your choice
    • New Crossover-3 (Mix) Grid module: Three-band frequency split for subsequent routing/audio processing of your choice
    • New All-pass (Filter) Grid module: All-pass filter with adjustable slope in a simple 1×1 interface
      • Note: The delay module formerly called All-pass is now called All-pass Delay (Delay/FX)
    • New Shift Register (Level) Grid module: Serial level sampler, with up to eight out ports (found next to Sample / Hold)
    • Chain (Container) device: Now has a Learn Wet Gain function
      • When the L button beside Wet Gain is clicked on, the learn function runs
      • The device then matches the wet signal loudness (by adjusting the Wet Gain) to roughly match the incoming, dry audio level
      • This places the Mix knob in a balanced position for fading between two level-matched signals
      • This will work for any nested audio effect chain, whether you are using normal Bitwig devices, plug-ins, or both
      • The learn function will run for 25 seconds, or shorter if you click the trigger button again to turn it off
    • FX Selector (Container) device: Now has input signal Fade In and Fade Out parameters, for adjusting transitions when switching between layers
      • Fade In is only applied when input signal was occurring; otherwise, the fade is skipped
    • Multi-note (Note FX) device: Now has a Learn Chord function in the Inspector Panel
      • When triggered, the device is programmed with the next played "chord" (of up to eight notes), setting Note and Velocity parameters for each note, and then enabling those note units (and ending Learn) when those notes are released
      • Each note is set relative to the first note played
      • Chance and Velocity Spread parameters are disabled during learning, then are used again when regular functioning resumes
    • Wavetable (Oscillator) Grid/Polymer module: Added two new options:
      • Remove Fundamental suppresses the fundamental from each table
      • Remove DC Offset offsets the signal output so that it centers around zero. This can transform wavetables made for modulation (such as the "LFO and Sequences" category) into interesting audio sources.
      • In The Grid, these functions are available in the module's Inspector Panel
      • In Polymer, the Wavetable oscillator now has a Pop-out Editor for accessing all parameters
    • Controller script added for Intuitive Instruments's Exquis
    • Controller scripts added for iCON's V1-M, P1-M, and P1-Nano
    • Bitwig Studio v5.1 User Guide is now available in ¡Spanish! [PDF here]
    • Bitwig Studio v5.1 User Guide is now available in Korean~^^ [PDF here]
      • Bitwig Studio v5.2 User Guide is now available in English [PDF here]
      • Translations will come in due time
    • Windows: MSI installer has received numerous improvements:
      • Only one version of Bitwig Studio will be installed on your system at a time
      • Beta versions are handled separately, so you can have a release version and a beta version at the same time
      • Once a beta completes and the release version is installed, the beta version will be uninstalled
      • While an MSIX format worked well during the beta, there were numerous issues with third-party software. We will offer only an MSI installer (with the above improvements) for now.
    • Simplified default stretch mode preferences (Dashboard > Settings > Behavior):
      • The Defaults section now includes:
        • Default Stretch Mode (replacing the previous Long and Short samples and file options)
        • Record / bounce stretch mode (was previously On record / bounce)
      • Files still import based on the Audio Preview/Import Mode setting, to either:
        • Play at Original Speed, or
        • Stretch to Project Tempo
      • Now when importing audio, holding the [ALT] key inverts the import mode
      • Now when importing audio, holding the [CTRL] key invert will Insert Audio as Raw
    • Various editing/selection improvements:
      • Timeline views longer skip bar zero in negative beat-time representation (for clips with negative start times)
      • Fixed clip selection after consolidation [35975]
      • Fixed track navigation when some tracks are deactivated [35828]
      • Added mappable function for Play from Left Edge of Current Editor
    • New combination Zoom In Vertically and Zoom Out Vertically functions are now available:
      • These work both in the Arranger Timeline Panel (for tracks/automation lanes) and the Detail Editor Panel (for notes in the piano-style view, or when using layered editing)
      • Default shortcuts are [SHIFT]+[CTRL]+[+] ([SHIFT]+[CMD]+[+] on Mac) to zoom in, and [SHIFT]+[CTRL]+[-] ([SHIFT]+[CMD]+[-] on Mac) to zoom out
    • Zoom In and Zoom Out functions have been renamed Zoom In Horizontally and Zoom Out Horizontally:
      • To cover all horizontal cases, these functions also work to change track widths in the Mixer Panel
      • Default shortcuts are the same as before: [CTRL]+[+] ([CMD]+[+] on Mac) to zoom in, and [CTRL]+[-] ([CMD]+[-] on Mac) to zoom out
    • Menu functions are now grouped into the following submenus:
      • Content Scaling submenu - contains Scale…, Scale 50%, Scale 200%, Scale 50%…, and Scale 200%… (when available)
      • Quantize submenu - contains Quantize, Quantize…, Quantize Audio, and Quantize Audio… (when available)
      • Transpose submenu - contains Transpose a Semitone Up, Transpose a Semitone Down, Transpose an Octave Up, and Transpose an Octave Down (when available)
      • Slice / Fold submenu - contains Slice In Place…, Slice to Drum Machine…, Slice to Sampler…, and Fold to Takes… (when available)
      • Tempo submenu - contains Detect Event Tempo…, Set Event Tempo…, Apply Tempo Curve to Arranger, and Set Project Tempo (when available)
      • Device Defaults submenu - contains Load Default Preset and Save as Default Preset, when a device is selected
      • These submenus are used both in normal window menus and in context menu (on right-click of objects)
    • Direct Arranger tempo automation is no longer delayed by one audio buffer [24175]
    • We no longer restore the last manual parameter value after Launcher clip automation terminates
    • In the Inspector Panel, dragging an audio event's Tempo field now stretches the whole event
      • Typing values into an audio event's Tempo field now applies the value to the whole event, removing existing tempo changes (beat markers)
    • Arpeggiator (Note FX) device: Increased precision when modulated or automated
    • Transfer (Shaper) Filter+/Sweep/Grid module: Now paints the current position with the Curve Editor open in Reflect mode (for example, whenever in unipolar mode for Filter+ or Sweep) [36124]
    • Now supports audio interfaces with more than 256 inputs or outputs [36088]
    • Project file tabs (in the top left of the screen) now have a context menu, including functions to:
      • Show in System File Browser
      • Close Project
    • Note In (I/O) Grid module: Now does better swapping for some modules with logic out ports, as well as all modules with pitch out ports
      • Right-clicking Note In to Replace with now offers the Triggers, Gates, and Probabilities sequencers, for quicker generative patching
    • The transport's realtime display is now grayed out when the program's transport is synchronized to MIDI Clock or Ableton Link (set under Dashboard > Setting > Synchronization)
    • Generic controller now supports polyphonic aftertouch [36336]
    • Controller widget popup knobs & sliders now paint value origins correctly, like other knobs do
    • New algorithm for solving latency-compensation, which should fix the few remaining issues in this space
    • Now validate user-defined library locations (and preset discovery locations) before adding them to the browser
    • VST3: Implemented the IPlugInterfaceSupport interface
    • VST3 plug-ins: Now includes note name support
    • Controller script for Novation Launchpad Pro Mk3: Color indicators were added for remote controls page
    • Controller scripts for SSL UF1, iCON V1-M and iCON P1-M: Beat Display is now easier to read
    • Ableton Link is now disabled on application start
    • Touchscreen: Scrollbars now get less sticky [34872]
    • Expression editing: When points are created with the mouse, they are automatically selected for easy editing
    • Various MIDI Sync (Out) settings (under Dashboard > Settings > Synchronization) didn't always apply the clock changes [35516]
    • Mixer Panel: It is now possible to change the output for a multi-selection of group tracks [36206]
    • Fixed some incorrect trimming of audio event start times, when adjusting clip Start in the Arranger [35625]
    • Pitch expressions greater than 30 semitones no longer break playback when using Stretch HD [36403]
    • Moving a playing clip's Stop marker no longer causes it to play out of sync (if a quantize jump was done before) [29416]
    • Select All now works correctly, on Arranger clips in a project with empty group tracks [36259]
    • When adjusting parameters from a controller, sometimes the value would not always be correctly adjusted [36219]
    • Fixed Audio Quantize function, where Amount in the dialog now has the proper effect [36207]
    • Slice to Drum Machine dialog is now big enough to show all controls, all the time [36275]
    • Notes are no longer created at wrong position in the Track view of the Detail Editor Panel [35897]
    • Gray automation circles no longer remain in the Transport section after deleting tempo or time signature automation [36346]
    • Nudging selected items move thru the timeline more elegantly, keeping them onscreen in a better way [36354]
    • Pop-out Editor window's initial horizontal position now corresponds better to the parent modulator/embedded module (such as with Wavetable oscillator in Polymer; Steps modulator; Saturator module in Filter+/Sweep; etc.) [36021]
    • Fixed bad timing of stepped controls that were modulated [36118]
    • Sampler (Synth) device: Round-robin and velocity-crossfades now work together [35052]
    • Dynamics (Dynamics) and Ring-Mod (Container) devices: fixed sleep timing rules [36108]
    • Tool (Utility) device: No longer creates a short audio burst (under certain circumstances) when being grouped [36117]
    • Instrument Selector, FX Selector, and Note FX Selector (Container) devices: No longer afflict the interface, etc., when chains are renamed with obscenely long names containingnospaces
    • Poly → Mono (Level) Grid module: Now has consistent phase retriggers [36126]
    • Ø Counter (Phase) Grid module: GUI counter element was not working [35961]
    • Converting devices and modules no longer send recordable user input for parameters [36470]
    • WAV decoding: Now force block align to be equal to channel * bytesPerSample, and log badly encoded WAV files [36271]
    • Fixed an audio engine crash in some cases when a sandboxed plug-in crashed [35609]
    • Plug-ins that reported an empty vendor now work when Plug-in Hosting Mode is by Vendor [36262]
    • Plug-ins: Better handling when invalid parameter value changes are reported [36393]
    • Fixed text appearance in Stretch Mode chooser for Japanese localization [32047]
    • ALS import: Tempo information is no longer missing from Live 12 projects [35822]
    • Certain ALS file can now be imported [36139]
    • Certain FLP file now imports (previously gave a "Fine pitch value out of range" error) [36398]
    • Windows: Fixed a crash when the MIDI output buffer was full [34198]
    • Windows: Some VSTs were taking keyboard focus after pressing ALT [36415]
    • macOS: Fixed a potential audio engine crash when scanning device metadata while device is being disconnected [35405]
    • JavaScript Controller Extensions: Now provide line numbers when errors are encountered [35705]
    • Controller script for AKAI APC64: Now works with the latest firmware
    • Controller scripts for MCU, Faderport: Controller-focused tracks now follow selected tracks more correctly [35818]
    • Controller scripts for SSL UF1/UF8: Channel meters now work as expected on sustained sounds
    • Controller script for SSL UF1: Track number is now shown correctly on the two-digit display
    • SSL Native Channel Strip plug-in: Fixed an issue when adding more than 8 FX tracks [35777]
    • Particular preset(s) no longer causes the audio engine to hang [36342]
    • Fixed a crash when arming mixer tracks that have sub-channels [33976]
    • Fixed a possible engine crash when deleting a playing clip [35381]
    • Fixed a crash when touching outside of a device's Interactive Help [34702]
    • Fixed a crash when closing a project [35733]
    • Fixed a crash when undoing grouping of a track, when certain controller scripts were running [36404]
    • Reduced excessive logging in various cases

    • When dragging in audio files, holding [ALT] to Toggle tempo-match behavior preference now always works [36589]
    • Dragging chains from one device to another now always maintains the original chain order [34248]
    • Fixed a rare application crash when bouncing [36586]
    • Fixed an occasional audio engine crash when deleting a track that is recording [35386]
    • Fixed an occasional crash when copying objects in some projects that somehow have automation lanes without an arranger automation timeline [34549]
    • Drum Machine (Drum) device: Fixed a crash when dragging a drum pad with chains that have manual mappings to empty track area [36438]
    • Instrument Selector and FX Selector (Container) devices: Conversion from a layer device now resets Solo and Mute states [36208]
    • Windows: Fixed an audio engine crash/failure to connect to with some projects [36595]
    • Fixed a rare audio engine crash when trying to show plug-in parameter values [36351]
    • Plug-in host crashes no longer crash the audio engine, in some cases [31856, 34508]

    • Don't perform grouped tempo analysis on discovered audio stems when files contain tempo metadata - analyse files individually instead
    • When using the detect tempo dialog on multiple audio files of the same length, perform grouped audio stem analysis if applicable (same as when dropping files)
    • Incorrect behavior of automated parameter when launcher clip stops playback [36583]
    • Beat time ruler was sometimes not showing the initial bar line of time signature changes [36660]
    • Possible fix for rare crash on startup on Windows [36492], [36683]
    • Rare graphics related crash on some macOS computers [36538]
    • Catch takeover mode was not always working correctly for older controller scripts that are not using the hardware API [36602]
    • The enum values reported by the Controller API don't match the names in the enum definition [36670]
    • iCON V1-M, P1-M, P1-Nano: Track colors now work as expected
    • iCON V1-M, P1-M: Switching between FX send groups in track view now works as expected
    • iCON V1-M, P1-M, Mackie Control: Added an option to select the position of the main unit (when using extenders)

    New Features
    • Controller script added for Arturia Keylab mk3
    • When dragging in audio files, holding [ALT] to invert the import mode now works consistently with all audio (a regression in v5.2.2) [36589]

    • Right-clicking in the Arranger now offers tool switching again (a regression) [36553]
    • Cleaned up and improved consistency for selection-based menus
    • Recording a recently recorded Launcher clip to the Arranger no longer produces too many clips [35116]
    • Fixed note expression handling after note off [36749]
    • Fixed a rare crash when dragging or clicking within a time selection [36580]
    • Convolution (Reverb) device: Fixed a rare crash when the End Time is set before the Start Time [36513]
    • Note Sidechain (Envelope) modulator: No longer sleeps while it has an external routing [36694]
    • Curves Grid module: No longer resets smoothing on note input unless the retrigger pre-cord is enabled [36740]
    • Fixed a crash when dragging a Launcher clip track (from a track modulator and a remote control for that modulator) to the empty track area [34851]
    • Fixed a rare application crash when bouncing [36586]
    • Plug-in undo: Fixed a bug after duplicating a plug-in [36783]
    • Plug-in undo: Undo/redo after assigning a preset to a plug-in from the Bitwig browser no longer causes weird behavior [36809]
    • Plug-ins: A "sandboxed" plug-in could sometimes cause the audio engine to crash randomly [36770]
    • Controller script for Launchpad Pro MK3: "Fixed Length" button no longer returns an error (a regression) [36791]
    • MIDI file import: Time signature and tempo changes are no longer ignored [30730]
    • DAWproject: Support enable state for Sends & Clips
    • DAWproject: Support comments for Tracks & Scenes
    • DAWproject: Cue markers defined in seconds now import correctly
    • Linux: Importing M4A or OGG audio files is no longer distorted [36778]
    • Controller extension API: ChainSelector.activeChain() is now correctly updated [36695]

    • When devices are added to a chain via the Pop-up Browser, they are now scrolled into view automatically
    • Fundamental improvements to the tempo detection algorithms
    • Importing audio as Raw is available as a default option:
      • This can be set under Audio Import settings section (under Dashboard > Settings > Behavior), or in the right-side Browser Panel menu
      • For clarity, the import option names have been updated along with descriptions to:
        • Sync to Project - Stretches audio to align with project
        • Original speed [neutral] - Will change speed if project tempo changes
        • Original speed [Raw] - Will never change speed
      • The [ALT] and [CTRL] keys can still be used on audio import to use an alternate mode. Please consult the window footer for key assignments.
      • The Audio Import section layout (Dashboard > Settings > Behavior) has been improved as well
    • Adding a generic MIDI controller has been improved:
      • The first time a MIDI port is found that doesn't have a device-specific controller script, a notification allows you immediately add it with our generic Controller script
      • If multiple ports are found at once, a notification will pop up to take you to the Dashboard > Settings > Controllers page
      • If either notification is dismissed, you will not receive notifications about these specific ports again
      • The track input chooser for note sources now offers an Add MIDI Controller submenu, listing unused ports that will be automatically configured when selected
    • Bitwig's Generic Controller script now supports individual MIDI channel routings
    • Simplify adding generic controller for MIDI input that is not recognized by a script (show notification and allow user to directly add them from the track input chooser)
    • Controller Extension API: Improved documentation
    • CLAP: Support for the draft undo extension
    • Fixed window offset on Intel HD Graphics 4200/4400/4600 cards [36566]
    • Compressor+ (Dynamics) device: More accurate gain-difference metering [36895]
    • Convolution (Reverb) device: Particular impulse response libraries were failing to import, but now they good [36926]
    • MPE: We now send MCM messages with the MSB (before the LSB) [36852]
    • MPE: We now send the pitch bend range for all channels (instead of just for channels 1 and 2) [36852]
    • CLAP: Fixed a thread pool issue (when a plug-in requests more than four parallel executions per block)
    • VST2: vstCanDo("MPE") wasn't automatically enabling MPE (a regression) [36852]

    • Controller script added for Novation Launchkey Mk4 series
    • Fixed window offset on Intel HD Graphics 2500 & 4000 [36566]
    • Right-clicking into an empty track device chain does not give you clipboard actions [36960]
    • Pop-up Browser doesn't offer a clickable filter for Vendor when browsing [36781]
    • Transport freezes due to tempo automation in specific project [36894]
    • Cue marker could not be shown in multi-layered track note editor, unless channel list was visible [37003]
    • Clip automation editor might show invalid initial content after undoing a drawn arranger automation while the clip automation detail editor was not visible [36886]
    • Rare random crash on macOS [36538]
    • Raw audio waveform does not update immediately when undoing tempo changes during playback [37023]
    • Arturia Keylab Mk3: Pad Bank A-D now send correct note data, improved encoder operation, quantization now works on selected clips both in Launcher and Arranger

    • Possible crash when enabling/disabling layered editing in detail editor [37100]
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2024
  10. wuzzle

    wuzzle Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Lesser Galactic Co-ordinates: Earth (0.0.0)

    Three New Drum Families
    • 25 new compact, expressive drum instruments have arrived
    • The devices work well both within their families and beyond
    • This includes Bitwig's first Cymbal devices (there are four), and five new Percussion elements (including a famous cowbell)
    • Output scopes animate the sound result
    • All instruments have Tune, Velocity Sensitivity, an FX chain for nested processing, and a post-level Output control
    • Nearly all devices also have a Decay control
    • Some devices have a Consistent Sound toggle in the Inspector Panel, to retrigger filters and/or oscillators on each note
    • Some devices have a Sound Variation range in the Inspector Panel, to give it more (almost a multisample feel), less, or no (0 %) randomness from note to note
    • All of these devices support relative pitch expressions, so triggered notes can include custom pitch envelopes and bends
      • This is good for notes that are edited with micro-pitch, or triggering notes from MPE-type controllers that support pitch expressions
      • Gain and panning expressions are also fully supported
    New drum instruments: The v8 Family
    • Inspired by the TR-808, these ten instruments cover the core elements and most of the iconic percussion
    • Additional parameters and extended ranges are available, giving room for new sounds and responsiveness
    • New instrument: v8 Kick (Kick), with additional controls for Punch, Shape, Drive, and Click
    • New instrument: v8 Snare (Snare), with additional controls for Tone, Snappy (or noise), Stereo Width, and Click, as well as an Alternate Tuning toggle in the Inspector Panel
    • New instrument: v8 Tom (Tom), with additional controls for Punch and Click, as well as a Noise element added to the drum with Tail and Stereo Width controls
    • New instrument: v8 Hat (Hi-hat), with additional controls for Color, Noise, and Dirt
    • New instrument: v8 Clap (Clap), with additional controls for Flam and Stereo Width
    • New instrument: v8 Cymbal (Cymbal), with additional controls for Color, Noise, and Tilt
    • New instrument: v8 Rimshot (Percussion), with additional controls for Tone, Noise, and Bite
    • New instrument: v8 Cowbell (Percussion), with an additional Color control
    • New instrument: v8 Claves (Percussion), with a Decay control
    • New instrument: v8 Maracas (Percussion), with Attack and Decay controls
    New drum instruments: The v9 Family
    • Inspired by the TR-909, these nine instruments cover all elements of the original hardware
    • Additional parameters and extended ranges are available, giving room for new sounds and responsiveness
    • New instrument: v9 Kick (Kick), with additional controls for Punch, Shape, Buzz, Click, and Compression (to give a suppressed envelope character)
    • New instrument: v9 Snare (Snare), with additional controls for Snappy (or noise), Drive, Tone, and Click
    • New instrument: v9 Tom (Tom), with additional controls for Punch, Shape, Tone, and Snap
    • New instrument: v9 Closed Hat (Hi-hat), with additional controls for Impact, Density, and Stereo Width
    • New instrument: v9 Open Hat (Hi-hat), with additional controls for Impact, Density, and Stereo Width
    • New instrument: v9 Clap (Clap), with additional controls for Flam and Stereo Width
    • New instrument: v9 Crash (Cymbal), with additional controls for Impact, Density, and Stereo Width
    • New instrument: v9 Ride (Cymbal), with additional controls for Impact, Density, and Stereo Width
    • New instrument: v9 Rimshot (Percussion), with a Tone control
    New drum instruments: The v0 Family
    • A group of drum instruments sharing varied digital approaches
    • All manner of techniques are used, including detuned oscillator banks, FM, sets of filters that are sometimes harmonic, and even physical models
    • New instrument: v0 Kick (Kick), with additional controls for Punch, Click, Shape, Body, and Noise, as well as toggle for whether to use Stereo Noise or not
    • New instrument: v0 Snare (Snare), with additional controls for the Noise, Click, and Shell components, as well Shell Ringing, Shell Size, and Shell Spread parameters
    • New instrument: v0 Tom (Tom), with additional controls for Punch, Click, Rumble, Air, Shape, and Stereo Width
    • New instrument: v0 Hat (Hi-hat), with additional detune controls named Carrier Bank Spread and Modulator Bank Spread, as well as a single Oscillator Banks Range (set in semitones), as well as Tone, Phaser Mixer, and Frequency Shift (for the phaser) parameters
    • New instrument: v0 Cymbal (Cymbal), with additional detune controls named Carrier Bank Spread and Modulator Bank Spread, as well as a single Oscillator Banks Range (set in semitones), as well as Tone, Phaser Mixer, and Frequency Shift (for the phaser) parameters
    • New instrument: v0 Zap Kick (Kick), a psy-inspired kick drum, for any sound that wants to swoop
      • Tune setting defines the target pitch… unless the Tuned toggle is disabled, in which case the target pitch is zero Hertz
      • Gated toggle (on by default) makes this a sustaining drum instrument, and accordingly adjust the behavior of the Release / Decay timing parameter
      • Zap Depth (Zap on the faceplate) defines how far the pitch swoops, and Zap Decay sets its timing
      • The gear icon exposes three direct modulation targets, allow you to create your own modulation of the exponential Pitch (when Tuned is on), linear Frequency, and Phase
        • Controlling Pitch Mod with a Segments (Envelope) modulator could let you shape your own zap
        • Freq Mod and Phase Mod can be used as synthesis targets, but the choice(s) are yours
    New device: Stepwise (Note FX)
    • A playful step sequencer device has joined Bitwig's 30+ note processors and containers
    • The first device made to generate notes, Stepwise has eight identical rows with these parameters:
      • A bank of steps, each of which can be off, a normal note, or an accented note
      • The Note (in MIDI notation) being triggered by this row
      • The Rate (note values, or Bar) that each step takes
        • Notes are triggered for half of the step duration
      • The Length of each row, from 1 to 16 steps
      • The Velocity used for this row
        • Normal notes use the row's Velocity value
        • Accented notes use the row's Velocity value plus the global Accent Boost parameter, which is found in the Inspector Panel
      • The Timing Offset (as ±100 %) to position where each step lands
        • So if Rate is set to Bar and Timing Offset is to +75 %, each step would land on beat 4 of the current bar (assuming 4/4)
      • A Use Global Groove option, to follow the transport's groove when it is enabled
      • A Mute option, to silence this current row (unless it is set to Solo)
      • A Solo option, to silence notes from other rows and only hear this row
    • Except for the bank of steps and Solo, all other parameters can be modulated or controlled
    • Functions are also available for each row, which are exposed by clicking the monkey wrench icon in the device headers:
      • Nudge Left (←) wraps the visible steps to the left
      • Nudge Right (→) wraps the visible steps to the right
      • Invert Pattern (Flip) turns all notes off, and turns all rests to notes
      • Randomize Pattern (dice) creates a new pattern for this row
      • By right-clicking on the row's bank of steps, options for Copy Pattern, Paste Pattern, and Clear Pattern are also available
    • A global Use MIDI Channels option (Inspector Panel) uses the row number for each note's MIDI channel, which can be extracted after Stepwise by:
      • Triggering the Channel-16 (Note-driven) modulator
      • In any Grid patch, parsing each lane's stream (via the Note In module)
      • Using the Note FX Layer device to separate the lane outputs into individual chains (for example, see the factory preset "by MIDI Channel")
      • Recording the note output onto another track
    • Using bar 1, beat 1 as its starting point, this device's unique approach to phase will:
      • Only wrap each lane at the end of its length
      • Reproducibly start each lane at the same point when triggered from any particular bar/beat location
    • The device will pass thru any incoming notes, so:
      • You can still trigger clips (or use live controller input) along with a running Stepwise
      • Adding two (or more) Stepwise devices in a row will provide more lanes
    Master Recording for Direct Capture
    • The new Master Recording feature allows you to record and capture your audio in new ways
    • In the new section of the transport, click the small record icon to write whatever is reaching the Master track directly to disk
      • A red timer will appear (where the Transport Time normally is), to show you the elapsed recording time
      • Recording will start, even if you never start Bitwig's transport
      • Recording will continue, even if you stop (or restart, or jump) Bitwig's transport
      • When you click the Master Recording button again, recording will stop
      • The Browser Panel will automatically jump to the master-recordings folder of the current project, in case you want to drag the audio straight into the Arranger/Launcher, or a Sampler (or Convolution) device
      • The new section also shows your master track output meters at all time
    • The provides many new workflows, including:
      • Capturing a full live performance straight to disk
      • Recording performance gestures that include starting and stopping the transport
      • Recording anything that is triggered by transport stop [such as Globals (Interface) modulator effects, or just the way Steps and other sequencers change on start/stop]
      • Capturing audio and then dropping it into a Sampler without ever stopping the transport
      • Directly capturing ideas, without ever hitting play
    Audio System Overhaul on Mac
    • The audio engine has been rewritten on Mac to support switching interfaces quickly
      • A special System configuration will follow the OS's choice of audio output and input devices
      • When the manually selected interface becomes unavailable, you will automatically be switched to a previously used audio interface (if available)
      • When audio interfaces become available, a notification will ask you if you want to switch to it
    • Audio interfaces are now auto-populated within Bitwig Studio, offering routings to all physical inputs and outputs (as well as stereo versions, where sensible)
    • Configuration of each interface allows renaming of ports, favoriting of ports (so they show in top-level choosers), or offering only the mono or stereo version
      • Configuration is only necessary if you want to customize these elements; the ports will be available automatically within Bitwig Studio
      • Configurations are singular for each interface and will be remembered
      • Names you had previously setup will be imported
      • The new way of configuring audio devices is also available on PC for setting up ASIO devices
    • Multi-configurations are now possible from Bitwig Studio, pooling multiple audio interfaces so you can use them simultaneously
    Polyphonic Shifting Modules
    • Two higher-level Grid modules have joined the Delay / FX category
    • Both change the frequency of incoming signals, and they can be used in any Grid patch
    • To start, just drop either module in and turn the big knob to begin shifting
    • Even tho they process any incoming audio signal, both have special key-tracking options, so…
      • Using these in Poly Grid will just work with the incoming note stream
      • Remember that FX Grid has a Note Source option (in the Inspector Panel), for routing note signals in from other tracks
      • Being Grid modules mean they will work as mono or polyphonic components, to match your patch; have fun~
    New Grid module: Freq Shift+ (Delay / FX)
    • An analog-syle frequency shifter, with optional delay network and much more:
      • A central Freq Shift control offers a range of ±100 %, as defined by the current Range and Unit settings found just beneath the knob
        • Unit options include expected kHz and Hz, as well as note-length options for beat-synced shifts, and a special Keytracking mode that connects uses the pitch of any note(s) reaching the Grid device to control the Freq Shift amount directly
        • The Rate In signal is added to the frequency shift amount
        • The Rate In is scaled by its attenuator, based on the current Unit being used. (In the special Keytracking mode, the Rate In signal is attenuated by the normal Freq Shift knob, and the pre-cord for note pitch is used without attenuation.)
      • Feedback is applied directly within the frequency shift function, and an additional Feedback Direction control lets you pick whether feedback cascades upward in frequency (positive values) or downward (negative values)
        • In the Inspector Panel are parameters for the Feedback High-pass Cutoff and Feedback Low-pass Cutoff frequencies, letting your tame or shape the feedback
      • Enable Delay toggle wraps the frequency shift in a delay line (whose Delay Time can be set in time, up to 1 second), good for classic analog effects
      • Several Filter Options are in the Inspector Panel:
        • Filter Quality sets the precision being used for the frequency shift
        • Anti-Reflection Filter will filter out negative frequencies (which can happen when shifting down)
        • Additional All-pass adds an extra all-pass network to the circuit, for extra phase-y goodness
      • The Phase In signal allows phase modulation of the oscillator that is doing the frequency shifting
        • The stereo Phase of this oscillator is available in the Inspector Panel
        • A Phase Offset (R) for the right channel is available both in the bottom right corner of the module and in the Inspector Panel, for some instant stereo
    New Grid module: Pitch Shift (Delay / FX)
    • A pitch transposer, with keytracking, grain control, and various modulation options (including phase modulation of any signal):
      • A central Pitch Shift control offers a range of ±48 semitones (or ±4 octaves)
      • A Keytrack toggle enables a pre-cord adding the pitch of any note(s) reaching the Grid device to the module's pitch buss (as a regular Bitwig pitch signal, where C3 is a "zero" signal)
      • The Pitch In signal is also added to the pitch buss of the module, after being scaled by its attenuator
      • Grain Rate sets the windowing rate for the transposition function
        • If the Grain Rate In port is connected, the Grain Rate parameter is replaced by this incoming signal (as scaled by its Grain Rate Attenuator setting)
        • In either case, the Adaptive Grain Rate toggle adjusts the grain rate relative to the pitch transposition amount, for an often cleaner sound
        • The Inspector Panel's Grain Fade parameter sets the transition time between successive frames (which keeps the module from producing pitch chirps)
      • The Phase / FM In signal allows phase/linear frequency modulation of the oscillator that is doing the pitch shifting
        • Phase modulation will work even when pitch shift is not active (or zero), so this module could be used to phase modulate any signal
        • The Use Linear FM toggle in the Inspector Panel switches the Phase / FM In to perform linear FM, which will only work when pitch shifting is occurring
    New Features
    • Bitwig Studio is now available for Windows ARM
    • New Accents (Data) Grid module: Tri-state event sequencer, with an out port for Normal steps and a separate out port for Accents
    • New Step Access (Phase) Grid module: Transport-relative phase signal generator, for reaching particular step ranges (good for data sequencers)
    • New Dome (Filter) Grid module: a Hilbert transform, providing any signal's real & imaginary portions, as well as its magnitude & phase
    • Note FX Selector (Container) device: Now has a Solo Active Layer option in the Inspector Panel
      • This provides a way to exclusively switch between note generators
      • So if you load multiple Stepwise variations, or Note Grid generators, etc., you can use the Note FX Selector to cleanly switch between all available layers
    • Note In (I/O) Grid module: Now has a MIDI Channel(s) setting, for either allowing in All MIDI channels (the default setting of 0), or specifying one channel for the module to receive
    • CLAP plug-ins: Can now convert to/from instances of the same plug-in as VST2, VST 3, and CLAP (when supported by the manufacturer)
    • Projects and presets now load faster on all computers
      • Bitwig Studio's device/DSP code now compiles in parallel for quicker loading of projects or even preset browsing
      • The result is now cached more efficiently so after presets are loaded the first time, they will load faster thereafter
    • Drum Machine (Drum Kit) device: Now uses better text shortening/abbreviations, to make the slots of the device more readable
    • The original drum instruments (E-) have been renamed the v1 family, as they were the originals:
      • E-Kick (Kick) is now v1 Kick
      • E-Snare (Snare) is now v1 Snare
      • E-Tom (Tom) is now v1 Tom
      • E-Hat (Hi-hat) is now v1 Hat
      • E-Clap (Clap) is now v1 Clap
      • E-Cowbell (Percussion) is now v1 Cowbell
    • Randomize (Note FX) device: Now works consistently when modulated, whether the track is in focus or not [36965]
  11. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
    Likes Received:
    decent update!
  12. Swatch

    Swatch Producer

    Jan 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Does somebody use the
    with sisters site 5.2 ?

    The app crashes when it want to load the bitwig.jar.
    Maybe because of the modified bitwig.jar?

    The cmd also not working with a lot of java errors.
    I installed the normal Java runtimes 8 for windows 11.

    EDIT: Wrong Java Download.... JDK needed:

    Haha now i have Cubase Theme in Bitwig. That´s really awesome.

    With one of the next loans, i will definitly buy the Upgrade plan.
    Bitwig is one of the most interesting DAWs for me now, and hopefully will replace my FL/Cubase Disaster :)
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2024
  13. Swatch

    Swatch Producer

    Jan 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
  14. Swatch

    Swatch Producer

    Jan 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Can someone please tell me, how i can set that i always see the vendor in the Bowser panel?
    In the arrangement and in the mixer i made my own collections: VST and FX
    When i open them they always opens with * Location or *Category

    i really would like to see the vendors also in the browser panel as a standard :)
  15. wuzzle

    wuzzle Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Lesser Galactic Co-ordinates: Earth (0.0.0)
    isn't it just set it however you want the browser to look, right click browser settings > 'use current selections for this context'
  16. Swatch

    Swatch Producer

    Jan 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Thank you very much for the hint :)

    It works :)
    So cool now
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2024
  17. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
    Likes Received:
    this is the must have
  18. wuzzle

    wuzzle Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Lesser Galactic Co-ordinates: Earth (0.0.0)
    New Features
    • New device Freq Shifter+ (Audio FX)
      • A device version of the new Freq Shift+ (Delay/FX) Grid module now exists
      • The device does four-times oversampling for the same smooth or crispy zero-delay affects
      • The module is unique for:
        • Keytrack mode
        • Stereo, signal ports for Phase In and Rate In
        • The option to work polyphonically
    • Stepwise (Note FX): Now has a global Mode parameter adjusting playback:
      • Pulse - (default, and the beta 1 behavior) Each enabled step triggers a note on for the first half of the step, and returns to off for the second half of the step
      • Gate - Each enabled step plays triggers a note on for the full length of step, so two or more steps enabled in a row result in a single, longer note — using the initial trigger velocity
        • Gate mode also visualizes the steps without gaps in between
      • In either mode, control/modulation of the Note, Rate, or Length parameter will trigger the next note only on the appropriate beat
    • Stepwise (Note FX): Now has Global Actions in the Inspector Panel to:
      • Clear All Lanes - Sets every step to off
      • Invert All Lanes - Turns every note into a rest (and every rest back into a note)
      • Randomize All Lanes - Randomizes every step (per lane, roughly ½ rests, ⅜ normal notes, and ⅛ accented notes)
    • Control Surface API is now version 20 (which adds support for the Master Recording feature)
    • Master Recording improvements [37178]:
      • No longer auto-previews a just-recorded file
      • No longer show a notification when a previewed file is deleted (an improvement for all samples, including Master Recordings)
      • Master meters no longer sometimes paint atop notfications [37138]
      • Improved text displays
    • Freq Shift+ (Delay/FX) Grid module: various GUI / help improvements to clarify the various Frequency Shift Unit options and potential uses:
      • Hz & kHz offer regular frequency units for shifting
      • Note values (like bar, Eighth note, Triplet quarter note, etc.) offer time-synced values for rhythmic effects
      • Hold disables the center Shift controls, giving you direct control over the shifting oscillator via the Phase In port and Phase control (in the Inspector Panel)
      • Keytrack uses incoming note pitches (via pre-cord, for all notes reaching the Grid device) to relatively adjust shifting, and the big Frequency Shift Amount knob becomes the only attenuator for the Rate In port
      • Various Bounce workflow options:
        • Bounce dialog now has an optional toggle to execute In-Place [37210]
        • New mappable functions for: [37211]
          • Bounce In Place (Pre Fader) (default mapping: [ALT]+[CTRL]+B, or [ALT]+[CMD]+B on Mac)
          • Bounce In Place (Post Fader) (default mapping: [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[CTRL]+B, or [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[CMD]+B on Mac)
          • Bounce In Place function has been renamed Bounce In Place (Pre FX), which was how it worked already (default mapping: still [CTRL]+B, or [CMD]+B on Mac)
        • When dragging a clip, additional modifiers are now offered (shown in the window footer) for Pre and Post Fader options, when possible
    • New drum devices: No longer produce loud burst when a high-velocity note is followed by a lower velocity
    • v8 Kick & v9 Kick (Kick), v8 Tom & v9 Tom (Tom), v8 Hat (Hi-hat), and v8 Cymbal (Cymbal) devices: Consistent Sound toggle now also applies to noise generators [37224]
    • Audio systems improvements/fixes:
      • Fixed notification on each start (if auto was chosen for sample rate or block size)
      • Mac: Combined Devices now use drift correction (to avoid clicks and other problems) [37161]
      • Windows ASIO: No longer offers too many buffer size choices
      • Windows ASIO: Add back the button to show the ASIO control panel [37135]
      • Windows WASAPI: Is no longer missing from the menu (when ASIO is selected on startup)
      • Windows WASAPI: Fixed automatic switching
      • JACK backend: Fixed engine crashes [37129, 37131]
    • Freq Shift+ (Delay/FX) Grid module: Now uses a longer buffer fade time when delay length changes (to reduce abrupt energy buildups with high feedback levels)
    • Accents (Data) Grid module: Fixed potential bugs when converting from Accents to Gates, or other Data sequencers
    • Arpeggiator (Note FX) device: Automation of Time Rate parameter (for milliseconds, seconds) now results in a smooth, gradual curve [36983]
    • Drum Machine (Drums) device: Latency compensation is now working correctly for instruments on return channels, when receiving audio [37112]
    • Devices no longer suspend / sleep when an earlier device is active [36854]
    • Pre-roll works again when recording audio tracks (a regression) [37222]
    • Fixed a rare crash when activating (or de-activating) Ableton Link [37008]
    • Fixed a possible MIDI clock slave drift, during long sessions [37098]
    • Fixed a bug where grid lines were sometimes disappearing in the Arranger view [36818]
    • Group scene color now updates when changed (instead of after playing contained clips) [18982]

    New Features
    • 24 of the new drum devices now have a Keytracking Mode
      • Beneath each Tune knob is now a keyboard toggle on these devices:
        • v8 Kick, v8 Snare, v8 Hat, v8 Tom, v8 Cymbal, v8 Clap, v8 Rimshot, v8 Cowbell, v8 Claves, and v8 Maracas
        • v9 Kick, v9 Snare, v9 Closed Hat, v9 Open Hat, v9 Tom, v9 Ride, v9 Crash, v9 Clap, and v9 Rimshot
        • v0 Kick, v0 Snare, v0 Hat, v0 Tom, and v0 Cymbal
      • When off, devices behave as before (a good choice for Drum Machine use)
      • When enabled, full-range pitch signal will be used to tune the device (good for instrument track or layer use)
      • Plenty of keytracking ideas, including:
        • Kicks and toms that are pleasantly playable
        • Many devices (such as v8 Claves, v9 Snare, and even rimshots) can now be simple, decaying synths
        • Noisier devices (such as cymbals and hats) offer more variation and special-effect flavor
      • The Tune (to detune the device) works in both modes, and various device parameters (e.g., Tone, Offset, etc.) may also change the apparent pitch
    • Other Tune interface improvements
      • These 24 drum devices now have a numeric control beneath the Tune knob
        • Dragging the left side of the decimal allows you to move up and down by semitone (one half-step at a time)
      • When Keytracking Mode is off, clearly tuned instruments visualize their current device pitch just above the knob, using our standard flat/sharp indicator. These devices include:
        • v8 Kick, v8 Tom, v8 Rimshot, v8 Cowbell, and v8 Claves
        • v9 Kick, v9 Tom, and v9 Rimshot
        • v0 Kick and v0 Tom
    • Audio system improvements:
      • Streamlined hardware notifications:
        • Unnecessary notifications are no longer shown
        • This includes switching audio interfaces when it is possible to continue running (with a compatible sample rate and buffer size)
      • macOS: audio settings now allow choosing aggregate devices (created in Audio MIDI Setup)
    • Ø Counter (Phase) Grid module: Now has a better visualization of the reset status (changing the yellow Reset In trigger icon to red when the next Step In will go to step zero)
    • macOS: Audio hardware is no longer configured with incorrect sample rates in some cases
    • Audio imported as Original Speed [Raw] audio now received the same (inactive) beat markers as the Original Speed [Neutral] import option, instead of analyzed beat markers (a regression) [37315]
    • Consolidate function on a Launcher clip now preserves its Enable Next Action setting
    • v9 Snare (Snare), v9 Open Hat & v9 Closed Hat (Hi-hat), v9 Ride & v9 Crash (Cymbal) devices: Now support relative micro-pitch bend, so you can start a note and then use micro-pitch expressions to bend it
      • This was working already with the 20 other v8, v9, and v0 drum devices
    • Note Receiver (Routing) and devices with Note FX layers: Were staying muting in a particular project until unfolded / selected (a regression) [37264]
    • Note Counter (Note-driven) modulator: No longer displays weird values on mono devices [37318]
    • Launcher clips on group tracks now visualize their selection [37312]
    • PC: Was not able to activate audio engine with WASAPI driver in Exclusive mode (a regression) [37282]
    • macOS: Fixed rare graphics crashes [37165, 36606, 32948]
    New Features
    • Controller script added for Reloop Keypad Pro
    • Master Recording: No longer automatically changes focus in the Browser Panel (such as when a recording is finished)
    • Note FX Selector, Instrument Selector, and FX Selector (Container) devices: All note-triggered modes now switch to the new target layer before sending their note
    • Clicking on a plus button while the Pop-up Browser is already open now cancels the browsing session
    • Audio systems improvements/fixes:
      • Windows ASIO: General fixes, to determine sample rates and appropriate block sizes more reliably
      • macOS: Combined audio devices now compensate sub-devices correctly, avoiding crackles and distorted audio after running for a while
      • Fixes for various audio system errors, etc.
    • Note FX Selector (Container) device: Now works properly in Keyswitches mode, etc., when Solo Active Layer is on [37400]
    • Generic Controller properly supports CC encoding modes now
    • Plug-ins: Hosting Mode setting is now respected, instead of always sandboxing (a regression) [37398]
    • Audio systems improvements:
      • At application startup, Bitwig prefers the most recently user-selected audio device, if currently available
      • When an audio interface is discovered while the program is open, the notification now has an option to Don't Show Again for that particular device
    • Audio systems fixes:
      • Windows ASIO: Sound should now work with various interfaces (e.g. various MOTUs, M-Audio ProFire) [37169]
      • Windows ASIO: Virtual drivers (like ASIO4All) are scanned differently, to avoid them breaking other audio drivers
      • Windows ASIO: Individual drivers can now be disabled/ignored (via context menu in the preferences)
      • Linux JACK: Now makes correct port connections when using JACK directly (instead of thru PipeWire emulation)
    • Browser Panel: Autoplay functionality works again in the File Browser tab [37421]
    • Note FX Selector, Instrument Selector, and FX Selector (Container) devices: No longer enter an infinite loop in the audio engine [37423]
    • Presets were sometimes sounding incorrectly on initial load [37328]

    New Features
    • macOS Audio: Now offered an output-only System Out configuration, to follow the OS audio output only
      • Previous System configuration is now called System In + Out
    • GUI improvements to Note FX Selector, Instrument Selector, and FX Selector (Container) devices:
      • Now have a Show Active Layer option (the chain link icon), to automatically display the current layer
      • Visible devices are now processed, even if the chain isn't active [37442]
    • Audio systems improvements:
      • Linux: PipeWire and JACK can now directly select inputs/outputs from running applications from any I/O chooser (such as on a track)
      • Linux PipeWire: Now offers a virtual System device (as on WASAPI and macOS)
      • Linux PipeWire: Better detection of devices
    • CLAP: Updated to v1.2.3 (implementing the scratch memory extension)
    • Audio systems fixes:
      • Creating a new Combined Audio Device no longer crashes (when current combined device lacked a master clock device) [37443]
      • Windows ASIO: Drivers that locked up when scanning them could prevent other ASIO drivers being used
      • Fixed an occasional crash on audio configuration changes [37342]
    • Audio systems regressions fixed:
      • Solo as Cue option in Output Monitoring Panel (or from context menu when clicking on a mixer solo button) works again (a regression) [37484]
      • Mono button in Output Monitoring Panel works again [37471]
      • Recording offset for audio devices (Dashboard > Settings > Audio) works again [37486]
      • Block size can be entered by typing again [37498]
    • Fixes for all drum instruments:
      • Incorrect gain expression was being created for monophonic devices [37472]
      • As gain expressions are now properly read by all drum instruments, curves added before will have an accurate and much greater dynamic range now — potentially much quieter and much louder
      • This includes the v1 family, so previously draw gain expressions will now have a much greater effect
    • v9 Open Hat & v9 Closed Hat (Hi-hat), v9 Ride & v9 Crash (Cymbal) devices: Fixed an issue during initialization that led to dropouts in the audio engine [37479]
    • Dome (Filter) Grid module: was not properly reset in certain situations [37477]
    • Fixes/improvements to Key Filter (Note FX) device:
      • Mode shift / Pitch Offset parameter now works correctly for negative values [37378]
      • Help description is now correct, explaining how this parameter moves in-key and corrected notes by steps within the current scale
      • Older Keep option (for the Foreign Notes mode parameter) has been added back, preserving incoming accidentals — and not applying any Mode shift to them. So Foreign Notes options are now:
        • Filter - Simply ignores notes that are out of key
        • Keep - Uses accidentals as-is (with no Mode shift applied to them)
        • Constrain - Corrects accidentals to in-key values
    • macOS: Fixed a rare crash when tooltip gets closed before it was shown [37251]
    • Audio systems improvements:
      • Each configuration remembers its own speaker and headphone selections now (from the Output Monitoring Panel)
      • It is now possible to enable multiple speakers by [SHIFT]-clicking an additional pair in the Output Monitoring Panel
        • The default behavior for switching speakers is exclusive, as before
      • JACK audio backend: Choosers for routing to/from applications are now organized more nicely
    • To allow plug-ins to show gain reduction in any mixer view:
      • CLAP plug-ins: implemented gain adjustment metering extension
      • VST3 plug-ins: implemented Presonus's gain reduction info extension
    • Audio systems fixes:
      • Windows WASAPI and Linux ALSA: Sometimes did not record / output audio when changing inputs or outputs in the choosers
      • Windows WASAPI: Fixed a rare crash [37413]
      • Audio engine handles errors better, no longer getting stuck sometimes when switching projects and configurations
      • Solo as Cue was only working after re-enabling it (a regression) [37525]
      • Cue out was only sending audio when the port was an active monitor (a regression) [37554]
      • It is now possible to select a different Cue Output for a Combined Audio Device [37534]
      • Paths set as Speakers are exclusive for Combined Audio Devices [37530]
    New Features
    • New CV Pitch In (I/O) Grid module: Specialized input module, with DC and AC modes, as well as Octave Range, Root Key, and Smoothing parameters
    • HW CV Instrument (Hardware) device polish:
      • GUI overhaul, leaving the device leaner and more readable
      • The Tuning mode options are now called:
        • Trained - For self-tuning via the Pitch CV Out and Audio Return
        • Manual - Exposes Octave Range and Root Key parameters
      • Pitch Offset and Octave Range parameters can now have their whole number adjusted directly by dragging the numeric on the left side of the decimal
      • Various GUI adjustments also came to HW Instrument, HW FX, HW Clock Out, and HW CV Out (Hardware) devices
    • CV Pitch In and CV Pitch Out (I/O) Grid modules: Both have scopes on their faceplates, showing active signal along with any range processing
    • CLAP plug-ins: implement plug-in location extension (letting a plug-in know about where it is located within the project)
    • Audio system fix: After changes are made, the program now checks to make sure at least one set of Speakers is enabled
    • Export Audio… function no longer gets stuck (when bouncing multiple tracks with different latencies, etc.) [37598]
    • HW CV Out (Hardware) device: Now forwards incoming audio signal thru to the device output
      • This does not affect the CV send function
      • Projects or user presets saved previously will function as they did previously, with an Upgrade button to switch to the new behavior
    • The [→] key once again previews the selection in the File Browser from the Browser Panel (a regression) [37480]
    • Slice to Multisample window draws correct again with any settings (a regression) [37434]
    • Moving the loop bracket to the left via keyboard no longer stops working [37212]
    • Fixed a rare crash when loading a device for the first time [37369]
    • macOS 15: Worked around an Apple bug, where selection may jump when using modifiers during mouse interaction [37580]
    • CLAP: Fixed a sidechain issue with u-he Presswerk [37497]
    New Features
    • Controller script added for Novation's SL MkIII (including a native step sequencer)
    • For any selected audio device (under Dashboard > Settings > Audio), you can now right-click on their Stereo and Mono entries for various settings:
      • Favorite, to make the buss appear top-level in program choosers
      • Hide buss, to not show the particular path in program choosers
      • And for stereo outputs, you can define the buss's role:
        • Output, the generic option for routing only
        • Speakers, to show as an exclusive speaker option in the Output Monitoring Panel
        • Headphones, to show as a headphone option in the Output Monitoring Panel
      • These choices are still available as icons on hover for non-touch users
    • Audio systems fixes:
      • Windows ASIO: Devices that preferred an unsupported block size no longer crash the application [37447]
      • Windows ASIO: Better handling of requested and available sample rates
      • JACK backend: Selected application inputs and outputs have their name shown (even when there is only one application available)
      • Audio devices may not have been closed when quitting the program
    • Fix app crash when a project contained an empty group track [37618]
    • Fixed a rare crash when saving files [35852]
    • Fix random engine crashes [37254, 37615]
    • Plug-ins: We now initialize the loop info in seconds as well
    • CLAP plug-ins: Fixed a crash when scanning preset discovery providers
    • Novation Launchkey MK4 extension: Recorded notes are no longer doubled
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2025
  19. wuzzle

    wuzzle Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Lesser Galactic Co-ordinates: Earth (0.0.0)
    Bitwig 5.3 Final released!
    Three New Drum Families
    • 25 new compact, expressive drum instruments have arrived
    • The devices work well both within their families and beyond
    • This includes Bitwig's first Cymbal devices (there are four), and five new Percussion elements (including a famous cowbell)
    • Output scopes animate the sound result
    • All of these devices have a Tune control (generally ±1 octave)
      • In their default mode, pitch is controlled by the device's central pitch, plus the Tune value, plus any relative pitch expressions (so triggered or drawn notes can include custom pitch envelopes and bends)
        • This works well for notes that are edited with micro-pitch curves, or triggering notes from MPE-type controllers that support pitch expressions
        • Clearly tuned instruments will also visualize their current device pitch just above the Tune knob
      • When Keytracking Mode is enabled, full-range pitch signal will be used to tune the device (including the current Tune parameter value)
        • This works well on tracks or layers where keyboard signal makes it to the device, and can be useful for various cases, including:
          • Kicks and toms that are pleasantly playable
          • Many devices can now be simple, decaying synths
          • Noisier devices (such as cymbals and hats) offer more variation and special-effect flavor
    • Gain and panning expressions are also fully supported
    • All instruments have Velocity Sensitivity, an FX chain for nested processing, and a post-level Output control
    • Nearly all devices also have a Decay control
    • Some devices have a Consistent Sound toggle in the Inspector Panel, to create reproducible sound (via filters, oscillators, and/or noise generators) on each note
    • Some devices have a Sound Variation range in the Inspector Panel, to give it more (almost a multisample feel), less, or no (0 %) randomness from note to note
    New drum instruments: The v8 Family
    • Inspired by the TR-808, these ten instruments cover the core elements and most of the iconic percussion
    • Additional parameters and extended ranges are available, giving room for new sounds and responsiveness
    • New instrument: v8 Kick (Kick), with additional controls for Punch, Shape, Drive, and Click
    • New instrument: v8 Snare (Snare), with additional controls for Tone, Snappy (or noise), Stereo Width, and Click, as well as an Alternate Tuning toggle in the Inspector Panel
    • New instrument: v8 Tom (Tom), with additional controls for Punch and Click, as well as a Noise element added to the drum with Tail and Stereo Width controls
    • New instrument: v8 Hat (Hi-hat), with additional controls for Color, Noise, and Dirt
    • New instrument: v8 Clap (Clap), with additional controls for Flam and Stereo Width
    • New instrument: v8 Cymbal (Cymbal), with additional controls for Color, Noise, and Tilt
    • New instrument: v8 Rimshot (Percussion), with additional controls for Tone, Noise, and Bite
    • New instrument: v8 Cowbell (Percussion), with an additional Color control
    • New instrument: v8 Claves (Percussion), with a Decay control
    • New instrument: v8 Maracas (Percussion), with Attack and Decay controls
    New drum instruments: The v9 Family
    • Inspired by the TR-909, these nine instruments cover all elements of the original hardware
    • Additional parameters and extended ranges are available, giving room for new sounds and responsiveness
    • New instrument: v9 Kick (Kick), with additional controls for Punch, Shape, Buzz, Click, and Compression (to give a suppressed envelope character)
    • New instrument: v9 Snare (Snare), with additional controls for Snappy (or noise), Drive, Tone, and Click
    • New instrument: v9 Tom (Tom), with additional controls for Punch, Shape, Tone, and Snap
    • New instrument: v9 Closed Hat (Hi-hat), with additional controls for Impact, Density, and Stereo Width
    • New instrument: v9 Open Hat (Hi-hat), with additional controls for Impact, Density, and Stereo Width
    • New instrument: v9 Clap (Clap), with additional controls for Flam and Stereo Width
    • New instrument: v9 Crash (Cymbal), with additional controls for Impact, Density, and Stereo Width
    • New instrument: v9 Ride (Cymbal), with additional controls for Impact, Density, and Stereo Width
    • New instrument: v9 Rimshot (Percussion), with a Tone control
    New drum instruments: The v0 Family
    • A group of drum instruments sharing varied digital approaches
    • All manner of techniques are used, including detuned oscillator banks, FM, sets of filters that are sometimes harmonic, and even physical models
    • New instrument: v0 Kick (Kick), with additional controls for Punch, Click, Shape, Body, and Noise, as well as a toggle for whether to use Stereo Noise or not
    • New instrument: v0 Snare (Snare), with additional controls for the Noise, Click, and Shell Level components, as well as Shell Ringing, Shell Size, and Shell Spread parameters
    • New instrument: v0 Tom (Tom), with additional controls for Punch, Click, Rumble, Air, Shape, and Stereo Width
    • New instrument: v0 Hat (Hi-hat), with additional detune controls named Carrier Bank Spread and Modulator Bank Spread, as well as a single Oscillator Banks Range (set in semitones), as well as Tone, Phaser Mixer, and Frequency Shift (for the phaser) parameters
    • New instrument: v0 Cymbal (Cymbal), with additional detune controls named Carrier Bank Spread and Modulator Bank Spread, as well as a single Oscillator Banks Range (set in semitones), as well as Tone, Phaser Mixer, and Frequency Shift (for the phaser) parameters
    • New instrument: v0 Zap Kick (Kick), a psy-inspired kick drum, for any sound that wants to swoop
      • Tune setting defines the target pitch… unless the Tuned toggle is disabled, in which case the target pitch is zero Hertz
      • Gated toggle (on by default) makes this a sustaining drum instrument, and accordingly adjust the behavior of the Release / Decay timing parameter
      • Zap Depth (Zap on the faceplate) defines how far the pitch swoops, and Zap Decay sets its timing
      • The gear icon exposes three direct modulation targets, allowing you to create your own modulation of the exponential Pitch (when Tuned is on), linear Frequency, and Phase
        • Controlling Pitch Mod with a Segments (Envelope) modulator could let you shape your own zap
        • Freq Mod and Phase Mod can be used as synthesis targets, but the choice(s) are yours
    New device: Stepwise (Note FX)
    • A playful step sequencer device has joined Bitwig's 30+ note processors and containers
    • The first device made to generate notes, Stepwise has eight identical rows with these parameters:
      • A bank of steps, each of which can be off, a normal note, or an accented note
      • The Note (in MIDI notation) being triggered by this row
      • The Rate (note values, or Bar) that each step takes
        • Notes are triggered for half of the step duration
      • The Length of each row, from 1 to 16 steps
      • The Velocity used for this row
        • Normal notes use the row's Velocity value
        • Accented notes use the row's Velocity value plus the global Accent Boost parameter, which is found in the Inspector Panel
      • The Timing Offset (as ±100 %) to position where each step lands
        • So if Rate is set to Bar and Timing Offset is to +75 %, each step would land on beat 4 of the current bar (assuming 4/4)
      • A Use Global Groove option, to follow the transport's groove when it is enabled
      • A Mute option, to silence this current row (unless it is set to Solo)
      • A Solo option, to silence notes from other rows and only hear this row
    • Except for the bank of steps and Solo, all other parameters can be modulated or controlled
    • A global Mode parameter (in the Inspector Panel) controls playback of all lanes:
      • Pulse - Each enabled step triggers a note on for the first half of the step, and returns to off for the second half of the step
      • Gate - Each enabled step triggers a note on for the full length of the step, so two or more steps enabled in a row result in a single, longer note — using the initial trigger velocity
        • Gate mode also visualizes the steps without gaps in between
      • In either mode, control/modulation of the Note, Rate, or Length parameter will trigger the next note only on the appropriate beat
    • Global Actions are available in the Inspector Panel for all lanes:
      • Clear All Lanes - Sets every step to off
      • Invert All Lanes - Turns every note into a rest (and every rest back into a note)
      • Randomize All Lanes - Randomizes every step (per lane, roughly ½ rests, ⅜ normal notes, and ⅛ accented notes)
    • Functions are also available for each row, which are exposed by clicking the monkey wrench icon in the device headers:
      • Nudge Left (←) wraps the visible steps to the left
      • Nudge Right (→) wraps the visible steps to the right
      • Invert Pattern (Flip) turns all notes off, and turns all rests to notes
      • Randomize Pattern (dice) creates a new pattern for this row
      • By right-clicking on the row's bank of steps, options for Copy Steps, Paste Steps, and Clear Steps are also available
    • A global Use MIDI Channels option (in the Inspector Panel) uses the row number for each note's MIDI channel, which can be extracted after Stepwise by:
      • Triggering the Channel-16 (Note-driven) modulator on a following instrument or device
      • In any Grid patch, parsing each lane's stream (via the Note In module)
      • Using the Note FX Layer device to separate the lane outputs into individual chains (for example, see the factory preset "by MIDI Channel")
      • Recording the note output onto another track
    • Using bar 1, beat 1 as its starting point, this device's unique approach to phase will:
      • Only wrap each lane at the end of its length
      • Reproducibly start each lane at the same point when triggered from any particular bar/beat location
    • The device will pass thru any incoming notes, so:
      • You can still trigger clips (or use live controller input) along with a running Stepwise
      • Adding two (or more) Stepwise devices in a row will provide more lanes
    Master Recording for Direct Capture
    • The new Master Recording feature allows you to record and capture your audio in new ways
    • A new section at the right side of the transport display includes:
      • Master level is shown by audio meters, now always visible at the top of the screen
      • Master Recording toggle is shown as circular record button, for starting/stopping a Master Recording
      • Show Master Recordings is a folder icon, which is bright (and clickable) when your project has made Master Recordings
    • Click the small Master Recording toggle to write whatever is reaching the Master track directly to disk:
      • A red timer will appear (where the Transport Time normally is), to show you the elapsed recording time
      • Recording will start, even if you never start Bitwig's transport
      • Recording will continue, even if you stop (or restart, or jump) Bitwig's transport
      • When you click the Master Recording button again, recording will stop
      • If you click the folder icon (beneath the The Browser Panel will automatically jump to the master-recordings folder of the current project, in case you want to drag the audio straight into the Arranger/Launcher, or a Sampler (or Convolution) device
      • The new section also shows your master track output meters at all time
    • This provides many new workflows, including:
      • Capturing a full live performance straight to disk
      • Recording performance gestures that include starting, moving, and stopping the transport
      • Recording anything that is triggered by transport stop [such as Globals (Interface) modulator effects, or just the way Steps and other sequencers & LFOs change on start/stop]
      • Capturing audio and then dropping it into a Sampler (or Convolution effect) without ever stopping the transport
      • Directly capturing ideas, without ever hitting play
    Three New Ways to Audio Shift
    • Two higher-level Grid modules (Freq Shift+ and Pitch Shift) have joined the Delay / FX category
    • And one has a device version, Freq Shifter+ (Audio FX), that can go directly on any track
    • Each changes the frequency of incoming signals, either in a linear (Frequency-oriented) fashion, or musically (by Pitch)
    • To start, run audio thru any of them and turn the big knob to begin shifting
    • Even tho they process any incoming audio signal, both Grid modules have special key-tracking options, so…
      • Using these in Poly Grid will just work with the incoming note stream
      • Remember that FX Grid has a Note Source option (in the Inspector Panel), for routing note signals in from other tracks
      • Being Grid modules means they will work as mono or polyphonic components, to match your patch; have fun~
    New Grid module: Freq Shift+ (Delay / FX)
    • An analog-style frequency shifter module, with optional delay network and much more:
      • A central Frequency Shift Amount control offers a range of ±100 %, as defined by the current Range and Unit settings found just beneath the knob
        • Various options and potential uses for Unit include:
          • Hz & kHz offer regular frequency units for shifting
          • Note values (like bar, Eighth note, Triplet quarter note, etc.) offer time-synced values for rhythmic effects
          • Hold disables the center Shift controls, giving you direct control over the shifting oscillator via the Phase In port and Phase control (in the Inspector Panel)
          • Keytrack uses incoming note pitches (via pre-cord, for all notes reaching the Grid device) to relatively adjust shifting, and the big Frequency Shift Amount knob becomes the only attenuator for the Rate In port
        • The Rate In signal is scaled by its attenuator (based on the current Unit in use), and then added to the frequency shift amount
          • In the special Keytrack mode, the Rate In signal is attenuated by the normal Frequency Shift Amount knob, and the pre-cord for note pitch is used without attenuation
      • Feedback is applied directly within the frequency shift function
        • In the Inspector Panel are parameters for the Feedback Low-Cut Frequency and Feedback High-Cut Frequency, letting you tame or shape the feedback
        • An additional Feedback Direction control lets you pick whether feedback cascades upward in frequency (positive values) or downward (negative values)
      • Enable Delay toggle wraps the frequency shift in a delay line (whose Delay Time can be set in time, up to 1 second), good for classic analog effects
      • Several Filter Options are in the Inspector Panel:
        • Filter Quality sets the precision being used for the frequency shift
        • Anti-Reflection Filter will filter out negative frequencies (which can happen when shifting down)
        • Additional All-pass adds an extra all-pass network to the circuit, for extra phase-y goodness
      • The stereo Phase In signal (as scaled by its Phase Modulation Amount attenuator) allows phase modulation of the oscillator that is doing the frequency shifting. Additionally:
        • The Phase of this oscillator is available via parameter in the Inspector Panel
        • A Phase Offset (R) for the right channel is available both in the bottom right corner of the module and in the Inspector Panel, for some instant stereo
    New device: Freq Shifter+ (Audio FX)
    • An analog-style frequency shifter device, with optional delay network and much more:
      • A central Frequency Shift Amount control offers a range of ±100 %, as defined by the current Range and Unit settings found just beneath the knob
        • Various options and potential uses for Unit include:
          • Hz & kHz offer regular frequency units for shifting
          • Note values (like bar, Eighth note, Triplet quarter note, etc.) offer time-synced values for rhythmic effects
          • Hold disables the center Shift controls, giving you direct control over the shifting oscillator via the Phase control (also in the Inspector Panel)
      • The Enable Delay toggle — [D] — wraps the frequency shift in a delay line (whose Delay Time can be set in time, up to 1 second), good for classic analog effects
      • Feedback is applied directly within the frequency shift function:
        • In the Cuts section are Feedback Low-Cut Frequency and Feedback High-Cut Frequency, letting you tame or shape the feedback
        • An additional Feedback Direction control lets you pick whether feedback cascades upward in frequency (positive values) or downward (negative values)
        • Beneath the Feedback Direction control is an Anti-Reflection Filter toggle, which filters out negative frequencies (this can happen when shifting down)
      • The left edge of the devices offers two parameters:
        • Filter Quality sets the precision being used for the frequency shift, ranging from 6 poles ("Rough") to 24 poles ("Excellent")
        • The Additional All-pass toggle adds an extra all-pass network to the circuit, for extra phase-y goodness
      • The phase of the shifting oscillator can also be controlled by two parameters in the Inspector Panel:
        • The Phase of this oscillator is available in the Inspector Panel (and is presented as the center knob when the Frequency Shift Unit is set to the special Hold mode)
        • A Phase Offset (R) for the right channel is available both in the Inspector Panel and on the right side of the device (labeled Width), offering instant stereo
    New Grid module: Pitch Shift (Delay / FX)
    • A pitch transposer, with keytracking, grain control, and various modulation options (including phase modulation of any signal):
      • A central Pitch Shift control offers a range of ±48 semitones (or ±4 octaves)
      • A Keytrack toggle enables a pre-cord adding the pitch of any note(s) reaching the Grid device to the module's pitch buss (as a regular Bitwig pitch signal, where C3 is a "zero" signal)
      • The Pitch In signal is also added to the pitch buss of the module, after being scaled by its attenuator
      • Grain Rate sets the windowing rate for the transposition function
        • If the Grain Rate In port is connected, the Grain Rate parameter is replaced by this incoming signal (as scaled by its Grain Rate Attenuator setting)
        • In either case, the Adaptive Grain Rate toggle adjusts the grain rate relative to the pitch transposition amount, for an often cleaner sound
        • The Grain Fade parameter (in the Inspector Panel) sets the transition time between successive frames, which keeps the module from producing pitch chirps
      • The Phase / FM In signal allows phase/linear frequency modulation of the oscillator that is doing the pitch shifting
        • Phase modulation will work even when pitch shift is not active (or zero), so this module could be used to phase modulate any signal
        • The Use Linear FM toggle (in the Inspector Panel) switches the Phase / FM In to perform linear FM, which will only work when pitch shifting is occurring
    Audio System Overhaul
    • The audio engine has been rewritten on Mac to support switching interfaces quickly
      • A special System Out configuration will follow the OS's choice of audio output (and a System In + Out configuration will follow the audio output and input devices)
      • When the manually selected interface becomes unavailable, you will automatically be switched to a previously selected audio interface (if available)
      • When audio interfaces become available, a notification will ask you if you want to switch to it
    • Audio interfaces are now auto-populated within Bitwig Studio, offering routings to all physical inputs and outputs (as well as stereo versions, where sensible)
    • When an audio interface is found, a notification is offered to switch to that device directly
    • Configuration of each interface allows renaming of ports, favoriting of ports (so they show in top-level choosers), hiding unwanted ports from choosers
      • Stereo output busses can also be designated as Speakers, Headphones, or generic Output, as before
      • All of these options are available as icons on hover, or via right-click in the device configuration (under Dashboard > Settings > Audio)
      • Configuration is only necessary if you want to customize these elements; the ports will be available automatically within Bitwig Studio
      • Configurations are singular for each interface and will be remembered
      • Names you had previously setup will be imported
      • The new way of configuring audio devices is also available on PC for setting up ASIO devices
    • On macOS & Linux, you can now create a Combined Audio Device within Bitwig, letting you pool multiple audio interfaces and use them simultaneously
    • It is now possible to enable multiple speakers by [SHIFT]-clicking an additional pair in the Output Monitoring Panel
      • The default behavior for switching speakers is exclusive, as before
    New Features
    • Bitwig Studio is now available for Windows ARM
    • The English User Guide has been updated:
      • Version 5.3 PDF manual is here
      • Version 5.3 online manual is here
      • For the manual's "Device Descriptions" (chapter 19), many "thesaurus" notes have been added for devices / modulators / modules that have similar counterparts of another type. Such as:
        • CV Pitch Out module ↔︎ HW CV Instrument device
        • Multiband FX-3 device ↔︎ Crossover-3 module
        • Globals modulator ↔︎ Transport Playing module
        • Humanize device ↔︎ Chance Operator
        • Etc. etc.
      • Translations will follow
    • New Accents (Data) Grid module: Tri-state event sequencer, with an out port for Normal steps and a separate out port for Accent
    • New Step Access (Phase) Grid module: Transport-relative phase signal generator, for reaching particular step ranges (good for data sequencers)
    • New Dome (Filter) Grid module: a Hilbert transform, providing any signal's real & imaginary portions, as well as its magnitude & phase
    • New CV Pitch In (I/O) Grid module: Specialized input module, with DC and AC modes, as well as Octave Range, Root Key, and Smoothing parameters
    • Note FX Selector (Container) device: Now has a Solo Active Layer option in the Inspector Panel
      • This provides a way to exclusively switch between note generators
      • So if you load multiple Stepwise variations, or Note Grid generators, etc., you can use the Note FX Selector to cleanly switch between all available layers
    • Note In (I/O) Grid module: Now has a MIDI Channel(s) setting, for either allowing in All MIDI channels (the default setting of 0), or specifying one channel for the module to receive
    • CLAP plug-ins:
      • Has been updated to v1.2.5
      • Implemented the gain adjustment metering extension (to show gain reduction in any mixer view)
      • Implemented the scratch memory extension
      • Implemented the plug-in location extension (letting a plug-in know about where it is located within the project)
    • Controller script added for Novation's SL MkIII (including a native step sequencer)
    • Controller script added for Reloop Keypad Pro
    • Projects and presets now load faster on all computers
      • Bitwig Studio's device/DSP code now compiles in parallel for quicker loading of projects or even preset browsing
      • The result is now cached more efficiently so after presets are loaded the first time, they will load faster thereafter
    • Note FX Selector, Instrument Selector, and FX Selector (Container) device improvements:
      • All note-triggered modes now switch to the new target layer before sending their note
      • Now have a Show Active Layer option (the chain link icon), to automatically display the current layer
      • Visible devices are now processed, even if the chain isn't active [37442]
    • HW CV Instrument (Hardware) device polish:
      • GUI overhaul, leaving the device leaner and more readable
      • The Tuning Mode options are now called:
        • Trained - For self-tuning via the Pitch CV Out and Audio Return
        • Manual - Exposes Octave Range and Root Key parameters
      • Pitch Offset and Octave Range parameters can now have their whole number adjusted directly by dragging the numeric on the left side of the decimal
      • Various GUI adjustments also came to HW Instrument, HW FX, HW Clock Out, and HW CV Out (Hardware) devices
    • CV Pitch In and CV Pitch Out (I/O) Grid modules: Both have scopes on their faceplates, showing active signal along with any range processing
    • Drum Machine (Drum Kit) device: Now uses better text shortening/abbreviations, to make the slots of the device more readable
    • Accents and Gates (Data) Grid modules: When in the Gate mode, the steps are visualized without gaps in between
    • Ø Counter (Phase) Grid module: Now has a better visualization of the reset status (changing the yellow Reset In trigger icon to red when the next Step In will go to step zero)
    • Various Bounce workflow options:
      • Bounce dialog now has an optional toggle to execute In-Place [37210]
      • New mappable functions for: [37211]
        • Bounce In Place (Pre-Fader) (default mapping: [ALT]+[CTRL]+B, or [ALT]+[CMD]+B on Mac)
        • Bounce In Place (Post-Fader) (default mapping: [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[CTRL]+B, or [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[CMD]+B on Mac)
        • Bounce In Place function has been renamed Bounce In Place (Pre-FX), which was how it worked already (default mapping: still [CTRL]+B, or [CMD]+B on Mac)
      • When dragging a clip, additional modifiers are now offered (shown in the window footer) for Pre- and Post-Fader options, when possible
    • Control Surface API is now version 20 (which adds support for the Master Recording feature)
    • Clicking on a plus button while the Pop-up Browser is already open now cancels the browsing session
    • The original drum instruments (E-) have been renamed the v1 family, as they were the originals:
      • E-Kick (Kick) is now v1 Kick
      • E-Snare (Snare) is now v1 Snare
      • E-Tom (Tom) is now v1 Tom
      • E-Hat (Hi-hat) is now v1 Hat
      • E-Clap (Clap) is now v1 Clap
      • E-Cowbell (Percussion) is now v1 Cowbell
    • VST3 plug-ins: implemented PreSonus's gain reduction info extension (to show gain reduction in any mixer view)
    • Linux PulseAudio: This backend is no longer supported by Bitwig Studio
    • Presets were sometimes sounding incorrectly after preview (such as Drum Machine presets using internal sends, etc. etc.) [37328] - Export Audio… function no longer gets stuck (when bouncing multiple tracks with different latencies, etc.) [37598]
    • Incorrect gain expression was being created for monophonic devices [37472]
      • Note: Gain expressions that were previously drawn (for v1 drum instruments and all others) can now make the sound significantly softer — or louder
    • Fixes/improvements to Key Filter (Note FX) device:
      • Mode shift / Pitch Offset parameter now works correctly for negative values [37378]
      • Help description is now correct, explaining how this parameter moves in-key and corrected notes by steps within the current scale
      • Older Keep option (for the Foreign Notes mode parameter) has been added back, preserving incoming accidentals — and not applying any Mode shift to them. So Foreign Notes options are now:
        • Filter - Simply ignores notes that are out of key
        • Keep - Uses accidentals as-is (with no Mode shift applied to them)
        • Constrain - Corrects accidentals to in-key values
    • HW CV Out (Hardware) device: Now forwards incoming audio signal thru to the device output
      • This does not affect the CV send function
      • Projects or user presets saved previously will function as they did previously, with an Upgrade button to switch to the new behavior
    • Drum Machine (Drums) device: Latency compensation is now working correctly for instruments on return channels, when receiving audio [37112]
    • Arpeggiator (Note FX) device: Automation of Time Rate parameter (for milliseconds, seconds) now results in a smooth, gradual curve [36983]
    • Randomize (Note FX) device: Now works consistently when modulated, whether the track is in focus or not [36965]
    • Note Counter (Note-driven) modulator: No longer displays weird values on mono devices [37318]
    • Consolidate function on a Launcher clip now preserves its Enable Next Action setting
    • Devices no longer suspend / sleep when an earlier device is active [36854]
    • Generic Controller properly supports CC encoding modes now
    • Fixed a possible MIDI clock slave drift, during long sessions [37098]
    • Fixed a rare crash when activating (or de-activating) Ableton Link [37008]
    • Fixed a bug where grid lines were sometimes disappearing in the Arranger view [36818]
    • Group scene color now updates when changed (instead of after playing contained clips) [18982]
    • Launcher clips on group tracks now visualize their selection [37312]
    • Moving the loop bracket to the left via keyboard no longer stops working [37212]
    • Fix app crash when a project contained an empty group track [37618]
    • Fixed a rare crash when saving files [35852]
    • Fix random engine crashes [37254, 37615]
    • macOS: Fixed rare graphics crashes [37165, 36606, 32948]
    • macOS: Fixed a rare crash when tooltip gets closed before it was shown [37251]
    • Plug-ins: We now initialize the loop info in seconds as well
    • CLAP fixes:
      • Fixed a sidechain issue with u-he Presswerk [37497]
      • Fixed a crash when scanning preset discovery providers
    • Novation Launchkey MK4 extension: Recorded notes are no longer doubled
  20. Shasha

    Shasha Ultrasonic

    Aug 8, 2024
    Likes Received:
    I prefer FL keep paying for updates upgrades yeah no lol
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