Izotope Audiolens - Permission to capture Audio & Video Permissions!

Discussion in 'Software' started by MusicMaker2023, Nov 9, 2024.

  1. Oh Hell no!

    Just downloaded Audio lens from the Izotope website, it being version 1.4.0 and instead of installing the ACE Driver, it is now asking me for permission to record my screen and audio!

    Has this happened to anyone else, or do I need to get that off my Mac at once...

  3. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
    Likes Received:
    CBGB omfug
    Wait.. WTF? That's fucked up...
    What was the circumstance surrounding the whole recording the local machine thing? Was this during the install or was it making you register the stuff online, or, while you were using the thing?
  4. Went into my account clicked on the download button, showed the serial for it that was registered when I got it. Installed it, then I think it was when I launched it it asked me for permissions to record audio and record the screen.

    I did notice that the last version I used was 1.3.x And this version is 1.4.0, Another change is that I have upgraded to Sequoia from Sonoma, So I’m wondering if they have changed their approach in regards to capturing the audio. But there’s nothing on their website and I’ve had to resort to get in touch to support to clarify if this is actually them or not. For the time being, I will leave it off my Mac as I do not want it looking at my screen.
  5. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
    Likes Received:
    CBGB omfug
    Hmmm. VERY dubious indeed. That's pretty dam bold to be trying to record the local machine. What could possibly be so important that would require recording a users local GUI I wonder. If it is the dev I would stick to cracked versions from now on... At least you wont be dealing with big brother watching you.
  6. zalbadar

    zalbadar Kapellmeister

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Welcome to the world of twitchy lawyers.

    Because of what the AI part of the software is doing, it can technically it can be classed as recording your GUI.

    Would anyone normally see what the software is doing as recording? Probably not, it's probably recording and deleting shortly after but because it's logging it in the first place, they need to tell you incase their software gets hacked and used to send the dataq somewhere.

    What is being recorded will probably be the same as in the older versions, rember the little log down in the bottom right. What's changed is now that log is being processed and reviewed to suggest macros to help with future projects.

    Their Legal team want to keep themselves covered so they ask for permission in the most broadest way possible, and for more permission then they need to. All this so that nothing can blow back at them if it gose wrong and exploads

    It's bad enough when they bother me during my day job but now their turning up in my music stuff. No one wants to take any responsibility for anything, even if it is their's

    Someone smart needs to run it sandboxed and track whats sent out but I'm certain it'll be nothing. Or atleast nothing unless you crash it and send a error report.
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    If the system is configured properly it isn't getting data out back to iZotope. That is not up to them to decide.
  8. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    What is so weird about this? I understand the privacy concerns, but you also need to be realist: the software headline is "Reference audio from anywhere", and it is described as being able to reference from streaming services. So, to record audio, you need the system permission, in one way or another. It's either from pulling from the system itself, or installing a driver that will do the exact same thing with extra steps. Also, I don't own a Mac, but it is very common for recording permissions to bundle microphone/screen/camera in the same subset of permissions. Phones worked the exact same way until more recently, where they started decoupling most permissions to increase privacy. Asking for screen recording permission does not mean it will record your screen, it might just be bundled together with the permission to record audio. You should only be concerned if it asks you for audio recording as one permission and screen recording as another, but since I don't own a Mac, I don't know how it handles those permissions. They are decoupled on Windows, at least.

    The solution in this case is to not use the software and instead go with an offline approach such as true:balance from Sonible.
  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    It does not matter what sorts of files are created locally on any system. If no inbound connections are allowed, "attacker" cannot connect and exfiltrate files. If no outbound connections are allowed, the application cannot automagically upload, send, or stream the data outward from the local network. This applies to any internet connected device.

    Some developers, or "attackers" can be a little bit sneaky and try to evade firewall rulesets. They can try to use trusted applications to pipe data out under those applications PID numbers. Dll injection. A trusted outbound solicitation can be connected back to, even if a normal inbound solicitation would be denied by the firewall. A specifically denied outbound connection may still be bypassed if a trusted middleman server is first connected to via trusted outbound connection. Sometimes this is called Overlapping.

    He has System Integrity Protection enabled. Those protected system files and processes cannot be tampered with, unless SIP is disabled. Such files and processes are often given permission by users to not trigger firewall notifications, because they do get annoying. If all non-Apple created "built in" software are blocked by the firewall by default, and only allowed network access when granted by the user; data is going nowhere from those processes. In our cases, if it is found that a trusted application is being used to evade firewall ruleset; the easiest solution is blocking the traffic from being directed to those specific outbound locations. So this is most commonly done via HOSTS. Obviously, he does not have izotope's website blocked that way, or he would instead be asking how to open their website and download anything. But that is really neither here nor there.
  10. I think it did ask separately
  11. Well, Izotope don’t really elaborate do they? This is the email response I got from them

    “It is necessary to allow this in order for Audiolens to record the audio of your sessions and analyze it correctly”

    Attached Files:

  12. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Guess nothing strange on current macOS, some app's ask permission to even access Download folder in order to load the license, few hours ago I installed Cubase and it asked for permission to use my audio device, seems like it's not something you grant anyways, which is kinda ok, instead of giving them all the privileges without even knowing.
  13. Well, after getting in touch with Izotope about this, it has become apparent that they do not care about my concerns in regards to privacy for their users. When I mentioned about the ACE driver and how it no longer installs on Sequoia, and that instead it asks to record audio and record your screen they responded with we have closed this ticket.

    My advice, go to another company for your audio needs...Izotope are clearly not interested in the safety and privacy of its users, and are not willing to update their website to reflect the changes in how Audiolens works and what permissions it asks for...it still says on the ACE driver page, that it requires this to work, so it is totally out of date.
  14. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Brother, not long ago on macOS you were granting all the privileges when you installed anything and accepted all that as part of EULA, so probably is a good thing now Apple forced dev's to specifically inform you about this, but you were essentially agreeing to this forever.
  15. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
    Likes Received:
    In bloom
    i thought it was pretty obvious izotope cannot analyze the track youre listening to, if it doesn't have access to your computers audio.

    i'm guessing you never installed whatsapp on your cellphone? That shit asks permission to everything.
  16. It's more the screen recording I'm concerned about here, Yes I know it needs to listen to the audio
  17. This is what it is coming up with

    "Izotope Audiolens" is requesting to bypass the system private window picker and directly access your screen and audio.

    This will allow iZotope Audiolens to record your screen and system audio, including personal or sensitive information that may be visible or audible.

    I really don’t like that idea

    Attached Files:

  18. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Yeah, why they went with that permission instead of System Audio Recording Only, have no clue, Cubase also asked for same permission, dunno, there's probably greater access with it, but then again, why would app like that need anything more then your system audio, probably someone more knowledgeable can explain difference between those two permissions from dev's POV.
  19. Well, like I said, I am ok with the audio recording, but the screen recording...no. That is concerning, and the fact that Izotope's response to me said they didn't care about my concerns, was enough for me.
  20. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Yeah, screw them, they should elaborate why they need that permission for software that essentially just needs your audio. :thumbsup:
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