Problem after moving Kontakt libraries. Help

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Tony_V, Nov 6, 2024.

  1. Tony_V

    Tony_V Newbie

    Jan 24, 2023
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    I would like to move a few Kontakt libraries. when I do this and register again with the Kontakt manager, I get the following message when I open the library: "file not found. pleake make sure that external drives are connected". basically Kontakt searches for the old path, i tested it copying them back. and it works again. how can I unregister so that I can register and set a new path?

    thank you
  3. ijah Tafari

    ijah Tafari Ultrasonic

    Aug 24, 2024
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    If i am not wrong ..go to users/public documents/native Instruments/installed products...if im not wrong inthere you ll find the json for the ones of which you have moved the library...right click on it and open with Notepad...if you read you ll see the adress/location ...change it to where they are stored the json file and open kontakt..all should work fine..keep in mind that it is capital should exactly match the adress and name of the folder you are refering to....good luck
  4. Axvap

    Axvap Kapellmeister

    Mar 11, 2023
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    Get the "NI Uninstall RegTool_64bit" it uninstalls the products so you can ADD LIB them back with a new direction or/and name
  5. Ryan

    Ryan Ultrasonic

    Apr 22, 2012
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    I'm not sure which version of kontakt you use, but as a kontakt portable user myself, If you ever have issues with projects/songs not finding kontakt libraries where they used to be, then making symlinks (Junctions) can be helpful. Sylinks (junctions) are links that work on a deeper level than shortcuts, as to some degree windows software believes the files are actually located on a spot they are not on. I've had a lot of my old songs look for kontakt libraries while I had already moved these libraries and kontakt portable knew that. In each song or rather project i had to direct it to the current folder of the kontakt library. Such a pain in the ass if you have a lot of songs made. Kontakt portable knew they were moved, yet when they loaded they would still look in the old location, no matter that kontakt portable knew the were somewhere else.
    search for HardLinkShellExt_X64.exe in google and its the first website with the word schinagl. It's really easy now. You can just go to your new folder, rightclick that new folder, click 'pick link source" and then go somewhere (Where your kontakt libraries were once located) and then rightclick and choose 'drop as > junction' to make a fake folder which redirects to your old folder.
    The thing I struggled though was finding good backup software that handles junctions (symbolic folder links) well, as a lot of them either ignore them or actually copy the originals and then your backup of your drive will end up being different from your original, as the software changes the junctions to real files, which they are not.

    So i use the software "Fastcopy" to make backups of such drives with junctions, as Fastcopy does not mess it up and keeps junctions exactly as they are, as junctions (hyperlinks, that cost no kb/mb/gb's) on a drive, and copy them back correctly too.

    Lastly, now you have all these junction folders maybe on a drive and it looks messy, so I have been thinking about turning these junction folders into system folders, so I wont be able to see them, despite I can see invisible files, which I wnat. I am currently looking into this, as I had kontakt libraries all over my disks and it just looks so messy to have all these 'fake' folders everywhere where they once were. Does anyone know the easiest way to turn folders into system folders and back again, without using command promps (I'm not so good with command prompts). I aksed an AI bot to write me a script to do that, but so far that is not working. They can write such things sometimes easily (AI bots) but somtimes they (ai bot) create a script that is not working 20 times before they come up with one that works.

    btw: I use cubase, so maybe this problem is DAW dependant, kotnakt version dependant (legit kontakt, kontakt portable, bob version etc) but maybe not? Someone fill me in? If you open a track that uses kontakt and then move the kontakt libraries, does that old song look in the old location where the kontakt libs used to be or does it understand it should look elsewhere? I am so curious how other people handle this issue.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2024
  6. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    Kontakt 8 setup read regedit location first (where the library manager write the location)
    then it generate json files at the opening in:
    users/public documents/native Instruments/installed products

    when you close and open again, K8 will directlly read the json files to goes faster at launch.
    but when you change over the regedit location, the json file is not edited if already present.
    it link to the wrong old path.

    you can delete ALL the json files directlly (the installed products folder)
    then K8 will read again regedit new location and generate new json files.
    it is automatic, you don't need to edit the data.

    every move or new library added over empty or wrong ContentDir should need a json clean to reset the location scan.

    the portable don't use json files system, introduced in K8. all is patched to use the portable database instead.
    people not understanding how it works can only give you a bad solution.

    the winner here is ijah tafari, pointing to the real solution.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2024
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  7. Axvap

    Axvap Kapellmeister

    Mar 11, 2023
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    Sht, things get serious here, I didn't know we are in competition :woot: Do I get a participation trophy? :bleh:
  8. ijah Tafari

    ijah Tafari Ultrasonic

    Aug 24, 2024
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    Haha...give thanks @bobdule ..truth is,i ve learned a lot by reading the forum,do some investigate myself,but most of all from your again...thanks for the teachings!

    One Love
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2024
  9. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Without ever needing to do it I have long wondered HOW on earth that was possible, so thank you and of course @BobDule for the info.
  10. Tony_V

    Tony_V Newbie

    Jan 24, 2023
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    thanks very much
  11. vinchern

    vinchern Newbie

    Jun 27, 2020
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    You saved my life!! Thank you!
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