Favorite DAW and why?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by scguy83, Oct 25, 2024.

  1. Thotu

    Thotu Producer

    Apr 18, 2021
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    Yeah, but stick to the universally accepted definitions and not your handmade ones. Don't call a candy shit because you can or because it's your opinion. And you haven't explained your 'superiority' yet and just flashing sword in air the whole time. Yeah, I am superior because I think so, that won't work. :rofl:
  2. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Yea it definitely ranges thats for sure. I can recall Reaper back then, but I think that I thought it was an expansion for Reason.
    Man eveythings different these days that's for damn sure. Coming back to an actual PC after so many years and getting back into producing music it's like waking from a coma and entering a new world. My old dinosaur I bought back around 2002-2003 still works lol, which is a shock to me. I'd been on the internet since I was 14 though, so I'd been around a long time. For the past 15+ years I've used my phone for anything interent related, I hadn't really seen an actual computer but only to tasks like word documents and such. I started on windows 95, hell I remember having to put commands in Ms DOS lol. You rememebr the Brother computers? LOL it was like the digital type writers/word processor, you could play little games on it too :hahaha:


    HOLY SHIT.. NOSTALGIA! Takes me back to like 3rd grade haha
  3. Myfanwy

    Myfanwy Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2020
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    That's interesting, just checked it again with version 7.16, the one I've got installed, and it's indeed not that bad anymore, but I'm still always getting exact multiples of the buffer size for the whole chain, not less.

    I'm always a few versions behind, and the last time I noticed this, it definitely was like I described. But as I don't play any live instruments in Reaper, I never noticed it changed and never tested it again.
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  4. real

    real Producer

    Apr 2, 2013
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    I actually use different DAWs to make music for no other reason than that each DAW "environment" motivates me to make slightly different music. It's entirely subjective.

    I actually started on a software called "Making Waves" that came as a free software from a Computer Music Magazine sample disk (remember those?)

    I then jumped to Reason 3.0 and Fruityloops 3. Still get lifetime free updates.
    I used FL for years until I discovered Studio One. That one is probably my favorite to this day.
    At one point I dabbled in Acoustica Mixcraft. I actually liked that one a lot as well.
    I used Cakewalk Sonar back when it was called that. I liked the sounds that came with it.

    Nowadays I use Cubase. It works similarly to Studio One. But I also jump back to FL and Reason for nostalgia, but also because they're both just fun to use.

    There is no reason to jump around to different DAWs like this. I happen to like tinkering with them all and figuring things out.

    The one DAW that never quite clicked with me is Ableton Live. That DAW's workflow is just a different creative philosophy. If I had started on that instead of FL, I would probably like it a lot.

    I've never owned a Mac, so I've never used Logic. Maybe one day.

    I even dabbled in making music on my Iphone once and was quite surprised with how capable that ecosystem is for making music. I used an app called NanoStudio.

    My point is this: Whichever DAW YOU feel comfortable with is the DAW for you. There is no right answer. There is no "best." There IS the one you feel most comfortable with.

    I don't care what hammer you use. I do care what you build with it.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2024
  5. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    That makes someone seem stressed and a bit overwhelmed. Of course that leads to stress and dissatisfaction, especially when something works. We all know that here. The problem "has to" be solved in any case, otherwise you're not happy.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\VSTPlugins 32 Bit Plugins = x86
    C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins 64 Bit Plugins = x64

    FL Studio 64 Bit features: 32 Bit bridged and 64 Bit native VST plugin support.

    - Image Line - Fl Studio bridges automatically and does not need jBridge!
    - Cakewalk - Sonar bridges automatically and does not need jBridge!
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2024
  6. Shasha

    Shasha Ultrasonic

    Aug 8, 2024
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    Cheapest daw is mixcraft very affordable and it’s better than reaper
  7. Synclavier

    Synclavier Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    That's a well known more broad definition not mine. Don't you have anything more picking on me than definitions used in humorous meaning which I already explained you?
    As for "superiority" that were your weird assumptions playing a psychiatrist in chat.

    Ok when my dog will makes some poop Il'l call it candy for you. :)

    Why are you discussing my personality, because I don't like Image-line business model or make fun of their cartoonish interface? Do you feel insulted? I remind you the name of the thread is:
    Favorite DAW and why?
  8. Shasha

    Shasha Ultrasonic

    Aug 8, 2024
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    im actually enjoying my FL studio journey i own signature and so far its been fun
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  9. Thotu

    Thotu Producer

    Apr 18, 2021
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    Don't do this please. You already have opinions. That's enough. :)

    For the subject of the thread, I have already said that it is personal preference. In the end a DAW is just a tool. And I certainly ain't going to thrash a DAW for providing free updates nor I have got the balls to criticize something for the looks, when I am myself using something that looks like acquired straight from a museum.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2024
  10. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    People please stay on topic and behave like human beings. Please stop using this Fecal language.
  11. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    what DAW has the best arrangment workflow ,editing possiblities and best useablity ,i mean snappy on point less clicks expanding or shortening midi or audio ?
    from the less i know , best is live and worst is reason .

    why people like renoise appart from the tracker thing .
    ...and whats pro and cons about a modern DAW and tracker ?
  12. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    If you ask me, it's Studio One. If you ask an FL Studio user, he'll answer FL Studio, if you ask a Bitwig user, he'll answer Bitwg, if you ask a Cubae user, he'll answer Cubase use etc.... the best thing to do is to install all DAWs and test them thoroughly and then decide on one that you can get along with.
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  13. Semarus

    Semarus Producer

    Mar 26, 2022
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    In general I agree with @Radio's reply to this, but truly, if what you listed are the most important things for you in a DAW, I would genuinely suggest Reaper. That comes from someone that uses Reaper occasionally, and Nuendo regularly.
  14. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    yeah reaper is snappy when clicking/altering midi/audio clips but i prefer abletons ....
    if live wouldnt be reachable , reaper would be second choice..
    of course its a matter of habit but i think it doesnt come from nowhere that ppl talkin from ableton like THE writing/sketch DAW ,orchestral and what not appart .

  15. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Why? Features, pricing & customer policy
  16. Wearesparta123

    Wearesparta123 Noisemaker

    Oct 29, 2024
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    I do like Logic but I'm not using apple now.

    Since I'm using Windows, I'll say Studio One, simply because it's the first one I gravitated to when switching to windows. I tried Sonar, liked a few features but it felt a bit clunky. Recently tried out Cubase 13, it's nice but not worth switching from S1 for my own purposes.

    I do like Reaper once I get away from the god awful GUI. I do plan on giving it a go on my next project after I finish my current one in S1
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  17. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    In the beginning there was the tape - analog mixer! The tape went into the recording studio and was turned into vinyl (long-playing record). Not for the home user, only for professional bands who had the money. Almost everyone had a record player back then, the rest of the listeners had tape cassettes.

    But how do you save your recordings - the first hard drive appeared in 1956 from IBM with 5 MB. In 1989 it was already 2.52 GB - in 1998 it was already 50 GB and in 2005 it was already 500 GB.
    Then there was Synclavier in 1976, Failight CMI in 1979, PPG Wave Computer in 1987, DMX 1000 in 1979.

    Dear reader, still not for the masses and for us at home because it is unaffordable, unless you are an artist and sell a lot of music recordings.
    Then in 1980 there was a breakthrough with the first home and personal computers such as the Commodore C64 and Atari-ST. 1989 - Steinberg released the first MIDI sequencer for the Cubase platform: Cubit.

    In the same year, 1989, the freeware NoiseTracker was released for the Amiga platform - 4 channels for music production.
    2002 the first Renoise Tracker was released and was further developed - by 2008 it was already able to do: plug-in delay compensation, support for audio units, plug-in support with various output channels and a non-tick speed-based time model. A new effects column was also introduced to use events with a resolution of 1/256; this offers the possibility of much more precise recording quality, especially for live recording.

    In 1996 Steinberg introduced the VST interface for audio plug-ins, then ASIO was added. Windows 95 came onto the market - the Steinberg - Cubase DAW and Logic 4 from Apple.

    What was needed now were more powerful CPUs, Pro Tools and DSP cards were the solution. Then everything happened very quickly - faster CPUs, better operating systems and it became more affordable and therefore a mass product.

    And today? It has never been so cheap and so easy to produce good sound.

    You, dear reader, are probably sitting in front of a modern LED monitor. Now back to your question @Auen Fred. I think trackers are graphically confusing and not up to date, too many small buttons and confusing menus, not very user-friendly and actually quite daunting for music beginners. Many DAWS work from left to right and not from top to bottom like trackers. Trackers are more the forerunners of the modern DAW.
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  18. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Nice, so you've been around a while as well. My orignal post was talking about Propellerheads Reason I meant say Propellerheads Rebirth, that was before Reason. Anyone remember Propellerheads Rebirth?
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2024
  19. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Right lol, I was like Wtf so x86 is now 32 bit? I figured it out it just took a while, I didn't know that Fl studio automatically bridges because I couldn't use Steinberg Hypersonic in it. I probably installed it wrong whenI did though lol.. It was one of the main synth I remembered when I first come back.
  20. birdboi

    birdboi Producer

    Oct 20, 2021
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    I use REAPER.
    It's the most versatile and I have the interface and everything perfectly set up exactly how I want it to. There's nothing that it can't do.
    If I get bored of the theme, I just plop a new one out of the countless many I have; it feels brand new but still screams reaper.
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