Help me decide? Back in the game

Discussion in 'Software' started by scguy83, Oct 22, 2024.

  1. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Yep lmao.. crazy huh? I had like 60 gig from my old pc from samples of different genres way back. Loops Masters, Ubershall, Vengeance, etc.

    Right, I'm quite sure I don't need half the crap I have. I wanted Syntronik but its like 200 gig library and all.

    That's probably what I need to do is watch tutorials and watch producers compose tracks so I can catch up so to speak. Hell I'm having to learn FL Studio all over again too because it's way more advanced than it used to be for sure. I also really need to learn Ableton, I have Abelton 12 live suite. I have Reason 12 as well, they are all so huge now. I remember Propellerheads Reason 2 and 3 lol it wasn't even a gig back then. I also thought of getting a mac so I could use Logic, it seems fairly easy to use and alot of producers use mac exclusively or atleast used to. I just don't think I could get used to the OS honestly, maybe it's a lot different now.

    I agree as well, I used to open FL and I knew exactly what to go to and how to use the plugin as well. Now I feel like a beginner and like i'm picking my mate for life just so many options:rofl:Hopefully I reach that point again, and I'm able to narrow down some options and delete the useless crap. That's pretty much my goal with this post to get a general outline of what people mainly use these days and get some ideas and feedback.

    Ah dude thats such a pain in the ass! You're playing with a synth one day, and you're like wow this shits dope. Then you go back to find it and you're "damn what was the name of that plugin again?!?" Then you have to go through every synth until you recognize the GUI interface, of course that's after you've already started a new template 10 times from filling the mixer track lol. If plugins were listed like in Pro Tools for their purpose in the drop down menu it would be so much better. You never have to recall what the plugin is for or why you downloaded it, and you never have to have any type of organization.

    Holy shit I have 200 gigs of sample packs and drum kicks!! WOW I didn't realize I had that damn many.

    drumkitssample.jpg samples.jpg HD1.jpg HD3.jpg HD2.jpg

  2. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina

  3. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Thanks, yea that's probably what I'm going to have to end up doing.
  4. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Thanks, yea I'm seeing this myself. With FL Studio 24 all plugins editions you have a lot of plugins already that you may not even need anymore. You have a sampler, compression, flanger, distortion, reverb, keys etc. and like 3 synths as well.

    I can't beleive that Vital is actually free honestly, it's nearly identical to Sylenth. I've try to try Tyrell but I have it. I've also played ith Surge a bit and Full Bucket stuff as well.

    All sounds advice thanks bro. :wink:
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2024
  5. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Right I would like to know what you all think is shit or totally useless etc. so I can narrow it down a bit. I have some D16 I believe. Yea, I have Lush 2, and decimort 2.
  6. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    I would delete Native Instrument - Kontakt completely, I would do without IK Multimedia and Toontrack completely. You fill up your hard drive and after listening to 100 presets you are exhausted and a quiet ringing starts in your ears.

    Think about it - imagine you have 1000 EUR - which plugins and sound libraries - presets would you buy with it? Less is really more - become minimalist, know your plugins well and your VST FX effects too.
  7. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    That's true I have so many libraries for kontakt for sure probaly 1Tb worth
  8. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Try installing just one sound library for Kontakt, that will give you a clearer view and help you concentrate on the essentials. Always remember that you are a human being and not a data processing machine like your PC.

    At the beginning, 15 years ago, there were few plugins - then the iLok was hacked by Team Air and more plugins were added. As CPU development continued, newer, better-sounding VSTi became possible. That was one thing and people were NOT overwhelmed.

    Then there was a time with Windows 10, a fast CPU, where new plugins were invented almost every day. If we subtract the junk, there are still enough that if you install them all, you can play a different plugin every day.

    That way, you've learned a lot and been able to have a VSTi adventure holiday on your home PC, but then you start deleting plugins at some point. I also had five hard drives and a few external and burned CDs and Blu-ray VDROMs. At some point, they couldn't find their way around anymore. "DATA OVERKILL"
  9. fnord23

    fnord23 Kapellmeister

    May 14, 2023
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    Please delete Waves, thank you.
  10. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    this gave me mild anxiety:


    I'm pretty sure this sample library hoarder made no backups either:rofl:
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  11. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Attention Xerome - I have just received a message from the Galactic Data Council. Xerome is surrounded by too much data - the council recommends... Delete, delete, delete, separate yourself from the data, delete, delete, breathe deeply, yes, Xerome, delete the library too, delete, delete, but I want to keep it... delete, delete, free it, delete, delete...
  12. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    ^^ this, I can agree 100%
    speaking of synths/instruments, I think it's high time to start experimenting with AI rabbit hole, for audio it's selfhosted/offline audiocraft_plus and RC Stable Audio Tools - just grab some decent sampler and start generating "own" samples (via Pinokio app if you're not a programmer), beauty of virtual instruments is in layering/combining (not so -) random shit, so why limit yourself with third-party generic premixed content

    ^^ don't underestimate this #ProTip

    PS: speaking of hoarding, I guess I should seek a doctor....


  13. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The problem isn't that you have anything terrible, but you have too much of it already. The biggest offender in that way is always Waves. IK Tracks complete is way too much. I try Melda every major new version release, and then I always delete them anyway. Too much stuff in there also. If there are any you miss, install them back individually; same with iK. example: Stealth Limiter is nice.

    An actual text format list of every plugin on the machine would make that easier. This whole thing might be a lot easier sounding to me, because I'm on Mac. On MacOS, we can move plugins out of our main plugins folders (like VST3), to "get rid of something"; and undoing that is as simple as just dragging anything back into the folder. They will immediately work again without using an installer.

    I would take everything within reason and get it out of the way. Then work on projects and put back anything I actually used in a project. You will easily see what you really do not use, because you would be going completely off your own usage. Leaving stuff because "you never know what you will need" or "I use that all the time" is an easy thing to do.

    Anyway, D16 for techno? Add all of them. Especially the drum machines. Drumazon2 is an 808 style box, Nepheton2 is a 909, Punchbox is kicks and subs, Nithonat is a 606. Keep the Roland Cloud versions of the drum machines if you want, but you definitely do not need all of the included synths.

    The full Arturia V Collection and Analog Lab? Adios. Put back any individual V collection synths, but not the entire bundles.

    I would keep Kontakt without a doubt. It sounds too good to skip; but it is also such a small installation on the system disk. It is virtually equal in sound quality with any good virtual synth plugin, and often better; the minute you load an instrument.

    I would keep about 3 or 4 clippers. K-clip, Standard Clip, and a couple that can be used for distortion flavor/color if you want. Acustica Ash, Black Salt Clipper, Knock Clipper, as examples. "Clip to Zero strategy" for Mixing Techno is worth looking into for techno, if you want LOUD.

    Cradle The God Particle and now Orion, can stay.

    The 2024 Plugin Alliance stuff is so good, and covers so much ground; there are very few Waves plugins I would even miss.
    If you want AI mixing plugins, I would keep Sonible bundle.

    Extra plugins don't bother me personally, but I am not asking the question you are. I also did not load up 500 of them on my machine first and then try to learn them all at once.
  14. lbnv

    lbnv Platinum Record

    Nov 19, 2017
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    And you are asking for more? Look at plugins you own, decide what are good for you and delete everything else. Don't rely on people' opinions, this is the dead-end road. The more you rely on it, the more your disks are polluted by plugins you never use.
  15. Christiano82

    Christiano82 Noisemaker

    Nov 12, 2018
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    If you want to use FL Studio and are looking for a good MIDI controller, I recommend Nektar PANORAMA P. At least the version with 49 keys. Personally, I have the version with 61 keys and it is a really good device. Additionally, I spent some time integrating it with FL Studio, its plugins, and many freeware and paid synthesizers and VST effects from various companies. Mapping and the list of integrated plugins can be found here:
    When it comes to MIDI equipment, the price is not the cheapest, but it is really worth it. The quality of workmanship and functionality compensate for the high costs and the expense is a one-off. If you take care of the equipment, it will certainly work reliably for many years, and the service of the equipment, if necessary is provided by Nektar Technology is at the highest level. To such an extent that, for example, after many years my motorized fader stopped working properly (it was mechanically worn out) and I needed to replace it, it was sent to me for free. So I recommend it, it's really worth it. And when it comes to hardware, there is also a version without a keyboard, only the mixer itself and the Panorama P1 knobs and mapping also work with it :)
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2024
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  16. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    One thing. If you haven't gotten one already and you are adamant about using real microphones to some degree in your production workflow, DO NOT SKIMP on an audio interface. Get the ABSOLUTE BEST you can afford. My suggestion is RME Audio. Unless you are rich and can afford apogee interfaces/converters, or the likes thereof, RME is going to be your best bang @ buck.
  17. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
  18. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Thanks man sounds solid, I will definitely check it out. That's awesome that they sent it free and even though it was no longer under warranty I'm assuming.
  19. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Thanks, yea right now I'm just doing research and asking for opinions from experienced producers and such. I wouldn't even even know where to begin with an audio interface or how to use it lol. I'm probably going to get the Rode NT1 5th gen condenser mic, it seems pretty solid and the reviews are great.
  20. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    I agree and that's for sure lol.

    So you've been around a while too, I'd assume most of the commuinity here are older experienced members and have been around a whilke. Wow AiR is till around?

    Right, yea I'm thinking the market got saturated and you all had to weed though the junk. damn lol a different plugin everyday, thats wild.
    I remember the days of 56k dial up and i thik 1 meg DSL lol.. it took forever to download stuff when you actually was able to get it.

    Right, that's where I'm at like I like this synth, oh wow that ones nice, damn cherry audio is some good stuff, what no way Roland?!? OG, wow what's this Auturia? they got korg?!? holy shit thats dope lol.

    Damn lol 5 HD's that's crazy. If I had an actual tower pc I wouldn't ever worry about space but with a laptop you're limited. I'm thinking of just getting an external SSD and going that route. I still havent even downloaded any actual music either.
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