Why are almost all tutorials for beginners?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ULX, Aug 26, 2024.

  1. ULX

    ULX Guest

    Many educational videos are for beginners. None of the things you need to become a professional in the music industry are taught. Now, some people may disagree with me as usual, but this does not change the fact.

    Let me give some examples:

    • If you search the entire internet, you will not find even a single educational video for making a symphony from zero to one hundred. There is no way you can find it.
    • Or suppose a tutorial video on how to make a professional video clip for the music you made.
    • Or how can you sell this video to TV channels. How to make a contract and ...

    It seems that such things related to making money or serious events in the field of music are in the hands of some brokers or big companies who are not willing to reveal even a peep of their work.

    Every year, a lot of movies are made in Hollywood. All executive agents gather and work together and finally deliver a movie to the cinema box office. Why is it never taught how to gather film crews, how to make a contract, how to do work from zero to hundred on the Internet? Since 1900, when the cinema industry started to operate, until now it is not possible to find any educational video that teaches how to make a movie.

    Now I mean mostly the music industry. There is a situation similar to the American film industry in the music industry. Really, a lot of people, even those who are constantly producing music, don't know how to relate to the industry. Not that they are not interested in knowing, no, but such things are not taught at all. It seems that the only way to learn these things is to make connections with dealers. Brokers who have taken over the music and film industry.

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  3. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    there are tutorials on pretty much everything you listed, but, regardless, the people more likely to watch tutorials are the ones who are just starting out and need to know the basics.
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  4. ULX

    ULX Guest

    Let me ask you a simple question.

    Suppose you made a song and you want to perform it in a concert with 100 thousand people. Write all the steps from 0 to 100, how you will achieve this from tomorrow morning when you had such an intention. Describe all the people and places you meet with them and what arrangements you make with them, how you advertise to 100 thousand people, how you provide resources, and how you organize the concert.
  5. ULX

    ULX Guest

    Big things are not taught. Only small things are taught. That too in a completely elementary ways.
  6. Katze

    Katze Kapellmeister

    Jul 18, 2024
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    Lowest common denominator, they dumb down the content to get as many views as possible - isn't that obvious?
  7. ULX

    ULX Guest

    In my opinion, the Internet is more of a tool for advertising. Secrets are not offered on the Internet. Close connections should still be used to access pure sources and uncover secrets. Just the biggest challenge is finding people and how to link to them. Suppose you have to communicate with hundreds of people to achieve a simple task in the world of music. These hundreds of people cannot be found, and even if you find them, they won't tell you the secrets of their works. Of course, this situation exists for us simple people. For people who are in power centers, the situation is different.
  8. Smeghead

    Smeghead Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2024
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    There are also things called "schools".
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  9. Katze

    Katze Kapellmeister

    Jul 18, 2024
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    Is that ChatGPT generated or are you really like this? Go outside, touch some grass, find some friends....
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  10. ULX

    ULX Guest

    Only the basics are taught in schools. Unless you study in special schools where governments and big companies have made special investments and intend to exploit them. The videos sent to YouTube are the result of the basic trainings. You can't find anything professional in it. Have you ever seen that NASA teaches even one of the videos it makes about space and the universe on YouTube?
  11. ULX

    ULX Guest

    Your avatar shows that you enjoy this a lot. Just kidding ...:rofl:
  12. Synth Life

    Synth Life Ultrasonic

    May 18, 2024
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    APB I may or may not start a new thread called "why is the color blue, blue?". Stay tuned.
  13. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    thats because there are no quantifiable steps to this. theres no one path to this level of success.
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  14. Kate Middleton

    Kate Middleton Producer

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Kengsington Palace
    kind of true.. they never show how they do it.. many tutorials i alredy know
  15. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Maybe because there are too many amateurs releasing tutorials on Udemy? It's an open platform, anyone can use it.

    In fact I have a huge series of Foster tutorials about notes coming out soon, each one is 12 hours long and there are 57 of them so far.
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  16. Tomasmc71

    Tomasmc71 Member

    Mar 13, 2023
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    As the old saying goes "those who can't do,teach".
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  17. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
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    "you can learn music related plots with tutorials"
    that's the biggest fake news of century

    a tutorial video to write a symphony from zero?
    most hilarious thing I've read on internet

    "they never show how!"
    jeeezzz this planet is f* up
  18. CaptainTrams88

    CaptainTrams88 Member

    Jan 10, 2021
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    shinyzen is pretty close in the answer.
    Let's put it another way.
    The higher the ladder you go the greater the numbers become.
    Numbers as in audience, numbers as in money, numbers as in back stage crew (Music or Film)
    Numbers as in companies whose sole responsibility is capable of handling huge numbers.
    Business works on human relationships. People invest in people.
    As you climb the ladder you have to prove your 'worth'
    When that happens then these systems will invest in you. (They see a return)
    Meanwhile they continue to turn events around and make money.
    Do you honestly believe they have time to produce a $30 Udemy course about
    what they do or even care about it when they are dealing in millions of dollars per transaction?

    ""Suppose you made a song and you want to perform it in a concert with 100 thousand people.""
    Is this what you want to do? Do you have the money to do this? You will need 2hours of material.
    You can hire an event company to do it and set it up for you, as a band would have done via agent/label.
    Have you established an audience of 100,000 people? Do they know who you are?
    Do you offer people value to invest their time and money in attending your concert?

    Im not saying that it is not possible to achieve, it could well be soon in the future, but these existing
    systems have been around a lot longer and as long as they continue to make huge amounts of money
    they are not going to change anytime soon. The internet has been sold as an alternative to possibly
    reach, say a youtube audience of 100,000 and stream live to them from your living room if you like.
    There are even places to advertise your 'concert' which handles ticket sales etc. All this information
    is available. It is clear for artists/musicians to succeed we have to widen our circle of learning to encompass
    the 'business' side of our industries if we wish to, at least, go it alone.
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  19. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    Have you considered that YouTubers (because you mentioned 'video' in all your bullet points) do not reveal these supposed 'secrets', because with few exceptions, the YouTube videos that bubble to the top of your recommendations and search results are made by people who GAVE UP on having a serious career in music, but who have gotten really good at gaming YouTube. And now you're the one composing/arranging/mixing/designing your music using their regurgitated incomplete / AI summarised bullet point'ed knowledge they flatlined with years ago.

    Maybe try books. Written by really boring people. People who just want to teach.

    Boys will go to absurd lengths to avoid reading and learning. Always chasing the next epic music hack video. There's rarely anything at the end of the YouTube rainbow - only more like and subscribe, check out my Patreon for exclusive content, hit the bell and tell me your favourite ice cream flavour in the comments.

    Anyway, I'm not sure where you want your music journey to take you.

    Learn -> practice -> learn -> practice -> connect -> learn -> practice -> connect -> connect -> connect -> practice -> connect.

    There is no zero-to-hero or skip-all-the-steps-in-between book or video course.


    Learn, then practice, then connect, then repeat, repeat again and then repeat some more. Piece by piece, over many years - you need the previous steps under your belly or the steps in front of you make no sense.

    Or have rich parents and skip 85% of the steps.
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  20. ULX

    ULX Guest

    I understand what you are saying, but the problem is somewhere else. All topics related to business and professionalism in music are managed by big companies. Small businesses never make an artist progress. Professionalism is not taught anywhere. Even the problem is much bigger than these words. We have so many countries in the world and all the writers, filmmakers and artists. But put all these together, they cannot offer the necessary abilities in the field of music business as much as American Hollywood or the music festivals held in America.
    There are no videos from Hollywood that teach anything from zero to hundred.
    How to attend music festivals and how to grow are not taught anywhere.
    As I said, I knew that there will be many objections to my words in this section, because this is the general process.
  21. Katze

    Katze Kapellmeister

    Jul 18, 2024
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    It shows you that I enjoy fish. Does it show a loner in front of a PC screen doing nothing all day? That would be your avatar if you had one.
    And the reason why the tutorials are so easy is that noobs like you can understand them. I don't believe you being able to watch complicated tutorials after reading your incoherent nonsense rambling