NON-CONTEST #3 has concluded

Discussion in 'Work in Process' started by Bassifondi, Aug 9, 2024.

  1. Grape Ape

    Grape Ape Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2024
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    in Harmony
    @reliefsan : even though i was dying in laughter for like 2 minutes after i read what you said the other day (that could be a premise for a comedy sketch episode tbh), im glad you were able to hit us with the buzzer beater and submit something - i also think your artwork still carries a similar vibe to Hantise, just the psychedelia is enchanced. as for the music, i mean its ambience, it really reminds me of when i went to Iceland and was in those ice cave, it feels like that. glad you made it this time though


    @Lois Lane : i like your singing on this song. so far in this contest youve used these very cartoonish cadences for expression, which cheapens your vocal tone and sounds forced, not this one though. nice choices vocally, the lyrics really connect this with the work imo - overall it strongly reminds me of Chris Cornells solo stuff, idk if youre a fan of him but i hear it clear as day. i do also like how it gets more psychedelic as it progresses, nice job yo

    your daughters video is private but smooth dad activities either way. props on trying to spend time to water your seed, it matters, my dad isnt a dad; so i respect it. and even though im not a father, ive definitely had ladies call me daddy, so i understand lol
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  2. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Hopefully this should work now.

    Nope...I'll give it time. I unprivitied da sukka but to no avail.
  3. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
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  4. Bassifondi

    Bassifondi Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2024
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    where flies linger
    Great track! love your voice
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  5. Aidene

    Aidene Rock Star

    Jan 13, 2023
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    @reliefsan & @Lois Lane two most excellent last minute entries! Both unique and pieces of art in their own ways. Great way to round off Round #3
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  6. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Thanks @Grape Ape and @Bassifondi and @reliefsan & @Aidene ...
    It was way past my bedtime when I has posted the song and video last night and neglected to thank Aidene for doubling the vocals in the last two sections of the song.

    Like I posted earlier, I wrote an extended blurb on my motivation for the lyrics and gear used and will post it later when we get back home.
  7. Aidene

    Aidene Rock Star

    Jan 13, 2023
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    Hats off to the videographer too! :shalom:
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  8. Bassifondi

    Bassifondi Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2024
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    where flies linger
    I really like all of the tracks. It's clear that everyone is the winner here. Thanks to all for our participation. Will someone propose an image?
  9. Grape Ape

    Grape Ape Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2024
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    in Harmony
    i can do the next one since i havent gone yet, also my tour has a week and a half left; so i can do it this time if thats cool with everyone else. just need a few days - image will be a surprise
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  10. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    The blurb...

    In the beginning I was leaning in a few directions in what to write about, what was revealing to me about this Redon lithograph "Hitense" for this installment, Exercise #3. At first I was heading in a biblical direction, you know, Eve and the snake in the Garden of Eden, but didn't want to get into all that and have Vatican assassins again try to snuff me out (the last time they sent their best crack assault team of nunchuck ninja nuns, the deadly NNN, but failed miserably as I was ready for them and so sent them all back to their special, particularly fiery room in hell from which they were bidden, LOL). Instead I let my gaze wander to the periphery and discovered that the snake was in love with the woman, and against all odds was hoping against hope that his love might be returned. The refrain/chorus which both begins and ends the song reads plain enough, that love cannot be explained but rather is a force of nature unto itself, and logic, even between species cannot be used to justify against it (I'm not arguing though for a shepherd/sheep relationship kind of thing, this song is a work of pure fiction and machinations of my complicated, kooky mind, haha!).

    The first verse finds the snake in it's tank. On the back wall of the glass cage is one of those foils that folks stick to the back of terrariums to negate that sense of sterilty inherent of a confining rectangular terrarium and to ad some color, this particular one of a peaceful field of swaying grasses and a vivid blue sky and that in which the snake voices on about. Every morning the woman comes into the room to clean up the tank and every week or so she feeds it a nice fat mouse. All this is well and good, but the snake is so enamored by her that he'd be willing to forgo even food and the cozy setup (a classic case of Stockholm Syndrome if I ever did see one) and spend all his time with his beloved...but reality taps in on the second verse (and although I guess not really cheating, was wholly informed to the betterment of my song by that iconic Richard Avedon photo of Nastassja Kinski where her lithe body is cozily wrapped around by a magnificent yellow python, the serpent looking to pine for attention though her gaze is unwavering and unfocused in the fore, unemotional and not paying any mind whatsoever to the snake). The poor reptile is now feeling so very sad. In the C part of the piece the snake comes down to earth to finally realize that it is an all but impossibility that his love shall be returned but is willing with all his might in order to hold onto the slightest chance that his fantasy will become reality. It's a heck of a tragic story.

    I've been experimenting with alternate tunings for years and only recently realized that partial capos are a thing, so for this tune I voiced the nickel wound strings my Martin D-15M to DADGAD, but the twist is I put a three string capo on the 10th fret covering the 2nd, 3rd and 4th strings which in open tuning and which gives me DACFGD, the CFG voiced up high and near an octave above the norm. The song is I guess in the key of F but is kinda odd how it all worked out. The main feeling is dominated by this weird chord...DCEFGD, but it's acts and feels to me more like an arpeggio. All the chords are wacky, and when I wanted to embellish the song with a guitar in standard tuning no matter how I tried it wouldn't at all work out and just plainly sucked, so I in the end I succumbed and doubled the wacky chords and panned them in the stereo field.

    I played my Strat thing through a cool Wiz pedal called Mini D which mimics the sound of a much heralded Dumble amp. The amp is a tiny Vox AC4TV with the stock 10" speaker set on 1/4 of an amp of power (because we have neighbors, and even 1 amp though this single ended little box can get really too loud for an apartment). Some of the raspy sounds are derived an old 32 bit plugin from like 2007 called My Kazoo which makes anything played through it sound like...a kazoo. I love this thing though I only have used it on one other song a really long time ago, on my voice to play a lead line that I wished to sound in a way guitar-ish. The other quirky guitar tone is from Audio Damage's tone mangeling Other Desert Cities that plays against a a Vital synth patch called "FX I Would" which I only lightly tweeked to my liking for that melodic wubbly bubbly line employed. The B3 organ is from the GG Audio Blue3 (recently bought by Cherry Audio in February and not yet offered for sale on their website) which has been my go to for quite a while now.

    I really like this song but don't have the foggiest idea how I actually put it all together. Creativity is one crazy mutherfucker!

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  11. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Is it still possible to submit Lois?
  12. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I'm not non-contest #3's enforcer but if you have something to share I'll bet dollars to donuts that it'll be embraced with open arms and ears.

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  13. Bassifondi

    Bassifondi Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2024
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    where flies linger
    yea why not? let's hear it!
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    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Love the continuous legato and variant note centers that Linstrument adds. Beautiful haunting textures everywhere with a well modulated under tones and melody traces.

    I really enjoyed it and it was evocative of a feeling. Well done and thank you.


    Love it, has than offbeat late afternoon radio story or hipster expose tv show vibe. Very strong imagery, and would work well with a double narrative in context.



    Love the texture.

    I think you were just born in the wrong time. In my mind’s eye I can see you chain-smoking cigarettes and popping random pills with Rod Serling and Phillip K. Dick while trying to figure out where extinction is coming from and when.

    Love the art of it. Cheers.

    @Magic Max

    Supreme imagery work there. Especially love the tiger/dog/reversed audio. I has shades of familiarity as well without being derivative and that is a plus as it just stacks previous feelings and emotional cultivation to lead to a particular destination.

    Thank you, love it.

    @Grape Ape

    Great texture and contrast. Starts at such a high level and sounds so good. I really love it, so much that it feels unfinished at the end.

    It’s like that cigarette you think you just lit and find out your smoking the filter already. You just miss it when it ends.


    That takes the path more interesting. I like the eastern vibe in the under melody but she’s a bit of slow tease and I find myself having refocus. Not a bad thing but like hardcore bebop you are aiming for a smaller crowd.

    Thanks for that.


    I love this.

    It really makes it own way. What a lovely mix of generous and textures and some very fine and beautiful synth work. It has a bit of that eastern flavor added in as well but expertly melded to modern and contemporary phrasing.

    It’s also - so very polished and balanced sounding.

    Super awesome, I really enjoyed that.


    What a time machine you have there in between you ears. I love this and give me urges for certain chemicals that my body is starting to no longer be able to tolerate.

    If you made this song ten minutes long, I would stay on the ride.


    Very excellent indeed. Extremely ethereal with very fine textures. Wonderful blending and extremely cinematic

    @Lois Lane

    Wonderful as always, very folk and very heartfelt. It achieves what very few here have probably because of lyrics but it creates a context rather that allowing one to affix their own over the music. It sounds like a much bigger song than what is coming through the speakers.

    Love the sound of it and how it comes across.

    Well done man.


    These things are shaping up to be very interesting insights and very enjoyable musically.

    All of you guys are awesome. Thank you.
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  15. OOM

    OOM Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2023
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    Your creativity shines through every note, you have such a unique style! The lyrics are so thoughtfully written, and there’s so much authenticity in your lyrics and your singing. It feels like you’re sharing a piece of your heart with us. Great song, hope to hear lots more from you!
  16. Bassifondi

    Bassifondi Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2024
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    where flies linger
  17. OOM

    OOM Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2023
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    An excellent interpretation that took me so deep I felt like I was scuba diving! :bow:
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