True even after 100 years

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ULX, Jul 23, 2024.

  1. Smeghead

    Smeghead Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2024
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    Yes, because I'm addressing the things you said only you're saying the opposite.

    How did I get pulled back into this? It's going exactly the way I knew it would.
  2. ULX

    ULX Guest

    Who knows and who can approve or disapprove it?
    Maybe by then it is too late and all is over with.

    Scientific proof of phenomena does not mean their absolute correctness. The fact that 2 scientists sit in a room and present some mathematical formulas for a phenomenon does not mean that the phenomenon necessarily derives from the formulas of these scientists. Phenomena are beyond our will and we have very little control over them.
  3. Magic Max

    Magic Max Platinum Record

    Mar 27, 2022
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  4. lbnv

    lbnv Platinum Record

    Nov 19, 2017
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    Approve your point first. Forces, timer...

    You can't.
  5. lbnv

    lbnv Platinum Record

    Nov 19, 2017
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    "What if Donald Trump is a woman? It's possible!"

    This is a real level of your argumentation.

    Stop it. You waste your time. Even more, you steal the time of other people. And you hardly say something useful or valuable for them. Who knows.. I doubt. For me, it's just a verbiage.

  6. Excuse

    Excuse Guest

    Many inventions that brought us here were part of person´s intuition, weather it was that water layer on the silicon in Bell labs, or Wozniak n stuff

    When i expirienced the first synchronicity, and i´m reading that it counts as a "In psychology...", but what happens to the body when it happens is super wierd. After that first initial one i expirienced so many doubts about everything that i previously thought i knew and lost most of my confidence on things i knew how to do.

    Because if it cames up like that and smacks you, you cannot move foward with usuall survival patern of thinking and behaving, meaning 9-5, new phone, new car, i need more ram, who´s that chick etc.., it overpowers any knowledge about anything. Erases it all.

    When it happens more than 5 times, more than 10 times, and when some super 5th dimension situations appear, i mean, you are boderlining with maddnes.

    I have days when i switch reality several times in a day and i see that even birds start chirping more when i get into some humble state. It acts like implosion/explosion but in the mind, even how you walk define your path.

    @ULX - i think the universe does not exsist, it is just neurons vibrating in each and every phisicall body which is also part of vibrato quantum sea and we all are just expiriencing a game, and nothing is truly actually happening. Ego is invention of opposites, lack and fear, the system is functioning on the fastest most exploitive hormones. You have to unplug like Neo and realise there agents all around and you need to let them operate while you figure out stuff, because fighting wont solve anything, no amount of stress chemicals will change anything.
  7. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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  8. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    If you're suggesting that the Big Bang should instead be called The Grand Old Fart, sorry but that totally stinks! :drummer:
  9. Pachis

    Pachis Noisemaker

    May 10, 2024
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    I got one!!

    Your subjectivism is ridiculous. :hahaha:
  10. hansolo

    hansolo Newbie

    Aug 17, 2022
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    People Stay Cool :D valid or not...we all are just Brainstorming :D in a Lounge :D
    Flying in mind and one Time in Space :D

    Believe me..One Time we must Travel to Space...Because we Need Space One Time..
    Because of Healthier Livings-->Longer Livings..Sex en mass..Result:--> more Population...Little Earth...Next Earth and so on.. :D
    Searching for a Solution will be out the Space Universe.. not only here on Earth.. and thats a must we cannot ignore.. :D

    For Example Elon Musk Did it: The First little steps about Space Tourism.. First for the Rich Ones ..Laters for all...
    Its a Try..and all signs (The Bigger Picture) moving to that Path of Human Nature...Travelling for Solution.. :D
    But the Baby (Science of Space) will be grown up and Walk/Run one the Universe..

    Sometimes things began with Dreams and inspirations of Holy Wood Movies...we grown up with it.
    First it was ScienceFiction.. so "Dreams (Fiction)" "True (Science)"
    and it was "the Dreams came True"
    Sometimes its possible..A thought what was not Valid now...can be Valid in the Future

    Simple Examples:
    Star Trek as a Recognition in Mainstream inspired by Science Persons :D :
    -Automatically Open Doors)--> Result: Star Trek was inspired by Science Persons (1931)
    and included in the Serial & Kicked it to the Mainstream to inspire others again &
    as a Focus for Lifestyle , and now we have Supremarkets with Automatic Doors :D I just Love Star Trek and his Collection of Ideas from Science & Persons :D
    -Handy Tools---> Smartphones and More

    And a second opinion about thematic Big Bang..maybe the Big Bang is Just the Heartbeat of the Creator ,we just recognize it in Sloow Motion..every Milliards Billions or whatever Years ...a Bump.
    And for him the Planets are just like Molecules (Macrocosmos) ,like the Microcosmos for us (Round Molecules too) the Quantum Universe is to be.Believing is Science...If Science is Believing..

    And Sorry if here and there are wrong grammatics in English
    English is not my Native Language.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2024
  11. stopped

    stopped Platinum Record

    Mar 22, 2016
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    I love star trek but automatic doors are from 1931
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  12. hansolo

    hansolo Newbie

    Aug 17, 2022
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    Ok thanks for the info didnt knew it :D

    I Edited my Last Message in my Style of ..rounding up ...or whatever :D
    Even it has notihing to Do with this Thread...but Thematics & Future in 100 Years and so on
    moved my Mind to Areas where a Human being was never Before...... or whatever..
    Iam going now to watch the whole 176 Episodes of Star Trek "The Next Generation" again.. :D
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2024
  13. ULX

    ULX Guest

    Objectivism is a small part of human subjectivism. Only a small part of it. Everything we have made now is based on our own minds (humans). Objectivism (which some people like to give more power to it) is also created by humans and is not something separate from our minds. If there was no human, objectivism as we know it would not exist. We made the definitions, we made the tools, we made the methods of understanding. Without us these things would not exist. Now, if we ignore these and say that objectivism surrounds us and whether we want it or not, we are dominated by it, I don't think it is correct. Although I am not completely sure about what I said because nothing can be said completely truly.

    You may ask who created human? Even answering it is not outside of our subjectivism. We are the ones who would answer this question (and nothing else) and this is subjectivism.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2024
  14. Smeghead

    Smeghead Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2024
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    You can blowhard that shit all you want but I bet you're not jumping off any 20 story buildings naked any time soon because everything is an illusion and it will probably end fine.
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  15. ULX

    ULX Guest

    This is exactly the problem. We are part of the development process. The 100-year period that I considered was so that we could at least overcome the issue of death and destruction. If we solve the issue of death in the next 100 years, many impossible things will be possible. You say a 20-story building, I say from the top of a high mountain.
    Everything is changing at a rapid rate, it seems futile to insist on keeping ideas fixed.
  16. Pachis

    Pachis Noisemaker

    May 10, 2024
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    See your point, but...

    You've come so far with it, at a point that it's untenable.

    The world, just exist. Independently of what we think, believe or confess. Science, for instance, tries to grasp that existence into humans terms. The problem, is a collision in terms. "Objectivism", given by the independent universe, and "subjectivism" given by our failure to understand everything.

    With this, I want to show that nor relentless objectivism or subjectivism are possible. If we come to think that everything is human illusion and everything can be doubted, we are unable the settle columns in which human can thrive.
    Modern science knows it very well. Even relativism, which came to think everything we know is just because most people believe that way, knows it. Most people actually follows some and lives upon objective rules, which makes relativism ideas "objetive" anyways.

    In reality, human beings construct upon their previous knowledge. We made new paradigms, yes, but they're not possible without having a previous one. And the reason of this, is because there is a sort of social agreement in which "objectivism" is based in practical consequences. Knowledge is a tool for human beings. Language is an excellent example. It changes, of course, but doubting of it and making it a matter of subjectivism is ridiculous, because first it looses it's practical purposes and secondly, it's value. Doubting of language is a problem itself, as you need of it for thinking about what is doubting in first place.

    Wish you a wonderful day.

    And as you use your electronic device for reading or answering this question, thank your god of preference that subjectivism is not possible for a humanity in progress. We might be still using sticks and rocks, as electromagnetism rules might not be true. :winker:
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  17. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    The amount of man-made stupidity is unchanged!
  18. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    naw its rising rapidly thanks to social media ,cell phones,media and a bunch of powers which push their agendas.
  19. lbnv

    lbnv Platinum Record

    Nov 19, 2017
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    It' s based not only on our minds. And you wrote about it, I'll cite you:

    Definitions of what? Tools for what? Understanding of what?

    We understand and define objective things mostly. We make tools to interact with objective things. And our tools are objective. They exist regardless of us. They still exist when we, their creators, cease to exist. And we can understand, define tools created by others.

    Objecivism "surrounds" us because we were "created". "Somebody" (may be) created us. I don't know if we were really created (as religions say), but... We exist not by our choice. It's evident. We didn't created ourselves. Somebody or something that isn't ourselves (is objective) "created" us. We were born by the objectivity itself?
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2024
  20. Will Kweks

    Will Kweks Rock Star

    Oct 31, 2023
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    I foresee threads such as these in 100 years, easily.
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