Ilok/UAD Spark Trial Stacking

Discussion in 'Software' started by yungeos, Aug 3, 2024.

  1. yungeos

    yungeos Member

    Jun 29, 2022
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    Figured this was the best place to ask something like this. I've been subscribed to UAD Spark for going on 15 months now and love the plugins. Damn near became dependent on them now. I've tried to make a new account and take advantage of their 3 month for .99 deal again and I think it only worked one additional time before ilok started giving me a hard time refusing to let me use install the license to the cloud instead of a dongle. Even when I tried to set it up on my laptop it gave me the same issue.

    I've heard it's a bad idea to have multiple ilok accounts but wondered if there was anything I could do to remove any traces of ilok off my system to then fresh install and take advantage of the trials again. I imagine they're checking MAC numbers and such, so maybe not but if anybody would know, it'd be y'all.
  3. Martin Garlix

    Martin Garlix Member

    Mar 30, 2021
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    They might be using hardware ID (HWID) verification. If that's the case, you might need to replace PC hardware components (use a new computer).