Sub Bass Sharp and perfect for RAP (Without being 808)

Discussion in 'Software' started by ChemaChinasky, Oct 5, 2024.

  1. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    found no royo 808 in subtractor reason 5 warez...
    but also think it sounds bit different to eg subboom or sublab
    sounds more clean and upfront and deep at same time like reaktor 5
    of course i dont talk about below 80hz ...did use subass 1 preset with re overdive and other shizzle and im sure sublab wouldnt sound as good ,anyways great peace of software i wont wanna miss ...
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2024
  2. ChemaChinasky

    ChemaChinasky Noisemaker

    Sep 9, 2020
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    Thank you guys for the review you have given me, a little more and I come out depressed by bulling, (IT'S JOKE), here I attach a song of the types of Bass sub I need, variety not the same for all topics. Here I attach a topic of some similar:

    The exotic thing that is not in other plugins as you say are the "Presets" if a plugin brings me almost 500 presets of sub Bass or bass that usually serve me there is the exotic, which is what I was looking for, I was not looking to create a sound I clean (although if it is easy I could investigate online) since you do not worry that given what I have seen with your answers I will not tell you. The dilemma is the presets. Nothing special. But thank you for your answer, a little unpleasant and discrediting someone who is starting, but well, I guess you will be a pro of the SubBass that's why you are in a forum where you can learn or in your case "GIVE PROFESSIONAL CLASSES" I wish you luck with your master classes! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE HELP, YOU TOO.
  3. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    man just install reason5 from ru or az
  4. AstralDis

    AstralDis Producer

    Sep 13, 2019
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    or Reason 12 by R2R and use it in current DAW as VST rack.

    AFAIK the Subtractor engine has not been changed and OP could just recreate the patch... voila..
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    He could install Parallels Desktop to run Windows, and then Reason inside it vm'd. Seems a little drastic just to make some bass. I doubt you are going to get Reason running inside Crossover, never tried.
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  6. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    how since rewire got dropped in re12 ?
    i remember ppl talkin about another way but i cant remember details
  7. Axvap

    Axvap Kapellmeister

    Mar 11, 2023
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    So what's the struggle mate? I really don't get it. It's a simple sine wave bass, you don't know how to choose a sine wave from the list? There are hundreds of videos on YouTube that teach how to use subtractive synths, what basic sections there are and what different parameters do, like OSC section, Filter section, ADSR envelope, Modulation Matrix, FX section. You load up a synth, any synth that have a sine wave and you are good to go. If you want some harmonics you load up triangle wave. You want some attack you load up square or saw wave and filter out harmonics on sustain. It's all done in 5 seconds for this type of bass. Novice or no novice you need to learn your tools before you go for a "personal touch", to randomly tweak knobs is not a "personal touch" but a happy accident (at best)
  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Your options for running Windows r2r releases are to use the Apple Silicon supported versions of Paralells Desktop or some other VM with an ARM version of Windows, or Crossover with a PC instance of Audiogridder inside the bottle. Or Whiskey, but that's basically the same thing. Bootcamp cannot be used on Apple Silicon Macs to dual boot Windows. Maybe you can try something to the effect of Jack, Wine, ALSA, type of Linux morphodite setup. The easiest way to do it is to get a nice bass synth that has a working Mac release. If you are using Logic, open Alchemy (stock in Logic), hit the Advanced tab, and you have 4 oscillators available. People install Alchemy on PC to this day, and that is a 15 year old version of it.
  9. 6ixcore

    6ixcore Producer

    Apr 4, 2016
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    thats a sine wave, just select it on any synth add a bit of saturation and its done
  10. AstralDis

    AstralDis Producer

    Sep 13, 2019
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    I mean to use reason as VST in another DAW. No rewire needed to do so. >you just open Reason as a VST within your DAW of choice.

    I was not aware the OP is on Mac when I mentioned the R2R version.
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