Grunge isn't dead, I hope, but I'd take some input

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Goo Maid, Aug 25, 2024.

  1. =6SÁÅK>

    =6SÁÅK> Noisemaker

    Aug 20, 2024
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    Would you say the same thing to members of Metallica and Slipknot?:snuffy:

    There are so many professional musicians out there.:guru:

    (An American death metal band formed in Tampa, Florida in 1987.)

    (A rock band that Ed Sheeran highly praises.)

    (An international heavy metal band that performs at the world's biggest rock and metal festivals.)

    (A band from California, USA, formed in 2000.)

    You should listen to more music from all genres.:hahaha:
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2024
  2. gumhoof

    gumhoof Ultrasonic

    Aug 21, 2024
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    ive written every song ive ever had an idea for and ive never regretted them once. In fact, based on your r
    ive written every song ive ever had an idea for and ive never regretted any of them. In fact, based on your rhetoric and your musical outlook, im quite flattered you dont 'get' my music. I am not of your breed, and thats just the natural way of things. You can't understand my art, and I can't understand yours. Difference is, i don't need to post threads that purposely try to knock down another musician. Maybe because I'm confident in the artist i am.
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  3. =6SÁÅK>

    =6SÁÅK> Noisemaker

    Aug 20, 2024
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    Don't worry about it!:hug:
    It's just one person with poor taste making a fuss.:hillbilly:
  4. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    wait, you keep the song to yourself for 11 years ? :woot:

    about the song, I had my fair share of listening to Grunge music back in the days and I have different view on it. Your song gave me Power Violence, Mark McCoy (Charles Bronson, Das Oath) kinda vibe on the beginning at least on the instruments (that I really like) with the usual Grunge style vocal but have to admit feels a little out of place, IMHO the intensity or something didn't match. It's unique in a way, but it lacks some slackers vibe that I enjoy in most Grunge music, to be fair, the vocal did its part and have it all but the instruments feels like a different world altogether. Not for me I guess, but maybe it's for others.

    Anyway this is one of my fav album, I had to listen to it after, masterpiece.Thought you'd like because there are songs with grunge style riff in it.

    Last edited: Aug 27, 2024
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  5. ULX

    ULX Guest

    The same tools, the same human throat:

    But compare the catchiness and effect of this music with noisy music.

    When sth is used incorrectly, it will have no desired effects. Most people use musical instruments in completely wrong ways. Most of music styles have been created and spread profoundly mistakenly. Of course, I say again that I have no objection against any style. But the activity in many styles of music involves the producers of this music in things that reduce the possibility of learning things correctly.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2024
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  6. Close Reader

    Close Reader Ultrasonic

    Nov 21, 2021
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    It's easy to argue the opposite - if anything, the "proper" use of an instrument is to push its idiosyncrasies and rely on the unique capabilities to shape the end result. Consider the music of purely polyrhythmic percussion in Africa, or gamelan ensembles, or Indian microtonal raga, etc. If an instrument is aggressive and distorted, like the distorted electric guitar, is it not "proper" to use it for that kind of music? Is it not kinda weird if one were to use complex modular rigs just to imitate the language of orchestral music, for example?

    The materials, instruments, tools, and the process or concept is what determines the end result, not the opposite. And if you do the opposite, and think of a proper form that all music should follow, you're either translating a randomly chosen form/style that developed around certain practices and instruments to other, different instruments/practices for which it would not be their "proper" use (like using a tuned percussion ensemble, or a microtonal instrument, or modular synth to imitate a purely classical (as in period - Mozart, Beethoven, etc. not contemporary classical) harmonic and rhythmic language), or you are adapting everything to the more-or-less pop form, widely accepted and commercially viable, but that formula, whatever it is at any point in time, is determined by what is commercially viable and financially successful, which I don't think you would argue is a good way to determine the "proper" use of instruments.
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  7. Smeghead

    Smeghead Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2024
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    I wanted to say much the same thing but didn't want to keep careening off topic... this dude's thread has been destroyed. It's yet another ULX "how to properly use notes" fest now.
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  8. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I was expecting something Nirvana style and i got some hardcore punk instead lol. I can't understand if the poem(?) in the OP is the lyrics because i can't make a single word of it hahaha. Godamm old farts the whole lot of you errr.. i mean me. And @Xupito of course hahaha
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  9. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Me what.....? :guru: :rofl:
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  10. gumhoof

    gumhoof Ultrasonic

    Aug 21, 2024
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    This is good people, at least we're talking. Conversation is healthy.
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