Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by Kate Middleton, Nov 6, 2024.

  1. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    Sure anyone can do whatever they want with something they own. Now we are in the century of subscriptions, I doubt they are going to annoy their user base by just doing it without giving a date when Cubase will no longer have a facility to load VST2 within the app.
  2. hansje

    hansje Ultrasonic

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Now we can perhaps transfer old (Atari) Cubase projects more easily to e.g. Studio One:
    Cubase1-3 -> Cubase SX -> Cubase 14 -> .dawproject -> Studio One
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  3. frankzappa.fz

    frankzappa.fz Producer

    Feb 14, 2021
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    Hi to everyone, I just installed Cubase 14 R2R and all works fine. But I miss all the content (samples, presets, etc) that is not included in the release. How can I download the content? I also installed Steinberg Library manager but it's unuseful to download content. Do I need another application or can I download directly from inside Cubase or from Steinberg site? Thanks for the help.
  4. secretworld

    secretworld Producer

    Mar 7, 2018
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    You need steinberg download assistent (and a steinberg account, you can make one free on any email).
  5. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
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    Steinberg Download Assistant | Steinberg
  6. frankzappa.fz

    frankzappa.fz Producer

    Feb 14, 2021
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    Thanks @secretworld and @patatern for your kind answers. But I see that Steinberg Download Assistant includes also eLicenser Control Center and Steinberg Activation Manager. Maybe those two applications could conflict with R2R installation?
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  7. Kate Middleton

    Kate Middleton Producer

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Kengsington Palace
    this release needs and update. some new plugins show in cubase 5 style instead of interface is NOT there at all.. so strange
    also some plugins crashed it
  8. Barry T

    Barry T Platinum Record

    Jan 20, 2019
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    Again with the copy pasted answers, BEAT16?
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  9. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    its sooo hard to write everything out long hand on a computer, you need a touch screen and a stylus and have to know cursive writing.. why reinvent the wheel when one can just steal a tire off a parked vehicle?
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  10. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Dear @Barry T, I know you will still accuse me of this in 30 years. You don't like me very much, but that doesn't matter. We have freedom of speech here in the forum and if you think you should criticize, then do so.

    I tried to explain something to the user and then, as an exception, copied the article, which has valuable content. This isn't about what you like or don't like, but what answers the user's questions. A question for you: Where does it say that you're not allowed to copy it? Give me a source where this rule is written.

    Perhaps you can then explain to the user in your own words what the difference is. I've only read accusations from you for years.

    Why don't you start a topic yourself? I read 4 warnings in your log about "Trolling", Offensive post vs a member and Don't quote personal attacks and don't do this yourself, please.!
  11. Barry T

    Barry T Platinum Record

    Jan 20, 2019
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    Interesting response, considering you got banned for your behavior. Are you allowed to circumvent the ban and make a new account?

    I find it funny that you are deflecting and making attacks on my character, when you've only had this account a few weeks and you already have FOUR warnings - one of which was literally hours ago!

    It is not personal, so do not make it so. I call out BS when I see it. Not trying to hurt your feelings.

    Now move on before you get us both a warning.
  12. oldskoolproductions

    oldskoolproductions Producer

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Ok.. I've owned and updated every version of Cubase since 2009.

    Here is my 2 cents..

    Score Editor: Waste of time and money. They should just have Cubase provide a direct link to Dorico. If you really want to score projects buy Dorico.

    DAWproject Support: Excellent start to help will collaboration.

    End of VST 2 Compatibility Support: Excellent.. You computer will have better performance.

    Modulators: Excellent Step to modernizing Cubase. The EDM/Hip-hop community has been neglected repeatedly by Steinberg. this will actually Make Cubase relevant to a younger customer base.

    Pattern SEQUENCER: This is just a re-packaged version of the "Beat Designer" midi effect available in every version of Cubase since Cubase 5 there is a new GUI and some CC parameter additions. Regardless.. They have not innovated anything. Really all they did is make it available in the lower zone instead of hiding it with the other midi FX (Arpache SX - arpeggiator) .

    Drum Track: A good effort. the GUI is very nice. It is watered down version of Groove Agent LE with some drum synthesis. If you are are accustomed to programming drums in Groove Agent 5 (Pro) then the Drum track is virtually useless... Per pad effects should have access to you VST3 library of effects... Then this would be golden and provide value in comparison to Groove Agent 5 (PRO).

    Shimmer: One trick pony... Not very much value

    STUDIO DELAY: Very nice delay, easy to use. Low on CPU. Great addition to Cubase.

    Event VOLUME CURVES: Excellent addition for everyone with Gain staging OCD. Well done Steinberg.

    Lower Zone MIXCONSOLE: Useless if you run 2 or 3 monitors studio.. Good if you have a laptop. I prefer to press F3 and run the mix console in full screen.

    AUTO FILTER: GUI update - Nothing new.

    Underwater: One trick pony... Not very much value

    Mediabay Preview: Nice addition, but it you tagged your Key signature to you loops already.. then very little value added. 1/2 and 2X are a nice addition. definite value there. Forced transpose in the Mediabay very nice. Great for checking a loop sounds better with relative major or minor(Amin or CMaj). Mediabay should have the Key selection to also include major or minor tonality... We are not there yet.

    RANGE TOOL: Excellent workflow improvement. Definitely useful for arrangement work.

    Is the Upgrade worth it? Yes. Just for Modulators, Mediabay and Volume curve improvements.

    This is significantly better then the last couple of Cubase updates.

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  13. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    welcome to the marvelous world of software written for a range of computers, with differing o/s, memory, drivers etc. - so many variables,its a wonder anything works at all.

    Its your gear, its up to you to figure out where the problems are. Thats just the way it is, thats why most folks who have built a functional production chain, don't adhoc upgrade every bit of software that appears. It can be a slog to get things working right, and during that slog you produce nothing as you simply try to get things working again.

    Its also why its nice to have a backup just in case, to rollback to a working system. Also good to document when you install something, the date, any problems or things to be aware of in the future. write it down in a paper notebook like a diary or log about your computer or DAW or whatever you want to call it. Paper is needed, because when your computer won't boot or your drive fails, the notebook still works, even if the power goes out.. Label the notebook and keep it near your working system..
  14. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    for the very most cases ,nobody need first entry google search , ppl are here for hands on experience expression .
    .nothing bad by getting reference for deeper stuff but hell posting the
    most obvious entrys for the most obvious plain stuff is ......imho some
    troll allready make fun of it .
    you didn't notice that she never responds on tech recomandations ...?
    then after some time she comes back with little troll bait hidden in a possitive outcome feedback .
    im not the only one who had this suspection .

    actually for the most cases r2r work acts like legit and i think ppl here allready did what u asked bout , one even did with another team release which steinberg 100% was detecting but they dont punish customers from what i kno .
    but i think your point is just to keep the cracksoft intact ,i would say no conflict .
  15. FrankPig

    FrankPig Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2021
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    Hog Heaven
  16. sondiaz

    sondiaz Member

    Dec 15, 2023
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    Bitwig ftw. Just outstanding DAW. Will never ever go back to Cubase or Live. .....i assume ^^
  17. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
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    Ive owend and updated Cubase since 1998, and the most important feature for me is a decent (now amazing) score editor, and like me there are millions of other people that needs it as a crucial tool. Thats why Steinberg keeps developing it, 70% of Cubase users needs it. It will stay always there.

    I can stay inside one DAW from the initial composing moment, then orchestration/arrangement, pre-production, recording, mixing and then even mastering. There's no other DAW that can do this, thats why Cubase is unique. (only Logic is a bit close)

    as you can see all is personal taste and needs : ) there's no "best daw", but just "the perfect daw for me"
  18. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
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    I am just about to do the the exact same.

    I downloaded all the content (well I hope its all the content" from steinberg from the link below.

    I didnt need an account or anything.
  19. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Yes, it's really funny, I'm laughing here myself, in other words the article explains the user's question! Question = Answer = Solved

    The user is happy, even if not as desired through the human conversation and form of the text.
    Because the person who can answer knows the answer but cannot put it into words because the topic is too complex.

    It's a kind of modern AudioSexPro AI variant. The AI is not artificial but human. So MI intelligence based on the human brain!
    This text was not written by a machine and was not copied from the World Wide Web, the global network of knowledge.

  20. frankzappa.fz

    frankzappa.fz Producer

    Feb 14, 2021
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