Windows 11 making it hard to keep plugins

Discussion in 'PC' started by brazytupac, Nov 11, 2024.

  1. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    wait for windows ARM rollout, then people will start crying, since their old x86-x64 plugin will run bad.
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  2. Swatch

    Swatch Producer

    Jan 8, 2014
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    I can always suggest to have dual boot W11
    One for DAW
    One for Internet surfing, banking etc.
    Both with Atlas OS. Best software I've seen Vince years.

    On daw you check to disable Defender and Core isolation and just install trusted Sister releases.

    On Internet OS you keep defender and Core isolation enabled.
    All.this can me managed from the Atlas OS installer.

    Atlas OS btw. Is a tool to remove all the crap from W11

    Just installed yesterday again and it's really the best W11 I ever used.
  3. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    I agree, 2 computers is a minimum. Also don't use your phone as your wallet. Pay with cash it fucks up the surviellance state. Help you help yourself.

    VPN for the internet computer, its not perfect but its better than being naked.

    Plugins are crack for musicians, try not to get to hung up on them or you'll spend more time acquiring and playing with them, than making music.

    Build yourself a creative space, where you can concentrate on your music, not the world wide web, not tik tok, youtube etc... Even if its only a closet in your bedroom, it will focus you and you will be surprized at what you can accomplish.

    My first "studio" was in an armoire. I cut up the insides, put a computer on the bottom and 19" rack for rack mounted gear, a Furman power conditioner, and a Roland VS-1680 DAW, a couple mics, and lcd (17" at the time" and some speakers. I hung my cables and headphones and accessories on the inside of the doors.

    I was off the internet and making music with me and my guitar whenever I felt the need or had an idea.


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  4. Swatch

    Swatch Producer

    Jan 8, 2014
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    I can agree now. I'm almost 40.
    Making music as hobby since I was 16. I thought I need much.
    This year changed everything.
    Sold my 8 inch speakers. Deleted all DAWs and plugins.
    Bought a IPad and small 3 inch Presonus speakers.
    Since years I finished a video Project on the IPad and pc with Davinci and I start to learn Bitwig.
    This are the 2 softwares my mind can handle and fit into my workflow.
    No need for hundreds of plugins or softwares anymore.
    Just the small basics. Happy with that.
    And my dual W11 with Atlas OS
  5. brazytupac

    brazytupac Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    I'm not saying r2r installers have virus, I have this problem with bodule's kontakt and even other adobe releases.
  6. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Yes, I understand, Kontakt has a different version almost every week from other teams, V.R - R2R - Bobdule etc., everyone does what they want and nobody does what they should. I would choose a team that is stable, I can't recommend anything, but R2R was always the most stable and there were no virus alarms. Delete it and install another one from Team R2R?

    Adobe is also a thing, Adobe used to be the gateway for viruses and probably still is today, I would delete it and install alternative software.

    I don't have Kontakt or Adobe and I don't have Defender either, so I live in peace.

    ---> Adobe Alternativen, see the Pictures
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2024

    Attached Files:

  7. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    get rid of windows defender and other security elements (like smart screen, health check etc..) in Windows then:

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  8. Kate Middleton

    Kate Middleton Producer

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Kengsington Palace
    disable antivirus. install.. patch with keygen.. resume antivirus!
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  9. fireface

    fireface Member

    Sep 18, 2022
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    Exactly what I do :wink:
  10. brazytupac

    brazytupac Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    It's flagging some of the installed files, bodule kontakt button, r2r kontakt manager, a dll file in studo one 7 r2r... guess i'll have to get an AV to replace defender, cos disabling it at all is not an option
  11. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    I recommend you this product: Bitdefender Internet Security.
    When you install a new antivirus software it automatically disables Defender.

    Make 3 exceptions for Defender for the 3 problem folders:

    Add an exclusion to Windows Security
    If you trust a file, file type, folder, or a process that Windows Security has detected as malicious, you can stop Windows Security from alerting you or blocking the program by adding the file to the exclusions list.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2024
  12. poly

    poly Platinum Record

    Sep 29, 2016
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    I never had problems with dll's or exe's from R2R releases and the Windows Defender since years.
    I installed the R2R cert month ago and disable the Windows Defender for the keygen's only.
    After then i compress the keygen's to .7z without a password for future use.

    I can't recommend uninstalling the Windows Defender or using another bloated, with other included security holes AV software! Also custom Windows installation iso's are always risky (possible backdoors, trojaners, faulty pre-configurations, etc).

    Use always Brain 2.0!

    Windows 11 24H2 26100.2314 Release Preview with latest Windows Defender updates
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2024
  13. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    i have 25s thick tires with no profile ,fastest oldskool clincher out there on my roadbike , never had a flat tire .riding fckt up streets and inner city .why ? cause i watch out !
    same with PC .no AV .different low budget puters or just boot linux from usb for sensitive stuff.
    i kno i should just keep silent and move along by such threads but wtf its so
    astonishing what ppl waste their time and nerves for , totally beyond everything to me .even stripped down win10 seems still include to much hassle .
    started to think bout win10 lite as a fck for installing stuff i actually dont need just for the fancy endorphines
    but hell then i hear this on top and i think just fck it forever ...
    and i know many pros rely on that new stuff bla bla but i know many musical luminarys run ancient OS and rigs .
  14. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    - Windows 11 Arm-based® PCs help you work anywhere. Here are some of the key benefits: Always stay connected to the internet. With a data connection, you can be online anywhere you get a cellular signal—just like your mobile phone. When you're at work, at home, or on another familiar Wi-Fi network, you can connect to Wi-Fi to save on data connection charges and keep working. Most Windows Arm-based PCs let you connect to data.

    - Some third-party antivirus software cannot be installed.
    - Drivers for hardware, games and apps only work if they were developed for a Windows 11 Arm-based PC.
    - Some third-party antivirus software cannot be installed.
    - Drivers for hardware, games and apps only work if they were developed for a Windows 11 Arm-based PC.

    I'll quote Microsoft: For me, that means: Always stay online 24 hours a day, even at night when you're sleeping and your blood pressure app is measuring your pulse, because in a few years we will send the results directly to the health insurance company and your doctors.

    The best thing to do is to delete everything you have on your hard drive and buy new products. Your software manufacturer will be happy and you'll support the economy at the same time. Because where is the money going to come from if not from you.

    You will be and remain a Defender user forever, because we have made provisions for that with our new compulsory system, because only we know what is good for you, how do we know that? We have been analyzing the Internet and your consumer behavior for decades. The software in your car and smartphone sends the data directly to our cloud.
  15. Nightmix

    Nightmix Producer

    Jun 16, 2017
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    The general advice I give is if you want to have anti-virus installed is to use Kaspersky. It's a real gold standard when it comes to this kind of software. Kaspersky is also very good about not alerting on warez, keygens, cracked exe's, etc., because it focuses on things that can actually cause harm to you, your data, and your computer, not whether or not you are cracking something then running it.

    The problem is that if you live in the USA, you can't get Kaspersky any more by just going to the site and clicking "Buy," you're going to have to use a VPN, I don't have specific instructions on how to do this but I know several people who tell me that's how they're continuing to use Kaspersky in the USA.

    Also, whatever anti-virus software you buy (including Kaspersky), I recommend always to *just* buy the anti-virus. If they have higher "tiers" that advertise Internet browser protection, e-mail protection, etc., don't buy those things. They often cause more problems and aren't very helpful, they're just bloat to entice users to spend more money when they're clicking on what to buy and they figure they want the "best". You want *just* the anti-virus, not a bunch of bloat.
  16. Roger8176

    Roger8176 Ultrasonic

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Hello, I just redid a laptop for my drumming friend (redid as in wipe the old Windows and put a newer version on and then install a bunch of music software) and I'd never used Windows 11 before and for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to get around the whole Defender ordeal. I tried making exceptions to folders. I tried changing the setting in the Group Policy (which I had to install to before I could do that). I tried disabling it in Aerotweaker. I tried editing the Registry. When I'd finally get Defender disabled or removed the computer didn't run worth a hoot and it was basically impossible to work with. So after three or four resets I finally gave Windows 11 Ghost Spectre a try which I'm sure you know is a stripped down version of Windows and it gives you the option to install it with absolutely no Defender. It worked beautifully! I highly recommend it. I see that no anti-virus isn't an option for you as you stated, but whatever you end up doing I wish you the best. It's a shame that whenever humans come up with cool things like computers they always end up ruining it somehow.
  17. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Thanks for the tip about Ghost Spectre. It will get worse with every Windows update. I have now turned off the updates. I'm not playing along anymore. Once Windows is set up, free of bloatware and unnecessary things, it runs pretty smoothly and does what it's supposed to. But for me it's also the last Windows. If it stops working, I'll go offline. First and foremost, Windows is about security against computer crime. Many people asked Microsoft to do everything they could to prevent their accounts and company data from being hacked. The damage caused by computer hackers with cyber attacks and ransomware is enormous.
  18. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    one step is totally wrong, to turn AV on again. just keep it turned off and turn the brain on, when installing something and browsing the web.
  19. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    I haven't used anti virus on a personal computer in over a decade. I haven't had any problems. I was an IT professional. I learned where not to go, what not to download. For most people they probably need a antivirus because there are a lot of morons that will click on anything and download anything and have no clue how to figure out what is on their systems, let alone what their system is doing at any given moment.

    Beleive it or not for the 1st several decades of personal computing, antivirus did not exist and everybody was fine. Antivirus was probably made by microsoft who also most likely made the viruses - it fits their businesses model and ethics.

    if you know what you are doing. get rid of the antivirus, if you don't know what you are doing. keep the antivirus. and yes it will slow your computer down as long as its running.

    when doing IT work, I often found people who had 2 or 3 antivirus programs running on their computers as they 1. were morons, 2 didn't know it, 3 didn't know why or how to stop it.

    Two AV programs, running simultaneously, are like trying to breathe with a 50lb sack of flour on your chest. 3 is a coma, 4 is a brushfire.

    They fight each other with each one scrambling to look at the same data or process at the same time - its like having multiple personality disorder and each one is schizophrenic, not likely to produce healthy or desirable results.

    but you do whatever works for you...
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  20. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    Microsoft created the buggy operating system that made cybercrime possible.

    all cybercrime is 1 of 2 operations.

    1 Social phishing and manipulation ending in a transfer of data and/or financial assetts

    2. acquisiton of control or monitoring of the victims computer due to either buggy software(back doors, keyloggers, etc) or data acquired by social phishing . The computer joins a botnet and is used for illegal purposes - the user data is sold or leveraged for financial gains.

    These activities benefit, Microsoft, The 3 letter intelligence agencies, and the criminals. One wonders do banks commit card fraud to inflate their profits? Do Software companies do the same?
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