Non-Contest #5

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by aschnt, Oct 2, 2024.

  1. macros mk2

    macros mk2 Rock Star

    Sep 22, 2022
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    It's a rotating day don't get Sundays off ever. Working 9 days in a row this week(s) I have some down time on a ferry ride but just have my phone to listen too peoples tunes with, which id prefer to listen to on my good headphones. I mean yeah if people don't mind waiting a week for me to reply and actually have the time to sit down and listen I can do it! Like I said already have a picture in mind, and I mean... you can guess what I'm doing on my day off. It's music. And visiting the parents and laundry and cleaning.

    Also fuck you Lois Lane :winker:lmao I'd like to see you work this much and walk a half marathon everyday with a autoimmune disease and being bipolar af, whimp my ass. This job fucking is draining with little monetary reward besides overtime, which I'm not getting anymore they just made my commute 4 hours round-trip instead so I'm not getting paid for that. Shit job shit management very demoralizing still broke. In a shit studio apartment still takes one of my two paychecks up. Was hoping someone would crash into me yesterday so i could at least get some rest in a hospital bed. We have had 30+ people in my position be hired and quit since april, about 5 have stayed including me. Turnover that high for a reason. The hope is once i get converted/promoted and get a route this job isnt as bad, if it doesnt get better im about done with everything. Ce la vie. :suicide:

    If peeps don't mind me being an absentee and erratic host I'll upload the picture/contest #6 tonight sometime in the hour or two i have to eat and get shit done before I get my beauty rest. If that isn't acceptable then someone else should do it who has more time and energy, they'd do a better job. my ferry ride is over, off to drop off junk mail and packages of useless shit! Will check in tonight to see what's up.
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  2. Grape Ape

    Grape Ape Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2024
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    in Harmony
    @macros mk2 : yo man its all good, as a fellow american i just want to say thanks for your hard work; the mail is extremely important, especially during the holiday times like this and elections. thats crazy hours for sure but thanks for real

    its understandable if you cant do it fam, dont stress it, @aschnt can pick someone else if needed, its not that deep
  3. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Fucking bloody hell, now I get it where the term "going postal" came from! That's insane of those turds in management to move you around like a piece on a game board to satisfy their obvious incompetence at creating a wholesmoe working environment, but instead they impose a shit working culture that they are foisting upon the very foundation of their business...those that they literally depend on delivering the goal of the service.

    "Postal workers need to be clear that this is a political fight against both corporate-controlled parties over the allocation of society’s resources. Any program of demands that begins with the premise that workers have to continue working until they literally drop dead on the job is a non-starter.”
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  4. aschnt

    aschnt Platinum Record

    Feb 6, 2021
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    @macros mk2 no problem bro, i absolutely understand and that's why i asked you if you were okay with it in the first place :) ! Your week do seem very intensive indeed... Just done another pick, with everyone's name in the bottle. Oopsie for the focus etc, shitty vid, but it will do.
    So, your happy replacement should he accept the duty is ................ @Backtired !

    edit: shit man.. didn't see there was even more ! Absolute garbage working environment... i don't know about how easy or hard it is to reorient over your place, but take care of yourself first! I think work is not worth your health, at least not a work that isn't directly linked with a deep passion, but then we can't really speak of it a working really... I hope it all eases a bit more on you ! Cheers from afar.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2024
  5. capitan crunch

    capitan crunch Platinum Record

    Jul 15, 2023
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    euro dictatorship
    @macros mk2 That's too much!! how can they make anyone work so much?!
    I'd probably already have gone postal. maybe I am already postal....
  6. macros mk2

    macros mk2 Rock Star

    Sep 22, 2022
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    Hahaha thank you and sorry for the rant this morning, going back the other way on the ferry now! In a couple of months when things are less crazy I'll volunteer to host the contest, should have plenty of time then. Saw the new picture, looks sick. If I come up with anything decent for it i'll participate in the new non contest for sure!
  7. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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