Going to work for SkyNet...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Synthetech, May 9, 2014.

  1. Synthetech

    Synthetech Newbie

    Sep 7, 2013
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    well I guess I found the new career I need to pursue so I can make a decent wage again.

    I have been in a ditch, career wise. The great economic collapse destroyed my small biz in '06 since it was a service based upon Real Estate movement.

    I have been struggling to get back on my feet ever since.. I lost my house, several of my "toys" (cars, boats, motorcycles). It has truly been a humbling experience the past 5years.
    I have mulled over again and again, "what career should I pursue now?"

    Finally it has dawned on me that since I have been mucking around with designing MIDI controllers, fixing broken synths/electronics, studying embedded microcontrollers/PICs and beginning to program them.. basically all the core elements of a drone, including my mechanical background... like fixing BMW's (and making a boring automatic into a 5speed, tuning, etc.).. getting into the UAV/UAS drone career is exactly where I need to head for the 2nd half of my life/career.

    I am nearby Dayton, Ohio.. a hotspot of UAV developement and training. Seems to make sense to reach for this opportunity and run with it.

    I think I'm going to start selling off some of the extra synths I have accumilated the past couple years and help fund either the training or purchase a few drones to begin a small biz locally to offer services for drone use, either quad copter or fixed wing(airplane) drones.. and begin to learn as I earn.. either way, I think this is a HUGE upcoming trend of employment opportunities since the applications for using UAV's are endless.
    Search and Rescue
    Agriculture Mgmt.
    Cattle Mgmt
    Police/Fire dept's
    on and on....

    Eventually things may get scary as these machines get smarter and depend more upon AI to work w/out human direction, but I need a career NOW! I'm in a dead end job at the moment and it's ridiculous the knowledge I have now for tech like this is going untapped.

    Any of you considering a career in this field?

    Just thought I might post about it and see what some of you VERY clever people think about it.
    I sounds like a dream job.. using RC big boy toys to make a living? Hell yea!
  3. eksproducer

    eksproducer Member

    May 9, 2014
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    I wish u the best luck man
  4. HebrewInTheRain

    HebrewInTheRain Noisemaker

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Not considering the field, but I have been thinking of a hobby to send cameras into space to take picture of the earth... idk a friend of mine did it, Id like to try it. Not sure if that
    has anything to do with your UAV things but yeah... Synthetech!!! Best of luck! :D Hope you enjoy that career and may it provide you with joy and wealth! :D :mates: :wink: *yes* :thumbsup:
  5. chd

    chd Newbie

    Jan 10, 2014
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    drone technology is exciting like playing with fire because of the obvious implications...it can take a picture, deliver a pizza or bomb the Taliban so its usefulness has been proven lol...the US will likely be wanting to stay ahead of the global drone game or at least dictate the basics which is very good for the economy...you should obviously seize chances and get knee deep into it and be happy and successfull...dont sell off every synth you've got cause music keeps corruption of the self at bay! *yes*
  6. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    I'm too old and tired to start a new career, but if I were you with your knowledge, I would try to develop something on my own, and sell it to a big company. You might consider where drone technology is going in the near future. I'm talking mating drone tech with nano tech. Think about something as small as a housefly taking pictures of your bedroom activities or spying on terrorists. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, this is going to happen, so you might as well be on the forefront of the technology.
  7. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    This course has just started a few days ago ... https://www.edx.org/course/tumx/tumx-autonavx-autonomous-navigation-1658#.U20oBvldV8E

    edX rocks for free education .. here is another one coming up soon ..

  8. Synthetech

    Synthetech Newbie

    Sep 7, 2013
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    actually Wright Patterson Airforce Base is located near Dayton, OH and DARPA(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is there working on insect sized drones right now.. like I said, it's the hotspot of UAV's right now. Be it commercial or military.
    The Airbase sends recruits to the Sinclair College there to be trained for drones and upcoming tech.

    yes, the tech is here and it's going to be used, whether we want it to or not.

    thanks for the kind words of encouragement.. now to just figure out how to starve to death for a year while I goto school and be semi homeless (kinda hard to hold a FT job when you are in school during the day) until I get certified/hired. From what I understand, they are hiring people before they even graduate in this field right now.
  9. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    as they say in Japan...

    Good ruck!
  10. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Synthetech, I'm glad things are working out for you, my friend. You deserve it. Much peace and prosperity! Don't forget us, stick around. :mates:
  11. PatrickKn

    PatrickKn Member

    Mar 30, 2014
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    I say do it, as soon as possible. The FAA does not let anyone fly these things yet except in very specific circumstances. When they finally come out with guidelines for non-emergency/regulatory uses sometime this or next year, UAS market is going to explode.
  12. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Yeah good luck with the job man, but ultimately you do understand that one day these drones are probably going to be kicking our arses with directed energy weapons for not paying our parking fines & taxes?

    That's where it will end up i bet, mankind and humanity are too greedy to use the technology for the purposes of good, they'd much rather abuse it and use it for control and power

    But hey, what ya gonna do? the world is a fucked up place and if it wasn't you working there, it would only be someone else

    I've gone past caring these days as I now understand that whatever happens in the world is out of my control, i also understand that the people in power are lunatics

    Good luck though dude, as i say, don't worry about whatever happens in the future with the technology, it's not your fault, it was meant to be anyway, it's down to humanity to stand up for themselves to fight it before it's too late