Audioz: posted as free but isn't free

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by aleksalt, Oct 24, 2024 at 9:55 AM.

  1. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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    aleksalt, what is your problem being so critical, raging and acting like a spoiled child, have you never made a mistake in your life. I've made plenty of mistakes in my life nobody is perfect, so please be a little more considerate if someone makes an error. If this WAV MiDi Pack is so important to you and you simply can't live without it buy it. You can't get everything you want in life for FREE. When I need something that I can't afford, I save up to buy it even if it takes months. If LDVN made a mistake it wasn't on purpose, he posts a lot of freeware, some of which are interesting finds.
  2. Harish Pamu

    Harish Pamu Producer

    Feb 1, 2023
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    Can we just stop giving attention to someone, who's obviously craving for it? This seems like a classic case of rage bait. You go son!
  3. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    and yet many people can and do missinterpret the left az free page with royality free ...
    nice and so civilized discussion culture in this thread...
  4. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    On a slightly cheerier note. I had steak and chips for dinner tonight. That wasn't free either but it was delicious!
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  5. amusician

    amusician Member

    Apr 5, 2024
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    Good job, dood! Don't let someone else humiliate you... you can do it by yourself without any hint of external help! :bleh::rofl:
  6. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    i wish AOL would stop sending out those cds, all sorts of riff raff are getting on the internets these days..
  7. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    yeah, I'm busy downloading a Porsche, so if you could watch this for me and toss a coca cola or something on it if it catches fire, that would be great....
  8. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    if someone is interested :mad: i ask myself how long i would have to live in a english speakin country to get this comment...or is it just a aol history gap...mmhhh i dunno
  9. scguy83

    scguy83 Member

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    the worst thing I ever done was download their free packs, because now they blow up my email and phone too. LOL
  10. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    so before the turn of the last century, no one had wifi, almost no one had DSL, and the only way to get to the internet was using a wired land telephone line (copper) and a modem (modulate/demodulate device for transmitting data over copper wires) - some of the 1st "internet" companies made their fortunes selling these devices. Once you had a device and a program to run it, you needed an INTERNET PROVIDER, to provide internet.

    Back before the internet, simple terms were used to mean one thing, Like Modem, or "interntet provider" - people didn't take existing words and give them new meanings in an attempt to skew understanding etc. Then some bright bulb decided people should "surf the web" and the destruction of the english language and the world in general was cast into stone.

    Around this time an American Company, or 2 or 3 came into a new business. One was CompuServe, they provided time sharing on mainframes, they also eventually started providing access to "users" to the internet.

    eventually many others got into the business, IBM, etc. AOL aka America Online, was a tiny gnat's ass of a provider. But they had a business model. They sent out free, yes I said FREE, absolutely FREE!!!! Floppy Diskettes with a nice full color lable that had the software to connect to AOL's servers and get you setup with an account with a nice monthly bill for the internet connection service.

    They apparently had a matter creation engine that could have made them a fortune if they used it to create to gold bars, or even chocolate bars, but they (being either, 1 insane, 2. evil 3. insane and evil) chose to make millions, nay billions of floppy disks and mail them to everyone in the United States until sufficient mass built up that the country began to sink. Nasa built many rockets to shoot these floppy disks into the sun, and a crisis was averted.

    Technology marched onward, as it always does in these tragedies.. Philips had invented the CD-ROM, a sandwhich of plastic and organic dyes, that could be manipulated with lasers, clever bastards these Dutch... Well what do you know - they could store Audio in perfect fidelity. No Really ,no shit a perfect copy of whatever music you had laying around, well these things sold like hot cakes, actually more like hot cake syrup which is way more popular, cause hot cakes taste like ass without butter and syrup..

    Anyhow before this becomes the freakin Food Network, when ALbert Einstein worked for Philips putting quantum dots on mysterious machines along with Hedy Lamarr who was getting her torpedos tuned in the Philips Electronics lab, they figured out how to write and read data from the very same CD-Roms. Man they used to be able to do anything with like a paperclip and some stuff lying around, anyhow.
    AOL got wind of this startling discovery and (being either, 1 insane, 2. evil 3. insane and evil) chose to make millions, nay billions of CD-ROm disks and mail them to everyone in the United States until sufficient mass built up that the country began to sink and literally every moron, er citizen, of the USA could now get to the internets as easy as calling grandma to tell her your birthday was coming up and you could really use a copy of Crash Bandicoot. and so the bar to entry had become lower than a limbo bar at a midget dance convention. And lo the hordes did descend upon what was once the domain of universities and other learned institutions prostituting the wonderous acheivement of connecting diverse computers world wide, into a a place to get laid, and steal software and flame , and flame and flame and eventually get free music and tv and movies and sports betting and order food for home delivery and buy books, and music gear and on and on and on.

    and so we can lay the destruction of the once pristine internet, a thing of beauty and learning and interesting discussion, into the rancid cesspool it has become soley at the feet of AOL.

    AOL was bought by mega corporation Time-Life and merged with Turner Broadcasting which owned CNN and some movie studio catalogs etc, it was touted by megabanks as the "BEST THING EVER" (trademark Big Banks Inc, and Invest With US - no really, Inc.) and it managed to turn huge fortunes into small stacks of pennies as everyone stopped using modems and phone lines to connect to the internets and AOL became a small email company somewhere in a swamp in Wisconnsin. Ted Turner who owned CNN til he traded it all for AOL-Time-Warner stock, got divorced from Jane Fonda and spent his days banging his head against stacks of AOL CDs and Floppy disks and drinking bourbon and singing "only my mama loves me, and she could be jivin too".

    and thus the phrase AOL became a tremendous joke that would make US citizens double over with laughter and often require emergency medical services and oxygen to get the situation under control. and thus people who used AOL to get on the internet came to be seen as mentally insufficient and were usually ignored or asked to move to Wisconnsin.

    I know this has been a bit lengthy and I want to thank you for asking about AOL and American English language phrases and warn you if you continue to ask questions like these, you may get something like this again, so just nod and smile and say something noncommital, like "yeah, I know, right?"


    aLBERT eINSTEIN - inventor of data cdrom and chocolate malts


    A few AOL disks I'm still digging out of my mailbox (yes our mail is really slow in the USA)

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  11. Diamz

    Diamz Ultrasonic

    Feb 4, 2020
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    Wow. These new AI tools are able to make highly sentient narratives. That is pretty impressive.
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  12. Flexigem

    Flexigem Newbie

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    It should be noted that Cymatics does release a snippet of upcoming paid packs as "beta". This snippet is mostly free for a limited time and can be only obtained by filling a form and giving away your email. After a certain point, when the pack is released, the form to enter for the request of the beta pack vanishes. Thats my personal experience and shall not be right.

    agree with you but unsubscribe does work though, which sometimes does not with scammer companies. did not know they even ring you up? What are they saying then on the phone?
  13. scguy83

    scguy83 Member

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Right, yea they send me text "good news such and such is out now" it's like a mailing list for cel phones. I need to go unsubscribe, Steven sends a message to my email neartly every 2 days. "Eric don't miss your chance, we can only allow 750 licenses and when it's gone it's gone" "hurry Eric only 2 more days left to get your license for X" "Good news we just got finished with blah blah now coming soon blah blah"
  14. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    firstly... wtf mate... , thx for the detailed lesson.
    which sites were visited by you in these initial days ?
    i came late to the party but i miss the old 2000s bb forums application ,was much "better" for fishing,growing and what not topics .
    cellphones graffics did fck it all up but on this site its ok i hope it never changes .
  15. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    i had fish and belgian fries today...
  16. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Ahh but did you enjoy it?
  17. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    yes,i am on domestic land located so the only proper sea fish in supermarked is plaice (real)fillet .
    good stuff . dedicated fish retailer is another story , not always a good story , but the plaice fillet from supermarked at the moment is almost always good , from 10 peaces i got only 1 which where thawed a bit .
    and they are small ones and thin ones .thick ones are never as good .
  18. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    back in the days when we walked to school and it was uphill both ways, I got on the interenet by dialing into a BBS and they had an option, I think it was (7) that connected you to the internet. The only thing I remember using was Usenet and finding discussion groups and learning a whole lot more about a whole lot of things. Flame wars were few, and the biggest and nearly only spam was "Make Money Fast!!" which was a digital chain letter. Lots of discussion about anything you were interested in, there were thousands of groups, all text based with an occasional ascii monkey artist who could make pictures from text which was considered nearly magical at the time. It was a text based world..
    we were happy...

    I dialed into Univesity of Washington in St.Louis a lot, they had an archive for Amiga software and you could download mod based songs and some graphics. downloading pictures that weren't porn was a thing back then..

    a few years later got my 1st mp3 downloaded after a 20 minutes or so..found out I had to upgrade my computer to play it without stuttering.
    There were no ads on the internet for was a remarkable time that has nearly been erased.
  19. FrankPig

    FrankPig Rock Star

    Jan 31, 2021
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    Hog Heaven
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