Focusrite 18i20 (1st Gen) and Mac M1 Pro

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by MusicMaker2023, Sep 22, 2024.

  1. Hello

    I have recently bought a Focusrite 18i20 1st Generation, and when I get my ADAT cable from GAK plan on using it as an extension of my Apollo Twin DUO MK2.

    (I have yet to install the Focusrite software as I will need that to tell the interface to go into ADAT mode)

    I just went to test the interface out in normal mode, and I am not getting any sound from the monitor outputs when I play music, this is in general, using VLC player, Youtube, Spotify etc.

    It has been years since I last owned a Focusrite interface, the last one being the 6i6 way back in 2017 and that if I recall was plug and play, I don't think I installed any software.

    Now of course, things have changed since then, mostly being that back in 2017, I had the Mac mini and the MacBook Pro 2015 15".

    I now use a MacBook M1 Pro, so a big difference and I am wondering if I have to go about setting this interface up a different way to how I did with the 6i6.

    Please bear in mind that I currently have my Apollo Twin MK2 plugged in as well, but I have chosen the Focusrite to be my output in settings and still not getting anything

    Do I need the software installed to be able to get any sound out from the monitor outputs or could the Apollo be interfering with allowing the output to change to the Focusrite or...have I been sold a defective unit?

    The seller on Reverb said that it was all working correctly etc, but there is always that risk they aren't being honest.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated...I know in the long run this doesn't matter as it will be used for ADAT, but this has got me puzzled.

    EDIT: I have installed the Focusrite software, and I am getting a level in that, but just not through the speakers.

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2024
  3. DoubleSharp

    DoubleSharp Platinum Record

    Oct 20, 2015
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    You will need to set the system audio prefs to use the FR? ...assuming you're taking the main L+R output. Might be better to try in the DAW first and double check all the routing.
  4. Once I get the ADAT cable will I need to keep the USB plugged in, and Focusrite software installed or can I get rid of it once the interface it told to go into ADAT mode?
  5. Fireplace

    Fireplace Kapellmeister

    Feb 26, 2019
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    The software controls the routing of the FR. It's quite complicated (at least to me) but it will enable you to set up in- and outputs the way you want them. I assume if you then uninstall the FR software the routing will remain intact (as long as you keep the FR-driver), but you'll never be able to change the routing again. The software is unobtrusive and has a very small footprint in terms of CPU and RAM, I would consider keeping it.
  6. DoubleSharp

    DoubleSharp Platinum Record

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Look up standalone mode for your particular unit, but I would have though once you've config'd the unit you won't need to connect via USB.

    You will probably want 2 optical cables for IN and OUT. Probably best as you could use the FR for headphone mixes.

    Clocking can be an issue, you will know if things aren' quite right as you will here the dithering artefacts when you trying to record. I'd suggest looking into which device is best as the master clock. Often certain devices have to be the master, IE cannot be slaves to another clock.
  7. The Apollo will be the master clock
  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I was using the 18i20 MK2 with intel Macbook Pro, and I hated it. At first, it had a "software issue" which would occasionally cause the Focusrite Control software to no longer see the interface at all. Sometimes Logic could take direct control of it directly, and sometimes not. And even though it was a "software issue", it got progressively worse. More and more often, Focusrite Control software would refuse to see the 18i20 was connected, and it would require numerous restarts of both software and reboots of the laptop. I never used it connected via the ADAT optical connections, but I would use the spdif coaxial connections from time to time. Worked ok (I guess). The headphones output was abrasive.

    Everything about it eventually became intolerable. I was able to sell it and the entire episode cost me $100 or so difference between what I got for it and what I bought it for, about the year before. The 18i20 will be on my list of top pieces of junk I have ever used or tested. I would sell it. If it started to do any of the things I am mentioning above, I would sell it asap because it's likely going to get worse.

    I wasted a ton of time using it. It's hard to specify how much, because it usually wouldn't crash my DAW; so I would not lose work. I would lose quite a bit of mid-session time (and momentum) screwing with it, pretty much every time I used it.

    The only good thing I can say about it, is that it is gone.
  9. I am having a right time getting the Focusrite software sync status to 'Lock'. I have done everything right so far, matched the sample rate, set the Apollo Twin clock to internal and the focusrite clock to ADAT. Told UAD that digital input is ADAT, set the Analog inputs in the Focusrite software to ADAT 1 - 8...I don't know what I am doing wrong here.

    Any one got any ideas?
  10. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    OK this might sound like a dumb question but it isn't. Have you completely disconnected your Apollo so it is not attached and tried the Focusrite as a standalone with the monitors attached to it? The logic behind this being that if you cannot get it to record and playback as purely an audio interface, then something is wrong. I apologize if you've already done this - If the other parts are not working, then getting the ADAT working is not going to happen. It does not matter if it becomes secondary, but I think that is the first step in isolating any issues.

    I do not use it on MAC (on PC) but the principles are the same. Here is the control (a portion) showing the green and sync 'ON' on the left. The image next to it , if the ADAT is connected correctly, they should also be a light apparently, not greyed out. Honestly, without being there it's difficult. However, it seems that it may be that your setup is not allowing both to run simultaneously, though I could be wrong. Impossible to tell without being there.
    I hope that helps.
    upload_2024-9-24_2-38-17.png upload_2024-9-24_2-39-30.png

    Attached Files:

  11. Yes I was using the 18i20 this morning on its own, testing to see if everything worked as a standard interface. Please bear in mind that it is th e 1st generation 18i20 and therefore connect 2 does not work with this. I have to have the Focusrite Mix Control
  12. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    ALSO - you do need to configure it Cheers
  13. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    Darn - OK this means I probably am not your best source because I am using Gen III
  14. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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