PT12, AAX and Bluecat

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by MarkieMark, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. MarkieMark

    MarkieMark Newbie

    Apr 23, 2015
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    Well I had to get something going if I am going to earn enough to buy these plugins. What I have as yet been unable to buy, I managed to get everything working via bluecat, the aax plugins were moved to "unused" and I am using the vst versions, which appear to be working fine, although I am getting sa lit bit of latency here and there, am sure I can resolve that. Some plugins can still be authorised or activated via .exe keygens but as I am on hackintosh I am having to use an old gas driven laptop to get numbers, codes etc. Basically you load and install whatever you need as long as you can get the latest versions to match your OS and daw version, and then install and run the bluecat installers for .aax, vst, vst 3, au etc etc, the aax however will still give you a rag so just move them to unused and use the vst ones instead. I am no expert in this as you can tell so I apologise for any inadequacy in my explanation.
  3. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    is your bluecat cracked or legit version? i'm thinking of buying pro tools as well so it would be nice to know. I read you need legit version of bluecat to make the cracked vst's work.
  4. MarkieMark

    MarkieMark Newbie

    Apr 23, 2015
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    bluecat with keygen, I am only testing it at the moment, I will be happy to buy it once I am convinced it's not the cause of some latency issues. Of course the great benefit is that Bluecat allows mew to test other more expensive software before I buy, and ascertain just how much of it I really need on a day to day basis, no sense in having hundreds of plugins you never use. Legit PT12 on ilok,free trial period on ozone, reason and melodyne... WavesV9r26, I will prob ditch altogether, loads of great plugins but ridiculous pricing structure. I object to shelling out £10k for plugins, when I could buy a really good second hand VW Golf gti for that....
  5. johntitor2051

    johntitor2051 Noisemaker

    Sep 24, 2021
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    bump, we need aax in pt with some workaround better than patchwork (it has automation limits)
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