Feedback Please

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by gumhoof, Aug 21, 2024.

  1. gumhoof

    gumhoof Ultrasonic

    Aug 21, 2024
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    Could you please elaborate? This seems like good advice but i dont quite understand
  2. gumhoof

    gumhoof Ultrasonic

    Aug 21, 2024
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    my intuition's starting to ferment
    and when it fails it hurts so bad
    oh it hurts so bad
    i'm at the mercy of your compliments
    and when they cease it hurts so bad
    oh it hurts so bad
    this mess is blessed​
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  3. scrappy

    scrappy Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    bowels of the skullery at the court of king boris
    I'm still making my mind up about it.
  4. ULX

    ULX Guest

    You don't need to learn any principle. Have fun.:cheers:
  5. ULX

    ULX Guest

    Of course, I was joking with you.

    Many people may like your music style. Maybe the reason is that these people have been listening to these songs since childhood and have memories of that time, and when they listen to your song now, that time is evoked in their minds and they enjoy remembering it. Maybe one of the reasons for this is that nowadays, less music of this style is made, so that it is somehow attractive to your listeners. I mean that the lack of something makes that thing attractive.
    But there is a fundamental problem in your songs that your musical instruments, especially the guitar, have no personality and are somehow used only to fill the space. Someone is shouting in the middle, and the instrument has to sacrifice itself and get involved in the sound disturbances so that the singer doesn't feel alone.
    In my opinion, this style of music does not express anything special and is mostly used to attract young people who are looking for protests against social systems. Of course, I don't want to say what style of music is good and what style is not. I pay attention to the way audio tools are used with all the sound effects and I really can't accept this model of loud voices without a purpose in music. Maybe I'm wrong too, but what is the need to make the sounds so disturbing and make ear-splitting spaces? Why don't you believe in the correct and logical use of anything?
  6. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    i have no proper knowledge bout classic genres song structure like intro ,verse ,chorus,bridge and so on .
    imho its feels bit thrown together , but after listening again and again structure seems fine but part1 dont interact good with part 2,part 2 to 3 is so ok'ish nothin bangin ,part3 to 4 lets call it drop is great,drop to part 1 vice versa to the intro sounds good etc.
    and whats in imh and not important opinion is fckn things up is your voice flow ...its like :
    da.da..dadataa..da.da..dadataa..da.da..dadataa....just because its on beat it dont be good automatcly

    this just what i think what i want to listen as listener ...but in the end just give flying fck bout my comment and just keep up and have fun ,im curious what you will post in a year ...

    and of course ignore ulx....he is bla bla
    i was acting out of hearing almost what i like u kno
    my english sucks sry
  7. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    you learned on a bbc docu or what .... feckn clueless you are...change ulx to
    word sleeve even the political term is choosen wrong

    i could write little esay on oi/punk ,merika/eu,music taste,ppl and different mindsets on the hegemons and pupils life in that topic ,the before and the after ,but you proofed that you not interested in actual conversation .
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2024
  8. ULX

    ULX Guest

    I am not against any style of music. I just say that everything should be used correctly. It wants to be a voice or a musical instrument or anything else. Musical instruments have been designed and built to play and make the listener feel good, not for sound effects. All these good sounds and feelings can be created with the guitar, but it is not used for this purpose and is used to create audio noises. One should ask what positive effect these noises have on the soul and mind of the listener and what exactly they cause. Is it other than that the listener's blood pressure increases and he suffers mental illnesses?
  9. omiac

    omiac Moderator Staff Member

    May 3, 2024
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    OP is looking for song feedback and specific production tips, not life lessons, medical advice or overgeneralized nonsensically philosophical opinions on the history of sound and auditory nerve perception.

    Lets stay on topic please. :)
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  10. Kingvrage

    Kingvrage Producer

    Mar 1, 2016
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    I dig it. Yeah I could sit here and analyze it and pick it apart and complain, but it's definitely not horrible. Could it be refined a bit? sure.
    But how much of that before it loses it's ummph? wouldn't hurt to make a few adjustments here and there but don't get religious with it.

    It's fine as is. I enjoyed it. keep going.
  11. FrankPig

    FrankPig Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2021
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    Hog Heaven
    Come on, Foster. Even for you, this deliberately dogmatic horseshit is an attempted troll too far.
  12. gumhoof

    gumhoof Ultrasonic

    Aug 21, 2024
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    i mean, im gonna keep makingthemusic i make...and this is just a small sample size. nothing is goingto change my aPPROach
  13. =6SÁÅK>

    =6SÁÅK> Noisemaker

    Aug 20, 2024
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    Best Answer
    Composers who couldn't play the piano

    ・Louis Hector Berlioz

    (Composer of "Symphonie fantastique: Episode de la vie d'un artiste ... en cinq parties Op. 14,")

    ・Paul de Senneville

    (Composer of "Ballade pour Adeline")

    ・Koichi Sugiyama

    (Composer of the world-famous video game "Dragon Quest")

    Your argument is like saying that you can't compose unless you graduate from a music college.

    And your argument is mocking hip-hop and the culture of sampling.
    There is no theory in art.

    It's very sad that there are people in this community who make such comments...:sad:
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2024
  14. gumhoof

    gumhoof Ultrasonic

    Aug 21, 2024
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    down the street from my insanity
    a couple of acquaintances, they couldn't quite handle me
    i know that i'm hard to take
    but i am even harder to break
    i shot up just to get shot down
    i lit the firecracker that blew up the town
    i know that it's hard to change
    it is even harder to blame
    drudge, drudge, drudge, life would be a drudgery if you'd never loved me
    untamed lion, he never got far
    he played the game and he played it real hard
    i know that it's hard to burn
    it is even harder to learn
    happy little children playing on the sidewalk
    drawing the apocalypse with their white chalk
    i know that it's hard to choose
    it is even harder to lose
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  15. Grape Ape

    Grape Ape Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2024
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    in Harmony
    *so i realize music can just be fun for some people, im a professional music artist (on tour actually), my whole life is revolved around it, so how i see things is a from a very disciplined and serious perspective as an artist. im well aware not everyone takes music that seriously or wants to make a career out of it and thats okay. this is just honestly how i see things

    i think you have the ability musically, you have a great vocal tone for heavy genres and nice vocal control; idk if this is just you or a band, it doesnt matter actually. the ability is there on all fronts to write a great song

    artistically, youre still at the stage where you (or your band) havent really found your own voice yet. the songwriting is very derivative and doesnt bring anything fresh or unique to the style. your wearing your influences a bit too much on your sleeve, even to the point your voice kind of reminds me of like Bleach era Kurt Cobain, the whole delivery, its clear as day. the lyricism doesnt really have any style other than being edgy, its all very cliche in its wording and not really saying anything; the words are just going for a rhyme, its needs more development, needs more honesty, personality and creativity. theres and old industry saying, “most artists sound like their favorite artist before they find themselves”

    one thing about my generation of artists and younger, is technology made it easier for anyone to just upload anything; which a lot of artists dont develop and find their voice; but get viral songs, essentially insuring their careers will die fast. so you end up with a lot of music within a style sounding the same. with older genres like this, its more apparent than with newer genres, because a lot has been done sooooo much for a while - but if you listen to like the biggest grunge bands of the 90s when the style was fresh, the ones that rose up, they all had their own voices artistically in the style. Nirvana didnt sound like Soundgarden, who didnt sound like Alice In Chains, who didnt sound like Pearl Jam, etc. they all had their own take on it and approaches the set their sounds apart, without stepping too far outside of the style

    even in modern grunge, indie acts that break through in that style; all have fresh takes and more identity as artists; because for older styles like this, in order to make waves you have to bring fresh energy too it, its the only way to build fans in it. like this was the last big grunge song, took her career off and gained her a nice amount of fans

    she has unique perspective as a songwriter; but keeps the same energy and feeling of the style and her influences arent so much on her sleeves. theres a lot of examples i can go through from this decade and last. but the point is, in order to stand out and last in an older genre, you have to add fresh energy; which none of the music ive heard from you has. Bleach is there for us to listen too, we dont need another Bleach. what the style needs is YOUR perspective, how you view the world. its evident to me you need a lot more development as a songwriter, which is okay, everyone has to go through it.

    i dont think your music is bad, it just needs more creativity to actually do something - you can only get there by writing, listening, studying ;and staying is a space of awareness so your receptive to inspiration and can catch the right signals. i always compare it to like those old school tv antennas. the signals your picking up arent clear yet, they can be though. otherwise with no disrespect intended, its like a step above a cover band. vocally id also work on singing more with your own inflections and cadences; like pay attention to your regular speaking voice on the daily, through different emotions and how you say things naturally; incorporate those inflections more in your singing. aim for more honesty and what makes your voice YOUR voice. good luck
  16. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Dang, as a metal and all things big on guitars fan this rocks.
    Can't give advice on mixing but very nice.
    Very good drums, BTW
  17. gumhoof

    gumhoof Ultrasonic

    Aug 21, 2024
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    I must say, I very much appreciate you taking the time to give such detailed feedback. It was received sir. I also wrote and released this in 2013, so much has changed. None the less, your insight is still invaluable.
  18. gumhoof

    gumhoof Ultrasonic

    Aug 21, 2024
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    met a gal who was based
    i hadn't based for days
    'and i had my doubts
    cast out my doubts, a little hemorrhage in my bones and now it's on
    gal's eyes are dead, no one's alive with me, why?
    i'm sorry i'm...
    i'm worried i'm...
    no better than, no worse than you
    met a dude that spaced
    he couldn't face the days
    and he had his doubts
    passed on my doubts in a letter to myself and now it's gone
    guess i stayed the same, we never really change, why?
    i'm sorry i'm...
    i'm worried i'm...
    no better than, no worse than you

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  19. gumhoof

    gumhoof Ultrasonic

    Aug 21, 2024
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