
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by manhill, Oct 30, 2024.

  1. manhill

    manhill Member

    Nov 19, 2020
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    I've long wanted to address an important topic that affects many of us. Today, let’s talk about resources like AudioZ, where registered users can find pirated versions of music software, sample libraries, tutorials, and more. Let me start by saying that I’m not encouraging anyone to rely exclusively on unlicensed software, samples, presets, or tutorials. If you have Money, please support developers—it's thanks to them that quality tools continue to emerge, empowering ourn creativity.
    The reality, however, is that many new producers simply can’t afford full access to everything they need. AudioZ has become a lifeline for those just starting out in music who need tools to grow and develop. It's a community where some users, sacrificing their own time and even money, make valuable resources accessible for everyone—entirely free. This allows anyone, regardless of financial situation, to access samples, plugins, presets, and tutorials to sharpen their skills.
    Yet, there are often users in this community who download materials solely for their own use and don’t want to share what they’ve found or acquired. I've encountered this repeatedly and know that some people believe holding onto valuable resources gives them an advantage, helping them achieve success faster or making them stand out. But here lies a common misconception.
    Even if you have every preset and sample in the world, success in the music industry isn’t just about having the tools. Key factors include hard work, practice, personal style, and the ability to use what you already have. Samples and plugins are supplementary tools, like paints on an artist's palette, that help us realize our potential, but they don’t replace individual creativity. Music demands personal input, the pursuit of unique sound, and skill development—not just amassing tools.
    Think about how much our community could grow if we shared resources, experiences, and ideas. Mutual support would help each of us overcome obstacles faster, find new solutions, and elevate our craft. The more access we have to creative resources, the stronger and more united our community becomes.
    So, friends, I encourage you to consider this: instead of keeping useful resources to yourself, share them with others who also strive for musical growth. By doing so, we’re not just supporting each other; we’re laying a foundation for progress as a whole. After all, music unites us, and the more open we are, the brighter our community becomes.
    What do you think? Have you seen this behavior on AudioZ, and how do you feel about it?
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  3. canbi

    canbi Kapellmeister

    Jun 12, 2023
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    tldr reveal your secrets
  4. Recoil ✪

    Recoil ✪ Audiosexual

    Aug 14, 2022
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  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    so what you are saying is that you want to force everybody to share everything, what they have.
    That is just wrong. Everybody shares what they can and want. And if they dont want, it is also okay.

    I dont understand why people call this egoism?

    EDIT: Reminder to keep this a civilized discussion.
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  6. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    No, I've not seen it.
    What I've seen several times is people who claim that the only reason they can't be successful in the music business is because they don't have all the tools at their disposal.

    What is new here in this context is merely that it is being claimed that users are deliberately withholding resources and are thus virtually to blame for the failure of the oppressed.

    Really? Is this the humor section?

    With all due respect: I have rarely read such nonsense. :rofl:
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  7. Kelsier

    Kelsier Producer

    Feb 9, 2024
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  8. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    First of all, thank you for your contribution @manhill.

    The world is big and full of people, the human creative spirit has led to many inventions, such as digital audio workstations, drum machines, fast PCs, high-resolution LED displays and fantastic high-end audio interfaces.

    I think there are always real talents at all times and if you can properly encourage the talents in a person, sometimes exceptional musicians or software engineers emerge who plan, build and then sell our DAWs, audio interfaces and the other things you need to make music. Everyone uses them, but few appreciate and praise the people who created them.

    The internet and forums like this one are a collection of knowledge. It's also about learning something and solving musical or software problems.

    We are all individuals who were shaped as children and young people by our parents, our environment and the people living in it, so our intelligence and knowledge varies greatly. One is proud of completing a small EDM track himself. Another sings for himself at home, but it's not enough for a wider audience. So what, the main thing is that you have fun and experience music.

    As the saying goes, "the journey is the destination." There are also musicians who learn an instrument for 9 years, get further training, practice on their instrument for 2 hours a day and record their music at home and then apply to a record company or music label.

    You can't force anyone to make music - but maybe you can motivate them to learn and play an instrument, whether virtual or real, by giving them access, and if you don't have any money, you can download software from R2R onto your hard drive at home.

    It has never been as easy and cheap as it is today to make music, and all from home. We all want a better, healthier, fairer world, and some of the musicians of tomorrow haven't even been born yet.
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  9. Citrik Acid

    Citrik Acid Rock Star

    Feb 7, 2016
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    First: Try before you buy. Second: Lot of people prefer to eat before buying music related stuff.
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    ELJUNTADERO2022 Producer

    Jun 10, 2022
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    I don't get it... Audioz is like a giant library where anyone can download anything. The way to download it can be through a debrid or something similar, it's a matter of each one....
    According to your words, I can understand that when a developer sends a DMCA to unsubscribe a publication, it is selfish for not sharing their work with you, for example.
    Is it selfish what teams do to give you access without payment or unlimited trial period?
    Your words are too counterproductive.
    I have a certain "collection" of some programs, because, as I told you, DMCA claims are quite fast in some cases, and then I can't find the software I wanted anywhere... so thats makes me an egoist human? u know the rules, dont share warez
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  11. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    I dont quite understand what you are implying by this. Could it be :

    1. You think some people are keeping the good stuff to themselves and chose to not release it to the masses ? Especially those highly in demand.

    2. You couldn't find the one that you want and you believe you dont have access to it because you are not part of the inner circle ?

    3. You believe they are a lot of the members at AZ choose to only take without giving back to the community, even when they can easily do so without losing anything but chose to not to because they dont want to do that for whatever reason.
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  12. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    A lot of the stuff you see uploaded is supplied by people who do not want "credit" for sharing things. Such "credit" can also be labelled "blame".
    Some stuff can simply not be shared and are therefore "kept internal". Releasers take risks that other people will not, and they do a lot of work. Only a very reputable Team can even influence what things are supplied. No amount of complaining or waxing philosophical is going to change any of it.
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  13. stopped

    stopped Platinum Record

    Mar 22, 2016
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    the only people holding things back are the ones who crack them, and they almost always have very good reasons to do so (i.e. waiting for a more stable version to crack, waiting to collect all of a developer's libraries so they all can be released before the protection changes)

    even if they didn't, they've given us so much that there's no room for us to do anything but to infinitely thank them for the lifetimes worth of work they've devoted to giving us access to things that we otherwise would never have

    be grateful for the insane amount of wonderful things we do have, rather than being unhappy about what whatever you think missing. there's nothing missing that is irreplaceable
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  14. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    I'm honestly not sure what you're trying to say,
    your forum profile shows warnings for exchanging and requesting warez,
    if you're looking for something specific, you can use Requests section (Info -> Rules -> How to post a request) at sister site?
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  15. ahjs

    ahjs Kapellmeister

    Dec 28, 2011
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    For me, it goes without saying that I share things I buy with the community. Of course, only if there is no copy protection. I get a lot in return from groups or individual users. It makes me happy when I can make others a little happier and do my bit for the community. That's why it's not an issue for me. Everyone should do what they can, even on a small scale. I don't want to be a parasite. I donate anonymously. I assume that many people think similarly. We have a saying: it is more blessed to give than to receive.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2024
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  16. Flike

    Flike Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    What? What are you even talking about?
    You're complaining about people NOT doing something you're saying they should do, but
    if they DON'T do it then we cannot possibly know what they kept hidden for themselves and could have shared - but did not. Since, you know -
    they didn't do anything and kept it to themselves. So how would you even "see" on sister site this behavior you call "egoism?"
    It's not like people are posting "Hey every body, I have such and such, but I'm not gonna give it to YOU lot, you plebeian bums,
    mwaahhahhahf, f off all of you! I'm Gollum and it's ALL MINE!!!! The precious is MINE I SAY!!!! :rofl:
    Pure nonsense, wtf...:deep_facepalm:
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  17. Will Kweks

    Will Kweks Rock Star

    Oct 31, 2023
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    I've not seen people withholding anything over here, if anything people are more than eager to share what they've got. But there are rules to this forum, and linking to warez is very verboten. Maybe that's why it seems like we're clutching to our pirate booty.

    Yes, sometimes there's niche stuff that can't be easily found and sometimes you just don't connect to people who have it, but it's a matter of time always.

    If there's "egoism" here (or indeed, the sister site) it tends to be of the form "the compressor _I_ use is the best, what you use is bad and you're using it wrong in the first place."

    ...just kidding, love you all!
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  18. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    p.s.: Instead of this supposed selfishness, I have really often seen users on AS go out of their way to help others. Sometimes far beyond what is expected. That's certainly one reason why I'm here in the first place.
    Perhaps it has become a little less than a few years ago. But still :dunno:

    What I have seen regularly are people who pick up know-how here and write a post about it and then after they got what they wanted they are never seen again. Often without a word of thanks. I would consider that a form of egotism on AS.
  19. Smeghead

    Smeghead Audiosexual

    Jun 25, 2024
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    You are demanding people use their time and resources on your behalf without compensation. This is extortion at best and slavery at worst. If someone wishes to do such a thing it must be for their own reasons and at their own discretion. You can't DEMAND that R2R do what they do, for example. You can only be thankful they do it. You can't force altruism.
    Unless you're the government, of course.
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  20. Joe_sleaze

    Joe_sleaze Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2016
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    I haven't particularly seen this behaviour here, but I agree on the collaboration/sharing part in general. As a side note, I do own some software, but nothing that hasn't been shared here already.
  21. manhill

    manhill Member

    Nov 19, 2020
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    I tried many times to swap samples and presets on Audioz platform with people interested in the same music genre. When I found people who had the samples and presets I needed, they often refused to share them. The reasons for refusal varied: some said my samples didn’t suit them, others already had what I was offering, and some simply declined rudely, without any explanation, but they all refused to share.

    I ended up buying new and relevant samples and presets in this genre, spending my own money and time. However, shortly after that, the same people who had previously turned me down would come back and download the materials I had added.
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