Reaper opening saved Kontakt 7 Installed VSTi with Kontakt 7 Portable

Discussion in 'Software' started by Arghist, Sep 28, 2024.

  1. Arghist

    Arghist Newbie

    Sep 12, 2024
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    I use @bobdule 's installed Kontakt 7.10.6 alongside his portable Kontakt 7.10.1 because each opens various libraries that the other doesn't, for some reason. (I'd love to understand why that is!). I use the portable version of Kontakt by default, and the installed version only when the portable version can't open a given library. This is all in Reaper 7.22 on Windows 11.

    Unfortunately, I'm running into a strange problem. When I add an instance of Kontakt 7 Installed to a track everything works fine at first. But after I take Kontakt offline, or close and reload Reaper, whenever I try and open these Kontakt 7 Installed instances, Reaper opens Kontakt 7 Portable!

    This is a big problem because, as I said above, I use the installed version only for libraries that don't work in the portable version. And so when this happens, Kontakt portable throws an error about not being able to read the library (which is the very reason I used the installed version!), and I lose all my settings and configurations inside the plugin.

    How can I fix this?
  3. tvandlover

    tvandlover Producer

    Aug 27, 2016
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    As I mentioned above somewhere, I have been using Danilov's portable versions since V5 right up to my current V7.10.1. I have never had trouble with any plugins (and I have a lot) EXCEPT if the Lib would not run on the current Kontakt version of the time this being the only reason to update...ever. I am running win10 and Reaper. Are you running the portable version from the root of the C drive as per instructions? I did run V5 and V6 portable side by side at one at one point due to an unfinished song with no problems. You imply that bobdule has a portable version. This I have never used nor could I find it.
  4. ambbe

    ambbe Producer

    Jan 10, 2016
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    I think the most straightforward solution is to use only the portable version and find out why some libraries don't work, because I haven't had any problems with any of them, thanks to the fact that the portable version has its own mechanism to make each library have its own unique ID and there is never any overlapping of Ids
    Or alternatively, use both versions, portable and installed, but for example portable V7 and installed V8
  5. tvandlover

    tvandlover Producer

    Aug 27, 2016
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    Yes, sounds like the best course of action.......obviously look for any of the Bobdule installed files in registry etc after uninstalling I'm sure if you use reaper you know all this stuff..if so sorry
  6. Arghist

    Arghist Newbie

    Sep 12, 2024
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    Very interesting. The libs I have problems with in the portable version are almost all those that are installed with NI installers. When I try and open them in the installed version of Kontakt, they work; in the portable version, they throw an error: "This instrument belongs to a library that is not installed currently". This error continues to occur even after I add the library to my Kontakt portable with its own library adding tool.

    The problem I have in the opposite direction is with many small, third-party libraries (and some bigger ones). They work fine in portable Kontakt after I've installed them with the included tool, but they don't show up in the installed version. And as I recall it, these libraries aren't picked up by the installed Kontakt's library installer. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong here!

    Now that you mention it, no. But it opens most things perfectly well, the exception being the libs installed by the NI installer. My problem here is different -- when I save the installed Kontakt as an effect (VSTi) in a Reaper track, Reaper reopens the library with the portable Kontakt, and that fails.

    Yes. You can get it on his site (this is the link; mods, please delete it if this is not allowed). I mean, I assume it's his version, since he's distributing it it on his own page, along with his installed version. Am I wrong?
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2024
  7. Arghist

    Arghist Newbie

    Sep 12, 2024
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    Agreed. In fact, I mostly use the portable version, and have it all over countless songs and templates, so abandoning it would be very problematic. It's just that I have no idea where to start when it comes to troubleshooting my problems with the portable version. Any suggestions?

    Is Kontakt 8 stable enough for daily use yet? Does it load up all old libraries?
  8. tvandlover

    tvandlover Producer

    Aug 27, 2016
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    A lot of people are having trouble with libs not showing with Bobdules version 8. The stuff about keeping kontakt at the root of C drive was for Danilov version. I saw the bobdule portable from your link. It strikes me that a lot of people have problems when they start mixing different distributions....we haven't even mentioned R2R. In the Danilov version all the files are in one folder. there are what I suppose are symlink files in the vst3 folder and your vst folder linking directly back to the Kontakt folder(root of c drive. where the actual vst dll and vst3 files are. As I said before there has not been one library that hasn't shown. The other great thing is that the snp id no's are taken care of by the Danilov library manager so no chance of duplications. No sign of a version for 8 yet.
  9. Arghist

    Arghist Newbie

    Sep 12, 2024
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    Based on a suggestion here, I eliminated K7 Installed and installed Bobdule's K8 Installed, leaving my K7 Portable installed. This solved the problems with Reaper -- it now never confuses the two versions of Kontakt, due to them having different version numbers.

    And what's more, the new Bobdule K8 (8.1) seems to find all of my previously installed NI/big name libraries without issue. By that I mean the libraries that you can install with the strange little tool that sits in the same folder as the Kontakt exe.

    And I finally figured out how to install the third-party libraries that the strange little installer tool doesn't recognize -- using the gear icon in the library screen. And it works perfectly so far! These are the libraries that Bobdule's version didn't autodetect after running his K8 Installed for the first time.

    I just wish there were some way to get a list of these undetected libraries.

    So it seems I have no need for K7 Portable now... except that it's in tons of my songs and templates.
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