Rhodes V8 Pro R2R bug?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Frunkenstein, Nov 15, 2024.

  1. Frunkenstein

    Frunkenstein Member

    Feb 2, 2024
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    Anybody else trying out the new Rhodes V8 Pro R2R release experiencing bugs with the instrument not recalling all settings when opening a saved session? It seems that random settings recall set to default when you open a saved session with a Rhodes V8 Pro in it, but some settings do recall.

    The fix is you have to save your settings as a preset in the plug-in, flip to a new preset, then flip back to your saved preset to get all settings on the instrument recalled properly. Sometimes tho, it recalls fine on opening a saved session, but it's random, and I have to check it every time to make sure.

    It can be an easy thing to not notice because "Rhodes sound" and the parameter not recalling back won't be drastic in how it sounds. The way to check for it is doing the fix I described. Save your settings as a new user preset, then when opening that session later on, flip to a new preset, then flip back to your saved preset settings, and you'll hear the difference that random parameters where not recalling back properly when you first opened the session with that preset.

    It's a weird bug and kind of smells like timebomb like behavior possibly triggered by the R2R medicine? I especially think that because I googled it and nobody seems to have reported anything, so this seems to be a new thing at least I'm experiencing with the R2R release. The only reported bugs on the web literally all point to the Gorilla/CodeMeter shit.

    I've only been able to test this in Bitwig and was wondering if other people can report back with their experience in other DAWS or if you are also using Bitwig and not seeing this bug.
  3. Frunkenstein

    Frunkenstein Member

    Feb 2, 2024
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    Bump for an update. I found a fix for this in Bitwig. Load the V8 Pro in Bluecat's patchwork synth and it solves the settings recall issue. I've narrowed this down to something going wrong and bugging out during the opening of a session. Something is happening to disrupt the V8 VST from recalling a patch or settings, like some order of operations gets disrupted and the Rhodes only partially recalls it's settings. When the VST is loaded into patchworks synth hosting, it doesn't bug out and recalls everything as expected. I really suspect this is because it loads at a later time when hosted in patchworks (patchworks loads, then patchworks loads and recalls the Rhodes V8 settings,) so whatever is happening in order of operations isn't bugging out the Rhodes from recalling it's settings saved with a session like it should.

    This was a somewhat random bug as it turns out. Sometimes, the V8 would load and recall settings correctly, but more often, it wouldn't. I could close and open a session multiple times and it was like flipping a coin for whether or not the Rhodes V8 would recall it's settings 100%.

    I haven't been able to test this out in other DAWS but leaving this solution here incase someone else encounters this issue with the Rhodes V8 Pro. This might be a Bitwig specific bug, but who knows nobody else read this thread and chimed in.
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