So everyone is a teacher.

Discussion in 'Education' started by zpaces, Sep 19, 2024.

  1. RaveTree

    RaveTree Newbie

    Aug 22, 2024
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    this is pretty much like everything in life, you have to get double dipped a few times to learn what to choose in order to not being scammed. Things being said, a good indicator of someone who´s trustworthy is:
    A) They have a long career as an artist, and they have some -at least decent- milestones that can be easily proven
    B) Because of that, they normally are not youngsters. There are some exceptions of nerdy kids with very high IQ that are doing incredible things and they pop out sometimes showing you stuff that makes you feel stupid, but most people under 25 are stupid/immature and they´re probably trying to flex skills that they don´t really have.
  2. Katze

    Katze Kapellmeister

    Jul 18, 2024
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    Thats only because most people don't know of Dan Worralls existence yet.
    We have to spread the word! It's on us.
  3. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    The best engineers I have come across, cut their engineering chops by working their way up as a patch lead gopher, to patching the desk, to learning the desk, to learning how every component worked and why each did a specific thing and what it was used for ...etc etc - all over many years.

    Getting a job these days in a major studio has queues of tens of thousands of enthusiastic engineers with very few being lucky enough to get that kind of apprenticeship. This is why the Internet offers training to a lot to people who may never get that kind of opportunity. There is no one single answer other than real-life professional exposure definitely helps whether Internet or personally trained.
    Billie Eilish's brother learned from his bedroom so based on that, there's hope for anyone.
  4. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I must disagree. This is wrong from all aspects and excuse me but i find it very naive and immature. First of all, it underestimates the "sacred" and most precious practice of teaching. You, me and everybody else would not be here without teachers. As a social function, it is a fundamental element of the human evolution from the dawn of our existence.
    And wth does "do" and "can't" are even supposed to mean? Not everyone has the guts to stand in front of a crowd and spill their guts out. It takes a certain mixture of rudeness and boldness/courage to do so. Those traits can never be a measure of neither a person's knowledge and their ability to pass it on, nor and most importantly, their artistry. On any day and circumstance, i prefer a good music teacher instead of some rude wannabe ignorant doing the neighborhood gig. Too many examples to answer this kind of pointless -to me- remark. But this should suffice:
    Guitar legend Joe Satriani has taught both Steve Vai and Kirk Hamett among many more.
    Btw, there can be all sorts of lessons to be taught in one's life, especially for successful artists. Humility is one of them and a quality i utmost admire and respect. I could never care less for persons i 've met even if they re-invented the wheel if they thought they can top anyone. Because, and this is one real lesson anyone who has dared "doing" (as you said) will be taught the easy or the hard way, there will always be someone better to come forth sooner or later.
  5. breezexx

    breezexx Newbie

    Mar 5, 2022
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    This might be the easiest answer in existence but this thread literally deserves it.

    THAT is what you should study and not take EVERYTHING you read on the entire internet seriously and buy whatever program/drumkit/sampleskit/coaching they selling.

    One more thing i would like to add is that your whole mindset about -
    "The Internet is OBLIGATED to give me the best Experience in learning"
    is messed up. Consider taking more time in the DAW then.
  6. jksixfour914

    jksixfour914 Kapellmeister

    Feb 1, 2015
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    New York
    Any youtuber with their thumbnail shows them with their mouth open like they are surprised gets blocked. I don't listen or take advice from anyone on youtube except a very certain few.
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  7. devilorcracker

    devilorcracker Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Including Warren Huart?
  8. Aiden_CL

    Aiden_CL Guest

    if it works, use it :dunno:
  9. bravesounds

    bravesounds Producer

    Sep 4, 2017
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    Any YouTuber who uses words like "like a pro" or "secret" in their thumbnails will be blocked.
  10. Demloc

    Demloc Rock Star

    Mar 10, 2020
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    We are a spoiled bunch, aren't we?

    Nowadays we are lost... with the overwhelming stream of information that I would kill to have 30 years ago.

    There was no other era in the history of mankind when starting music production was more accesible than today. FCS there are 60.000 tracks uploaded on spotify per day. :rofl:
  11. 1176f

    1176f Member

    Jun 11, 2024
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    YouTube... full of people to teach you how to suck at audio engineering! (literally fact, for the most part). Steve Albini's channel was (is) great RIP! Eric Valentine also. Don't mind Dan Worrell but find his triumphant patronising delivery a bit draining, very informative though. Practical experience, trial and error, making heaps of mistakes and doing it over and over, and also having a real world mentor, if possible, are the best teachers.
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  12. jefft

    jefft Producer

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Kingston Upon Hull, pronounced Ull
    I find if a YT page starts by telling you what He/She is going to tell /Inform/Teach you, then I just skip it. We go to the page for info, not a cheap TV presentation that fills up the time with waffle......
  13. luminosity

    luminosity Ultrasonic

    Jul 18, 2019
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    The internet is full of shit. 99 % of those "tutorials" are trash or teaching something wrong. And thats not only in the producer area.
    Ppl are so lazy, nobody wants to invest time and really look into specific things. So for example when there is an article about something, most of those ppl just read the headline and then they think they know everything about it. I mean sure you can watch those videos on youtube but dont trust them blind, make your own tests and see if its true or not.
  14. zpaces

    zpaces Platinum Record

    Jul 29, 2016
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    You got my point!
  15. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Once i did a social experiment. I took 10 singles, each of different genre and 10 people. And i asked them to put those 10 songs in an order. Only one rule they had to write down why and how they came up with that particular order. When finished we ended up with 10 different orders. And all 10 peeps had a viable explanation of how and why they came up with their "sequence". For instance one guy liked -very logically- to start with the slowest songs and progress to the fastest. The next guy preferred to put the songs in an order from the mildest to ear genre to the most loud saved for last. Another guy started with the biggest hits, his explanation was that he had to set a familiar listening mood first to move on to the less known songs. Even when a song happened to be positioned in the exact same place like i.e. no6 by more than one person, the explanation for putting it there was totally different. I won't bother you more for the rest of the answers but i remember them just like it's now and this happened some 30 years ago. So where does all this fit with the matter at hand?
    You can never expect that everyone will share the same opinions and techniques. Music is the most vague and abstract art. Everyone's different and notices something different while hearing the very same track. When opinions coincide then you might have a correlation of mindsets and similar aesthetics shared but it still doesn't mean the agreeing party will also have the same reasons for agreeing.
    Now audio mixing/production is not music. For the most part, it deals with how a specific selection of heterogeneous sounds can be made to sound as "music". This last one for the most people should read "proper music" but then again what the fuck is proper. There is no dos and don'ts. As there is no good/bad genre. Your poison, my medicine and vice versa.
    So, of course the internet is full of shit. It's only normal. Isn't the world full of it too? What the heck do you expect. And yes there are the youtubers that will teach you how to suck because they suck too. It is pointless to refer to them, because since you are able to recognize them you are able to know better and avoid them, since there's no youtube police in "political" correction unless the subject is a sensitive one touching human rights, laws etc. And of course everyone will come up with different teachers. You can't expect a heavy metal teacher to teach you EDM 101. Nor can you expect a guy demonstrating how to make hiphop beats to teach you jazz harmony.
    The whole thing in YT is mostly free. So, you whiny fuckers (just kidding don't take it for granted please), the money and time you save with all that handed to you for nothing, spend it in finding out who of all those peeps is established and teaches a course that can be useful to you.
    As you will never find the perfect fit from a factory made cloth, the same way you will never find a tailor made class for you and you alone for free. Get real, learn the damn basics by yourself and then look around for anyone who can give you the advanced course of your liking.
    Peace mates
    PS: The older of us here had to pick our chops the hard way. Now that this knowledge is handed to all people on a plate, a good part of music/audio upstarts complain about this pluralism when all they should do is put their heads down and practice till their ears are ringing. It is not an oxymoron but i guess human nature, that some people will only appreciate something once they paid for it. In the current era this should be the equivalent of learning the hard way rather than the easy way, thus here we are "threading away" a subject that should be self explanatory for all. Love to you all correct or not. After all who am i to judge anyone.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2024
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  16. eXACT_Beats_

    eXACT_Beats_ Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2018
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    “[...] ‘Older’ sounds a little better than ‘old,’ doesn’t it? Sounds like it might even last a little longer. … I’m getting old. And it’s OK. Because thanks to our fear of death in this country I won’t have to die – I’ll ‘pass away.’ Or I’ll ‘expire,’ like a magazine subscription. If it happens in the hospital they’ll call it a ‘terminal episode.’ The insurance company will refer to it as ‘negative patient care outcome.’ And if it’s the result of malpractice they’ll say it was a ‘therapeutic misadventure.'"

    ~ George Carlin ~

    It's always been my belief that the window of time in which you're merely "older" is blink-'n-you'll-miss-it. :rofl:
    But I'm not getting recruited into any sort of AARP membership for a looong while over here, so take that as you will. :winker:
  17. U-Kadian

    U-Kadian Kapellmeister

    Jul 28, 2015
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    I can teach you into becoming a better ''Teacher'' I have 3 million courses to choose from. sign up today! :guru:
  18. GeekedGlitch

    GeekedGlitch Banned

    Jun 13, 2023
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    Yeah, your problems is your problems, but hear me out guys:

    A couple of years ago I found a mentor who really inspired me. And his paid course aren't that expensive! You get the homework, get discord access. But here's the problem - my mentor's from Russia and probably some part of that money I pay him will be taxed by ruZZian government.

    I think I will still do it, because it's really just a couple of bucks of profit for dem ZOVbies. And my education is what really matters
  19. cliquid

    cliquid Ultrasonic

    Mar 18, 2013
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    Just like everything. There is good. And there is bad. What was the question again?
  20. zpaces

    zpaces Platinum Record

    Jul 29, 2016
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    This is just a small random example. I was looking for a Prominy Hummingbird tutorial and this came up:

    This dude uses the term "huge microphone" to describe a condenser mic used to record this library.
    I don't expect him to be a teacher or a big name for tutorials. But he got 41k subscribers. So there are many people who might trust him.

    So ridiculous!