Right guys, lets get a list going of GOD TIER plugins. Absolute essentials thats worth the money!!!

Discussion in 'Software' started by Kamron giles, Sep 27, 2024.

  1. Kamron giles

    Kamron giles Member

    Nov 25, 2023
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    I know "the plugins that come with your DAW are sufficient." but this list is for the God Tier. capital G tier.

    The absolute best of the best, essentials for all music production hobbyists and professionals to use in their work. The rules are:
    • They cannot be native to one DAW. (it's no fun at all telling Ableton users about patcher in FL if they can't use it)
    • They can be FX or Instrument/Synth plugins.
    • Explain why it's great and what it does.
    • you can name plugins someone else has named, just your own take on why you love it.
    There probably already is many lists but this is one list to rule them all.
    This list is for all the Pro's and Noob's out there that don't scour every inch of the internet for new or interesting plugins. I wish someone made a list like this for me so here we go, I'll start.

    First up is

    • Fabfilter Plugins
    Every one of Fabfilter plugins are top notch 10/10 for me. The delay (Timeless) might not be as snappy or interesting as soundtoys echoboy or waves h-delay, their reverb might not be a lush and detailed as Lexicons reverbs, their synth "Twin 3" might not be as reputable as Serum or Omnisphere. But man do these guys make SOLID plugins. Every one of them is just that.. solid. Dependable, solid and enjoyable to use. The EQ is famous for it's useability, the saturation is known for it's warmth, and who the hell doesn't like a creative filter plugin like Volcano 3? FABFILTER PLUGINS 10/10

    Next up is
    • Devious Machines
    Devious Machines plugins are all absolutely fantastic. The creativity is endless. Infiltrator is a powerhouse of FUN! The insane shit you can make with this plugin is INSANE. Texture is sooooo interesting to add interesting layers to sounds. Most of what people hear, they don't know how it's made or where it comes from. If your the general public, you don't know that a bird song has but triggered by an envelope thats hitting when the snare hits, but us music lovers and professionals do. It is SO MUCH FUN to just layer weird shit with texture. Multiband x6 is a monster also. You want multiband compression? slap a big fucking multibandx6 on there and watch the bitches tits wobble. Devious Machines 9/10

    Next up is
    • Shaperbox 3
    Pretty much the only plugin you'll ever need (sort of)
    If you left me stranded on a desert island with a fucking laptop and a pair of HS8's, I'll take my DAW of choice and Shaperbox fucking 3. This thing is an all in one BAD BOY. Compression? Reverb? Sidechain my fart noises to the reverb and then liquidate whilst 1/16 panning that bad boy? shaper box mutha fuckin 3. The presets are just gold dust in a time where little pay as you go plugins are being shoved down our throats. This thing is fun, creative, menacing, but doesn't take itself too seriously. It's what I like to call "good at what it's supposed to be good at, and then some." I'm sure all of you can attest to this BEAST of a plugin. Shaperbox 3 10/10

    There's MANY MANY more and i've purposefully left them out so you can fill in the blanks. so.. what's your all time great plugin, and why?
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  3. bravesounds

    bravesounds Producer

    Sep 4, 2017
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    It's probably a plugin we all use and know about. A better question might be, what plugins do you secretly use?
  4. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    In bloom
    god's particle, voice of god

    i haven't even tried these plugins, but because of its name it looks they belongs to your list
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  5. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    In bloom
  6. Smeghead

    Smeghead Audiosexual

    Jun 25, 2024
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    Sausage Fattener

    (Is he serious? Is it sarcasm? I WILL NEVER TELL!)
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  7. Emigê

    Emigê Noisemaker

    Aug 15, 2024
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    The gods particle 4 sure, but the top list should be izotopes ozone 11, if you looking for insane plugin, this is the one. Melodyne should be on this list too. Waves ultimate if youre looking for one package thing. I hope this helps
  8. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    I'll bite, with a couple of deep cuts :

    is a great low-resource usage synth. And I wanna specifically shout out the V.R versions which have a million presets pre-installed. Scroll through presets and categories until you hear something that gets you in the ballpark, then tweak away!

    Glitchmachines : I've always loved all of these fx. Just like throwing paint on the canvas and carving some shapes into existance. Complete madness that you gotta try and find the right phycho meds to tame.
  9. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I cleared out my VST/AU folders and the ONLY plugin I kept and use is Sausage Fattener.

    delay? screw it.

    Reverb? Child please. just blow it out.

    Compression/EQ/limiting? Why? when you have Sausage Fattener (see above)..

    Filters? That's for wimps. dial in the sound right the first time, or just toss Sausage Fattener on it and obliterate it to hell and it doesn't matter anymore.

    Saturation/color? Sausage Fattener is one stop shopping.

    Aliasing be damned... as hell, you know what the kids these days are listening to your work on....

    OTT and pushing everything into a simple clipped square wave at all times is the only way to roll.

    There can be only one.

    And that 'one' is Sausage Fattener.

    (complete /s btw)

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  10. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Regarding individual plugins as "god" types is going to vary from person to person with regard to the genre's they are involved with. EX. - someone who produces symphonic/theatrical stuff is going to have a different view of "god types" than someone who produces EDM...
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  11. zadiac

    zadiac Producer

    Jun 9, 2022
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    I really think Vocoflex should be on this list too. Very new, but from what I've seen it can do, it should be at least in the top 5. Hopefully it will be charmed by the witches soon.
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  12. dr_after

    dr_after Kapellmeister

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Oh, there are so many :)

    - Spire - it's a workhorse, it can sound soft, hard, EDM-like and ambient, fast, small, it can literally cover 90% of synth sounds you need.
    - Model 84, because I love that Juno sound and they nailed it.
    - TAL plugins, because they are great emulations
    - VPROM - the best emulation of Linn Drum, period.
    - Nexus - yeah, it's a sample player but I really like how easy is to make some outline of a new song with this. It's my sketchbook, very versatile
    - Absynth - nothing sounds like it, shame it's being discontinued
    - Plogue instruments - my chiptunes heaven
    - GForce instruments - warmest synths ever

    - Fabfilter Q3 - fast workflow, great sound, you know it
    - Fabfilter C2 - amazing, versatile compressor
    - Acustica El Rey 2 - wonderful comp
    - Soundtoys Echoboy for the versatile and fast to use delay
    - Relab 480 - amazing reverb, but Valhalla is something godly too
    - Kush audio plugins - they have some mojo I love, especially UBK2
    - Plugin Alliance Looptrotter - instant saturation and fatness
    - Mastering the Mix plugins - very smart plugins for enhancing your mixes.
    - soothe for getting rid of resonances
    - Latest TBTech Trinity Shaper - what a beast for transient control!

    Ok, these are plugins I use the most, but not limited to them. Quite a long list, but each tool does something different of others.
  13. Shiori Oishi

    Shiori Oishi Platinum Record

    Oct 21, 2023
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    You know your sh*t! My list:
    • VSTi: Ample Sound, Roland Cloud, XLN
    • Mixing: Sonimus, Pulsar Audio
    • Reverb and delay: Valhalla
    • Modulation: Audiority
    But it's hard to leave out Softube, Overloud, Lindell, Brainworx, Fuse Audio Labs, Black Rooster, XILS and so many others.
  14. Gnosisrausch

    Gnosisrausch Kapellmeister

    Sep 21, 2016
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    This is going to turn into a "plugins that you regularly use" thread quickly, combined with the occasional joke such as "sausage fattener". That being said, I guess I'd agree on Ozone 11, and probably Gullfoss. Strong contenders - for me personally - are also Eventide's Blackhole, RC-20 and DMG Limitless for sound quality and ease of use. Everything else is pretty situational in my opinion, and/or there is at least one other VST that easily does exactly the same things.
  15. ziked

    ziked Producer

    Nov 30, 2019
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    How do we define a god tier plugin? Or an essential plugin? I'm not sure if the prompt is clear enough.

    I personally prefer Valhalla SuperMassive over VintageVerb, despite it being free and simpler.
    Likewise, I would rather use TAL Chorus LX in a lot more cases than Valhalla UberMod, despite it being far more capable.
    Vital and Surge are incredibly deep, capable synths, but I might get more enjoyment out of Softube Model 80.

    To me, an essential plugin is one that is the least intimidating, yet provides the best results. And you use it all the time. And usually the least intimidating ones are not the most complicated. And a lot of the time the most convenient plugin are also free.

    Anyway, here's my short list in terms of FX.

    Valhalla Super Massive - One plugin that gives you a reverb and a delay at the same time. Great when you just want some non-descript space like a generic space echo and don't need precisely timed delays. Free, simple, quick to use.
    TAL Reverb 4 - Daily driver algorithmic reverb which sits above all the old junk like Freeverb. Can't even go back to my DAW's reverb. It's almost on par with Lexicon in utility IMO.
    TAL Chorus LX - Sometimes all a part needs is that instant Juno Chorus button, with the mix and stereo widening knobs adjusted to taste.
    Kilohearts Stereo - The first stereo widening plugin that seemed to do it right. Endlessly useful, even as a quick way to isolate mid/side.
    Luftikus - I never imagined I'd like a EQ without adjustable bands. But I love using this for subtle bass, mid and treble boosting. It's also perfectly in phase (0 latency), so I can adjust the wet/dry knob to do fine adjustments if I'm overcompensating.
    Chow Tape Model - Even after trying two really good paid tape plugins, I've kept using this for doing subtle rolloffs and saturation. It basically did what I hoped Softube's Saturation Knob would do.
    Soundgoodizer - While the A/B/C/D presets are really limiting, Soundgoodizer is no different than using catch-all presets in AIO mastering plugins, you just can't really tweak it much. I only really use it around 10-25% mix to make instruments pop a bit more, making composition/writing phase a bit more enjoyable, and am too lazy to remove it later.
    TAL-DAC - Finally a non-free plugin. Basically the only bitcrusher I need, super flexible, tons of useful features and ways to fine tune the effect to achieve particular vibes.
    Korg MDE-X - An old favorite: one plugin, many effects. Used with my friends long ago during collaborations so we didn't constantly use plugins we didn't all have. But it didn't age gracefully, and Snapheap makes it obsolete (perhaps others I'm unaware of too).
    LoudMax - Exactly what I wanted in a limiter. No nonsense, and a transparent sound. I wish it had a preamp on input though.
    mvMeter2 - A nice old school meter, I use it a lot for matching levels of tracks, has a nice sense of precision. Maybe better exists, though.
    Signalizer - Great, high res and super fast oscilloscope/spectrum analyzer.

    Now generators:

    TAL-Sampler - Only sampler I need. Wide range of uses (mostly use it for non-realistic VGM), and can even embed samples into the project file, super useful for instruments with few samples, not having to deal with missing sample folders and such.
    Spire - Also recommending this, as one of the most pleasant to use wavetable-style VAs out there. Flexible without being overwhelming. Always sounds good.
    PIanoteq - Physical modelling of a large array of instruments. Checks a lot of boxes. Highly expressive, though may not be as 'realistic' as some Kontakt libraries if realism is very important. Saves a lot of space.
    SWAM - Basically like Pianoteq, but gets you strings, brass and woodwinds. Not earthshattering, but works well.
    Modo Bass - Physically modelled bass guitars and upright basses. Essential for doing light jazz/funk/fusion work.
    Legend HZ - Possibly the only Moog-style analog synth you'll ever need.
    Obsession - A great bread and butter analog synth (Oberheim style), simple as heck, easy to edit sounds.
    G-Force OB-X - If Obsession isn't enough, OB-X and it's endless LFOs/Envs for all parameters should fill the gaps and then some.
    u-he Diva - If I could only have one analog synth plugin, this would probably be it?

    That's all for now...
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2024
  16. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    None, when I seriously think about it, great thread. :thumbsup:
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  17. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Of the things I always use, for sure Fabfilter.
    I don't think I've made a single thing without Pro-Q 3 or Pro-C 2 on it.
    I really like SSL Native Bus Compressor 2 on drums and my mix
    iZotope Neutron + Ozone for mixing/mastering tools

    The above tools are used in pretty much all my tracks.

    I use a lot of different soft synths, but I'm not sure I really have a constant go to. Serum is probably the one I've used the most, but Pigments is probably the most versatile and amazing for sound design. Neither of these synths are necessary to me though.

    For electronic drums, I have a few I rotate through.. I love the D-16 808/909 emus, VPROM, and Microtonic. All are very good.
  18. Smeghead

    Smeghead Audiosexual

    Jun 25, 2024
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    I use all kinds of things for all kinds of projects but the plug that gets used always, every time, period is FF Pro-Q.

    I would consider Sound Toys gawd level also, personally.
  19. Kamron giles

    Kamron giles Member

    Nov 25, 2023
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    I'm going to expand on the list. a god tier plugin is a plugin that is top of its class ziked. It's a plugin that does everything right in its own field.

    Decapacitator - It just sounds warm, Makes everything tingle 9/10

    Izotope Neutron - IMHO this is one of the best plugins ever made. It just simplifies the process and is a must have especially for beginners. 10/10

    OUTPUT Portal + Thermal - They just get this spot on. It's like the golden age of distortion and granulizers. They look beautiful aswell. 9/10
    Three-Body Technology Cenozoix Compressor - Probably the only compressor one would ever need. has like 8 compressors in 1. Every setting you could want. 10/10
    Kazrog True Iron - this is my little secret. what it does? god knows. emulates some sort of pre amp transformer thingy. I'm telling you guys, this is one of them o face vst's. use it once, use it forever.

    TONE PROJECTS - I have them but haven't utilized them. I've heard very good things about all their stuff. Maybe have a look.

    All the unfiltered audio stuff is top notch aswell.

    Waves factory are pristine also, simple but very good.

    Ovox for vocals does all the work for you but hey.. if it sounds amazing it sounds amazing.

    Sonnox Inflator inflator blah blah blah, we all know it's good.

    All of Softubes stuff is Legit, albiet resource heavy. I never saw the hype with Weiss stuff though.

    Soothe is awesome - beats resonances up and takes their lunch money

    I'm loving STL tones for all acoustic drum and electric guitars.

    Nerual DSP stuff is a god for guitars

    Minimal audio has impress me massively, they are like my grey little soundtoys friend, every product is solid right now.

    LIQUID SONICS FOR REVERB! wow, i think the only contender to Liquid sonics is Lexicon right now. Probably the 2 hardest hitters for reverb! (proceed to get punched in the face by the valhalla boys out there*)

    I dont see enough Goodhertz love. Their plugins are insanely cool, as solid as a frozen turd.

    Cytomics the glue - We all love this little bad boy.

    Golden 58 pre amp - its magical

    Uad or any other companies Pultects are also magical

    waves harmony is special

    waves magma series is seriously good

    Arturias Distcoldfire is actually fucking cool. Pigments is probably one of the best synths made to date.

    Best synth/romplers/samplers are probably still:

    spire 8/10
    serum 8/10
    omnishpere 9/10
    diva 8/10
    thelegend/ 9/10
    UAD minimoog 10/10
    sylenth 9/10
    kontakt 10/10
    vengeance 9/10
    keyscape 10/10
    superior drummer 3 - 10/10
    trilian 10/10
    pigments 9/10
    triton 8/10
    massive 10/10
    massive x 8/10
    dune 3 9/10
    zebra 2-3 9/10
    sublab 9/10

    so i went off on a bit of a tangent but out of all i said, 90% i would consider top tier plugins. alot of them are a given, well known and commonly used plugins. But in terms of quality. IMO these are an incomplete list of plugins i consider GOD tier.
  20. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    1 - Microwave 1
    2 - Phase Plant
    3 - OPS7


    1 - Redux
    2 - Tal Sampler
    3 - Kontakt


    1 - Pro-Q 3
    2 - TrackComp 2
    3 - Echoboy

    These are my essentials. I could go on at length like everyone else in this thread, but if this is about "god tier" essentials, these are the ones I use.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2024
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  21. Axvap

    Axvap Kapellmeister

    Mar 11, 2023
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    NI Massive (easy on CPU and breeze to program, very quick and intuitive for the essential sounds: 808 kick, supersaw, bells, plucks, stringpads and so on)
    Xfer Serum (for advanced sounds, it can create and recreate 99% of sounds out there. The only synth one need)

    ReFX Nexus (mostly to get quick sounds for pop or EDM, but with a variety of real instrument sounds)
    NI Kontakt (for live instruments: piano, guitar, bass, drums, orchrestral and so on)

    Fab Filter (foremost EQ, Multiband and Limiter for mixing, but other plugins are flexible and of good quality)
    Xfer Serum FX (even better quality but limited settings, plus OTT)

    That's the absolute Top Tier. Everything else you get from a DAW of choice. Above that it all depends on the genre of music, so one might go for an extra genre-specific plugin, like example Toontrack Superior for the live drums or NI FM8 for the skrillex growls.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2024
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