Apple Delivery Fun!

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Pm5, May 10, 2014.

  1. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    So I ordered a new Mac on Apple Store website...

    I did it on april 27th.

    The way it goes is weird : on the site they say delivery : 1-3 days.
    Actually it's the time it take to send it. On the phone and on the site, they insist on delivery service being UPS or such for seriousness and safety.

    1st surprise was : All take place in Honk Kong! No local workshop or even storage (okay... this will be fun)

    It took about a week to get from HK to... Luxemburg! As I live in Paris, this sounds just right!
    It stayed there a few days, and yesterday location changed to Netherland : getting the pack further from Paris.
    OK it must be the last step...


    Tonight it got to... Koln, Germany, still further from Paris. But it's in an UPS center, and should be handled seriously.

    This make no damn sense!
    *I plainly understand they have their workshop in HK as workers are cheap there. (social debate is not the point, even if there's a lot to say)
    *I understand it can wait there for a while as an half filled truck would cost and pollute.

    But wtf with the .lu - .nl - .de - ups tour??? is it a damn folk band on tour or is it a computer ?
    Don't they have some UPS center in Luxemburg?
    Or is it some tax escape technic ? From China to Luxemburg before hitting some tax'd country such as Germany or France?

    bottom line : when i ordered an elicenser it flew from California to Paris in THIRTY HOURS.
    Apple have housing , store (= stock), everywhere, they can't bring anything in less than 2,5 week.

    This is impressive.
  3. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    welcome to the world of Apple :mates:
  4. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    And everyone wonder why they are so damn expensive even when it have been built in China with almost the same hardware as any Win computer well now you have the answer
  5. Crash Davis

    Crash Davis Ultrasonic

    Jan 17, 2014
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    NSA implants 'special chips' into computers from Hong Kong, but this must be done in Koln, Germany, since Luxembourg won't cooperate, according to the rumor mill, which isn't always reliable, so disregard this message: unless you mean Luxemburg, Wisconsin, in which case NSA owns you.
  6. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    that is why i prefer to build a hackinstosh *yes*
  7. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    :rofl: this really got me laughing, just saw the elicenser sitting in the plane and watching in the sky.

    yes thats really odd, but as i ordered something from Koeln, it was also pretty weird how UPS delivery route was.
    but how in the World Apple will hold these 1-3 days when its shipped from HK? shouldnt it be local somewhere in Europe already?

    dont know after Steve died, Apple got a weird company. its lost his soul ...
    i miss Steve with his awsome ideas and global forward thinking ... :(
  8. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Yeah, Steve was such a great, greedy as fuck, ruthless as shit slave master. We all miss him as shit. :rofl:

    People should get over these stupid paid OS vs OS things and just get over to the good side that is GNU and Open Source. We are not greedy and we share everything with everyone. :)
  9. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    International Online shopping sucks :sad:

    I hope that the computer at least works good. It's a shame all the hoops and troubles. I dunno about Europe but there's been a major increase of apple stores in US. There's one on my city which is a medium size city.
  10. widgetmaster

    widgetmaster Newbie

    Mar 28, 2014
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    jUST REAL QUICK .... I assume that everyone knows that apple computers are now just pc's, right?? Yep .. most are all intel .. of course, the bios is different and the os is Apple .. but everything else is PC. Last DAW i built, I built a 12 core intel processor on a asus mother board ... super power supply, 24 gigs of ram, and 12 tb of hard drive space. I run everything on win 7 64 bit. It is just wonderful. Stable, and a real work horse.

    We have macs (mostly) at the college in the audio and video depts ... and they are all essentially quad cores. The pc above i built cost me a little over 4,000 dollars. A mac, with quad core intel, less memory, less hard drive space would have cost me $2500.00 more. It is not worth that just to have the apple OS, imho. Generally speaking, there is more for pc, it works as well (sometimes better from what i have seen ... seems macs crash when a lot of different students use them or they are left on 3 or 4 days at a time). The balance between the pc and the mac (technically) is pretty much in balance. Cost wise, a pc rig will cost considerably less--- 25% or more less, will do the same job just as well. But in the end ... everyone should get what makes them happy. :dunno:
  11. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Actually your wrong and don't know Apple Computers at all, first theres more then just intel specs, the hardware is Scuzzi hd, motherboard similar,Memory top notch, also there is no registry like windows with Dll files ect.. Mac are not pc at all this is why there the preferred for video and audio usage in the pro world

    Don't compare Apples to Oranges there Different ! (Think Different)
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Still will never for the life of me understand why people would willingly support Apple. The OS sucks, the company treats you like slaves, the computers are's baffling to me. :wow:

    Windows has way more software, more cracked software, way more games, works better, is more secure. I don't know I'm tired of saying it but the biggest surprise to me is when people that do buy in are SURPRISED when they get fucked over. :wow:

  13. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Meh, not really correct. Since Intel processors advent in Mac world components inside a Mac are very similar to commonly available components,
    apart from some parts custom built for Apple, but that doesn't mean they're better. They even use really crappy components (apart from high end MacPros) like many PC companies,
    see the sHitachi hdds and the crappy superdrive that can't do any better than making weird noises :rofl:
    Talking about registry and OS inner mechanisms is another story, as you said you can't compare apple and oranges. OSX is unix, windoze is windoze. *yes*

    Don't take me wrong, Mac guy here and pretty happy with it too (though if Apple's trend continue like this I will be so pissed that in future I may consider other solutions).
  14. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    They are preferred for video and audio usage as a holdover from when they actually were better for those. That time has long since vanished. That's not even getting into the fact that you're supporting a company that is fucking evil. Bill Gates donates billions (28 so far) to charity, Apple is evading taxes. Apple buys eMagic a company making Logic and shuts it off from Windows users to sell more computers. The NSA can hack an Apple iPhone with a guarantee of success. Why is that?
  15. hildah

    hildah Newbie

    Jun 6, 2011
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    my first computer was a mac computer and think my latest will be also a mac
  16. freakymofo

    freakymofo Ultrasonic

    Mar 13, 2013
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    London, UK
    It seems that most of you bashing Apple, are talking from personal experience? Because I have NEVER experienced any of these problems. Back in the day when i used windows PC/laptops, I just had problem, after problem, after problem. Virus after virus, they always got buggy, and crappy support/customer care. Went through many desktops and laptops.

    So, I saved up and bought my first Macbook, and I still have this Macbook... and that's my fault for buying snidey ones off of eBAy. Admittingly, Apple can be expensive for a lot of their products, but boy do you pay for it... IT feels nice, they last long, their support is GREAT, and friendly. I have never gotten ONE single virus on it? Now All my household uses are Macs...

    I'll tell you what, My MacBook got a dent on the lid, and I took my MacBook to my local Apple store, and told them that the bash on the lid was causing problems with the other house and the screen, ands they took it in, fixed it, and called me not even 3 days later, and asked me to come back and collect it, FREE or charge... Baring in mind I didn't even buy the MAc from Apple, I got it form someone off of Gumtree.... And Apple knew that..

    That really put apple high up on the ist for me... And I am still using this Late 2008 MacBook now, for everything...

    Sure, someone people have problems with Apple, just as some people don't' have problems with Windows..
  17. sicksystem

    sicksystem Newbie

    Feb 8, 2013
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    I guess they just can't find Luxemburg. :dunno: In fact, since the invention of spy satellites which can allegdly trace down someone on the street, they can't find anything!! Not even missing passenger-planes. :wow:
  18. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    You can imagine I actually looked out a bit to check what was goin' on in PC world.
    And... it's actually pretty expensive too.
    At same specs : it would have cost 200$ less to get a PC I'd build myself.
    BUT :
    No guarantee,
    no ZFS (aka. Time Machine),
    No firewire anymore (yeah, there is some, but >100$, and no actual support -> I can be sure it work with an HDD, but no definitive answer about my sound interface)
    A BIIIG noisy heavy box in my tiny place. (whereas a Mac mini is big as 3 CD cases)

    Give me a good, silent, PC with lot of RAM, predictible Firewire support, and a not-too-big box, and a reliable time-machine like backup support (with exploitable snapshots and stuff) : if it's really less expensive than a mac, count me back in PC world.

    I'd rather spend a little bit more on a Mac where almost everything runs smoothly out of the box.

    @ArcticStorm : I didn't expect the order to be treated in HK maybe eastern or southern europe if not in France, but not in China.

    @SineWave : seriously have you actually tried to make music with GNU Linux? I did it for a while, and it worked pretty well*... But if you want some good VSTs and such, you actually need OSX or Windows.

    (* one day, at the beginning of a song : no sound AT ALL all of sudden (was tested during soundcheck though..)...
    this never happened with a macbook)