behringer xenyx

Discussion in 'Instruments' started by Kate Middleton, Oct 15, 2024 at 10:46 PM.

  1. Kate Middleton

    Kate Middleton Producer

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Kengsington Palace
    i want to buy this one but the question is will it my workflow better?

    i have a roland jv 1080, a korg triton rack and a yamaha motif xs

    the question is can all of these be connected through the mixer inputs and what about the Equalizers on the mixer are they better than the ones in a daw?
  3. shinyzen

    shinyzen Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2023
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    you can have them all connected, but only two channels have eq. The eq is nothing special. The built in FX are fun. All in all, its a decent unit for the price. I have had a few of them over the years, stlll have one for a live setup.
  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    One of the reviews on the webpage you linked says he uses it with 3 synths. The eq's won't be any better, but you will be recording in from those synths with a little eq already on that audio in. This can be most helpful for high/lo cutting on the way in. Better sounding, no; but will be an additional cpu-free option for you while tracking.

    It's only 90, but money goes a pretty long way on second-hand analog mixers nowadays. $10 per channel is not uncommon. You did not mention your audio interface and it's analog i/o count already. If you have less than 6 ins now, then it will cut down on you playing with cables, and let you use your 3 synths all simulatenously. For a small mixer like this though, I would consider other options from Yamaha and Mackie. 6 channel Yamaha MG06X is only $169.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2024 at 11:07 PM
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  5. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
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    if the mixer is an SSL that costs 500k then yes

    any other hardware mixer costing less than 20k cant compete with the worst stock EQ ITB
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  6. ItsFine

    ItsFine Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2023
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  7. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    this is the most cheap build and lowest quality you can buy .this is for schoolbands and similar .noisefloor from 90ies where better .
    the big ones may be another story.
    buy mackie buy everything but not that .
    maybe they overworked the shit out in the meantime but i would go for mackie or similar .

    if you not plan to go dawless , use just a proper interface and use DAW for eq and shit .
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2024 at 12:10 AM
  8. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    not that im rich or need to ego flex and stuufff but hell what you want expect from 99 bucks mixer unit .
    my choice : stock eq,fab and e27 ...maag...... ....
  9. Kate Middleton

    Kate Middleton Producer

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Kengsington Palace
    i dont expect much actually. i just need my synths functional.. i have alot of plugins for quality mixing and mastering. and this will be my first ever mixer - i dont need big mixer
  10. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    So my API Box 550 EQ's can't compete with stock VST EQ's because my console cost under $20k? Nonsense

    This is the type of bulls**t post that confuses people, you don't even have any proof to prove your post... because you can't.
    Most mastering EQ's cost under $20k and smoke plugins, anyone that's actually used pro hardware knows this... hell I can't think of many EQ's that cost more than $20k. Yep, this is total BS and your post should be removed for the fabrication it is.

    SSL 611's go for $800 in 500 format, while I can find full 4000 and 9000 strips for $2500 each, they smoke plugins.
    550 API's are $1200 each... smoke plugins.
    Even Neve 1084's can be had for $5K a channel... smoke plugins.
    This list gets crazy just searching on Sweetwater as most every EQ there is under $5k.

    So again your post is utter BS.

    Before you attack me, use google, and you'll see I'm an actual multi-platinum engineer/producer with thousands of large format consoles hours logged, having worked in some of the biggest studios in NYC, Atlanta, and LA. I'm very private but my work is out there, so clap back with BS and know who you are typing to because I'm not hiding behind a fake name.
  11. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
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    hard to explain, but if I was you I wouldnt buy the mixer for now.

    You are starting your "no returning crazy trip" into hardware world lol and being one that started the same trip ages ago the best thing I can suggest, for now, PLUG modules/synth directely into your audio card and start to understand how to work with hardware modules ITB, how your DAW handle external instruments

    then you will have to fight with the AD converters of your audio card

    The first thing you will realze is: how many input-output do you need?
    The second: how are my audio card converters are? Decent or bad?

    after all that I listed you will be ready to evaluate what kind of mixer you need and, belive me, it wont be the one you linked above

    dont buy it for now, just update here whats happening using your modules like VSTi into your DAW, then we will see
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