Latency Advice Needed!

Discussion in 'DAW' started by tommyzai, Oct 18, 2024.

  1. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Recording Latency Manual Offset in REAPER
  2. tommyzai

    tommyzai Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2012
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    Thanks, Radio. I've tried this way, but it only seems to work here and there. I've heard users need to restart after each try.
  3. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    This thread deserves the award for the biggest waste of time in Audiosex history. It seems more productive to try magic spells.
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  4. tommyzai

    tommyzai Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2012
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    Since when is hearing/playing/recording in time a waste? ;-)
  5. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    At five pages in, you're either trolling or has a severe lack of understanding of basic electronic components, computers and physics. You can pick which one it is, but both won't accomplish what you are trying to do (spoiler: because it's impossible AND useless). My bet is on trolling, I'd rather believe you're not this stupid.
  6. tommyzai

    tommyzai Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2012
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    Well, Shinjiya, Congratulations!! You've joined an elite group of members who post unkind, negative comments . . . never contributing anything useful. ;-) I certainly WILL accomplish what I'm trying to do, which is reduce latency and hopefully spark constructive dialogue and education about this subject matter. Yet, you have also accomplished your mission by wasting my time . . . forcing me to respond via this message. By the way, in person, you would choose your words much more carefully, no?
  7. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    this does not answer his question why you need to do that.

    what in your workflow is so special that you need to have something nobody else had in the last 80 years of audio production.

    you could use 192kHz instead of 48 or buy a better interface, but you probably know that.

    but why do you need it, da capo.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2024
  8. tommyzai

    tommyzai Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2012
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    I truly appreciate the posts by members who realize that latency is a concern when recording live instruments, including vocals. I am not going to waste anymore time answering the question, "Why?" Why would a musician want to hear, play, and record in time? Questioning my desire to get closer to sample zero lag is clearly insane.

    I ask you, why are you opposed to reducing latency? I question your professionalism and sanity. Tzai has spoken. Time to move on. Thanks to those who have helped me better understand latency and how to measure and reduce it. If I had a hat, it'd be off to you!!!!
  9. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    I wouldn't, in my country people get shot for looking too much at your face. Better say you're trolling then, if being called uneducated hurts this much.

    Would be really nice if a moderator closed down this thread, this is just a dumb thread where nothing can be accomplished. There is no issue to solve, nothing to discuss. Just an overall lack of reading maybe a book or two on the subject matter. And it really shows by trying to sync your recordings on Reaper. You seem to have no idea what you're trying to accomplish. Are you perhaps related to Terrence Howard?

    Edit: you know what? I said too much, I apologize. But despite all my spite, what you want can't happen the way you think it can. You're wasting your time and everyone's else time. I'm sure other people wouldn't be as nice about it in other forums. I suggest Gearspace and KVR, try over there.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2024
  10. Myfanwy

    Myfanwy Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2020
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    I'm outta here, too. Wasted too much time explaining so many things only to get an answer like "I'm an educator, lyricist, musician, and producer" instead of accepting that there is something more to learn.
  11. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    If you are not monitoring the source of the latency, it does not matter. This is Recording 101. OP should look at all the live recordings on a site like Every recording is of music performed live and in time correctly. Every recording is from the main sound board which is hundreds of feet away in some cases. And yet that "latency" never results in the artists playing poorly and out of time.
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  12. omiac

    omiac Moderator Staff Member

    May 3, 2024
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    Guys, I have received reports and so, please, enough with the meanspirited insults. If you have something helpful to add to the topic, please do, otherwise kindly move along. TY!
  13. El digital

    El digital Producer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Sorry but that's wrong. The latency depends on the interface and converters. I still use my old Core2 duo at 64 samples with an RME Multiface and the RTL is exactly the same if I use this Multiface on my powerful 2024 system. The powerful computer only allows to run bigger sessions with more plugins.

    I was/am also obsessed with having the lowest possible latency on my Native systems. I have been using only RME interfaces in PCI/PCIe for over 15 years, live and in the studio...


    The PROBLEM here is that you don't listen/read/understand. Everything has been said and said again... but you persist like you're about to find a way to eliminate digital latency or something. If you want to reduce latency lower, use interfaces with direct monitoring or use an analog console/monitoring system.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2024
  14. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    You can read my statement here: How to deal with audio latency

    Getting pops, clicks, crackles, stutters on your audio? Thinking about buying a Windows computer?
    You NEED to learn about DPC latency.

    Optimising The Latency Of Your PC Audio Interface

    Latency is the time between an action and its effect.
    For a musician it's the time between hitting a string or a key and hearing the sound.

    • Where does it occur
    • What level of latency is acceptable
    • Latency within an audio interface
    • How and why to measure audio interface latency
    • How to compensate for interface latency
    • How to measure any digital device latency
    • How to minimize latency
    • How to avoid audio interface latency
    • How to choose an audio interface
    • How to optimize your PC for low latency performance
    • Audio interface round trip latency (RTL) database
    • Mac vs PC
    • Latency myths
    • Tips & tricks
    • Further reading
    • Glossary
  15. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Lil PSA: Getting pops, clicks, crackles, stutters on your audio? Thinking about buying a Windows computer? You NEED to learn about DPC latency.

    DPC latency problems - pops, scratches, crackles, stutters, dropouts, lag, jumps, crashes, etc - happen when some part of the audio chain you're using (usually VSTs, virtual instruments, or DAWs) has a wonky interaction with one or more of your drivers. There's a program called LatencyMon that you can run that will tell you A) whether or not your computer has too much latency for real-time audio applications, and B) what drivers are causing the latency.

    Very often, its drivers that have absolutely nothing to do with audio. Sometimes its just a wifi driver, and disabling your wifi or going on airplane mode will fix it completely. Sometimes you can just switch your power settings or turn off your firewall and it'll resolve itself. But sometimes, its an NVIDIA, kernel mode runtime, or some other type of driver causing the latency that your computer literally cannot function without, and if that's the case, your only options are either A) hoping that the next driver update coincidentally fixes whatever the last update broke, or B) switching to an older version of Windows and hoping that fixes the problem. And neither of those are guaranteed fixes.

    But the best way to avoid this problem is to avoid buying a computer that has latency problems in the first place. NotebookCheck publishes a list of Windows laptops ranked by DPC latency. You'll notice that something like 2/3 of the laptops on this list have too much latency for audio production. You want to avoid those. Sometimes, using interface drivers can make one of these computers work passably for audio, but even then, you're still just at the mercy of Windows (and plugin) updates. Unfortunately there's no list that I know of for desktops, so when I was computer shopping, I was literally finding people on message boards who had the models I was looking at and asking them to run LatencyMon for me.

    So let's say you didn't know this when you bought your computer, and you do have latency problems; what should you do? This is all assuming that you are already using actual interface drivers that came with an interface, in other words not ASIO4ALL or the FL driver or stock Windows audio drivers like WaveOut or WASAPI. If you're using any of those, your first step is to get an interface that comes with real specially-coded audio divers. ASIO4ALL is just a stop-gap workaround measure that companies tell you to use when they're too cheap to code their own drivers. For a lot of computers, its just not good enough. For the stock Windows audio drivers, its virtually impossible to make it work.
    Assuming you already have audio-specific drivers, your first options are the easy possible fixes that I've already listed here: turn off wifi, turn on airplane mode, change power settings. Find a Windows audio optimization tutorial for the version of Windows you have and follow all the steps, like turning off mouse trails, turning off the firewall, etc.

    The other possible easy solution is that there could just be 1 plugin you're using that's causing the latency issues. I saw a thread where a guy stopped using Waves Omnichannel and it fixed his latency issues completely. To check this, open an active project, pick a plugin, and turn off every instance of that plugin on the entire project. Press play and see if the noises go away. If that doesn't work, pick a 2nd plugin and turn off every instance of that plugin, test the audio, then the 3rd plugin, and so on, 1 by 1. This is your best-case scenario, because you can just replace the plugin. Even a plugin that was working fine last week can suddenly start causing issues from updates, either on their end or Windows's end.
    If none of this works, this is where LatencyMon comes in. Turn off your wifi, put on airplane mode, and run LatencyMon for 5 minutes while you have audio playing. It will give you a readout of A) how much latency you have, and what kinds, and B) what drivers are causing it. Google the driver(s) giving you the most latency and find out what it does. It could be a USB or wifi driver, something not integral to the function of the computer, and if that's the case you can try updating the problem drivers, or disabling them. If its something that you can't disable without messing up the computer, you can try to update the driver in question, but if that doesn't help, generally this is where things start to get a little hairy. Then, your options are basically 1) just wait it out and hope the next driver update happens to fix whatever the last update happened to break, 2) try installing a different version of Windows, or 3) getting a new computer that doesn't have latency problems.
    Installing an older version of Windows is pretty drastic but if you've tried everything, that's like the nuclear option (and it may not even work).
    I eventually gave up on tracking down people with PC desktops and just did what everyone was telling me to do and got a Mac. Macs generally don't have latency problems, and if they do its generally just the odd plugin or obsolescence. I've been using the lowest-spec'd 8gb M1 Mini with external SSDs for the last year and had 0 issues. If you're gonna be using Windows computers for audio, this is one of the most important subjects to know about, because you don't wanna be one of the people - and I've seen quite a few - posting on here asking why their brand new laptop with the newest i9 and 32gb of RAM is giving them so many problems with their DAW. Anyone who knows more about this than I do, feel free to add or correct anything I said. I see latency problem posts so often, on so many subs - where literally no one in the thread knows what's going on - I feel like the mods should have a side bar or sticky or something addressing troubleshooting DPC latency, so this was basically my go at that kinda post.
  16. El digital

    El digital Producer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Ok Ok... I assumed we were talking about a computer configured for audio. The fact remains that any decent computer, old or new, can run at 64 samples with an RME interface. I've been running at 64 samples for over 15 years and have built so many different computers on different OS for my clients that I can say that. Of course a well tuned system for audio is crucial but it doesn't change the RTL of an interface at a given samplerate, it only helps avoid getting pops, clicks, crackles, stutters at low latency.
  17. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Hi @El digital, cool name... nice to meet someone who has been in the business for 15 years. You summed up the topic well in one sentence.
  18. Haze

    Haze Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Just wait until you meet Mr. Jitter.. :suicide:
  19. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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