RME Babyface and ADAT / Patchbay (help!)

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by shinyzen, Aug 2, 2024.

  1. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    Help! Im tyring to figure out a new studio setup, but am limited in what i have available. I have an RME babyface pro, an SSL Buss style compressor, and two other stereo buss processors. The main output of the RME is being used for monitoring, so im thinking my only option is an ADAT expansion, from which i will send the signal out of my DAW, into a patchbay, and from there will send it back into the daw also via ADAT.

    Are there any issues with this? Any clocking issue, latency? etc? Does anybody have any experience with a setup like this? Are there better options? I dont have much experience with ADAT. Should i sell the babyface pro and get a larger interface with more i/o? HELP!?!? haha. any input greatly appreciated.
  3. lafman

    lafman Noisemaker

    Feb 15, 2017
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    I am kind of in the same boat. I was looking at the Babyface Pro but getting an expansion with it would cost me thousands. But since you already have the interface it wouldn't be that much for you. I would rather put my money into preamps/channel strips. So now I am looking at the Arturia AudioFuse Studio, especially since I don't have any familiarity with ADAT either. Sorry I can't help.
  4. Voyager

    Voyager Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    Oh man, I haven't fiddled with ADATs, patchbays, and all that in ages, but here's my two cents on the issue:

    ...as far as I can recal ther might be some clocking issues so you want to look into Word Clock
    when using ADAT. Ensuring that all devices are properly synced to a common clock source is crucial. The RME Babyface Pro can serve as the master clock, and you will need to set the other ADAT devices to slave mode. Alternatively, you can use an external word clock generator.

    - In your DAW and on the RME Babyface Pro, I wuld prolly make sure the ADAT device is set as the clock source. This can typically be set in the audio interface settings.

    - On Latency issues there will prolly be som sort of "Round Trip Latency". Introducing ADAT will add a bit of latency due to the digital conversion and the travel time of the signal through the patchbay and back into the DAW. I belive modern interfaces handle this relatively well, oh, and it can be compensated for in your DAW's latency settings (me thinks)!

    - I would also been looking at the "Buffer Size" of things. Managing your buffer size in the DAW can help mitigate noticeable latency (smaller buffer sizes reduce latency but increase the CPU load) if that is an issue...

    - When it comes to signal integrity, some wise folks ramble about the cabling. You might benefit from using high-quality optical cables for the ADAT connections [to maintain signal integrity]?!

    #sidenote; ADAT (limitations) can transmit up to 8 channels of audio at 48kHz, or 4 channels at 96kHz. Ensure this matches your needs.

    ...nah not necessarily it all depends, but IF you consistently find the need for more I/O, selling the Babyface Pro and investing in a larger interface with more built-in I/O might simplify your setup and reduce potential points of failure. Look at interfaces from RME, Universal Audio, or Focusrite that offer more analog I/O and built-in digital options.

    - You might ensure your patchbay is properly configured to handle the signal routing. Normalizing and half-normalizing the connections can streamline your workflow. Consider a digital patchbay if you frequently change your routing setup, as it allows for more flexible digital routing without physical re-patching. MIGHT be an option?!

    oh... just a quick google search (Experience Sharing) from others who have used similar setups, here are a few shared experiences:

    Clock Syncing: Many found it essential to meticulously manage clock syncing to avoid clicks and pops in the audio.
    Latency Management: Users often adjust buffer settings in their DAWs based on the task at hand (lower buffer for recording, higher for mixing).
    Firmware Updates: Keeping all devices’ firmware up-to-date can prevent compatibility and performance issues.
  5. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    thanks for the feedback guys. I may sell the babyface and get a larger, fully featured interface. For the sake of simplicity. going to think about it for a while, and keep exploring options.
  6. midben

    midben Newbie

    Dec 28, 2018
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    I'm not sure selling is the best way to follow.
    Upgrading to a new soundcard with more I/Os to use 2, 4 or 6 more ins and outs will be more expensive than adding an Adat extension rack in most cases, unless you downgrade from rme.

    I use an old ufx with 2 adat extensions which are not necessary expensive to add, but convenient and reliable: one is the Behringer 8 channels adat I/Os, the other I switch between an STG 1608
    and an RME ADI2FS.
    At 48khz, using a moderate gain -or no gain at all - on the behringer, AD DA through a ssl buss comp + eq, I can't ear any differences compared with the ADI 2 FS!!! Maybe am a fool...
    What I think can be useful is the cost/efficiency ratio: behringer ADA 8200 for less than 220€ can be twice as cheap as other and do the job if used properly.
    All you need is
    1. 2 adat câbles and the ADA 8200 connected to your babyface pro,
    2. go to Fireface usb settings set your babyface to master clock, set up the Sync to adat i/o on the adat extension - you can see confirmation that adat is Sync to the master sample rate in the "fireface usb settings".
    3. Setup TotalMix to be ready to use and save it as a preset. If your ssl comp is connected to channels 7 and 8 inputs and outputs of your adat extension, you'll need the outputs of both software and hardware outputs of totalmix channels 7,8 to be at unity gain, and no loopback engaged! This will ensure that the audio signal will get to the outboard comp as you send it from the daw.
    4. Same as for the outputs, but with totalmix inputs 7 and 8 : unity gain. This ensures that the signal comes black in totalmix and your daw.

    I use reaper reainsert on the tracks FX with channels 7/8 as sends and returns.

    Check that you're not sending audio anywhere else through totalmix, which is common mistake and can be quite dangerous to listen to and more for the hardware involved.

    Hope it helps
  7. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I'm still using an old Presonus Digimax LT with an RME UCX II when I want to use drum machines, Moog Subharmonicon and DFAM and use send and returns for outboard processing. I first connected it to my 2012 vintage Babyface and never had clocking issues. It's about 20 years old now (bought it used and for perhaps 60 bucks), and although it only functions up to 48k it matters not as that's what I record with. The mic preamps are super sweet, warm and smooth and wouldn't hesitate it use them solely on a project if I needed to record drums (it's been a while). I'm not saying to go out and find one but my point is that you shouldn't have an issue with whatever you get with your Babyface Pro. An ADAT cable is all you need to up your capabilities significantly.

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  8. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    thank you for the detailed reply and insight! this does seem like a more wallet friendly solution! i'll look into the behringer unit. I definitely need to spend more time getting to know total mix. I was accidentally monitoring two of the same signals the other day haha.

    I work mostly at 48k as well, but some collaborators or clients send me 96k, ill look into similar products that can achieve 96k.
  9. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    As long as you are not depending on recording more than 4 tracks at a time with an external ADAT preamp, 96K is all good. The cutoff is 48K, at 88.2/96k you can only record 4 track simultaneously.
  10. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    you can get something very cheap like Behringer ADA8200 and it will work just fine,
    you set your RME as clock master, connect ADAT both ways, and set the converter as clock slave to ADAT, that's all
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  11. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Connnecting ADAT both ways to what? There isn't any gear mentioned that has ADAT io available, from what I see listed. Aside from the RME interface.

    I have my setup similar to this, because my Motu 828es only has 8 analog ins on 1/4" TRS, 2 ADAT ins/out, and 2 SPDIF in/out. I wanted all my synths connected via 1/4" analog, so that everything is always connected behind the patchbay before they hit my mixer. It's only 24 channels. So I have 2 48 point Samson patchbays cascaded and they have normal/half normal switches on the front of each unit. I have 3x8 1/4" TRS snakes connected to the board and back. With short 1/4" analog patch cables, I can send any audio from the patchbays either directly to my interface or over to my console, by either switching to normal or patching on the front of the Samsons.

    You could easily do a mini-version of this configuration by just adding 1 48 point patchbay like the Samsons I have in my desk. You would just run your analog in connection from your RME to the back of the patchbay. You would have 24 1/4" TRS inputs on the front of the patchbay and just use 2 patch cables to connect whatever analog source you want. They are called Samson S-Patch Plus and are $150 each. You don't even need the second one unless you are going to snake it to an analog mixer.

    You are not considering doing all this for files you accept on the computer to work on, and then sending an effects loop out to your rack units? I wouldn't even waste the money, unless you have some very nice rack effects units to print through.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2024
  12. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Your best bet may be to stay with RME in the form of the Ferrofish Pulse 16. Designed to work with many digital i/o products. Especially RME interfaces & TotalMix. Start with the basic unit & add features as needed if ever. Read the product page and/or manual to get a firm grasp on what this product offers in terms of flexibility & connection options. New or used, you can't go wrong with this (imho).

  13. FrankPig

    FrankPig Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2021
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    Hog Heaven
    I use a Ferrofish with my UCXII, and agree it's possibly the best option for your situation, with no noticable addition to latency.
    Bear in mind as there's only 1 ADAT in/out on the Babyface, you'll only be able to utilise 8 in/outs at a max of 48khz with the Ferrofish, or 4 in/outs at 88/96.
    At around £750 it will give you the expansion you currently need, and if in the future you upgrade your Babyface to an 802FS or UFXII/III which all have 2 ADAT IOs, you'll have an additional 16 in/outs with the Ferro.
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  14. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    That additional ADAT i/o could also be used for a 500 series rack with optical i/o as an example.
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