Delay pedal recommendations

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by MusicMaker2023, Oct 24, 2024.

  1. Hello

    Can you anyone recommend any other good guitar delay pedals before I lay down cash on a DD7? I did want one with a tap tempo like the DD-3T, but the one I found was in an absolutely shocking state. I have seen the the memory man has a tap tempo, but I just sold the memory boy pedal I had as I could never get on with that.

  3. Alejandro Picco

    Alejandro Picco Newbie

    Mar 8, 2017
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    Hola! Cómo estas ?

    The world of delay pedals is quite wide... today there are excellent emulations of analog, digital, or tape delay pedals. Personally I recommend the Strymon timeline. At, there are good used options. The EHX Grand Canyon is very good and a little cheaper.
  4. Ooooh the Strymon timeline is a bit out of my price range, but I have looked at the Grand Canyon
  5. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    This might be something for you:
    Eventide - UltraTap (Rhythmic Tap Delay Pedal with Reverb & Modulation) -->
  6. Grape Ape

    Grape Ape Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2024
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    in Harmony
    yeah yo like fam said, it depends on what kind of sound you want; i like analogue delays

    - this one has tap tempo and is killer with a lot of ways to play with it, including the stereo; also you wont find a lot of people with this, which can give your sound more individuality:

    - this is also my shit, i got put unto this not long ago, its from this small company up in Canada, they sent me something else then i decided to try this. no tap tempo though but the tone is so rich and again, you wont find many people getting this sound. its also dark and bit more experimental; but i found it useful to get certain feelings across and overall its just fun - sometimes ill just listen too it and get caught in like a trance for lengthy periods of time, i love the sound, which is most important imo

    both are fresh but the first one fits in more scenarios if youre into analogue delays and has the tap tempo youre trying to cop
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  7. ItsFine

    ItsFine Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2023
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    It depends on analog delay OR digital with more settings/sound choice.

    If you go on the "more settings" and sound choice, hard to beat Line6 DL4 (old or MKII)

    You can find an used DL4 MK1 on local market for 120-150 euros.
    Of course NOT on Reverb scam, selling them 250 bucks.

    It is a classic, and easy to find.
  8. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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    An opinion on a delay pedal can greatly vary from person to person, the best is to go to a few music shops an try as many as you want til you think you have the right one for all your needs, Most music shops should have a fairly big selection so just take your time and don't feel rushed and jump on the first one you try and then regret it later.
  9. pht23

    pht23 Noisemaker

    Oct 27, 2018
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    Yo, just here to keep you away from the UAFX Starlight Echo Station

    To keep a somewhat short story:
    Don't run into a guitar shop and find yourself overwhelmed by the types of strymon's - "timeless" for example,
    because buying that much more simple device (like the starlight) which you do get a nice sound of in a couple of seconds,
    does not mean its exact same price tag is in any effin way worth its features, which are a lack of control (while being still in the shop trying things out - is a blessing) , non lack of pure digital buggyiness glitching out on longer delay times and mostly unuseable range-pre-defined unholy mess of possible vibrato mods.....

    did i already mention that the pots control completely different , and - aside from reading and memorizing the manual which is a solution - indiscernible things, for each of the four algorythms? (so like one pot is highpass on ddm, on tape its warmth and so on....youve gotta check first -.-*)

    Worst buy ever, i would so much like me to have gotten the timeless, but it seemed so finnicky at the time.....bro seriously

    i mean it sounds warm and nice, but thats the least you would expect for the price, aint it.
    god i hate it so much.

    dd-3 is nice, but lacks features/ is pretty basic delay
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2024
  10. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    In bloom
    i like the classic ones, simple and easy to dial
    DD series for digital, Carbon Copy for analogue.

    The Line6 one is pretty cool too but is huge on the pedalboard, my friend is selling one of those btw.
  11. ItsFine

    ItsFine Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2023
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    When starting with analog/boutique delay, a problem arise : most are VERY limited AND/OR overpriced.
    Until you really don't like digital because YOU REALLY HEAR (and not think you hear) a problem, digital "mainstream" delays are more than adequate.

    And it does 14 seconds loop too ;D