Superior Drummer 3 - Grid Editor won't apply changes

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by MK93, Aug 26, 2024.

  1. MK93

    MK93 Noisemaker

    Aug 26, 2024
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    Superior Drummer 3 - Grid Editor won't apply changes: Every time I click somewhere else after making changes like velocity, dynamics, etc. the whole groove (and if multiple were selected the whole track) resets. The program is thus unusable.

    PLEASE HELP, AND THANK YOU IN ADVANCE! I have helped out someone else, too.

    I did try re-installation, different versions, updates, DAWS, already...

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2024
  3. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Hmm, never had this issue.
    I tried but can't reproduce the behaviour.
    My first try of a solution in this context would be to check if you have the rights to change the MiDi file and that it is not ReadOnly.
    For Windows check this with the Explorer and make all files and folders in the path R/W and take over ownership or make your user have R/W/EXecute rights.
    For MAC you should use CHMOD 777 for the whole path where the MiDi files reside
  4. Jedi_Knight

    Jedi_Knight Kapellmeister

    Jan 28, 2012
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    why dont you drag and drop the Superior internal midi into your DAW and work it from there?
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  5. MK93

    MK93 Noisemaker

    Aug 26, 2024
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    Because Superior Drummer should fulfill its function and I would have a better workflow this way. I dont know if it's even possible in the DAW to the same extent. Also: Can there be a conflict between Presonus Studio One 6 and Superior Drummer 3 in regards to causing this issue?
  6. MK93

    MK93 Noisemaker

    Aug 26, 2024
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    Thank you for this, so I tried this after having done yet another complete re-installation making sure all the paths are absolutely correct. I have no issue with the program, the core library, the bleeds / mics, the extensions and the MIDI database. Then I made sure read / write is enabled (on the folders and files).

    No changes, unfortunately.

    Does anybody have any more ideas, PLEASE? I really need to be able to change the velocity, dynamics, randomization, swing and quantization within Superior Drummer, so that I can build my drum tracks in the track window, also using song creator.

    If I change velocity on the "edit play style" page it DOES stick for some reason. And "dynamics" on the Grid Editor page, as well. But not the rest.

    If I change velocity when the groove is highlighted, and click on an empty space in the track or another groove, the edited groove snaps back to what it was before.
    If I change velocity WITHOUT having a specific groove highlighted (global), it snaps back as soon as I click on a groove.

    A work around that isn't practical is to edit a groove, make sure to touch nothing else, copy it BUT ONLY USING THE MOUSE, pasting it, deleting the first version, and then it stays. But I have to do this for every folllowing grove, and sometimes even that wont work.
    There's no rhyme or reason.

    Is this a bug? I use 3.3.7
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2024
  7. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I don't think reinstalling it over and over again will help . The installatioon of SD3 is quite straight forward. When it works, it works. An all-or-nothing game.
    So would you bother to make a short vid so we can see when and how it happens exactly.
    Are you on Mac or PC and does this happen in both the plugin version and the stand alone version
    It's bug (because this must work the same way on every machine) but the question is where it comes from.

    I personally won't come across it becaus I work the way @Jedi_Knight pointed out. But I understand that you would like the app to work as intended.

    I'm on 3.3.6 35757 PC here.
  8. MK93

    MK93 Noisemaker

    Aug 26, 2024
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    I did a clean re-install because I messed something up with the paths and had some issues with expansions and MIDI which I wanted to have completely resolved first. Also because I wanted to test it with other versions, same problem always.

    I am on PC, happens in both standalone and in Presonus Studio One 6 Pro (also in Cubase, Luna, Reaper etc), I'm not (yet) using a midi controller.

    I'm currently converting a video which will demonstrate the error, and my workaround with copy paste (which does not always work).
    I do notice that in some tutorial videos there is just one knob for "dynamics" under "velocity" (bottom left), whereas I have three levers there.

    For clarification - What I mean by "does it write those changes directly into the MIDI file on your track" is what I want: I want Superior Drummer to apply the changes I make in Grid Editor directly to the Midi Groove on the track IN the Grid Editor, not the track in the DAW, and not on the hard drive. So that from there I can build my drum track and bounce it to the DAW eventually.

    Hopefully this is helpful. If you need more from me, it'll be tomorrow, I'm going to bed.

    THANK YOU for your help!
  9. MK93

    MK93 Noisemaker

    Aug 26, 2024
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    Okay, this is it, horrible quality to make it small enough to send here, but I hope it works. Maybe I am missing something totally obvious.

    Attached Files:

  10. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Good enough, mate.
    OK this behaviour is NOT as it should be. In my version everything works and does not snap back to the state it was before. It seems like a rollback as if you type ctrl-Z isn't it?

    I'd try to install the 3.3.7 version lets see what happens.
    But where I live it's quite late now. So I'll have to put you off until tomorrow, sorry
  11. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I installed v 3.3.7 and it works as intended here.

    Oh, now I see, what you mean...stand by
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2024
  12. MK93

    MK93 Noisemaker

    Aug 26, 2024
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    Thanks for your help.. I use a mouse, no other hardware right now. No other software, only Presonus and Superior Drummer. Or what software in the wider scope could cause such a thing?
  13. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    OK, now I think I got you right...

    There are two ways to activate the MIDI notes you are about to edit:
    1. Click on the File in the SD3 Track. All notes are activated. Edit notes/Velocity. If you copy the file from here changes are not copied but the source file is copied.

    2. With the mouse acitivate all desired notes directly in the Grid (by klicking left and moving mouse from top left to bottom right of the intended space). Click Right mouse copy. Move to the bar you'd like, right mouse paste. This way the changes are copied.

    What I think you want to do is version (2) In this case avoid to click into the SD3 track.
    Two vids included...

    Attached Files:

  14. MK93

    MK93 Noisemaker

    Aug 26, 2024
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    But do I have to copy the thing at all? Why isn't it working by editing and directly applying the changes to the midi groove in the SD3 track and keeping them there? Isn't this how it appears to be working for you, when you are not using a mouse?
  15. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Best Answer
    Ah, I reproduced what you were doing in your video. :)
    What I found is that when I avoid clicking in an empty part of the SD Track this (reverting to the prior state) does not happen.

    Even if you did it accidently (click into tempty Track space or Midi file) you can repair it by
    Top Menu
    - Edit:
    undo Velocity

    Top Menu
    - Edit:
    redo Velocity
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2024
  16. MK93

    MK93 Noisemaker

    Aug 26, 2024
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    My man, give me a few minutes, I have JUST found the solution and I am going to type it out!!!
  17. The_Observer

    The_Observer Noisemaker

    Jan 8, 2023
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    Mate 'twoheart' sorry for randomly breaking thread, mate I just want to say fair play to you for supporting this guy.

    You've gone above and beyond man. Installing specific versions and trying to recreate his issue, fair play dude, good to know theirs people like you around.
  18. MK93

    MK93 Noisemaker

    Aug 26, 2024
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    The issue was sooo stupid, or I was, depending on how you look at it. And it connects to what you just brought forth:

    The changes in the Grid Editor were not being applied to the groove because the "Song Track" is a different "instance" or area of Superior Drummer 3 and it resets the groove.
    This is so confusing because there are options in the Song Track to for example remove groove parts, so you'd think it's editing WITH Grid Editor.

    In order to apply the changes, one has to simply click on an empty space WITHIN the Grid Editor.
    This way the changes are applied and it does not matter where you click afterwards, it won't reset.

    This is also why my original work-around worked part of the time: Because sometimes I had clicked the groove again before copying. When you paste it then, it does apply the changes, but the original groove snaps back.

    What you said in your message before about selecting the Groove in the Song Track, or selecting the notes in Grid Editor isn't the deciding factor, since there is no difference to my understanding of what is being selected
    - BUT what you found out DOES work, because of the facts I have outline in the solution above.

    Now I also understand why changes on the "Edit Play Style" page WERE applied: It is a different window, and here one does not have to "set" the changes by avoiding clicking anywhere else, unlike in the Grid Editor.

    Also note: The levers for "velocity, dynamics, randomize" (bottom left) DO snap back, but the changes to the groove remain, and remain visible in the midi notes. This is because these levers are relative measures, in relation to the midi notes present in the groove (I think).
    And these levers are ONLY for velocity "dynamics" and "randomization" by the way. For global randomization one needs to use the lever at the top bar.

    So: One does NOT have to work around or copy anything, it was really this simple.
    Same goes for if you are editing multiple groove parts at once (or ALL of them at once for that matter).

    Btw it's the same exact thing with changes at the top of "quantize", "swing" and "randomize", and ANY changes in fact.
    The only reason DRAWN IN midi notes did not reset, was because there you ARE clicking within the Grid Editor window, thus triggering the application of changes anyways.

    Side note: If one wants to edit changes across a whole song, one has to merge the (desired) midi parts (grooves) into one.
    If one wants continual "global" changes in playing style across a song, one has to cut them and edit them gradually to piece them together, like with movie clips, and compose for example a development in dynamics (up and down) this way.

    I hope I got this across without misunderstandings, also for others in the future to see, because this is quite tricky to explain in words, although simple.
    Please leave this thread and post, it took me three days to figure this out and it might help someone else.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2024
  19. MK93

    MK93 Noisemaker

    Aug 26, 2024
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    You are absolutely right, and I was about to get to that:

    Twoheart, you basically also came to the solution and I cannot thank you enough for your support and your encouragement!!! Without out you I would not have "stayed at the ball", and it is so uplifting that people like you exist. I have only words, but I hope you know that I am grateful to you: I need to make music to stay sane and healthy, and I am just so happy now that we found the solution TOGETHER! If I can help you or anyone, at any time, I will. And I might have to ask you something again in the future, so look out! :winker:
  20. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Thank yo guys I appreciate it
    If you dig deep into any program, it gets weird sometimes because they tend to grow like a tree. Layer by layer and what made sense at the beginning later becomes incomprehensible and is often only the way it is for reasons of habit.

    So have a nice day :mates:
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2024