things that aren't what they represent themselves to be..

Discussion in 'humor' started by Garamondo Furbish, Jan 5, 2024.

  1. Arabian_jesus

    Arabian_jesus Audiosexual

    Jul 2, 2019
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    If all you do is eat fruit everyday you will soon become diabetic and have your teeth rot. Fruit today have so much sugar in them that they are practically equal to candy. Also, most fruits and vegetables contain about equal amounts of fructose and glucose. Some vegetables contain more fructose than glucose (e.g red bell peppers, asparagus etc) and some fruits contain more glucose than fructose (e.g cranberries, apricots, cherries, plums, peaches, avocado). It's not as easy as "fuits=fructose, vegetables=glucose".
  2. Radio

    Radio Producer

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Quote by Paracelsus "All things are poison, and nothing is without poison." Only the dose makes that a thing is not a poison."
  3. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    now do mitachondria and ATP

    and fasting.

    Improves insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels
    Insulin serves as the storage hormone for carbs, protein, and fats. Carbs and fats are your body’s preferred source of energy.

    During a fast of 24 or more hours, glycogen — the storage form of carbs — is depleted, and insulin levels are reduced. This allows your body to burn mostly fat for energy, making stored body fat more available for use.

    ResearchTrusted Source notes that various types of fasting, including 48-hour fasting, may decrease insulin levels. What’s more, they improve insulin sensitivity, which allows your body to transport blood sugar more efficiently.

    and the 5 stages of fasting..
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  4. Radio

    Radio Producer

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Yes, fasting is a really great thing, but who does it? Thanks for the links. In Russia there is a fasting clinic, which of course costs money, where people go when they are ill and under professional supervision they stay in the clinic for 3 weeks and then the illnesses disappear.

    About the brain and sugar - the first thing you feel is hunger - that tells you to eat something, if the body doesn't get any, sugar is expelled from the body, even from the brain, if the sugar is all gone, the body completely shuts down, of course with the aim of surviving.

    If you have children, you should do some research beforehand, also attend courses - read books on how to prevent "diabetes".
    So prevention instead of cure. I also ate a lot of sugar as a child, but I don't have diabetes, I heard it's partly fruit juice, so dilute your children's juices with water.
  5. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America

    I fast two days a week (monday and tuesday) - its costs nothing. As a matter of fact I now spend less money on food!
    so depending on when I stop eating (usually sunday evening around 9pm - and when i break my fast (usually wednesday by 10 am)
    I'm getting around a 60 hour fast, by skipping 2 days of meals.

    if you are reasonably healthy (ie not tremendously diabetic or have other life threatening problems) short term 1 to 3 day fasting is not difficult or problematic for the individual and usually doesn't need medical supervision.

    A longer fast of a week or more might require some medical supervision. I think the longest recorded fast was a Scotsman, - here goes I found it..

    Angus Barbieri holds the record for the longest recorded fast, lasting 382 days from June 1965 to July 1966. During this time, he consumed only vitamins, electrolytes, yeast, and zero-calorie beverages like tea, coffee, and sparkling water, losing 276 pounds in the process.

    I think growing children tolerate sugar better to a degree, than adults, Since growth requires a lot of energy inputs as well as minerals, etc..
    The problem in adults is the sugar intake often far exceeds their energy expenditures, which will eventually cause problems over time.

    I try to limit sugar but its everywhere and is difficult. I eat a lot of fat, butter,whole milk, cheeses, bacon etc. it tends to satiate the apetite, as well as protein which takes a lot longer to digest, which also limits apetite. I live in America and processed foods are everywhere and not only sugar but sugar proxies like sucralose etc are common ingredients. Its one of many reason why I do nearly all of my own cooking and grocery shopping.

    yes Fasting Spas are a thing in America as well, so many wealthy people need to pay someone to tell them not to eat so much and not to eat so often. - but I'd rather see this, than people having medical procedures to put a rubber band around their stomach or liposuction or the strange pharmeceutical diet drugs/apetite suppressants, etc..

    its a weird world when we can no longer hear/feel our own bodies urges.

  6. Radio

    Radio Producer

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Severe obesity - obesity - is a disease of civilization. In the long term, it causes secondary diseases such as type 2 diabetes. It is worth taking countermeasures in good time with the right diet and exercise.

    In 2013, researchers at the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin classified almost every second woman in Germany (49 percent) as overweight; for men, the figure is even around 64 percent. These figures have hardly changed in recent years. However, the tendency to obesity (obesity) is increasing. Especially among men. And according to a recent study, men in particular tend to underestimate their excess weight.

    It is alarming that young adults in particular are getting fatter: one in three young people is already overweight, and at least five percent of children and young people are even obese. According to a Forsa survey from May 2022 and initial data from health insurance companies, this development accelerated during the Corona lockdowns.
  7. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    When I was a child fat people were rare, now skinny or normal people are rare... I'm inclined to believe everything you stated.
  8. 21stCenturyMetal

    21stCenturyMetal Noisemaker

    Mar 29, 2024
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    Everything is a lie from politics to whats in our food. However most are to gullible to recognize it.
  9. Radio

    Radio Producer

    Sep 20, 2024
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    "Good liars and manipulators should be a mixture of a little megalomaniacal and as little fearful as possible - to put it bluntly."
    Lydia Benecke, criminal psychologist
    When fraudsters and liars rely on themselves

    "I always say: Don't listen to your gut feeling!"
    Lydia Benecke, criminal psychologist

    Manipulators take advantage of exactly that, says the criminal psychologist. Because: If someone manages to generate sympathy or trust in us, then it doesn't matter at all whether their lies are brilliant or weak in terms of content, because we won't examine them closely anymore. Because of the good gut feeling.

    "Really good liars have to be good emotion manipulators above all."
    Lydia Benecke, criminal psychologist

    But the psyche of the person being cheated on also plays a role in the cheating, explains Lydia Benecke: If we find someone likeable, we tend to interpret potentially dubious statements in such a way that they fit into our image and unconsciously confirm our positive assumption, she says. She calls this phenomenon confirmation bias. Her advice: We must always question, even - or especially - when we find someone likeable.

    "Even if you find someone likeable, you must always try to use your reason and ask yourself, despite the sympathy, whether everything is true."
    Lydia Benecke, criminal psychologist

    This is problematic, she admits, because you shouldn't exaggerate either: "If you question everything about every person all the time, you would be totally distrustful and wouldn't be able to have a relationship at all." A healthy balance is therefore also important when questioning.

    "The silence of people who notice something like this is part of the problem."
    Lydia Benecke, criminal psychologist, on the silence of victims and observers

    What also helps fraudsters, liars and con artists is when the victims remain silent - whether out of fear, shame or convenience. Because if more people knew how manipulation works, they would be better protected from it, believes Lydia Benecke. She wants to contribute to this with her new book "Fraudsters, Con Artists, Blenders - The Psychology of Manipulation", she says. Here she collects many different cases and explains the psychology behind them. It is due to be published in March.

  10. Mr.Mister

    Mr.Mister Ultrasonic

    Sep 4, 2024
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    I am not against eating fruits, but what surprised me, when I watched this Dr. Ekberg YT-channel, where he explained blood sugar and what fructose is doing (or that certain kinds of diabetes are naturally cureable).

    Humans are omnivores.

    Why does water taste so good, when we are thirsty? Because it's a feeling, that demands it.
    We obviously have a natural instinct, of what is good for us. The prove are animals. they do not read, but they know when to eat, what to eat, what to drink and when to groom their fur. Because it makes them feel good.

    The "problem": as early as with the discovery of salt and spices it became possible to make things taste much better than they naturally are. But back then people had to work extremely hard to survive, so eating more than the natural taste was no problem. Today we are sitting most of the time. And modern food and quality fo food is so good and high, only kings could afford it!

    Additionally we are bombarded 24/7 with external triggers.
    All that is shaping our conscience and feelings- the silent voice of the body is buried among all the noise (and the amazingly tasting McDonalds or Cokes or Fantas :bash:).

    Therefore it's not easy to try to hear the inner voice when it is warning us.
    For example: if I eat vegetarian, after one or two days, no matter how much I eat, I start to crave for biting into meat and develop a feeling, as if there was an empty stomach - and the kind of meat is changing, too. After two days of beef, I can have no gusto for two weeks. But when it comes, I want beef. And there are even differences developing between whole pieces and minced meat. Fascinating.

    There is also the danger, that the pendulum is swinging into the other direction, after we are becoming more self aware: people may start to exclude certain food their body and inner voice craves for.
    I cannot imagine that vegan diet for omnivores like humans can be healthy. Vegetarian may work for some, but it takes a lot of knowledge and sophistication.

    And then there is the danger of becoming hypochondriacs, instead of becoming self aware, too.

    So finding a balance that is healthy for the body, but also the soul, is not so easy. It's a luxury problem we have nowadays.

    And we do not only have a body, but also a soul. Therefore I think eating something that we love is also nourishing the soul (i.e. women and chocolate) and therefore can be good for the body, despite being bad food (sugar).

    Like Paracelsus said: the dose makes the poison.

    Btw, what helped me tremendously to eat more consciously (although I am not very religious): saying a grace before meal.
    It raises my consciousness that it is something to be thankful for and that it is not normal: Looking at the plate and thinking about all the work of all the people involved, in the case of meat or fish thinking about the animal that had to give its life, I find extremely helpful to eat more consciously.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2024 at 2:41 PM
  11. phantomolecule

    phantomolecule Member

    Sep 9, 2021
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    how would boiling salmon remove plastics? also, "x" being derived from "y", to be put into "z", does not mean that "y" is in "z", i.e. if I derive satanic messages from classic rock, and start a suicide cult, that does not mean that the bands I derived satanic messages from are involved in my cult, not necessarily, anyway (maybe they'd think it's rad and join in for fun...) the only danger of driving yourself mad I see is reading junk blog articles like that. look closer at the website, they're selling 'grain mills', you know, for people to make their own bread with? it should be obvious why they'd have a bias on this topic.
  12. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Some people smoke, take drugs, refuse to exercise. I'm not guilty of ANY of that, but I enjoy certain foods. I'm going to have them, just instead of smoked salmon which is smoked over hazardous fumes, or from a can that contains a lot of salt. I'll have it fresh. which IS the healthiest way to have it.
    I mean we can go down the route of 'everlasting chemicals' for that matter which is on nearly ALL fresh or frozen fruit, means they don't break down in the bloodstream. You have to draw the line somewhere.
  13. DJ PUKKA

    DJ PUKKA Kapellmeister

    Jun 28, 2024
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    Last edited: Oct 23, 2024 at 11:14 AM
  14. Smeghead

    Smeghead Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2024
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  15. DJ PUKKA

    DJ PUKKA Kapellmeister

    Jun 28, 2024
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    Last edited: Oct 23, 2024 at 11:14 AM
  16. muse2love

    muse2love Producer

    Nov 11, 2013
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    What comes out of your mouth can be more dangerous that what you put in
  17. DJ PUKKA

    DJ PUKKA Kapellmeister

    Jun 28, 2024
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    hit a nerve there :bleh:
  18. Smeghead

    Smeghead Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2024
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    Not that kind of cult, geeze. There's a lot of cults. I'm more of a Heaven's Gate, "hey let's drink some Kool-Aid" kind of cult.
  19. stopped

    stopped Platinum Record

    Mar 22, 2016
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    in his defense, abusing women is an aspect of the majority of them
  20. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Things that aren't what they represent themselves to be...
    People selling "legit" software on this site?
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