Neumann KH 120 DSP - game changers?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by thembonesthere, Aug 15, 2024.

  1. Big musiclover

    Big musiclover Newbie

    Feb 28, 2024
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    This is probably a PSU problem. They are new?
  2. thembonesthere

    thembonesthere Noisemaker

    Jun 30, 2024
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    Thanks for helping man. Yeah, they're brand new. It's very weird, at first I thought maybe I didn't plug them in properly, but I triple checked that.. (they are kinda awkward little buggers to get the audio / power cables in and out)

    Also, It seems it can happen to any one of the monitors, randomly. I'm not 100% sure, but it does often seem to occur during or after I have adjusted the volume on my sound card (Audient Evo 4)

    What do you mean by PSU problem? It's hard to believe in such a failure on a brand new pair, especially since it happens to both? But who knows.. luckily they're under warranty so I can return if this persists.

    PS I have my input gain set to -5db and the output at the lowest setting 94db spl.
  3. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Have mixed a couple of tracks on them. I admit i was impressed, it's flat as a pancake hehe. The clarity and distortion free signal at all volumes and down to 38hz was great. Great stereo image and still good while mixing off axis in an angle. The two mixes i did translated just fine, back in my studio on my Focal Twins. The only catch is at 2K per pair, there are many quality options and three way too.
  4. Lube Bag

    Lube Bag Producer

    Jan 18, 2021
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    If it's happening to both of them randomly, I'd imagine it probs isn't the monitors - the chances of getting two with exactly the same fault is extremely low.

    The very early production run of the 80's did have a little bit of an config issue, where one or both of the speakers would go into standby even when audio was being played, but that was fixed fairly quickly (the dealer I got mine from was nice enough to let me exchange my original set for an updated pair).

    Try factory resetting them first - power them off, then working on one speaker at a time, while it's still off, start wiggling the Setting switch up and down constantly.
    While you're doing this, turn the speaker on, and keep wiggling the switch until you see the logo flash white/pink (usually only takes a second or two) you can stop wiggling when you see the flash.

    Try starting with the settings set to:

    Settings switch: Set this to Local Control (Network control is only used when you're using them with an MA1 profile) and set auto standby however you want it.

    Acoustical Control - hopefully you have em free-standing, or at least on stands raised up from your desk?

    Output Level: 100db (this is what MA1 will set it to automatically anyways, so might as well get used to it!

    Input Gain: I just leave mine set at 0db (I believe MA1 requires this, can't remember tbh!)

    Run them for a couple days, see if the issue persists.

    Oh, and are you sure you've got the power cables fully connected? Like, obvs don't force them, but they are super snug - it's usually easiest to hold the speaker horizontal, or set it on a desk, and connect the power first, because trying to do it in the vertical slot when they're on a stand is a pain.

    And to answer your prev question, you don't need to power them off to adjust any of the settings on the back, just flip the switches however you like.

    And by all means, go listen to the 120s, but I'd urge you to instead invest in the MA1 for the 80s (which isn't an option on the older 120s) - if you think the 80's sound good now, you won't believe how much better they can get!

    And you're not really missing much with the Neumann Control app tbh. MA1 is what makes the real difference. And if you do invest in MA1, it overwrites any tweaks you may have previously made in Neumann Control anyways.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2024
  5. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Try switching the left and right speaker connections or just the speakers to see if the problem changes sides or stays the same.
    That way you know if it's the speaker.
    I've owned KH120II's for a year and love them, no problems at all.
    Got them on IsoAcoustics desktop stands.
  6. thembonesthere

    thembonesthere Noisemaker

    Jun 30, 2024
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    @Lube Bag

    Thanks for the detailed reply man. I just wrote a long reply and something happened when I did an edit to add the video link. Anyway, will start off along your advice. You really got me hyped about that MA 1 mic.. really curious how they will sound with that in place. One question it leaves me is how much time and money I should focus on my room treatment. I already have 4 tall bass trap and some basic foam, a carpet. The monitors are on the desk, but on stands and decoupled. Lets say I had a few hundred bucks left atm for towards my studio, would you do further room treatment or get the mic. I somehow had, perhaps the false impression that the MA 1 mic can almost eliminate the need for any treatment at all. For instance I saw some of the Neumann videos, they went for instance to a hotel room and set the monitors up in the hotel room with the M1A. This blew my mind and made me think "ha, I don't need to worry about all this insane treatment plans for my room". They really make it seem that way from the video, but perhaps that is still less than ideal. I have the monitors on stands too, with additional decoupling from a pair of foam pads. These things sound promising so far, I really would like to hand onto them. I'll give em a clean reset to begin.

    Kluster good plan, if it happens again I'll switch the cables to make 100% sure.

    taskforce - yeah I like em, just not sure you thinking about the same model? They cost 880eu / 978 usd for the pair. Maybe you are thinking about the KH120 ii's? A new pair is indeed a tad expensive for me as well, but I do see some 2nd hand pairs of the KH 120 A's going for around 700 eu / 800 usd give or take

    Here's that video btw;
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2024
  7. Lube Bag

    Lube Bag Producer

    Jan 18, 2021
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    While I'd say that the marketing materials are obvs gonna paint everything in the most positive light possible, I've used mine in quite a few rooms, ranging from very treated commercial spaces, to more or less untreated apart from soft furnishings, and have been consistently impressed with how much the MA1 can actually do.

    Since you already have decent stands (I would've defo advised you to get IsoAcoustic stands if you hadn't!) and some trapping, I'd honestly say just go for the MA1.

    Especially since you're not running the 750 sub, you'll likely see more benefiit with the MA1. While it'll help flatten the frequency response, what you'll probably notice even more is how precise the stereo imaging becomes.

    Also the way you can hear all the way into reverb and delay tails is something special, and I've not heard any other monitors near this price range keep up with the 80's in this respect.

    Obviously, it depends on you making sure your measurements are accurate when you do them, but take the time to do them right and you'll be grand.

    I have every confidence that unless you're working literally inside a tiny broom cupboard, the MA1 will be able to get you to a place where if you can't produce a great mix that translates well, the problem isn't the speakers :D

    Also, congrats on the purchase btw! Forgot to say that earlier - it's not an insignificant investment, but it sounds like you're already discovering what a worthwhile one it is :)

    (Ps: if you do decide to get the MA1, just remember you need an ethernet switch to connect your pc to both speakers, so if you don't have one, you'll wanna grab one so you don't get disappointed when the mic shows up but you can't use it haha!)
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