Hacktintosh VS PC

Discussion in 'PC' started by MrLyannMusic, May 13, 2014.

  1. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    if you want the easy way to build a hackintosh just go to tonymac.
  2. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Thanks a lot Crash. You really hit the nail on the head, great wording. I think it's unhealthy when people cease being objective in anything and become puppets thanks to loyalty to some idea or other which is not based on any kind of fact. I remember before high school I went to a school where the computer department had all old Apple machines and during conversations with the teacher I realized that he was loyal beyond belief to what amounted to a machine, it was horrifying. I couldn't understand then what could make someone act like that, it was like some kind of illness. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef had an absolutely brilliant article detailing a Mac user's experience with the company and how they wouldn't replace a board and he had to literally sue them and they sent lawyers to a case that they knew they weren't going to win rather than just replace it, it was pathetic. I've been trying to locate it because I think it's something that everyone should read but I've been unsuccessful so far.
  3. anvier

    anvier Ultrasonic

    Jul 22, 2013
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    Man if you spend years on mac tips and knowledge as I do, then is difficult change your OS, i Think this is the same about windows fans.
    I sugest you: spend time making greate music, no matter wich OS do you use.
    Some people here (like i do) sometimes loose your way for things like that.
    The life is short, and the music is the key for our dreams, peace

    -sorry for my english-
  4. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    :wow: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
    I would like to have a polite exchange of opinions with that so called sound engineer. The biggest bullshit I ever heard.
    How in 2014 people can be so misinformed it's beyond my comprehension. I'm not talking about you mate :mates: , just about that self proclaimed sound engineer.
    If you manage to run a daw on a 286 computer from the triassic era, the sound would be the SAME as the same daw on the latest MacPro. *yes*
    (same audio interface, same drivers, etc...)

    Sadly who said that Mac was better until 10.6.8 is right. That system was rock solid.
    PPC era was even better compared to the time standards.
  5. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    No you're absolutely correct and I make mention of that in my essay. However in this case he has to either choose or dual boot. If we were having a theoretical Mac vs. PC discussion then that would be the perfect answer.
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Watch To Protect And Infect from 44:30:

    He's a journalist, programmer and security researcher so he really knows what he's talking about.
  7. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia

    All my Hardware are working perfectly ALL, GC, Audio, USB interfaces every think and it is working absolutely fine.
  8. jacksterine

    jacksterine Noisemaker

    Nov 1, 2013
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    I would say stick with windows. Since you feel that windows workflow is smoother for you it seems that you've answered your own question. Especially if you've found that decompressing stuff on a Mac is a nightmare. Don't waste time learning the ins & outs of another system when you can be productive on a system you know.

    I got my first Mac in 1995 only because as a musician Macs were everywhere I went. Tried a windows XP system for a while but never warmed up to it, and I definitely had problems in both workflow and performance as compared to my Macs......soooo, I decided that a few extra bucks for a Mac was worth it in my case....factoring in the fact that I had no inspiration to spend time getting up to speed with how to work on a PC.

    That's why I recommend sticking with what clicks for you...
  9. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Question is hackintosh vs pc for audio production, so if your hardware work great with hachintosh and you like hackintosh and macosx indeed then you use hackintosh, if you don't like or don't work correctly then use pc oriented audio production because you are on windows. I think only you can answer on that question...
    Sometimes, a more choices are worst :) You will be happier if your system not support hackintosh, then you will be able to play only on windows.
  10. lowpass

    lowpass Newbie

    Sep 26, 2013
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    nope, you need bootcamp to get the drivers. But no man on the planet with at least the whiff of brain would ever install windows on a blank mac *no*
  11. iownu1000

    iownu1000 Noisemaker

    Dec 10, 2011
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    I custom built a PC/Hackintosh with two SSDs (one intended for OSX and one intended for windows) as I was using Mac OSX as my daily driver on my Macbook Pro. Created the build installed Windows first. I started using windows 8, at the time there were a TON of new releases for VSTs coming every day (timing was amazing, glad things work out once in a while). So I decided to try my setup on Windows. After using windows for a while I realized how many more applications (espically free) there were for windows and that I was missing in Mac. And as I started going through the steps of creating the mac drive (hackintosh procedure) it was just wayyy to much bullshit, I got to installing OSX but after about halfway through the I thought to my self why do I even need OSX? I really had no reason (personally) to use Mac, I had pretty much every go-to VST i needed on windows plus some more. I even found a better windows alternative to Time Machine for example, which you could customize to certain folders, so I don't have a bunch of clutter of system & other files that I don't need.

    Advantages of Windows:
    Ability to setup customize the computer to your needs. (Big one for me)
    Way more applications
    More support Online (makes a difference)

    Disadvantages of Windows:
    You need to kind of know what you are doing
    You have to set up certain things yourself
    Not as much Audio support? (Although The only problems I've faced is my NI Audio 6 sound card is a bit buggy at times when outside of Ableton (works perfect in Ableton tho), but that is Native Instrument's drivers fault, not Windows)

    Advantages of Hackintosh:
    You can get WAY more for your money verses buying a Mac
    Simplicity of OSX (Depending...)
    Audio companies tend to cater to Mac

    Disadvantages of Hackintosh:
    Takes a pretty good amount of work Installing, setting up BIOS (you have to restart many, many times and fiddle with settings)
    Not a beginner process, takes computer skills (kind of kills the "simplicity")
    Much less ability to customize things to suit your needs (Big one for me)
    Every time an OSX update comes out you have to figure out a "hack" on how to update it, and it can take time for one to come out.
    Also saw one case where a big artist said his Hackintosh randomly straight up wouldn't boot, and there was no straight solution (or the solution was too much of a pain to even deal with)

    Bottom line: Built a computer which I intended to duel boot OSX & Windows, ended up not wanting to go through the bullshit of hackintoshing, stuck with Windows 8.1. I wouldn't go into building your own computer unless you do a lot of research into what you need and know what you are doing. Way less frustration to just buy a pre-built intended to work together computer. You are going to have to go through some driver bullshit & BIOS settings but once everything works you feel that awesome sense of accomplishment that comes with building your own computer.

    Not trying to be a "fanboy" or say MAC SUCKS!!!! or anything. I have a Macbook Pro & love it (prob going to load windows 8 on it though). This is just MY experience, do your own research.

    Wheeew, that was a lot of typing...

    Ok Well that's my two cents, I hope at least somebody can learn something from my experience. *yes*
  12. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    Thank you all for your ideas/recommendation, it's a truly an honor being a part of this Community .

    Thank you ! :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
  13. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    I read Catalyst text (yes, fully :wink: :rofl: ).
    I'm a computer tech, coder, musician too, and i totally share his point of view.
    And i'm happy to read iownu1000 experience with hackintoshing was similar to mine...i feel less alone don't finding OSX so MUCH better to forget Win :mates:

    But i'm back to hackintosh ! I bought my second SSD and going to test Mavericks, just for fun.
    I already know the caveats, and a computer is just a tool.

    May be i will erase my OSX partition, once again, in one month...or not :bleh:
  14. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    I cant agree with that statement in this link


    "Many of the desktop Macs are ultra quiet in operation."

    They must mean those iMac:s a Mac Pro can sound like an airplane jet motor when the computer is running hot and it is VERY loud nothing i have ever heard on any of my PC:s not even a "ready made" bought one..
    Thats a fact!!
    So what if you forgot to blow out the dust and you gonna record a singing or acoustic guitar take (well anything with a condencer mic and the mnac is in the same room) and you finally got that perfect take and the fans start to make that jetmotor noice?

    How do i know? It happend to me the other night luckily my take was crap..

    Anyway my homemade PC is still more quit compare to the Mac Pro
  15. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Well i bough a Mac thought it would be easy its NOT easy i had to install drivers had trouble with the driver i can NOT install everything i want "compability issues" This software dont run on thes version of Osx and that happens all the the time you cant say that on most Win softwares..

    Audio support?
    Your kidding?I can tell you it is the same in the Mac world