Falcon 3 - How to turn off ONLY reverb and delay globally?

Discussion in 'Software' started by depijp_HSK, Nov 3, 2024.

  1. depijp_HSK

    depijp_HSK Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2020
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    Hi all,

    I wonder how you can turn off fx's like reverb and/or delay while browsing patches. I know one can turn off the fx's completely in the effects section and it sticks when selecting the next preset, but I'd like to be a bit more selective and disable JUST these 2 fx's and I can't find a way to do so. I ask this because I prefer to process my space and delay sound externally, but I generally find the other fx's applied very tastefully so I'm fine with keeping those.

    Anybody know how to do it?

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  3. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    The Sound Designer saves its created preset with its chosen FX settings as a preset (*. UVIP), UVI then makes these presets into a Sound Library (*. UFS). There is no way to turn off reverb / delay in general.

    I created both of these myself as a sound designer, just visit my website, they're free.

    UVI - Falcon - Hybrid Instrument VSTi
    - The ' Tone Adventure ' Expansion by CHE for the ' UVI Falcon ' Hybrid Instrument
    - The ' Sound Colors ' Expansion by HO for the ' UVI Falcon ' Hybrid Instrument http://ohlenbostelhelge.magix.net/public/misc.htm
  4. PantoCore

    PantoCore Platinum Record

    Dec 5, 2023
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    not possible
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  5. Arabian_jesus

    Arabian_jesus Audiosexual

    Jul 2, 2019
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    I don't know how to do it inside of Falcon, but couldn't you simply automate the reverb and delay to be disabled?
  6. PantoCore

    PantoCore Platinum Record

    Dec 5, 2023
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    in many vsti's yes, in falcon no.
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    you would have to do it per patch, layers. If it bothered me, I'd add a transient designer as an audio effect and just adjust the tails while you are auditioning. Then you can do the single patch you pick to use, not all of them.
  8. depijp_HSK

    depijp_HSK Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2020
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    Imo it’s a pity they don’t give you the freedom to disable or ‘lock’ certain fx’s or parameters. For the production I’m doing atm I wanted every preset to have the feel of audio ‘one shot’ sounds you hear in some of these packs;

    - no reverb tail
    - no delay tail
    - no release tail

    I wanted to browse through falcons presets and have it function more as a big ass ‘one shot Valhalla’. Throw in some midi and browse ‘flavours’ while having a nice minimalistic consistency which I can then after fill up to my own taste with my external fx’s. Also having the sound really dry like that sounds a lot cleaner in my ears later in my process when doing reverse fx and other sound mangling. This would make for a nice and speedy workflow for me personally, but I guess it’s not possible atm. Idk maybe it’s a weird, niche request, but for me this would be golden and atm it kind of feels restricted or ‘clunky’ doing it manually for all these thousands of patches lol.

    I’ll mail them with a feature request, fingers crossed.

    Thanks for all your replies!
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2024
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  9. depijp_HSK

    depijp_HSK Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2020
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    Thanks for your input and sharing your falcon libs!
  10. depijp_HSK

    depijp_HSK Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2020
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    Can you elaborate a bit on why this approach wouldn’t work. Is it because there’s so many different types of reverb and delay modules inside falcon that differ per preset?
  11. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    First of all, when you buy Falcon or another virtual software synthesizer, you are buying an instrument, you can create your own presets and with some VSTi's you can also load and edit samples as WAV or SFZ.

    Many manufacturers then commission sound designers to sell their product, the "factory presets" are then intended to show the user what you can do with the synthesizer and what range of sounds it has.

    However, since many users have no talent for creating presets themselves, they play and listen to the factory presets until they have found something for their production. You can also buy sound banks depending on the desired style / genre, if they are offered.

    Example: When a sound designer creates a new preset, he saves all the settings he has made, such as: oscillator, filter, envelopes, effects in a preset as (*.FXP). 128 presets then make up a sound bank (*.FXB). Sound banks and presets are protected by copyright.

    For my taste, almost all of the presets on the Nexus 4 are unusable because they have too much reverb. I don't like that, so I deleted the Nexus 4 and now play the Nexus 2.

    Such a function of general reverb and hall suppression when browsing through presets is not in the spirit of the sound designer, sound design is sound art but you have the option of turning off the effects. However, if many users want this, it may become a reality at some point and there will be a button in the preview function to turn off the effects in general. A kind of "Dry FX" function.
  12. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    That's all true but both Falcon and Nexus main features are that they are romplers with extensive libraries for them. It takes one minute to remove reverb/delay from a single patch. If you can't tell what a patch sounds like while previewing just because it has a little reverb on it, you have a more important issue to worry about.
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  13. depijp_HSK

    depijp_HSK Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2020
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    Luckily I don’t have that problem. I know how to do all this manually, but this is a case of efficiency for me personally. Maybe you make music very differently — more power to you, but this specific setup I asked about will be such a time saver and allow me to do less clicks and make my beats in a formulaic way that I can replicate very easily without feeling very creative. For simple music like trap and drill this can be very nice.

    so pls skip negativity.

    You do realise many patches are drowned in space fx’s ??? Some like it a bit more dry and I like to hear all falcon textures/sounds with my owned exact dialed in external space fx’s so I have consistency among ALL falcon presets and I control how I hear it. IMO it’s ridiculous that we have all these external pro fx’s that focus on one task and therefor are often higher in quality and have to do so many clicks and hassles just to get to this level of ‘freedom’. Even nexus 2 has a simple ‘disable’ button for delay and reverb modules. MANY people dial in external fx’s instead of internal so it’s not a weird question at all imo. The whole modus operandi of the dev is wrong imo. It’s a ‘modular’ type of beast, but this behaviour is not modular lol.

    another example:

    In my opinion one should also be able to lock ADSR envelopes across patches, but this is also not available, why??? Lol. Sure it only takes a second to edit these parameters, but I’m not gonna do that for 50K+ presets. Am I a minority if I want to;

    - dial in my adsr envelope to taste
    - dial in the space I wanna hear that sound in
    - lock these parameters so they don’t change upon preset change
    - skip through presets to fill in the mold I want
    - click, click until I like it
    - add eventual other fx’s
    - done, next!

    In my head it sounds so logical and systematical. I like it, but unfortunately from top of my head only nexus do this for amp envelope/reverb/delay etc.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2024
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  14. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    You could also look at it differently. You want to achieve a result very effectively and quickly, as much as possible in as little time as possible. Is it perhaps because we all have too many presets and can no longer edit them effectively? Less is often more. Perhaps you shouldn't load up on so many sound libraries. Many people today talk about plug and preset overkill! Maybe meditate on it.
  15. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    cant you disable the verbs in the mixer page?
    cant check it at the moment
  16. YungstarProd

    YungstarProd Kapellmeister

    Feb 27, 2022
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    Somewhere over the rainbow.
    Check the edit section: There's probably reverbs in the key groups or the layers section individually of each Part, if there isn't a global FX in the mixer channel.
  17. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Please read again what the thread starter asked and described!!!

  18. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    cant you disable the verbs in the mixer page?
    cant check it at the moment
  19. YungstarProd

    YungstarProd Kapellmeister

    Feb 27, 2022
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    Somewhere over the rainbow.
    There's no global effects since Falcon is extremely modular, as we all know. Not every preset has reverb/delay either, so it makes no sense to have a global effect toggle.
    I personally think this is a non-issue that really takes a few more clicks to turn off or delete fx that is needed.
  20. YungstarProd

    YungstarProd Kapellmeister

    Feb 27, 2022
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    Somewhere over the rainbow.
    Yes, OP has stated it as pointed it out to us, but it makes little sense.
    Every preset has different fx, and different delays and reverbs. It makes no sense to do that, when you can individually turn off what's not needed.
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  21. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    All you have to do is load the patch, hit the Tree tab, and you can disable anything you want in a few clicks.
    This is seriously the result of being lazy.
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