Waves - M1 - Sonoma

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by LegacyPro407, Nov 18, 2024.

  1. LegacyPro407

    LegacyPro407 Noisemaker

    Feb 28, 2018
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    Recently updated my M1 mini to Sonoma and the Waves plugins completely disappeared from Pro Tools. I completely removed them 3 times and attempted 3 installs from different releases but they always show up as demo. Has anyone successfully gotten any iteration of Waves to install on an M1 running Sonoma with Pro Tools 24 (non-rosetta)?

  3. Jeffriezal

    Jeffriezal Producer

    Feb 2, 2017
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    i did facing the same thing previously on my Sonoma M1pro... im not sure which release u are using, like mine using RET one (Waves.Complete.v2024.06.24.WIN.MAC.Patched.and.KG.Only-RET)

    Codesign the patched WavesLicenseEngine.bundle if it's required.

    The culprit is there is multiple license in the license folder (Library>Application Support>Waves>Licenses).. u need to remove it all (.wle) and only leave the one that u generate.. sometime when waves did an update, it will marked ur previous/working license with .out at the end, and it will generate a new one. remove the new one and rename the .out without the .out
  4. LegacyPro407

    LegacyPro407 Noisemaker

    Feb 28, 2018
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    Best Answer
    I tried various methods but it seems the correct method is split across several releases/sites.
    This is the way I was able to get v15 to run natively on an M1 running Sonoma with the latest PT.

    1. Install WC from official site - Uninstall Waves plugins via WC - Run "Complete Waves Cleanup"
    2. Restart
    3. Launch DAW, verify no Waves plugins are present, close DAW
    4. Launch WC - install Waves Ultimate subscription demo - click "Licenses" tab and take note of the device ID
    5. Navigate to /Library/Application Support/Waves/Modules - right-click "WavesLicenseEngine.bundle" - click "Show Package Contents" - double-click "Contents" - double-click "MacOS"- replace "WavesLicenseEngine"
    6. Navigate to /Library/Application Support/Waves/COSMOS/HTML - replace "index.js"
    7. Navigate to /Applications/Waves/COSMOS/COSMOS.app/Contents/Resources - replace "app.asar"
    8. Run KG on windows - input device ID - generate ".wle" license
    9. Navigate to /Library/Application Support/Waves/Licenses - paste ".wle" license
    10. Open "Terminal" - run: xattr -cr /Library/Application\ Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle
    10a. Run: sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - /Library/Application\ Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle
    11. Navigate to /Applications/Waves/Waveshells V15 - double-click "Waves AU Reg Utility 15"
    12. Launch DAW and verify everything functions.
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