Audio PC (Linux/Ubuntu)

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Friendelek, Sep 9, 2024.

  1. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    Hi all!
    I have few questions.
    1) What is your Linux PC hardware parts (CPU/GPU mostly) ?
    2) Do you have smooth workflow with yabridged plugins?

    I'm experimenting with ubuntu 24, want to try it for music production/mix. I figure out with wine/yabridge and how to make it work, but I got like 30 fps in plugins, for example Pro-Q3. I think its because my old 10 series Nvidia gpu drivers, thinking of get AMD card for it. Or maybe I configure something wrong ...
  3. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Are you using Nvidia GPU drivers or Nouveau? Nouveau Nvidia drivers are getting better all the time, but Nvidia drivers are always a little better in my experience, try it, latest one. Yeah, you would be more lucky with an AMD GPU, or Intel. I've been using Intel GPU for the last 4 years - very smooth and stable. Nice hardware encoder/decoder. I'm using Debian 12 with Mate.

    Not using Yabridge, I sometimes use LinVST, but 99% Linux native plugins and keeping it simple, focusing on music. :wink: Somebody else should chime in regarding Yabridge, but I've heard it's the best, most compatible, and stable Wine VST bridge. I use LinVST because I'm not using a ton of Windows plugins, and it's easier/simpler/smaller to set up. I prefer minimal stuff. ;)

    Cheers! :wink:
  4. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    Thanks for your replay. At first I used the Nvidia driver, but then I had problems installing Wine, i got RandR error massage, then I switched to Nouveau, after that again to Nvidia. The only problem that's bothering me right now is low FPS and little freezes in bridged plugins.

    My main wish is to move on Linux because customizable UI, no useless preinstalled software, running background apps, useless updates. It's free and much faster vs Windows.

    What audio driver do you recommend to use?
  5. deathroit

    deathroit Kapellmeister

    Dec 29, 2022
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    welcome another linux user :)

    Amd Ryzen 5600G + NVidia RTX 3050 8GB + 32 GB RAM

    RAM and GPU is overkill for music production, but i need this stuff for my LLM and machine learning projects

    I use yabridge and am satisfied. it seems simpler to me than LinVST and allows plugins to communicate between instances.
    for plug-ins that work at all, most of them work as well as on Window$. Some better but som of them take longer to load.

    What you are describing may be related to an old graphics card. It used to be that NVidia didn't give a shit about Linux, which is why Noveau drivers were created, which IMHO work better for old cards.

    And this is where the problem may comes from, in my opinion. If you have an older card, the FPS problem could be the Ubuntu desktop environment, for example.
    I personally on my computer on Noveau drivers was not able to use KDE Plasma on Wayland (I had 10 fps until i installed NVIDIA drivers.

    Installing proprietary drivers helped, but installing them with a low-latency kernel was a problem, because they detected the PREEMPT kernel during installation and aborted the installation process.
    Of course, I found a way and it works smoothly.

    1) Are you using Ubuntu Studio or plain Ubuntu 24.04?
    a) If pure ubuntu - did you configure sytem towards audio? rtpio limits, swapiness, audio group etc.
    b) what kind of desktop environment?

    2) In addition to WINE, did you install Winetricks?
    a) If so, what winetricks do you have in the default wine prefix?

    3) Are you using JACK or Pipewire?
    4) How do you have a computer?

    These are just the basic questions that lead to rabithole, but in my opinion it is worth it.

    I use Debian 12 on KDE Plasma on JACK, with Nvidia proprietary drivers, with a low-latency Liquorix kernel. I am able on my setup to record guitars on plugins with WINE+yabridge with a latency of ~4ms for 48000 and a buffer of 128

    and homework - check this site:
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  6. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    1) Ubuntu 24.04
    a) Trying to figure it out
    b) intel cpu/ nvidia 1050ti gpu

    2) Yes
    a) Trying to figure it out

    3) JACK , will try Pipewire
    4) How do you have a computer? - I stole it.

    I've practically always used Windows, so there have been times when I've used Hackintosh. Linux is something new to me, I'm trying to understand how it works, how the file system works, I have it installed along with Win11 and in my free time I'm adjusting to the new system.
    So far, my progress - installed Reaper with Vital :)
  7. TheBurglar!

    TheBurglar! Member

    Oct 27, 2020
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    As you are experimenting with ubuntu 24.
    Why not use Ubuntu Studio 24, which is made for audio/video production..

    maybe a lot of features are fixed in Ubuntu Studio, which you have manually do in Ubuntu 24 itself ??
  8. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    I'll be installing it this weekend. I don't like the number of pre-installed programs that I will never use. I'm still getting used to the terminal and we'll have to figure out how to delete it properly.

    I installed AV Linux MX Edition, but I don't like it. UI is hell.

    Edit: Ok, I see it. I can select programs
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2024
  9. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    I'd recommend starting from lubuntu, you'll have less ram wasted by the OS. The kernel is the same, all it needs is preempt=full for low-latency operation.
    BTW, congrats for trying something else than the devil OS duo. :wink:
  10. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    Thanks !
    I'm very happy with Windows 11, but I'm a little confused by the company's development vector of adding more and more AI stuff. Take for example the feature that will be available in the next major update, ‘Windows Recall AI,’ which records everything you do on the screen.

    In Linux, I like the customization, just the way it can be used.
    I don't plan to switch completely to Linux in the near future, I still need to get to grips with it. I've got it set up for everyday use, but I still need to do more in-depth customization.

    Do I need to enable it on Ubuntu ?
  11. MFSAKA

    MFSAKA Ultrasonic

    Oct 24, 2021
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    I try Linux many times. It's waste of time in short.
    Just de-bloat your Windows copy and optimize DPC latency.
    Linux is not for humans, it is for red-eyed trobleshooters who love to search & fix issues 24/7.

    And BTW, mix maded in Lunux vs same (identical everything in DAW!!!) mix maded in Win is not -inf when you null test it.
    I make blind tests and Linux version sounds smeared on fast transient events.
    I test on latest US distro with Pipewire, latest native's a mess on Linux GUI invoirment...Plugins out of focus under mouse cursour, to play\stop you need to click Reaper arrange view blanc space, you can't dock anything in Reaper, Yabridged VST plugins buggin' when you try to put numberic values like gain, etc...
    I think everything going same on other distros. I also try Mint and AV Linux, try Manjaro and Arch.

    Stay away from this gypsy shit, brother. Peace.
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  12. deathroit

    deathroit Kapellmeister

    Dec 29, 2022
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    this is unfair statement.
    have you tried null test any mix made twice on the same machine and OS (win or macOS)? Did they nul to -inf? I guess not.
    „my OS sounds better than yours” it’s like any other audiophile bullshit, like golden plated jack or „wet power source”.
    There is a reason why Bitwig, Reaper and even StudioOne are developing Linux native versions of their DAWs.
    It’s not perfect solution, requires some skills and good computer understanding, not every plugin can be replaced by native, not every plugin can be run using WINE but it’s not so „red” as you described.
    There is a difference between „I tried Linux many times” and „I work on Linux all the time”. I work on Linux exclusively, I made some sacrifices on plugins but what I have is rock solid, stable, fast and gives me full control on system.
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  13. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Good to know :mates:
    Have you noticed any added CPU usage from yabridge, comparing say maximum polyphony for Kontakt instance, windows vs. linux?
    I'd also guess round trip latency to be lower using RT or preemptive kernel and Pipewire than ASIO or WASAPI could pull.

    It's generally recommended as per this post
  14. MFSAKA

    MFSAKA Ultrasonic

    Oct 24, 2021
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    I try the same thing with Mac Os too.
    Even compare AMD vs Intel (they are identical)
    My Win 10 mix null with Hackintosh Monterey.
    Linux is gypsy. Reaper on Linux is beyond of that.
  15. deathroit

    deathroit Kapellmeister

    Dec 29, 2022
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    I'm of those who won't believe until I put my fingers in Jesus' wounds.

    I'll give it a test run over the weekend: a simple mix, some EQ, some compressor, stock plug-ins and Win by WINE plug-ins.

    I must admit that I am curious yet skeptical about the results.
  16. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    After few day of playing with linux stuff i got full working Debian 12 system with KDE Plasma, pipewire audio, full working video drivers and smooth yabridge plugins gui's.
    I test 1 track project in Reaper with 1 Pro-Q3 instance. Linux ~ 0.19%, Windows - 0.05% FX CPU. Is it because of the Yabridge or I need to config audio driver and Kernel ?

    Will try this one
  17. deathroit

    deathroit Kapellmeister

    Dec 29, 2022
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    great news!

    Unfortunately, this looks like normal CPU usage for plugins that use the WINE compatibility layer.

    What you can do is set in ya ridge.toml file the subsequent instances of FabFilter Pro-Q to run in the same yabridge-host instance, then it won't increase drastically with each instance of the plugin.
  18. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    What few % not critical for me, just test. I'm still learning and exploring. Right now I'm trying to figure out the audio drivers.
  19. MFSAKA

    MFSAKA Ultrasonic

    Oct 24, 2021
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    You need to check levels. They may be different in small %.
    The less plugins you will use - the more accurate results you will have.

    Me personally strugle for setting up Linux Audio PC from 2016 year.
    There's alaways something that dosen't work well (HW or SW) or something i cannot refuse to use (plugins mostly)
    But this summer i finally got everything running. Audiointerfaces (pair of it, i work hybrid with analog console and outboard gear)

    Workflow and how final mix sounds cure me from this Linux Audio PC

    I have come to the conclusion that this is a stupid idea. There are no advantages to working with music on Linux. Only unnecessary and rather stupid headaches. I am not one of those people who work in Linux just to stand out and be pseudo-special.

    I value high-quality results and a minimum of difficulties. Especially when these difficulties are the result of stupidity, not necessity.

    Save your nervous system and your time. They are priceless. Peace.
  20. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Measured where, in REAPER?
    Asking because REAPER under linux has a broken performance meter.
    Try with 100 instances and check with htop.
    Ideally with cpugovernor set to max performance
  21. SirGigantor

    SirGigantor Ultrasonic

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Learn command line stuff, too, not just GUI.

    Sox, FFmpeg, etc . . . You can do lots of bulk audio files editing and so on, a huge part of Linux is the command line functionality.

    It's in Windows, now, too if you install Git, it comes with an option to install Git-Bash, with Bash being the command line interface in Linux, so you can use stuff in both, provided you install the same stuff on both systems.

    I looked into Linux for this once, but it was still strange at the time, Linux sound, for a while, was just unclearly documented.

    Pipewire looks really, really, good, that seems to have really solved a lot of problems.

    But if you're new to Linux, learn command line stuff, it's a huge part of the advantages of the OS.
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