
Discussion in 'Software' started by audiofannn, Oct 21, 2024.

  1. audiofannn

    audiofannn Member

    Jan 11, 2019
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    I know nothing about Puremagnetik stuff but I noticed there is a boatload at the sister site. Any recommendations on favorites?
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  3. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    they are all very experimental. the tape loop ones are really cool. Most are one trick pony's in a sense, but still capable of a very wide range of sound design. I would check out the catalog on their site, watch some videos and see if any strike your fancy.
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  4. audiofannn

    audiofannn Member

    Jan 11, 2019
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    Thanks! Yeah, I like that tape loop stuff!
  5. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    here what i have tagged as tape loop

    Small Winters

    These may not be tape loop exclusive, but they are in that realm. Fog for example is more of a granular drone generator.
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  6. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I searched yesterday to see if anyone was discussing here, and found a variety of snippets other places but nothing to motivate me one way or the other.
    I did get a bad impression because it seems that many of these should not be separate products, but simply presets of a more capable synth/rompler/effect, as the case may be. Like the above "tape" products mentioned, maybe.

    I guess it is a marketing thing, as it keeps it simple in one way (each plugin doing basically one thing), but confusing when you have hundreds of different products and the names are "creative". The website is a mess as well. It does have categories, but they are strangely-grouped (in my old-school & non-creative brain, perhaps).

    Well, it seems like the typical "confuse them and grab the cash" MO, IMO.
  7. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    Their plugins are worth checking out, especially for free. Most of them are pretty unique. Really bizarre, interesting sound design stuff.

    I feel like SOME of their plugins do have some crossover with each other, but not all. It woulnt really make sense to have them all be part of a suite. The tape loop ones are all different from each other. In how they work, and in end result of sound.

    While their plugins do look simple, the end result if far from it. Each plugin is capable of a wide range of sonic territory. From extreme drones to subtle glitching. As for the naming, yah, i agree with you lol. The categories on the website do make sense tho.

    Synth - a synth
    Glitch - Glitch FX, think stutter, buffer chaos, chopping, 8 bit glitchy stuff
    Granular - granular processing
    Generative - while could be in synth category, it makes sense to have its own, as these are generative music machines. not played like a synth
    Modifiers - a lot of crossover in this one, but still makes sense. Signal modifiers. Tremolos, comb filters, filters, etc.
    Pitch & Time - Time based and Speed (Pitch) Fx
    Spatial - Reverbs, delays
    Spectral - Spectral processors

    Many of the plugins occur in multiple categories, which is a bit annoying, but it sort of makes sense, as they can fit in any of them. Like i said, these little plugins can cover a wide range of processing duties and end results.

    I dont think they are typical "confuse em and grab the cash" type company. From what i understand its a very small team / record label, with maybe one dev. Their plugins are all affordable. Much more so than competitors, especially considering how versatile some of them are. They also have so many plugins, because they are a record label, and release plugins with the release of some records. A plugin developed with xyz artist's input or ideas, and then released as a plugin / vinyl bundle. Not all plugins are a collab, but some are.

    Either way, if you are into sound design, or just having fun, different plugins on hand, they are worth checking out.
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  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I have tried some of them and had many similar impressions. But one person mentioned previously that the developer is a visual artist of some kind, and that is why the GUI are as seemingly random as the names of the plugins. I still have not kept any I have tested.
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