Mixing With Headphones Hack? Maybe ...

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by Cardamom, Nov 5, 2024.

  1. Cardamom

    Cardamom Platinum Record

    Jan 9, 2015
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    Okay, so I tried it with my ATH-M5Ox. Immediately made a difference in the bottom where I had some excessive lows pouring through but which didn't match my mind's ear (like when listening to your mix through the monitors). I'm 59, so the highs were a little less evident, but everything seems to sit 'in the pocket' the way it should using this.

    I know there is great software out there that is supposed to do this, but if you just want to use a good EQ, this might be the deal.

    Post your results!
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  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    thanks for posting this, but I have a question about it.

    A useful "hack" could be a nice way (script) of using the downloaded text file from autoeq.app website and converting it to the various EQ plugin's own preset data formats. I know you can do this by manually inputting the data. But for someone like this guy who may have many pairs of different headphones, it would be helpful. Example, say you want to do some adjustments using the site to create a new file; and then spit out multiple versions for each set of headphones you might own. Going back and manually adjusting each one could be time consuming. Especially with certain EQ plugins people might use, many of them only export presets as encrypted data.

    This is still less tedious than using images and converting to csv files. Are you just manually entering the data into your EQ plugins?
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2024
  4. Wuji

    Wuji Kapellmeister

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Not sure if this is the same video but I watched the video from him about using Harman curves when mixing with headphones and it made a huge difference for me. I'm currently using the Realphones demo with the Harman Headphone Targets preset and my DT990 Pro for that and it seems very useful. I still need to check with my KRKs but my headphone mixes increased immensely and as I have to mix in my thin walled apartment and I'm listening and mixing 95% on my headphones this was definatly a good tipp.

    I'm sure a EQ would do just as well or even better but I was to lazy to set it up.
  5. bluebone

    bluebone Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    yeah, mixing on harman curve seem to work for me. better translates my mix to speakers. also using ath-50x with Morphit from Tone Boosters, just don't forget to turn it off when rendering (like i often do) ;)

    go to 13:30
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  6. ItsFine

    ItsFine Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2023
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    This is what i'm telling ppl for YEARS

    You only need a crossfeed ("stereo image like speakers") AND an EQ correction.
    That's all.

    On my side, i use 112db Redline Monitor for years.
    It is simple AND effective.

    Will try Auto EQ against it, BUT you need a crossfeed too !

    Like this one :

    Tried it ... Back to Redline Monitor, a LOT better.

    My base Redline setting with DT 770 PRO 250ohm :
    Center -1db
    Soundstage : 65-75 degrees
    Distance : 0
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2024
  7. Haze

    Haze Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2013
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    I don't agree with his base opinion of Sonarworks - it makes a HUGE difference. Key though is to have calibrated headphones, the average profiles are an improvement but considerably less so than a proper calibrated profile.

    He appears to be making the fundamental mistake of comparing EQ curves and calibration - they're simply not the same thing. The point of the calibration is to fix the discrepancies of each individual driver, flatten the frequency response and VERY importantly fix the phase issues that occur with two unmatched drivers. This then provides a more accurate starting point from which personal adjustments and preferences can be made via a curve. Eg. I have found that for me there is a discrepancy between the outcome of headphones and speakers, in that I tend to add too much bass and not quite enough highs in the headphones that I mainly use, ATH-M70X. I solve this by using a 3dB tilt which puts it in the ballpark FOR ME. That ballpark would be nowhere near if using uncalibrated headphones, Harman curves or not.

    I actually only use headphones when I'm mobile, sometimes as an additional check in the studio. I'd never EVER commit to a mix unless it was through speakers though and also only after hearing it in several sets/locations.

    I also stopped watching halfway through as it seemed that he was just repeating the same argument so my conclusion regarding his misunderstanding could be mistaken, but I doubt it.
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