
Discussion in 'Music' started by justsomerandomdude, Nov 11, 2024.

  1. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    A dedicated thread to post stuff (music or tune, melody) that u find or feel similar, or does have a striking resemblance.

    I ll start.
    So, a few days ago as i was scrolling through YT Shorts and i came across a short by some guy discussing the similary of a Dua Lipa song "Break My Heart". As i live under a rock and some times in a cave i just happened to know the existence of this 'piece of crap' music. Of course everyone knows its similarity with (plagiarized TBH) INXS.

    But what im interested in small pre-chorus part of the song Just at 0:42

    It sounds very similar to a tune/melody from a dance track "Funkerman - Speed Up" 0:22

    Im not saying its exactly same, but it sounds eerily similar to me, apart from the tune just goes down the drain with the modification for unnecessary words in the lyrics like 'baby' TBH the whole lyrics is pointless, but u get my point. I could go on and on, but then it will become 'a Rant'

    So, there...

    Share something that u find was inspired, plagiarized, or similar. Not sampled or the stuff that already exists on "whosampled". And please keep the tread clean and the discussions conservative/productive.

    PS: PPl might think that the statement is stupid. But its their opinion. This is strictly for Ppl of Music who like to talk about music.
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I hate these. Not because of the "similarity" per se. I don't really care who copies something, or if it is just due to the mathematical probabilty of things that sound the same happening by chance or coincidence. I hate to see them result in lawsuits, especially when it is a dead artist's estate doing the suing. Would Marvin Gaye sue Pharrell Williams over a "feel" of a beat? Hell no. The drummer who actually created the groove is probably long dead and will never see a dime anyway.

    The reason they are annoying is because it can be difficult to remember which old song to compare it with. They can also get stuck in your head pretty easily.

    Like this one below. The melody of the guitar line that starts at 1:00. It is pretty much lifted from some 80s song. It goes beyond similarity:

  4. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    they are not the same at all, different pulse, different rhythm that syncopate differently, the Dua Lipa's song has twice the intensity because of the funk-like element in the rhythm section. Including the vocal at 0:42.

    The song was built around a riff from the song below (go to min 0:17) and the production team declared it, paid the original song royalty and all. That's kinda the standard practice (or weird trend) these days that I don't really like.

    Last edited: Nov 12, 2024
  5. Smeghead

    Smeghead Audiosexual

    Jun 25, 2024
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    Well the first one I always think of is Kinks:

    Vs Kinks:

  6. Smeghead

    Smeghead Audiosexual

    Jun 25, 2024
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    This is pretty blatant:

  7. garfinkle

    garfinkle Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Im still pretty angry about the Beatles ripping off all my early material. Note for note - word for word.

    I still cant believe I let them get away with it.