Is the new Apollo Gen 2 actually worthed?

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by flyr12, Oct 27, 2024.

  1. flyr12

    flyr12 Guest

    Hello everyone
    I am a Windows 11-based music producer, and I need to use real-time auto-tune for live shows. Naturally, I am considering UAD due to its near-zero latency performance. I assume the Apollo Twin X Duo would be sufficient to run auto-tune on two microphones, along with an EQ

    I have been waiting all year for a promotion where Auto-Tune Realtime X is included with an interface purchase, a deal that used to appear once a year until now. However, with the release of the Gen 2 interfaces, the two bundles currently available suggest that these previous Auto-Tune offers might not continue. This leaves me with two options:

    Buy an Apollo Twin X Duo (original model) and purchase the plug-in on sale (approximately €900 + €150).

    Buy a Gen 2 interface. The cheaper bundle (around €1300) includes Auto-Tune Realtime Access, while the more expensive bundle (around €1600) offers Auto-Tune Realtime X.

    Do you think it is unwise to buy the older generation now that the new one is out, or will UAD continue to support the previous models? I am not interested in the new software updates since I don't own a sub and I no longer use soundID reference. For me it's all about the live shows.

    I am producing with an MSI laptop with integrated Thunderbolt 4. Do you recommend a USB version? Or should the Apollo’s Thunderbolt 3 connection work without issues? I have heard there can be problems on Windows, even with the right connections.

    Any information is greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2024
  3. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
    Likes Received:
    In bloom
    hey mate!

    Personally, i'd dismiss the 2nd gen cheapper budget option, because auto-tune access has only 3 tuning speeds.
    So considering you want to stick with auto-tune, the choice would be gen 1 (900+150=1050) or gen 2 (1600).
    UAD claims some interesting features in gen 2 like a better AD conversion. Its a 550 euros difference between the two options.
    If you are on a tight budget i'd stick to the 1st gen. But i think the 2nd its a sound decision too for people with a little more to spend.
  4. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Depending you have checked your Thunderbolt connection and is working properly, you should go for the TB version. You should think of Thunderbolt as a Pci-e over USB connection so it has a few advantages versus USB although they do share the same connector. Beware to use a certified for TB type C cable, because most interfaces do not include a TB cable in their packaging lol. Which i find very annoying but wth.
    The whole driver thing with TB can be a bit confusing for first time users in Windows. Most of the times it is the latest Intel driver that is needed for devices to operate properly, not what Windows loads as default. At least that's how it was for Win10 and tbh, i haven't checked TB thoroughly on Win11 yet.
  5. Jeff*

    Jeff* Kapellmeister

    Dec 14, 2018
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    is an Apollo with autotune the only decent solution for live shows ?
    I am a heavy user of UAD Apollos x8 and x8p (gen1) in my modest studio, also some live, but I have a feeling there might be a better solution and more Windows friendly out there.... RME ? Presonus ? If the latency is super low, it might be "better" ?
    Otherwise I've read that people have a good experience with Apollo TB and windows on the uadforums.

    between gen 1 and gen 2 ... I'd say it's all about the price and maybeeee autogain.
    converter specs I doubt anyone would hear that live ;)
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