Intel Crash

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by Auen Fred, Aug 2, 2024.

  1. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    as a non german you wont blv this
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2024
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  3. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Hey mate. The news are becoming worse day by day for Intel. As this article implies, their intention seems to be going fabless, separating the factories from the rest of Intel and probably selling them to the highest bidder, while they use someone like TSMC to produce their next gen cpus. Or do what AMD did (me saying this) and rename the factories something else and let 'em operate independently.
    Cheers dude
    PS: Imho, if they play the TSMC "card" well, they have a chance of getting back to profitable business.
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  4. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    yo :mates:,
    dont know enough bout it but i get a bit of volkswagen vibes here ....

  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Yeah, this seems very bad but also not terribly surprising.

    Intel has been struggling for several years now to improve the "prime material" on top every chip is built upon. The competence of TSMC's 5nm, 4nm and so on. Everybody else now uses TSMC for computer chips: AMD, Apple, Nvidia...

    So he has lost already a lot of money with their last generations. That's because if you're not doing it properly only the best units are gonna come out properly, the rest direct to the garbage or to a weaker CPU.
    If they already had stock issues imagine having to RMA a lot of them.
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  6. Kate Middleton

    Kate Middleton Producer

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Kengsington Palace
    i ordered an intel xeon processor because i was tired some games require AVX support. but honestly i have the 1000 euro extreme cpu and all games works at ultra almost.. but seriously i make more music than games
  7. Emma Evi

    Emma Evi Kapellmeister

    Nov 12, 2021
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  8. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Xeon for gaming is a bit like shooting yourself in the leg intentionally. Even the overclockable Xeons (kinda like an HEDT cpu) will be nowhere at the gaming cpus list. Intel cpus support AVX minus the latest 2 gens if i recall correctly where thermals became a real issue and Intel had to opt out of their own tech to save whatever face they had left. After all Intel started A(udio) V(ideo) (e)X(tensions). FYI. Anyone playing triple A games gets an X3D cpu from AMD. The last 3-4 years they top everything and with much less than 1000 euros. The 8 core 5700X3D goes for less than 200 euros here and can practically play with top tier performance. Especially in 4k where games are mostly gpu bound and not cpu dependent.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2024
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  9. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    ARM, Broadcom, Marvell, MediaTek, Qualcomm and (soon to appear on stage for a last encore) Intel! (applaud...)
    Btw, Apple represents 25% of TSMC revenue! Talking about huge bro! In comparison, TSMC's next best client is Nvidia, being 11% of their revenue.
    Now lemme backtrack a bit. When the i series started about 15 years ago, Intel had leading tech on their hands. They were on top of their game and AMD was struggling with multicore beasts that heavily under-performed and overheated. And what did Intel do? From 2009 till 2017 when the 6-core 8700k was released, they were producing practically the same quad core cpu. For 8 fucking years. They had the HEDT dept for more cores and they would sell those cpus for thousands of dollars. They practically milked everyone for 2 decades. They even managed to put their hands in Apple's pocket lol. Now the hands that went deep in the pockets to pay Intel, come back to slap them in the face. Intel's R&D dept has failed miserably in going beyond 10nm in transistor lithography. They still have trouble even going to 8nm. TSMC has 3nm ready to go and working hard on bringing 2nm. I guess soon we 'll be talking about pico meters (pm) not nanometers (nm).
    Imho, the difference in transistor size is what led Intel to this trouble, and of course they let everyone but the dog inside their cpus. Meaning they are full of backdoors even to this day. But, as a comparison with the very same tech as Intel, AMD wouldn't stand a chance.
    That's why Ryzen, a radically different approach to Intel's cpu when launched is such a success.
    Cheers mates
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  10. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Yeah, that's what I meant.
    There's also the Ryzen chiplet design that lets them make the most of those transistors when it comes to money invested. Not without its cons, but game-changer.

    It's also bad news for PC users than Apple and Nvidia have basically more cash foe more and/or better TSMC transistors.
    They have way more money to spend than AMD and Intel. I think I already commented that AMD is only buying TSMC's best, 3nm, for server chips.

    Also, I think every PC nerd like us is crossing fingers for the Qualcomm Snapdragon chips success. Following the lead of Apple. It'll take still time but if they manage to pull it off I'll have a colossal nerd boner. Kind of a giant clipping true peak, if you will :rofl:
  11. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Absolutely. But we have to note here that as much as Qualcomm wants to grab a piece of the big pie called PC, it is not in their hands. So far they have exceeded expectations, because if you ever tried Windows on ARM before the new Qualcomm pcs, it was a big failure. I did and it behaved very slow, even for browsing webpages. I also got a couple of browser crashes when pages would load intricate Flash code. I still haven't managed to get my hands on a Qualcomm pc and try some audio apps.
    So in a nutshell, it is Microsoft that has to work hard if they want this to happen. And imho, they should because (supposedly) RISC cpus are the future.
    X86 will reach a Delta point where there is nowhere to go, imho always. Just look at what did Apple did. Instead of trying to bring a full blown MacOS to their phones and handhelds (remember Windows phones anyone?) they brought mobile ARM cpus to their desktops/laptops. And things are looking good for Apple as their "lifestyle" approach to computer design is also coupled with the most powerful OS which is smartly designed to favor both newbs and pros alike.
    Lemme repeat just a few about MacOS that belong here in Audiosex.
    - Native Dante and AVB support : It is the current state of huge studios and possible future of home studio with everything in a network. No audio cables just a few Ethernet ones. And very possible with managed WiFI7 switches and routers to become almost wireless when it comes to audio connectors.
    - Native audio interface and driver aggregation: Got three different quality audio interfaces ? No sweat, just select which ins and outs you wanna use from within your DAW. Happy recording and mixing. No fucking Bananas and shit.
    - Native low latency audio driver:
    Audio Units has been out for ever, hence you will find a ton of Mac users making music on the side without an audio interface lol.
    And where is Microsoft in all this? Nowhere mates. They have been busy constantly changing start menus like anyone cares for fuck's sake. Now they will discontinue the only sane thing left in their OS, the Control Panel. In favor of the Settings menu.
    So yeah, MS has to do the work but they seem all out of work and very busy masturbating with their left hand. Supposedly this makes you think your "knob" is larger than what it is in reality haha.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2024
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  12. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    ...maybe because bill has spend his focus on completly other fields :mad:and imo mac for the rich and win for the rest agenda ,but in trying be best in yielding data retention they are very good ....
  13. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Well. I 'd say Mac is for the really focused ones and not necessarily the rich.
    I can agree the price of admission to make an M series Mac have adequate storage and ram is quite more than a pc. But most people who make money from their work, want to do just that, work. That's why you will find a Mac in most studios. In the professional world it is really not the financial status that leads to buying a Mac but uninterrupted operation through hardware+OS reliability. And all sorts of pro features that Windows lacks as mentioned earlier. I can testify these values are true or at least at a much higher rate than Win pcs. With all this of course comes dependability, because the Mac is now a tightly closed system and everything else connected to it that is not Apple is peripherals.
    Potential buyers/users have to be aware what's what. I tested M2 Studio/64gb ram and it could run about 50% more Kontakt instruments my 64gb pc does. I test with the very same instrument loaded multiple times so it can be an even comparison and when i run out of channels i open another Kontakt instance. Unified ram does add a lot to performance for heavy loads and the comp still behaves snappy even when loaded at 90%+. But then again my 64gb pc costs half the money and has 4 times the storage the M2 did. Keeping in mind the new AMD based pcs, where a simple desktop can be filled with 256gbs of ram, it's easy to say the pc wins. In numbers that is. Because pros don't really care about what they won't use. But if they needed 512gb or 1024gbs of ram for sample based orchestral work, they will build a pc workstation as a huge sampler and slave it to the Mac. The VSL forum is full of pros just like that.
    Lastly do not mistake me for a Mac evangelist, i did use Macs in the late 80s and 90s and it was the late 90s when i switched to pc and probably never going back as my audio apps of preference, that is what i create with, is Windows only. But having used both, one can really tell MacOS is far more advanced than Windows when it comes to artist work with native support for pro platforms in audio/video/graphics. It is my belief the good things about it have to be told, so people who have little knowledge about it be more aware.
    Thanks for baring with me,

    PS: Apple has a history with a few but top of the line pro models. And a few flops in this category as well. The last big desktop Apple made based on Intel Xeon was a marvel, really worth the 5K as starting price. Damn, I'd pay 500 for that case alone just to build a pc in it, it is that good.
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  14. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    you summed it pretty perfect in this thread just forgot to rand about windows menue things like folder sizes display ,folder permissions,stupid trees or selftrashing and so on...(BTW how long can you run a fresh install of mac)
    me as bedroomer
    would prefer mac any day but would never deal with the usual copyright protection shit and unavalablity of warez replacement ....
    price too high and then the unsuspectingness about maintation and spareparts
    (BTW2 is it the same on mac to use numberservers to make www great again ?:winker:)

    with rich and the rest i rather meant on true global scale but also in the once/still richer countrys you still
    have to have the money first
    graphics,miners and what not aside ,what would be the adequate audio processing peak power
    100 tracks diva full unison plus voxengo ovc x128 ?
    i meant whats the peak actually needed , lets say even for synth and kontakt together in one rig ?
  15. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Not for bedroom producers is the short answer. Unless your ambition or desire makes you reach deep in your pocket haha. But, a second hand Mac Mini (preferably M2) can be a fun intro to the Apple ecosystem without having you regret the money you paid.
    Regarding installations MacOS can practically run for years without format. The problem is their annual OS update which your whatever Mac won't be able to upgrade to forever. At one point your cpu will be locked out of the new shiny OS and you will be stuck with whatever works for your particular model. It's like "knock knock - who's there? - Apple - Apple who? Apple you gotta buy a new Mac"
    When it comes to audio, the new Macs still have some issues to iron out. Logic, AbletonLive, StudioOne, Bitwig and PT can't use E cores, yet. Reaper, Cubase/Nuendo and surprisingly Digital Performer can utilize all P & E cores. And i mean ok about the others but Apple Logic? Wtf are they doing hahaha.
    I didn't do the rant 'bout Windows shit because i did it so many times in the past, i will be named the grumpy old man of audiosex haha.
    Btw, no simple desktop cpu can run 100 Divas. Or Serum. I did test Serum with M2 Studio, it could run about about 25 heavy instances with full polyphony (20 voices each if i recall correctly) before starting to crackle. Actually i must say here, Serum and Diva favor pcs. Higher clocks on multicore turbo boost on both AMD and Intel cpus do the trick. I did test 7950X with Diva (Divine mode) last year, i could get about 40-45 instances @ 5 notes polyphony each. Keep in mind that pc was heavily optimized, i spent days building and tweaking it. The number of instances you will manage depends heavily on the patch you load. Some patches require double and triple the cpu power than others.
    On single core apps, Apple Silicon wins most of the times.
    Finally Numberservers? You caught me off guard here, i haven't the slightest wtf is this, apart from an explanation i could find on the web which doesn't tell me this is actually a must have. But perhaps you can can tell me hehe.
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  16. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    eh eh ...stand in line actually .

    how long you run a win instal , 1 year....max 2 ?
    i can imagine....people getting builds from your are blessed ....even if they get a 1 day build
    you can reach a domain per name or number , with number you using stuff like cloudflare or ,
    this way yoy can trick around some domain blokades . eg for a pirate stream site .
    asked myself how it work out on mac .

    just for your information how it looks over here ...

    sounds enough...
    but where you see the peak actually needed for audio puter performance ?
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2024
  17. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    I was having overheating problems playing parcheezi on my Xeon workstation, the solution for me was to take the parcheezi board off the of the workstation and put it on the coffee table. works a charm, more room for everything the dice don't keep falling on the floor and my beer stays cold much longer on the coffee table.
    Now I'm usind the xeon workstation to heat the henhouse and it works a champ but the rooster keeps pissing on the damn thing.
  18. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Well, close, my recent WiN7 installation dates back to May 2019 and it still boots within 25secs.
  19. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    booting always good but i think some services trash themself and stuff partly breaks sometimes ,java console can get fckt up ,ff cache has undeletable trash when runnning .ime
    but its also a matter of handling ,build and what not yeah
  20. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    This i7 pc for browsing and testing Win 10 @ 4 years.
    My i3 pc (now only for older games) still on Win 7 for almost 10 years. It is quickly becoming my daughter's (2 y.o.) plaything, she loves painting with my old Wacom tablet haha.
    Main daw pc Ryzen 9 5950X, Win10 - 3 years.
    Lenovo Legion 17" laptop 5800H, Win10 - 3 years. It is my wife's daw pc but i use it for remote recordings and while not at home. Runs on an almost identical installation to my main daw pc. Btw this is a fkn great laptop, i love it.
    As you can see i am the no format guy. All my pcs run original Windows and they are all online and on local network. Btw, i dislike lite Win versions. I prefer fiddling with configs myself although it has become a sort of nuisance lately tbh. (Reason why i tested the latest Atlas Win10 patch and it seemed promising, gonna have to try the Win11 version).
    I also take disaster precautions, i make images of all my installations. I got a few more pcs but it's pointless continuing because they all follow the same pattern. My oldest one runs Win 7 for 12 years now lol.
    So how i do it? I follow one simple rule religiously: Never install the latest and greatest. Ever. I will upgrade softies only when there's absolutely imperative need, like a new version has something i really can benefit from and i will try it first meticulously. Plus, on my test machines i try new softies in a sandbox always.
    So, "If it works don't fix it" - period. A note here, all my pro clients (usually studio owners) who follow the same rule and call/message me when there is something new they gotta have and never "go ahead and install it anyway", have enjoyed flawless operation for years.
    Yeah i figured so. Should be the same on Mac regarding you know what to type as i dunno what gives with this on the Mac. I am aware there is some soft on github that translates address names to numbers for Win or Linux but i haven't seen anything like this on the Mac, is what i mean. But the browser should behave like on the pc.
    500 for the 8gb edition is sort of ok if it's in mint condition. Price as new is ~700 so it's a 30% off. Remember 8gb on these Macs feels much like 16gb on a modern pc and a bit snappier even. And it will run all the softies np just don't expect magic haha, it's a comp just slightly different.
    If by this you mean what i find the best comp for audio it really depends on the usage type. By rule of thumb i propose this:
    - For users producing EDM and all other electronic styles and hiphop genres, modern 8core/32gb/all ssd comp. Can use hdd to store loop libs as it is what they 're good for only nowadays (i do prefer Seagate Firecuda 8gb lately). Might go higher on cpu and ram if they want too many Divas/Serum and wanna put some Kontakt in there too etc. But in all my tests i found a modern 8c/32gb comp is capable of 100-150 tracks with a mix of soft synths/loops and some sampler libs and lots of plug fx.
    - For rock/pop etc itb production, 12c/64gb as it usually involves too many sample based instruments like SuperiorDrummer/BFD, Omnisphere, Kontakt etc. If this involves multitrack recording and pro studio mixing/production plus Kontakt/Falcon usage, can go up to 16 core/128gb.
    - For orchestral use with Kontakt/Falcon/VSL starts from 12 core/64gb and can go up to 32core Threadripper/512gb ram/all ssd depending on the user's type of work. Film scoring/mixing is usually done on Threadripper workstations the last 5 years or so.
    - Some people as me, do hybrid usage, meaning they will do all genres and not fall in one or two categories, with the only exception being feature film scoring. These peeps will use more than one DAW and different plugs depending on what the project at hand is. For this type of user, a 12 or 16 core/128gb/all ssd and some hdd perhaps for loop libs (to lower the cost) will cover all their needs.
    So bottom line, most pro audio work with the exception of soundtrack production can be done with a comp that starts at ~1500 all the way up to 5k, depending on the user's needs. Film scoring is a huge beast and comps can go as high as 25k. Middle ground is 10-12k. It usually is the ram and huge capacity fast industrial ssds that raise the cost to God level hehe. Nobody in this category wants to use hdds anymore. And, if you want 50-60tb on fast ssd you WILL pay that. Also users like this usually will pay it double to have a backup always accessible with the less hassle possible like a RAID-1 array etc. Some pro users will skip the double ssd cost with having an all hdd NAS and go for automated backups when they don't work. This a good, relatively low cost solution only kinda slow and tedious, also noisy, so if you have a pro studio environment it has to be located somewhere you don't hear it. Can be faster when the NAS supports SSD caching and 10gbE but these machines are quite more expensive, so it's usually cheaper building a second pc and use it as NAS. This last one is the middle ground in cost, but still much less expensive than an all SSD backup of large capacity comps. I tend to install hdd based NAS's for clients in other rooms rather than their main control room and connect via network.
    Beware i only refer to audio comp builds not peripherals like audio interfaces or software cost. Also, if users want to do video editing too, like Premiere/Resolve/Vegas etc, or composition/motion graphics/3D like AfterFX etc., or rendering like Blender and the likes, the cost rises higher as they need good to great to even pro grade gpus which can cost anywhere from ~1000 to 10k for the gpu alone. For audio, any gpu that supports modern APIs and two 4k monitors will do, the most expensive i install for users is a ~200 euros gpu like RTX3050/Intel A750/Radeon RX 6600. For budget users even the onboard gpu on a modern Intel/AMD cpu will suffice.
    Fffff, that was a lot of writing. I hope you or someone else finds something useful here.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2024
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  21. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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