KLU (Kontakt Library Utility) - Version 2

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Fred Bloggs, Nov 17, 2023.

  1. steeth2

    steeth2 Noisemaker

    Feb 24, 2022
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    Thanks for your reply and suggestion. I've tried with both the Add Library 3.0 and the original Kitty Script as well but no luck with either software after creating the nicnt and wallpaper file with KLU. Since Arpology X doesn't come with a nicnt file the only way I know how to create on is with KLU.
  2. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You mentioned that you are using K7, but not the specific version of it. When you try to add this library with Add Library 3.0, what error message did it display? You could also try removing the library with KLU, and then adding it again. You should probably stop using Kitty scripts altogether. Maybe someone will try to duplicate your problem and you do not want to include additional variables that can happen at your command line.

    • Full paid version of Kontakt, 7.10.5 or higher. Will NOT work in the free Kontakt Player!
    • Intel Macs (i5 or higher): Mac OS 12 or higher (latest update), 6 GB RAM recommended
    • Apple Silicon (via Rosetta 2 & ARM): Mac OS 12 or higher (latest update), 6 GB RAM recommended
  3. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Yeah, I agree with all clone said.

    I only use KLU2 (latest version), and now using latest HCiSO Kontakt v7.10.6 release and ~230+ libraries installed with no issue.
    (in addition to many many other libraries and instruments that are accessed via file menu load- and damn you NI for taking away user accessible database management and assigning specific folders for easy navigation! :knock: :no:)

    ArpologyX has specific requirements (7.10.5 as stated), and it does not come with an ninct, and I see no reason to add one myself to libraries that do not use NI's licensing system... I have ArpologyX installed on my system, but I just access it via the file browser, and I tested it, and it worked fine (other then having to locate a file or 2 and then resaving the instrument).

    I personally have never used Add Library 3.0 or Kitty Scripts myself, as I haven't needed to, and while I am not familiar with how they operate, and everything could be copacetic with KLU2, I just prefer to remain on the horse I rode in on that has been working just fine in this case out of parsimony, and on the off chance perhaps the different methods/software could conflict or create problems. (again, I'm not saying they do or will, but KLU2 provides all I need).

    There are only a few libraries I have had issue with using KLU2 and certain libraries' installation (one example that comes to mind recently is Void and Vista's "Folds"), but I suspect perhaps the nicnt file on that from where I sourced it may have been mucked with or whatnot, and it wasn't worth it to me to futz around with...as while I know KLU2 provides tools for altering snipd numbers etc, comments I have read in various threads or sites just have me a little trigger shy on messing around with that too much, as have been warned it could ~possibly~ create future issues or whatnot, (whether or not that I either phrased that correctly or the information is true not withstanding).
  4. steeth2

    steeth2 Noisemaker

    Feb 24, 2022
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    Thanks for chiming in, I really appreciate it. Sorry, I forgot to add the version of Kontakt, which is 7.10.6. I have no issues loading the Arpology X library from the "files" tab, so it's not an issue with not being able to use it, I'm just wondering if someone might know why certain libraries that doesn't come with a .nicnt file and you create a .nicnt file in KLU works/shows up in Kontakt, and some don't? I don't get any error message from KLU and it simply says "installed", but it simply doesn't show up in Kontakt.. I've created a bunch of .nicnt files with KLU for libraries that doesn't have them, and 99.9% of them show up just fine in Kontakt, but a few doesn't, even though I'm doing the exact same thing.. So I'm just curious to know why.. Have searched, googled, gone through forums etc but haven't found the answer, hence the question.. It's no problem to simply load it via the "files" tab, I just personally find it more convenient to have it listed in the libraries tab and load it from there.
  5. steeth2

    steeth2 Noisemaker

    Feb 24, 2022
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    Thanks, I appreciate your insight. KLU is an amazing piece of software that works great. I'm just curious to know if someone knows why certain libraries doesn't show up. I'm sure it's not a KLU issue, but rather something with the library itself somehow.. I'm just curious.. :)
  6. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Yeah, to be honest, I hate what has happened with Kontakt in terms of user interface since v6 with their "store" and whatnot as I have previously mentioned, as so many things are not as convenient/quick/etc as they were before. Certainly not a fault of KLU or Fred Bloggs, but rather some poor decisions based on NI's new ownership in the Francisco Partners or whatnot....

    One used to be able to easily save favorites, (quickload doesn't deal with snapshots (guess you could save another nki perhaps but...), and one could designate folders on different drives etc so you didn't have to go file tree diving etc, you would have your Kontakt folders that were not NI officially licensed, and boom, there they were, no having to add them via some nonsense... and add the fact that their database no longer is usable accessible (other then simply deleting it), you can't assign or constrain it to certain folders or drives etc, so God help you if you are looking for a missing element, as one has to generally manually find it and whatnot.... (it didn't used to be that way, as with a more svelte database that only looked at the folders you told it to, could quickly find things with it's own brute force spotlight search or whatnot.... but now, ffs, I have over 65 TB online at the moment, and if a particular library is missing an .ncw or something, I need to go find it manually....whereas before it would take it less then a second (granted, less assets online at the time, but not much, and certainly a slower system in a 5,1 tower then a m3 max...))

    I don't ever bother "creating" nicnt's or adding artwork to libraries, and I've been forced to save favorite patches etc on a daw level rather then in the Kontakt library, as unless I am missing something, or want to go about creating those those things, which as explained earlier to me by others can lead to possible issues, and I've got thousands of libraries/instruments NOT tied to NI's system as made my self or the dev wasn't buying into their nonsense).... so their greed has resulted in a less creative/expedient/convenient/faster workflow...

    (again, I could be missing something obvious here, and I hope I am, and am corrected, but talking to EvilDragon (one of their main support reps and someone involved in scripting etc over at NI now), no, it's just another example of what happens when shortsighted finance bro's get involved with something that really wasn't broken. (see: Absynth, Reaktor etc...).

    Kontakt has been an extremely important part of my workflow since it's inception, and it provides a lot of things that I don't know other devs have... (not that UVI scripting or HALion etc might not be able to do some of the things that some of the heavily scripted Kontakt library/instruments have, they just aren't available, (nor do they have access to cross company/dev modules and tools etc) and I'm decades at this point down the Kontakt rabbit hole and most likely down it in perpetuity due to time and whatever else issues.

    But all I can say is thank God for KLU2 and @Fred Bloggs :bow::bow::bow: for creating it and maintaining it, as I'd be in a far worse place without it.... and I hope it carries over to the inevitable issues we are going to face when a forced move to Kontakt 8 is put on us...
  7. Kalevi

    Kalevi Newbie

    Sep 26, 2024
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    The newest version of Kontakt 8.01 on the ss doesn't show the libraries that have been installed to an external drive. They all say "Library not found"

    All the libraries are showing within Kontakt 7 with no issues. I installed all these libraries with KLU, but it doesn't seem to be working in this particular scenario.

    How to resolve this? I've got dozens of libraries on external drives.

    Thank you.

  8. Londoner

    Londoner Member

    Oct 30, 2021
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    1. Check that Kontakt 8 has full disk access in Mac Privacy settings - that may fix it
    2. Find the corresponding JSON file for the library in Users/Shared/Native Instruments/installed_products and edit it - mine had the wrong path in for some libraries and I edited the location to ensure it was right and they appeared :)
    3. I'm not sure as it's early days with Kontakt8 but it seems to generate those JSON files when first installed - so if you hand edit those JSON files be prepared that if you upgrade / re-install it might overwrite them so keep a backup

    Last edited: Sep 27, 2024
  9. Kalevi

    Kalevi Newbie

    Sep 26, 2024
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    Tried everything. The json files have the correct path to the external drive, but Kontakt 8 still says "Library not found".

    Any other ideas?
  10. Triphammer

    Triphammer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2015
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    Yeah....roll it back. Do you really NEED K8?
  11. Kalevi

    Kalevi Newbie

    Sep 26, 2024
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    I was incorrect. The path referenced the external drive, but the full path wasn't correct.

    It was showing:

    /Drive_Name/<path to library>/Library_Name

    But the path needs to reference the Volumes collection before the drive name. Like this:

    /Volumes/Drive_Name/<path to library>/Library_Name

    Another easier way, pointed out by someone else, is to delete all the json files in the installed_products directory and relaunch Kontakt. Kontakt will generate the correct path to the external drive(s) upon the second creation.
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  12. Londoner

    Londoner Member

    Oct 30, 2021
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    FYI - It sometimes generates the wrong path when you delete the files and it creates them again, which is why you should also check the JSON
  13. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Credit to others for this suggested fix, but I read on sister site, and with the HCiSO release in particular:

    Create a folder in "/Users/Shared/Native Instruments/" with name "installed_products", i. e. "/Users/Shared/Native Instruments/installed_products"


    "Go to:
    Mac: "Macintosh HD/Users/Shared/Native Instruments/installed_products"

    and delete only there the not working library entry, then relaunch Kontakt 8. and it will build a new json file and it will work. After relaunch then Kontakt8 2nd time, it will also show the library in Gallery view."

    I haven't jumped in on installing K8 yet myself, so can't personally attest to the veracity of that just being a simple solution, or if the simple creation of that folder simply mitigates the other solutions kindly suggested here (in fixing/editing the JSON file after the fact)

    but I can say, with just the latest HCiSO v7 release installed, that folder does not exist currently on my Sonoma system.

    (all I have in my /Users/Shared/ regarding Native Instruments is a "Native Access/ras3" folder and another folder Users/Shared/NI Resources )... (unless I am missing something?)

    So I can't say for sure if that should be created prior to install, or right after, or prior to instantiation of standalone Kontakt 8/respective plugs or KLU 2 etc or that works to negate the need for the above mentioned fixes. But it would be nice if it did.
  14. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    Hi Guys. I have only just had the chance to take a look at the latest K8 and how nicely it plays with KLU. Well it's going to take quite a bit of unravelling to find out what's going on here, but it would seem at first sight that the .json files in the "installed_products" products folder, now play a more important role than the "Service Center" .xml files ! This is just a first glance, and I'm going to have to spend some time to study this more closely.
    For those who have ANY sort of CRITICAL work going on, I suggest you stick with K7 for now and wait for me or someone else who knows their way around Kontakt a bit to come and give you an update :winker:.
    Keep making music people :no:
  15. bubbawubba69420

    bubbawubba69420 Newbie

    Aug 15, 2024
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    still dealing with this, totally stuck installing for the time being :/
  16. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    /\ search for the new updated kontakt add library app here at audioz. it works.
  17. oceanicbuddha

    oceanicbuddha Newbie

    Jun 9, 2018
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    can you provide a link ?
  18. Ted

    Ted Ultrasonic

    Jan 1, 2017
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    Hey guys I'm on Sonoma 14.7 and KLU hase become incredibly slow. It takes ages to load the libraries and then stuck. Any idea ?
  19. treia

    treia Newbie

    Apr 6, 2013
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    does it work with high sierra and kontakt 6.7?, because i am not able to get it work
  20. Marcellus Walace

    Marcellus Walace Newbie

    Nov 6, 2024
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    Hi there,

    I could read a lot of messages in this thread and it's amazing to see the collaboration here!

    For a few hours I try to install, reinstall, remove the several Kontakt (7, 8) version I have (by HCiSO) and I sill have the message in the top left window "It seems that this library is not installed" in KLU.

    Situation is I use a lot of Kontakt libraries on Windows for long years and before to switch to a powerful new Mac, I try to install some libraries on an M1 Mac mini running Sequoia (using the Hard Drive where some libraries are installed) to see if I'll be able to use my libraries and projects on the Mac.

    Example of a library structure on my Hard drive:

    There is nothing created by the KLU tool. And maybe it's because there is no Service Center for the folders. Shouldn't it be created by the tool? Same general question for the message "It seems that this library is not installed" (It seems to be the mission of this KLU)

    I attach a few screenshot also if it can help.
    upload_2024-11-6_17-11-39.png upload_2024-11-6_17-11-53.png upload_2024-11-6_17-12-23.png

    I know I miss something and this tool looks like an excellent one. so if somebody has an idea, it would be very appreciated.

    Attached Files:

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