Favorite Reverb Plugin?

Discussion in 'Software' started by shiftsz, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. Smeghead

    Smeghead Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2024
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    Back in the day you used whatever reverb you had available to you and that was pretty much it. Too much choice is crippling. Pick a reverb and get on with it :rofl:
  2. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    I searched on Gearspace too, and found no sourced quotes, just assumptions. No actual interview quotes with Bruce Botnick (who talked at great length about the production of the album, including which console was used, which EQs, which compressors...). If you have a source, I'd be curious to know :yes:

    And, to be clear, I'm not saying that it wasn't an EMT 140, it most probably was.

    But, to my knowledge, no actual proof of it exists. So I think ChatGPT threw that info in because most records by The Doors, as well as the first L.A. Woman sessions were recorded at Sunset, which had an EMT and several echo chambers. But the final version on the album was recorded and mixed elsewhere.
  3. Radio

    Radio Producer

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Yes, you're right about Gearslutz - but what reverbs were there back then, that's why I attached The History of Reverb. I wouldn't bet but there's a very high probability that the big studios used this device. I just can't find any other reverb devices for 1971. Maybe you should look again.
    Analog devices only had a reverb plate, a reverb spring or a reverb chamber.

    Vintage FX – Stereo-Hallgerät EMT 240 „Goldfolie“ (*1971)
    If treated carefully, the gold foil is virtually indestructible - one reason why some examples are still used today as "reverb for special cases". It is still in use in the Berlin Fuzzfactory, the Trixx and Hansa studios, the Horus Studio in Hanover and in numerous international recording temples such as the Air and Powerplay studios and the Strongroom.

    The EMT gold foil was built until 1982 and was last sold for a proud 13,511 marks. However, it was still cheaper than most digital reverb devices of the early 80s. The device is undoubtedly a technically very interesting one-off: no other manufacturer has ever dared to try a similar concept.

    Example: American Recording Studio East

    The studio was specially equipped with stereo echo chambers and its new large recording area made it suitable for larger productions such as brass and orchestra sessions

    A reverb room is a specially designed room for acoustic purposes. It is constructed in such a way that the sound reflects a very high proportion off all walls and is evenly distributed to achieve a strong reverberation with a long reverberation time. Before the advent of electronic reverb devices, they were used in recording studios to process sound.

    The Doors and The Elektra Records Sound Part 1 - Interview .: ECHO CHAMBER :.

    The "Farkle" was similar. Basically, I could feed the return signal from the echo chamber back into a 1/4" mono tape recorder.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2024 at 7:03 PM
  4. shinyzen

    shinyzen Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2023
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    I helped build, and worked in a studio that had TWO of these. It was a nightmare getting them installed. we had to carry them up into the attic... not fun lol. But wow, are they brilliant. just beautiful. Unfortunately, the studio got shut down not more than a year after it opened, so i didnt get much time with them. Using the plugins and convo's after using the real thing just feels like eating pizza without sauce or toppings, just crust and a few shreds of cheese.
  5. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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  6. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    How many other reverbs would be used on the same recording along with a 600lb EMT140? So right, they used 1 reverb.

    Attacking ChatGPT accuracy is a waste of time and text. Any single one of the records it came up with as a result disproves the statement that you cannot create a good track with only one reverb. The funny thing, is while attacking ChatGPT results to simple questions and allowing someone to try getting mired in bs details, is it does not prove the argument that you cannot use a single reverb and make a good song/track. You can just as easily use 1 reverb plugin with 2 or more instances to create layers and depth, and then a delay anywhere you want.

    Setting up two different reverb plugins on your sends is maybe even counterproductive. You are trying to develop layers and depth, but instead you have stuck half the band into a second recording space; by using a different simulated space. Sounds like loading up three different reverbs so they can use their "favorite presets".

    For every one of the records someone claims it answered "incorrectly", there are 5 on the list it didn't. And for every 5 on the list, there are probably a thousand songs where they used only one reverb. And that is even with accepting someone random on the internets "facts" as accurate (however unproven) , instead of ChatGPT.

    Thousands of records have been made using a single reverb. In the greater scheme of things, most have been. *Needing to use more than one only means you do not really know how to use the one that you already have.

    When someone calls a 56 page thread "worthless" because they claim to know better? That is Foster.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2024 at 12:19 AM
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  8. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    This is a forum where people share knowledge. If you use ChatGPT to prove a point, and ChatGPT has obvious inaccuracies, don't get bitter when people point them out.

    I've never said you can't make a good track with a single reverb, have I?

    But when you try to make a point using ChatGPT, and there are false or incomplete information in your answer, well, it shows that you haven't proofread the answer or bother to check whether it was accurate or not.

    So basically, your contribution is limited to asking whatever is being said to ChatGPT and copy-pasting it without any concerns about its accuracy.

    Them someone comes along and says "uh, don't take its word as gospel, it makes lots of errors" and you go "that's beside the point, I'm right!!!1!!11"

    Well, if you're right, surely you can make your point more eloquently than "CHATGPT GIVE ME ANSWER"

    And yeah, tons of good records were made using a single reverb, but tons were made using multiple ones too. Most of those studios that had EMT 140's also had a couple of echo chambers and spring reverbs. Why? Why didn't they just ditch all that real estate in favor of THE piece of equipment that was enough?

    And things have been vastly different since digital reverb units became popular.

    Are you aware that even in a live setting a mix engineer will have at least 3 different types of reverbs on the console?
  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Oh, so you already know that you can make a good track with a single reverb. I did not even need to supply ChatGPT results of good records that were made with only one reverb then. I'll just take your word for it. :wink:

    Which still is not the premise of his argument, that such threads are useless because someone can not just have one favorite reverb. If you want to do a troll's legwork for them, go ahead. Feel free to keep proving my point. :)

    You can look up manually all the supposed and unproven inconsistencies of AI replies, but it changes nothing. You do have to appreciate the irony of you saying it is a forum for discussion, in some flailing effort of support of someone making the argument a thread is useless. Read something else if that is the case.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2024 at 5:58 AM
  10. 9ty

    9ty Kapellmeister

    Dec 25, 2021
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    I guess you are referencing to my post, aren't you? In this case I was just wondering about myself (who questions a lot), that I was not questioning that ChatGPT was spitting out some facts about well known hit records which seems to be partially no facts.

    Anyway, I have to say, I am indeed still (before and after the ChatGPT quotes) in believe it is possible to make great sounding productions using one reverb. Just see how many examples there are of people using just "good ole Valhalla" or just using stock plugins of their DAW to make great sounding tracks. Even if ChatGPT gave some incorrect information it is still no mystery that many of those (and countless other) historical hit recordings are just using one reverb device to make a great sounding recording.

    You can even ask yourself, how this "dangerous partial information" has nothing to do with the argument, you possible just using one reverb to sound great. One step further you can ask yourself if you fall into some marketing traps which are telling you to buy as many reverb products as possible in order to sound good.

    Pls don't get me wrong again. I am not saying having more than one reverb device is a bad choice. I consider myself a reverb lover (coming from an obsession for reverb guitar pedals starting more than 20 years ago).

    It is kind of interesting how you say "ChatGPT giving some bad examples so I have to be right about my opinion". Kind of ironic how your post can be taken as an example for "the danger of partial information", because you use this partial information to prove your firm conviction about the usage of one or more reverbs in productions. No pun intended, maybe I got you wrong :wink:
  11. horriblemind

    horriblemind Ultrasonic

    Jan 6, 2021
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    Valhalla VintageVerb and Sonnox Oxford Reverb. They are among the most CPU-efficient yet versatile reverb plugins.
  12. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    I have absolutely NO idea why you'd think I'm supporting Foster or whomever that may be :rofl:

    I was answering to your post on its own merit. I never tried to contradict your opinion in any way, I literally just said "Idk if I trust ChatGPT to know about the production process of said songs". Then I went on to say multiple times that yes, you can make good music using a single reverb.

    No need to argue. We both agree on your main point, I expressed a different opinion about the reliability of ChatGPT, that's it.
  13. Mr.Mister

    Mr.Mister Ultrasonic

    Sep 4, 2024
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    Your comments are fueling a totally false perception of reality in music production.
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  14. Kate Middleton

    Kate Middleton Producer

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Kengsington Palace
    waves reverb i was using. fruity reverb.. nexus reverb.. it worked and still does

    i like eventide eclipse and TC 6000 reverbs
    + lexicon 200
  15. aleksalt

    aleksalt Producer

    Jul 1, 2013
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    Hey moderators, the thread starter shiftsz was last here on Mar 5, 2014, left only 3 posts and hasn't been here since...so I suggest closing the thread.
    A new thread about reverbs can be started taking into account my suggestions:
    Everyone who names their favorite reverb, names their genre of use and leaves a link to listen to
    a track using that reverb
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  16. tori

    tori Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2018
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    What is wrong with you?

    You know you can make this new reverb thread thats respects your suggestions by yourself? Just start a new thread, why should anyone else do it and why are you so keen about that this thread should get closed?
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