Favorite DAW and why?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by scguy83, Oct 25, 2024 at 5:21 AM.

  1. Zoundzy

    Zoundzy Kapellmeister

    Dec 14, 2023
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    The best DAW is the one you put enough time to learn. I started on FL, then Cubase 5 (couldn't move to newer versions - you oldies know why lol), moved to Studio One and haven't looked back since. Studio One has it all for me.
  2. scguy83

    scguy83 Member

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Oh wow $60? I'm about to purchase it right now then lol. Lord knows how much you spent on Steinberg.

    Hell yea dude you can't beat that $60 bucks, and you have nearly eveything and the same capabilities of much expensive and resource consuming software and bullshit licenses.

    I've still yet to cross that bridge with a midi controller and tackling all the mapping crap, I'm sure that will be a lot of fun.
    I should have my midi conroller by next week, but i'm really limited with space and such. I'm also stilkl doing my research because I've seen that same controllers are made for certain applications like they have one now that's made only for FL i think through Novation and the same as Ableton.

    That's crazy that the software of Reaper is only maintained by 2 programmers?
  3. Macta

    Macta Member

    Nov 8, 2013
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    Yeah, I'm starting to feel pretty old since I hit 50, I had that gaming Atari too, pong drove the whole house crazy.
    The Atari for music was the 1024STe, I think it was one of the first with a midi connection built in.
  4. scguy83

    scguy83 Member

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    wow I remember red hat back in the day lol there was a black hat too, I bet it's come along way as well. You don't have to use code anymore I'd assume.
  5. scguy83

    scguy83 Member

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Christmas isn't that far I actually plan to get a lot of legit shit instead of warez, should be some big sales.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2024 at 11:57 AM
  6. forart.it

    forart.it Ultrasonic

    May 5, 2023
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    Well, since I do almost mix&master audios for (mostly live) videos exclusively, Vegas is my choice: it's the perfect mixture between a DAW and NLE to me.
  7. xbitz

    xbitz Rock Star

    Apr 18, 2013
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  8. scguy83

    scguy83 Member

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Ah I see, that's awesome and heck yea you seem to have all figured out.

    That's just like any field though, the old timers are the best because they usually learned on much older equipment the "hard way". I remember going into my field in Industrial Maintenance and electrical. I was shocked how much that I did not know and hell you still learn as you go. Bro the old timers are a different breed, like literally they come from a background and upbringing most of us can't even fathom today. We grew up with the coming of age of technology and computers and they never had any of that stuff, they had 8 track tapes and vacuum tube tvs with no saturation. That's awesome lol, cherish those guys while you can they really are the last of dying breed for sure, I didn't get much time with my grandpa but he was one of those hard ass types too, old sour war veteran. The stories are hilarous, the stuff they did you could never get away with today, it was a different time and age for sure.

    Right, dude it was hella crazy expensive to get a copy of Pro Tools back then, and you could never get a working copy on warez either. I just started tinkering with it, I like the fact that all your plugins are catergorized by their use which is really nice. DigiDeisgn was the creator and company back then, I have no clue how come about. I was actually shocked to see it was longer DigiDesign.

    Damn 180k geez, that's freaking insane. Now I think you can purchase a yearly lincense for like 2k or something but you can never fully outright own the program which is crazy. That dude seems like such a gem lol, love old timers. "Back in my day son, we walked 15 miles in the snow to the store! Ya'll are bunch of pansies!" LOL oh and don't ever complain because thety will let you have it. "SON YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT HARD WORK IS, DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO TELL ME, I BEEN DOING THIS 40+ YEARS WHILE YOU WERE STILL SWIMMING IN YOUR DADS BALLS" :rofl:

    Oh yea indeed, you spend enough time with softeare you eventually learn it inside out. Also back then there weren't alot of tuturials available to us and like I said in the thread earlier NO ONE would dare ever send you an .flp or share presets with you unless you were damn close friends. Now they are all over the net and you can download projects to see peoples work, and how to structure your project for that genre. I'd love to get an apple one day just to have a chace to tinket with Logic, that would be awesome.

    Right, Fl Studio used to be laughed at and not taken seriously by pros, they thought of it as toy and just somethibg to play with leisurely. Now most rap music pros are getting hella placements using it, especially trap and drill. Image-line is making bank for sure, and it's the most mainstream DAW these days as well.

    I'm sold on this Reaper, I definitely have to check it out and for $60 that's crazy as opposed to $400 for FL studio, Cubase is even more I think, and Reason and Abelton are about the same.

    Wavelab is cool when you can load it, but eveytime you open it, it takes an inventory of the VSTs and it takes a good while to load. At least that's my experience with it, but it's kind of like Adobe Audition and N-Track Studio too. I'm sure there's a way to disable that on start up, but I have like 1k plugins so it takes a while. It took mayve 25 mibutes to load last night, I just wanted to check and see if my license was still good. It opened fine, just it took that long to go through and analuze all the plugins. You should definitely check it out though, I'm dabbling with good many just to see if I find a better fit than FL and complete migrate to that applicate instead. Fl is nearly new to me again, it's nothing like it used to be. It was rather simple to use, you didn't have all the options you have now either.

    Thanks bro you too.
  9. scguy83

    scguy83 Member

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    It seems to me that more people are using Bitwig and Reaper than the bigger companies now. Neither are big base programs either so your cpu isnt bogged down as much. I'm going to have to give both of them a try myself.
  10. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Went from hard disk recorder to Acid 2,to Fl Studio 3 to Cubase SX/Nuendo. Used a combo of FL and Cubase for a long time. Switched to Ableton around the time 9 came out. I'm still faster on and know more functions of FL and Cubase. But there's a lot of things about Ableton that sold me. Max,Drum rack,I like how it handles samples,and midi quantize seems pretty solid too. Launchpad era and light shows kinda intrigued me at first.

    I have friends with Studio one,Pro Tools,Reaper, and Cubase setups and occasionally I'm called to fix things if I can. So I'm familiar enough with others to get around I suppose.

    There's functions of many of them I like,some I dont. I'm not a fan of FL's midi quantize,I end up correcting in Piano roll after. It's just terrible for anything faster than 8th notes, (100-200 bpm) but I like it's arrangement and rendering options.
  11. scguy83

    scguy83 Member

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Nice, sounds solid brother I was with you back then, I think the first Fruity Loops I used was 3 or something. It's crazy how Image-Line has grown, and still maintains the software and programming after all these years. I've noticed a lot of franchise changes, I don't even remember Magix as ever being in the audio game. I'm definitely going to take a deep dive into Reaper for sure and thanks for puting me on to his videos and tuts, I will defineitly be spending a lot of time watching and learning. Do you still have to use JBridge on the x86 VSTS?
  12. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    Reaper. The 'SpaceX' of the Digital Audio Workstation, imo.
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  13. scguy83

    scguy83 Member

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Right LOL, Tom was everyones best friend and we all betrayed him for facebook. Now look what that shits become.. Commiebook because you really have no free speech there anymore. We had total control over own profiles, html and java coding etc. we could put cool music, edit our top 8 :rofl:MySpace was before it's time, and now everyone would be dying to go back. They just don't know what they missed that's for sure. Man it was awesome you would go to live shows and EVERYONE has myspace. Think of how cool it would have been back then if you had tracking capabilities with GPS like now. "Such and such is 1 minute for you". Dude you'd know everyone at the festivals, I actually had a maxed out friends list lmao I was pretty popular there for my time.

    Dude I remember Owl City, that's awesome. Musicians back then would actually communicate with fans, they'd give free tickets and shit it was so awesome. KISS FM? You from Charlotte NC? Man I was banned from MySpace years ago due to my Mobsters account activity :hahaha:. Shit got real spciy and personal. One bitch got my first account banned because me and some buddies were drunk, and mooned someone who took a pic of it at a party and they put it on MySpace lol. Right, HU was the shit, dude they would get online and talk to fans nearly every night. They're funny as hell too, funny man, Charlie Scene and Jdogg were always on there. I talked to The Producer and DaKurls a time or two and Johnny 3 tears too, but it was mainly Charlie Scene and Jdogg. Shit that's back in the days of Knife Called Lust.. a lonng time ago for sure. I got invited to be in the No. 5 video, but I couldn't make it to Hollywood around the time they were shooting. I actually live in South Carolina I was just really into the scene back then, I always went to live shows, Warped Tour etc. The Tremont in Charlotte NC had a band nearly every week and it wasnt a big venue either. I was hanging out once with Paul the bassist from Silverstein and smoking ciggs with the guys from The Early November and Matchbook Romance, they are mostly all awesome fucking dudes. I met Buddy Neilson the lead singer from Senses Fail one year at Warped that was cool. Bro I remember when Skrillex was Sonny Moore the lead singer of From First To Last haha.
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  14. scguy83

    scguy83 Member

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Nice bro that's awesome, so you have actually landed placements?

    Right, I hear that.
  15. scguy83

    scguy83 Member

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    That's what I'm liking what I'm hear about it, no freezing or latency issues.
  16. scguy83

    scguy83 Member

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    I think I'm about to hop on that wagon myself. :wink:
  17. scguy83

    scguy83 Member

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Very true, I agree. I'm going to dabble with Bitwig, Studio One and Reaper, sounds interesting and pretty simple to work with.
  18. scguy83

    scguy83 Member

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina

    I'm 41, I still feel young and can usually hang with the younger cats.. atleast I think so anyway LOL.

    Pong, haha I remember it will, so annoying LOL. I played the shit out of Pac Man too.

    Ah I see, dang I wasn't even aware I thought they only made that gaming system. I saw a while back that around 2019 they were supposed to be getting back into the video console market, never seen or heard of any product development though.
  19. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    yea it's quite remarkable to see only 25% of protools users actually admit liking protools,
    and another sign of protools continously shrinking - showing relatively higher % due to overall decline of that website audience

    this year at IBC 2024, literally everyone was using Reaper, pretty much paints the whole picture of industry hypocrisy
  20. scguy83

    scguy83 Member

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Dang we got another old head here, I like Ableton, the factory sounds are nice and the layout as well. I just learned that you could download Abelton exclusive packs, most will say the stock sounds are good enough.

    Oh wow, that's awesome you have knowledge on so many applications and interfaces. I hope to one day be well versed myself.

    I hate quantization, I've always had a good ear for music. I can nearly stike the snare or clap on any beat as soon as I hear it and on time and key too. I've always been able to listen to something and just pick it up immediately, like say a beat I could hit the same beat with my hands or mimic with beatboxing from my mouth just from hearing it the first time or two. Some people are tonedeff and can't sync or snap on cue with the beat or rhythm. I like the imperfections of a live recording rather than quantization.
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