Hacktintosh VS PC

Discussion in 'PC' started by MrLyannMusic, May 13, 2014.

  1. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    Hey Guys,

    Well today i have a question, i big one actually,

    i used to have 2 Computers,

    a Windows Laptop for Production, using mainly Fl Studio for Composing,

    and a desktop for other stuff like, keeping Backup of my files, trying new software, downloading big files...

    lately (few months ago) installed OS x 10.8.5 and it was working so smoothly, and then updated to 10.9.2 for now,

    OS x was and still Stable and working pretty nice, i even tested Logic pro on it, and every thing working perfectly, never had a problem.

    and after a while of testing those and that and this i ended up confused, both system are nice, it took me some time to get used to OSX but i got the point after a while, and as it is a really stable system, but when it come to workflow Copy/Past, arranging stuff, OS x was fully beaten by WINDOWS

    On Windows it was fast working with your files, decompressing, yeah specially decompressing Warez, it's a nightmare on Mac OS X,

    Anyway, i noticed that when it comes out to Warez, Windows has better chance for cracked Software,

    anyway, as i'm getting confused, i want you to tell me what do you think, and what do you prefere, what's your point of View, what do you love and what do you hate, it is really important to me because i'm soon gonna have a new PC and the decisions i will take are gonna probably be permanent

    so Post what you have in mind and tell me what do you think,

    PS Mac OS X is working perfectly no issues was found for like a more than half a year.

    Sorry for my English.

  3. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    Hahahahahaha :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    and yeah, that's the idea, but it's just that i'm planning to use same computer for a little bit gaming tho, anyway there still some time for final decision,

    Thank you for your reply, that was epic :bleh: and that what i'm doing right now, 2 Drives one Windows other Mac OS X the rest of HDD is for storing my stuff such as samples Kontakt libraries, and VSTs... :bow:
  4. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Xsze has a good essay of mine somewhere you should read. I would go with a PC: it's cheaper, there's more software, more cracked software, way more games, benchmarks are much better for audio production, etc. BSOD's are a thing of the past and my system is super stable. Of course though the security is top notch these days you are more likely to get an infection because of how attractive a target it is with all that market share but if you take steps that can be minimized if not altogether avoided. Of course like X said you can also dual boot and get the best of both worlds if you like the OSX interface which I really don't. I guess I'm partial because I hate Apple as a company, Microsoft has it's own quirks but nothing like that. Also Windows 9 will be due out soon and it should be really good.
  5. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Damn X, I'm thanking you for one thing and I turn around and now there's another. Thanks bro. :mates:
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I also just want to mention that my essay was in response to a confrontational Mac vs. PC discussion so keep that in mind when reading it. By all means use what is best for you but if you want my opinion then I would say PC which you can always dual boot if you're so inclined.
  7. oidua

    oidua Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    I'm curious too to install MacOS on a windows machine- a dualboot that is...
    What's the latest working OS and where to get it, anybody?
    Advices please and thanks!
  8. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    before you try to install mac osx on pc be sure that you have a pc with compatible hardware for hackintosh,best place to start is tonymac forum.
  9. oidua

    oidua Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    Ah, okey thanks- and what about Niresh distro?
  10. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    I tried Mac world, but :
    -Less warez
    -Less freewares
    -Totally bored by Logic X (Garage Band Like, 32bitAU wrapper...)
    -No native FL Studio for now
    -Not wanting to swap between Win/Mac

    So i erased my hackintosh and i'm back to 100% Win.
    And frankly...i don't miss anything. My computer is rock solid (may be because i'm a computer tech and made my hackintosh-ready computer).

    Plus, i don't want to be part of "Mac pls !" world :rofl: :wink:
    Seriously, Mac OS is VERY good. I love this Linux spirit, with a clean system and such. But not, it is not enough to justify Mac only. And i don't want to loose my time swapping files between systems.

    You know what ? I sold my iPad, too. Too many time and energy lost to transform a toy into a production tool.
    Nice controllers (Lemur :grooves:), nice "experimental" synths (Impaktor is a gem...really)...but at the end of the day, i was loosing more time to transfert/transform than anything.
    And paying such big money for a controller or a synth....no way.

    Sometimes "better" for one ppl is not for another :wink:
    Another example : i tried to shoot my cameras in RAW for years...it was boring to spend hours in post-prod.
    Now i spend time on HOW to use my camera and set it, i shoot in JPEG, and i don't loose hours trying to fix things (white balance, exposure, noise...) afterward. After all, most ppl praise RAW for error fixing. Make less errors, and it become less attractive.

    All mater of point of view : some ppl will love MORE possibilities, some will love LESS hassle to handle those possibilities :mates:

    PS : sorry about the long post :bleh:
  11. oidua

    oidua Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    Here's a Hackintosh compatibility guide I found @ MacBreaker:

  12. Crash Davis

    Crash Davis Ultrasonic

    Jan 17, 2014
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    @ Catalyst:
    Catalyst, you are a gifted writer. It's 'expensive' to write the truth, and not every writer has enough sack to write the truth and back it up with reasoning and facts (instead of opinions).

    I'm afraid to speak the truth to typical users of Mac, many of whom remind me of cultists more than enlightened thinkers and lovers of reason. Because I respect religious beliefs, I generally smile and agree with the myths that many users of Apple products believe were written in stone by God on a mountain east of Eden.

    I try to keep my audience happy, if you take my meaning.

    I'm not referring to readers HERE who love their Apple products. Readers here are intelligent people, and I agree with all their opinions about the splendors of Mac. (quod erat demonstrandum)
  13. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    jDownloader can automatocally extract rars in rars. Also, Stuffit Expander on mac has a neato option to crate surrounding folder only if there r multiple items in the archive.

    This is generally true, but you can still sorta get by. There are mac-specific warez forums with audio sections. If that's not enough, there's web search etc.

    There r also some mac-onry freewares.

    It's not like L is the ONLY mac DAW. I'm using Windows now, but Reaper is also available for mac. 32/64 , VST&AU, it might have bridging?
  14. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I definitely agree that a dual boot machine is the way to go and I can wholeheartedly recommend installing two OSes on your computer or at least a Virtual Machine OS within your main OS. That way your audio OS can be as safe as house is and kept clean and slim, working stably. The other OS, be it Apple FreeBSD called OSX, some nice Linux distro or even Oracle Solaris OS [former Sun OS] is a really great way to have a safe OS for browsing and doing all the usual stuff in it. I'd say that it really doesn't matter which OS you run for Internet as long as you like it and it's not Windows! :rofl:

    There's one more advantage to it - you won't get tempted to browse and lose time on the net in your audio OS, but work with audio. :) The idea is fantastic and it works beautifully for me, although I still do it from time to time, like right now... :)

    Even better if you have one computer for audio and one for the Internet. But I'm just such a fanatic that I have to have both Linux and XP on both. You never know when the inspiration could strike you, eh? :) And for times when there's no inspiration it's better to have a safe OS for browsing, watching videos and stuff like that.

    Linux has totally taken me over... it works so smooth when you give it enough time to learn it and configure it to your liking. It pays you back with interest. :) I run Debian Linux with LXDE on both my computers. No Windows beyond XP for me, thanks Miserablesoft. I would rather use OSX, really, but I tried it for audio and I was surprised to find out how inefficient it is compared to XP and not at all more stable, sorry. Linux is much better than both, but it's unsupported by pro audio companies, unfortunately. When you try a Debian Linux with real time kernel and Jack, you'll know what I'm talking about. :wink:

    MiserableSoft is losing ground fast. That brings tears to my eyes... tears of joy, of course. :wink: They're still doing everything they can to scam people into using their miserable piece of coding, but I think people are waking up. After all, if you can have a free car that looks like a Ferarri or a paid for car that looks like a Rolls Royce... which one would you choose? :) Unfortunately the majority of people gets their PC computers with M$ Windows on it, big majority. That's fascist way to make people use it. I never buy any computers with an OS on it... I wouldn't give a dime to those Redmond crooks nazi mafia. If they go down it wouldn't hurt anyone, but would be only beneficial for the whole IT industry.

  15. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    I got both systems a Mac Pro and a newly built Win with almost the latest components that i can make to a Hackintosh easely.

    I have only used Win before built my first PC around 98 i think i remember the time when it was a nightmare to use win as an Audio computer it was very difficult to to configure the audio settings with your Pro audio interface when on Mac it was simply a matter of plug and play..

    THAT IS THE BIGGEST REASON TO THE MAC vs WIN WAR and the fact that back then Mac computers where alot faster then Win computers now it´s almost the other way around but still all fanboys believe their Mac:s is faster.

    They are in some kind of placebo place which say

    Then came WinXP and all of a sudden it all worked alot better on Win.

    I can say that my OSX freezes from time to time so it is not as stable as my win it also crashed in the beginning many times but now it only freeze..

    It all has to do with 3 party software i think it´s the same as driver or plugincrash in Win both time you have to reboot the computer to get it to work..

    I only bought my Mac to try to learn Logic and so far i think there is equally good DAW:s for Windows

    But i am at the beginning of my try-out period so maybe this DAW is awesome when you learn it

    And i can tell you that sometimes plugin (always cracked) mess with Logic too.

    So my experience is they both "crap" (well i dont think that either Win or Mac is crap if you choose the legit path)
    On win always be offline and never pornsurf

    But my experience is that for using cracked soft Windows is alot better solution but you can have BOTH on the same computer with dual boot that way you got to choose which system you want
  16. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Whats wrong with Win and internet?
    My girlfriend has using it on her computers forever and never have any problem (well sometimes the browser hangs but i am pretty shure it does that on ALL Os:s atleast it does it on my OSX) but she don´t go to warez or porn sites so thats why.
  17. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Location Location
    Too long Didn't Read [​IMG]

    That was a good read [​IMG]
  18. Am I being naive, perverse or a combination of both when I ask if it is possible to install Windows on a blank Mac?
  19. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Look, Mac is great when you use with Mac certified machine (desktop or notebook). Hackintosh is workaround and emaulating and that system will always have some catches :)
    In other way you have probably going into problems with IDE controler, audio hardware (not supported), laged graphics etc...
    If you on windows, then use windows machine. If you on mac then use macosx.
  20. Swatch

    Swatch Producer

    Jan 8, 2014
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    use both my friend.
    then your Music Production chain is unbeatable.
    We are using FL on Windows and Logic on a Hackintosh on the same machine.
    You can export your Midis or waves from FL and mix and master with Logic.
    The sound quality is going to be so much better.
  21. MarkSlater

    MarkSlater Producer

    May 16, 2012
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    I think MacOS was good until and including Snow Leopard! Due to the fact that 10.6.8 is slowly but surely avoided by support of the new software, I would stick with Windows. The only thing that still keeps me on Mac is mostly the incredible quick finding of the any file you might have forgot (but if you are well organized, Windows is becoming better at indexing anyway). Maybe, another reason for using Mac is if you hate using antiviruses and you can stick any USB removable media into your computer, without being afraid that you will infect you computer. :drummer:

    Also, a sound engineer told me once that, on really high-end gear, you could feel a slightly better sound on Mac, due to the formatting of the hard disk. He made me listen by comparison in his studio and, indeed it was something in there, but very difficult for me to hear the difference, which might be also a mind trick. Still, I had 4 hits created on Windows and only one made on Mac! :thumbsup: