akai s3000xl

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by Kate Middleton, Aug 25, 2024.

  1. Kate Middleton

    Kate Middleton Producer

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Kengsington Palace
    studio one got this issue with presets chaning from one to other during a new midi insert
  2. mondomorte

    mondomorte Producer

    Nov 24, 2020
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    Grava 4
    My setup is based around an AKAI Z8 and MPC1000 (plus synths and fx). I use the MPC for drums and the Akai for everything else. Everything feeds into a Yamaha 01v mixer and I sequence all the midi + record mixer outs with Reaper running on Windows XP.

    The Z8 is great because you can operate the entire thing using AKAI's ak.sys editor. You can also access the file system from the computer via USB.

    I also use the computer to edit audio files and do fx processing / sound design but overall it is overwhelmingly midi-based and all the audio ends up coming from the hardware I mentioned. It's a great workflow (for me), just the right amount of limitations.

    I've been all software in the past (that's how I started, 15 years ago) but I adore my present workflow and won't be changing it any time soon.

    upload_2024-8-25_17-0-10.png upload_2024-8-25_17-6-1.png

    (lots of other stuff on racks and tables not pictured)

    I've tried so many configurations over the years with lots of different gear, computers, bedrooms. By trying new things outside of your comfort zone, you end up learning a lot during the problem solving and exploration.

    BUT lots of people also don't have time for that, either. Especially if you are a professional with clients and deadlines.

    For me, I make ambient techno in a small home studio and I've narrowed down what works best for me in the context
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2024
  3. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
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    oh cool, but let's say it all: the Yamaha A series are different beasts, an instrument of their own with some special behaviour while the old AKAIs are "just samplers"

    Spending some time with the Yamaha As samplers could improve the musical production. Definitely.
  4. Will Kweks

    Will Kweks Rock Star

    Oct 31, 2023
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    I still use a MPC because I like the workflow and modern MPCs aren't half bad at actually doing this. But for a rack sampler there's only one: A Korg DSM-1, which is a massive oddity in itself. Hard work and editing samples just with numbers, but... when you sample into it you have the gnarliest preamp ever, it has level controls for +4dB, -20dB inputs... and jesus fuck -50dB signal. This setting means that it will distort the everloving shit out of everything. Only 1megs of 12bit words for samples. Only floppies which are in some proprietary Korg format, so no editing outside that box, forget about transferring samples into it.

    Also it will let you generate additive waveforms for looped cycles, and I'm pretty sure no one has ever used this feature apart from the bundled library, since it's absolutely impenetrable and makes the DX7 look like a childs toy to program, and the results are usually wonky as hell.

    It's absolutely the shittiest sampler ever conceived, and no wonder Korg dropped out of the sampling game after that.

    And you know what, while I wouldn't curse it for my worst enemy, I still love it. Trying to get something out of it is a workout and a half, takes fucking ages, and it will still come out wrong (and noisy). It's one for those days when you absolutely hate everything so you might as well get lost trying to work this weirdo machine. And whatever you do, you'd better record everything at all times, because the floppies will die, too often, and you have to make backups and that will consume your time. So me using this bastard happens once every blue moon.

    One for those who like the 3D sudokus, or 10000+ piece jigsaw puzzles.

    If one wants retro gear for the workflow and sound, get an analog synth. Minikorg, 303 or something. Not fucking samplers.
  5. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Errr don't?

    Nope. If it was we 'd all be using one. It has one unique -sort of redeeming- quality. It's very cool for sampled drums playback. "Supposedly" it has a unique tone in its analog out. Too much of 90s hit content was using it that's why of course. I knew studios where they had 4 S3000. It would get used even as a hard disk recorder. But as good as memorabilia is, no it doesn't do wav. Only the latest samplers from AKAI like the 6000 can do wav. If you are in your 20s or 30s it will be very frustrating as you need a compatible scsi hard drive too and scsi cd-rom probably and loading times are forever. And the S3000 is maxed at 32mb ram. And that's the total capacity for an Akai bank of sounds. 32mb lol. But yeah for getting a 90s vibe i bet it would be cool to play for an hour or two but not more. Personally i 've lost some years in loading times in the 90s, no more thanks.
    Btw, what you should be seeking for is hands on control. This i really like as a standalone machine. https://www.akaipro.com/mpc-key-61.html
    and it has a little brother https://www.akaipro.com/mpc-key-37.html
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2024
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  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    there was also the akaizer program which let you scratch wav files like those S3000 could.

    and there is also PotenzaDSP Amigo Sampler!

    i have a few 90s VA synths collected now, and its nice to play with them without any DAW, but connecting them via MIDI+Audio, sometimes i dont feel like it.
    Now imagine that you also have super slow loading times on the samples, have to convert audio into Akai format, old hardware, ughh.

    and as already mentioned, there are a few plugins and software options. Save your money and if you really want so Hardware, buy another synth maybe? those 90s synths are just incredible ...
  7. Krypton85

    Krypton85 Ultrasonic

    Dec 30, 2014
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    ... and never underestimate the time and money that goes into maintanance of those old hardware samplers and synths.
  8. genlab

    genlab Ultrasonic

    Apr 24, 2021
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    When you want to buy an old sampler buy one with character and an good filter(like Emu Ensoniq or old Roland)...the Akai S series have nothing from that ...so no advance over an Daw sampler

    Edit the S900 or 950 are different beasts....
  9. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    or s1100 for that timestretch or that top end
    if you not want to do jungle or getting an oldskool no daw set up i would stay away...
    yet there are people getting faster results producing kicks with a dm and then resampled even in the cheapest akai compared to layer and process in daw.
    s950 still has its place for many ppl but the workflow is awful.
    they also ad grid to bass but also noise but you can use spdif bla bla
    a maxed out flashrom ,dark display,maxed out filters s3200,s1000/1100 or the king s950 have high price for a reason
    but not worth the hassle if you not know already why you buy it.

    this and turnado ,but amigo seem no brainer to get the proper uk breakz ,turnado not but hell it can do it well if you kno your shit

    s950 the knocking king
    the ultimate grid king is ensoniq mirage ,sampler wise
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2024
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