Omnisphere - Re-installing time saver

Discussion in 'Software' started by mylonojr, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. mylonojr

    mylonojr Ultrasonic

    Apr 3, 2013
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    I have already posted the following instructions as an answer to another post. I am posting them again as a new post in order to help all those who install Omnisphere for the first or Nth time save some valuable time.

    So, here it goes:

    I don't know if anybody has already posted this but I would like to share my way of installing Omnisphere that saves a lot of time whenever I have to re-install Windows.

    First of all, after you have installed Omnisphere for the first time, following the instructions, keep a copy of the cracked/patched omnisphere.dll and preferably install the factory banks to a different partition than C:
    Install your additional banks (they will be install on the above mentioned partition). To save time, choose a different partition than the one suggested by the installer (usually on partition C)
    If you have already installed Omnisphere and the banks (default and optional) are located in C:, just make a copy of the STEAM folder somewhere on another partition.

    The next time you need to install Omnisphere, just copy the cracked omnisphere.dll into your plugins folder and into C:\ProgramData\Spectrasonics\plug-ins\64bit.
    Install the updates, if any and apply the crack (only in the case of updates).
    Run the standalone version of Omnisphere (or the plugin, for that matter).
    It will ask you to locate the libraries.
    Point it to the place where your STEAM folder is located.

    This way you will have all the banks you have installed in previous installations ready for use without going through the tedious process of installing them again. As you all know, it takes quite some time for the installation process to complete and in some cases it won't proceed after disk 1 for some inexplicable reason.

    I have done this many times and it always works.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2019
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  3. ballinthejack

    ballinthejack Member

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Great method, works, tyvm again
  4. Moofus

    Moofus Ultrasonic

    Jul 8, 2023
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    Glasgow, Scotland
    Thank you so much. I got fed up on searching for instructions to only find rude people saying "search for an answer" as if the internet can only cope with one answer.